animator.js 1.43 KB
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';        
var Animator;

    * @class Animator
    * @classdesc A component that request new frames for animation.
    * This component is useful when you want to create animations in the 
    * context of a web browser.
Animator = ARCS.Component.create( 
    function() {
        var paused = false;
        var self=this;
        var tick = function () {
            if (paused === false) {
            * Starts requesting frames for animation. As soon as it is started, 
            * the signal <b>onAnimationFrame</b> is periodically triggered.
            * @slot
            * @emits onAnimationFrame
            * @function Animator#start
        this.start = function () {
            paused = false;
            * Stops requesting frames for animation.
            * @slot
            * @function Animator#stop
        this.stop = function () {
            paused = true;
            * Signals that an animation frame is ready.
            * @signal
            * @function Animator#onAnimationFrame

export default {Animator: Animator};