arviewer.js 12.1 KB
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
import * as THREE from '../deps/three.js/index.js';
import FrustumCamera from '../deps/three.js/frustumcamera.js';
var ARViewer;

    * @class ARViewer 
    * @classdesc Simple compositing viewer for augmented reality
ARViewer = ARCS.Component.create(
    /** @lends ARViewer.prototype */
    function () {
        var container, sourceAspectRatio, sourceHeight;
        var renderer, scene2d, scene3d, camera2d, camera3d, videoSource, videoTexture;
        var aspectRatioKept = true;
        var sceneId;
        // scenegraph initializations
        scene2d = new THREE.Scene();
        camera2d = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
        scene3d = new THREE.Scene();

            * Initializes the widgets (HTML elements) needed as a basis 
            * for the viewer.
            * @param cName {string} id of the container that will enclose the scene renderer
            * @param vName {string} id of the element at the source of the video stream
            * @slot
            * @function ARViewer#setWidgets
        this.setWidgets = function(cName,vName) {
            container = document.getElementById(cName);
            videoSource = document.getElementById(vName);
            var containerStyle = window.getComputedStyle(container);
            var videoStyle = window.getComputedStyle(videoSource);
            sourceAspectRatio = parseInt(videoStyle.width) / parseInt(videoStyle.height);
            sourceHeight = parseInt(videoStyle.height);
            container.width = parseInt(containerStyle.width);
            container.height = parseInt(containerStyle.height);

            renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
            renderer.setClearColor(0x000000, 1);
            renderer.setSize(container.width, container.height);

            var theta = 45; //2*Math.atan2(container.height/2,focalLength)*180/3.14159265;
            camera3d = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(theta, container.width / container.height, 0.01, 10000);

            var _light = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff);

            if ( THREE.VideoTexture !== undefined) {
                console.log("Using video texture since it is available");
                videoTexture = new THREE.VideoTexture(videoSource);
            } else {
                console.log("Falling back on simple texture");
                videoTexture = new THREE.Texture(videoSource);
            var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1.0, 1.0);
            var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {map: videoTexture, depthTest: false, depthWrite: false} );
            var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
            var textureObject = new THREE.Object3D();
            textureObject.position.z = -1;

            * Set the focal length of the virtual camera for very simple 
            * camera models.
            * @param focal {numeric} focal length (in pixels) of the camera.
            * @slot
            * @function ARViewer#setFocal
        this.setFocal = function (focal) {
            var theta = 2*Math.atan(0.5*sourceHeight/focal)*180/Math.PI;
            camera3d.fov = theta;
            * Set intrinsic camera parameters for the virtual camera
            * @param intrinsics {array} linearized array of camera parameters
            * @slot
            * @function ARViewer#setIntrinsics
        this.setIntrinsics = function (parameters) {
            /*3 set here the intrinsic parameters of camera3d
                *  camera3d should be of type THREE.FrustumCamera
                * you should frustum accordingly to intrinsic parameters
            // camera3d = new THREE.FrustumCamera( ... ) ;
            * Set extrinsic camera parameters for the virtual camera
            * @param markers {array} an array of markers 
            * @slot
            * @function ARViewer#setExtrinsics
        this.setExtrinsics = function (markers) {
            /*2 set here the extrinsic parameters of camera3d
                *  Each marker has 3 major properties :
                *  - id is the marker id;
                *  - pose.rotation gives its orientation using a rotation matrix
                *    and is a 3x3 array
                *  - pose.position gives its position with respect to the camera
                *    and is a vector with 3 components.
            var i ;
            for ( i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
                if ( markers[i].id === sceneId ) {
                        // put here the code to set orientation and position of object camera3d
                        // see also documentation of Object3D (API Three.js)
                        // since a camera is an Object3D

                    var rotation = markers[i].pose.rotation;
                    var translation = markers[i].pose.position;
                    var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4(
                        rotation[0][0], rotation[0][1], rotation[0][2], translation[0],
                        rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1], rotation[1][2], translation[1],
                        rotation[2][0], rotation[2][1], rotation[2][2], translation[2],
                        0 , 0, 0, 1);

                    /*var r = new THREE.Euler();
                    camera3d.rotation.x = r.x;
                    camera3d.rotation.y = r.y;
                    camera3d.rotation.z = r.z;*/
                    camera3d.position.x = translation[0];
                    camera3d.position.y = translation[1];
                    camera3d.position.z = translation[2];
                    /*objRoot.scale.x = 1;
                    objRoot.scale.y = 1;
                    objRoot.scale.z = 1;*/
            * Set the scene id in case we should set extrinsic parameters.
            * @param id {number} the id of the scene
            * @function ARViewer#setSceneId
            * @slot
        this.setSceneId = function (id) {
            sceneId = id;                    
            * Sets the size of the viewport in pixels to render the scene
            * @param width {number} width of the viewport
            * @param height {number} height of the viewport
            * @slot
            * @function ARViewer#setSize
        this.setSize = function(width, height) {
            var W = width|0;
            var H = height|0;
            container.width = width;
            container.height = height;

            * Tells to keep the aspect ratio of the camera. 
            * It avoids deformations of the augmented scene.
            * @param b {boolean} set it to <tt>true</tt> to keep aspect ratio, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
            * @slot
            * @function ARViewer#keepAspectRatio
        this.keepAspectRatio = function (b) {
            aspectRatioKept = b;
        var updateAspectRatio = function () {
            var cAspectRatio = container.width / container.height;
            var actualWidth, actualHeight;
            var xoff, yoff;
            if (aspectRatioKept == true) {
                // cameras have the source aspect ratio
                camera2d.aspect = sourceAspectRatio;
                camera3d.aspect = sourceAspectRatio;
                // then, we should adjust viewport accordingly.
                if (cAspectRatio > sourceAspectRatio) {
                    actualHeight = container.height;
                    actualWidth = actualHeight * sourceAspectRatio; 
                } else {
                    actualWidth = container.width;
                    actualHeight = actualWidth / sourceAspectRatio;
                xoff = (container.width - actualWidth) / 2 ;
                yoff = (container.height - actualHeight) / 2;                        
                renderer.setViewport(xoff, yoff, actualWidth, actualHeight);
            } else {
                // for 3D camera, we will have to recompute the actual
                // aspect ratio.
                // but first reset viewport, just in case
                renderer.setViewport(0, 0, container.width, container.height);
                camera2d.aspect = cAspectRatio ;
                camera3d.aspect = sourceAspectRatio;  
            * Adds new objects to the current 3D scene
            * @param scene {object} 3D object as defined by Three.js to add to the scene.
            * @slot
            * @function ARViewer#addScene
        this.addScene = function (scene) {
            * Removes an object from the current 3D scene
            * @param scene {object} 3D object as defined by Three.js to remove from the scene.
            * @slot
            * @function ARViewer#removeScene
        this.removeScene = function (scene) {
            * Triggers the rendering of the composite scene
            * @function ARViewer#render
            * @slot
        this.render = function () {
            videoTexture.needsUpdate = true;
            renderer.autoClear = false;
            renderer.render(scene2d, camera2d);
            renderer.render(scene3d, camera3d);
            * Computes the ideal camera position to see the whole 3D scene.
            * Mainly useful for debugging
            * @function ARViewer#viewAll
            * @slot
        this.viewAll = function () {
            var box = new THREE.Box3();                    
            var center =;
            var sphere = new THREE.Sphere();
            var radius = sphere.radius;
            camera3d.position.x = center.x ;
            camera3d.position.y = center.y ;
            var c = Math.cos(camera3d.fov/2);
            var s = Math.sin(camera3d.fov/2);
            camera3d.position.z = center.z + 1.2 * radius*s*( 1 + s / c ) ;
            * Resets the position of the camera to the origin of the scene coordinate system
            * @slot
            * @function ARViewer#resetCamera
        this.resetCamera = function () {
            camera3d.position.x = camera3d.position.y = camera3d.position.z = 0;
            camera3d.up = THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp.clone();
    /** @lends ARViewer.slots */
        'setExtrinsics', 'setIntrinsics'

export default {ARViewer: ARViewer};