arucodetector.js 2.66 KB
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
import CV from '../deps/cv/index.js';
import AR from '../deps/aruco/index.js';

var ARUCODetector;
    * @class ARUCODetector
    * @classdesc Component that detects ARUCO markers in images
    * This component encapsulate the {@link|js-aruco} library.
ARUCODetector = ARCS.Component.create(
    function() {
        var detector ;

        /*1 Instanciate here the detector */
        detector = new AR.Detector();

            * Detects ARUCO markers in the given image.
            * If markers are detected, this slot triggers the signal <b>onMarkers</b>.
            * @param image {obj} the image in which markers should be detected
            * @emits onMarkers
            * @function ARUCODetector#detect
            * @slot
        this.detect = function (image) {                    
            /*1 recover markers from image 
                *  then send they will be sent through onMarkers event
            var markers = detector.detect(image);
            * Signal that is emitted when markers are detected in an image.
            * @function ARUCODetector#onMarkers
            * @param markers {Marker[]} Array of detected markers.
            * @signal
            * @typedef {Object} Marker
            * @property {number} id - marker id
            * @property {Object} pose - computed pose for the marker
            * @property {number[]} pose.rotation - rotation matrix (3x3)
            * @property {number[]} pose.position - translation (3 components)

export default {ARUCODetector: ARUCODetector};

    "components": {
        "ARUCODetector": {
            "description": "Component that detects ARUCO markers in images",
            "keywords": [
    "dependencies": [ "js-aruco"],
    "recipes": [
            "from": "node_modules/js-aruco/src/aruco.js",
            "to": "deps/aruco/index.js",
            "replace" : {
                "var CV = require('./cv');": "import CV from '../cv/index.js';",
                "module.exports = AR;": "export default AR;"
            "from": "node_modules/js-aruco/src/cv.js",
            "to": "../deps/cv/index.js",
            "replace" : {
                "module.exports = CV;": "export default CV;"