dicedetector.js 15.8 KB
    function(ARCS, SURF, POS, SVD) {
        var DiceDetector, DiceFace, recoverImageData;
         * Dice face description
         * @typedef {Object} DiceFaceDescription
         * @property {number[]} center - coordinates of the face center.
         * @property {number[]} xaxis  - coordinates of the x direction for the image.
         * @property {number[]} yaxis  - coordinates of the y direction for the image.
         * @property {number} width - width of the image in unit length.
         * @property {number} height - height of the image in unit length.
         * @property {string} imageId - ID of the HTML element containing the image
         * @typedef {Object} Point2D
         * @property {number} x - first coordinate
         * @property {number} y - second coordinate
         * @typedef {Object} ImageData
         * @property {number} width - width of the image 
         * @property {number} height - height of the image 
         * @property {number[]} data - values of the pixels of the image stored in lines
         * @class DiceDetector
         * @classdescr Component that detects a textured die and evaluates its pose
         * @param initData {DiceDectectorInitData} structured data to initialize DiceDetector 
        DiceDetector = ARCS.Component.create(
            function(initData) {
                var focalLength; 
                var diceFaces = [];
                var marker = {};
                var i, currentId;
                var temporaryCanvas, DiceFace, poseEstimator, debugCanvas;
                currentId = 0;

                if (initData.faces === undefined) { 
                    console.error("Description for dice faces is not well formed.");
                if (initData.faces.length < 6) {
                    console.error("A dice must have 6 faces.");
                if (initData.debugCanvas !== undefined) {
                    debugCanvas = document.getElementById(initData.debugCanvas);
                temporaryCanvas = document.getElementById(initData.canvas);
                poseEstimator = new POS.Posit(600);
/* *****************************************************************************
 * Declaration of inner class DiceFace
                * @class DiceFace
                * @classdesc Structure that defines the face of a die.
                * Each face has a given position and orientation in space 
                * as well as its own texture (image).
                * @param descr {DiceFaceDescription} a structured object describing each dice face.
                var DiceFace = function(descr) {
                    var center, xaxis, yaxis, realWidth, realHeight ;

                     * Stores the id of the HTML element embedding an image
                     * @member {string} DiceFace#imageId
                     * @public
                    this.imageId = descr.imageId;
                     * 3d coordinates of the center of the face 
                     * @member {number[]} DiceFace#center
                     * @private
                    center = descr.center; 
                     * 3d coordinates of the x axis of the face image
                     * @member {number[]} DiceFace#xaxis
                     * @private
                    xaxis = descr.xaxis;
                     * 3d coordinates of the y axis of the face image
                     * @member {number[]} DiceFace#yaxis
                     * @private
                    yaxis = descr.yaxis;
                     * real width of the image in unit length
                     * @member {number} DiceFace#realWidth
                     * @private
                    realWidth = descr.width;
                     * real height of the image in unit length
                     * @member {number} DiceFace#realHeight
                     * @private
                    realHeight = descr.height;
                     * @return {ImageData} An image data object
                     * @function DiceFace#recoverImageData 
                     * @private
                    var recoverImageData = function(imageId) {
                        var canvas = temporaryCanvas; 
                        var image = document.getElementById(imageId);
                        if ( ! (canvas && image) ) {
                            console.error('Cannot extract image data',canvas, image);
                            return ;
                        var style = window.getComputedStyle(image);
                        canvas.width = image.width; //parseInt(style.width);
                        canvas.height = image.height; //parseInt(style.height);
                        var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
                        context.drawImage(image, 0,0);
                        return context.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);
                     * Displays the image stored for the current face
                     * @function DiceFace#debugImage
                    this.debugImage = function() {
                        // TODO #4
                        // By manipulating the object temporaryCanvas, 
                        // which is an instance of an HTML canvas element
                        // draw, the current image, then the detected points.
                        // The documentation of global object SURF, contains 
                        // hints about drawIPoints().
                        // See also documentation of the HTML5 canvas API.
                        var context = temporaryCanvas.getContext("2d");
                        context.putImageData(this.imageData, 0,0);
                        SURF.drawIPoints(context, this.keyPoints);

                     * Raw data contained by the image of the face. 
                     * @member {ImageData} DiceFace#imageData 
                     * Key points corresponding to the image of the face.
                     * @member {IPoint[]} DiceFace#keyPoints

                    // TODO #1
                    // put some code here to load image and detect keyPoints
                    // you should use recoverImageData to store data in member
                    // imageData.
                    // Then, store keypoints and descriptors associated to the image in
                    // variable keyPoints. Documentation of global SURF object 
                    // will give hints about using surfDetDes(...)
                    this.imageData = {}; 
                    this.imageData = recoverImageData(descr.imageId);
                    var grayImage = SURF.grayImage(this.imageData);                        
                    this.keyPoints = SURF.surfDetDes(grayImage/*, 3,4,2,0.001*/);

                    * @param x {number} x coordinate of point in the image plane of a face
                    * @param y {number} y coordinate of point in the image plane of a face
                    * @return an array of three components: the coordinates of the corresponding 3D point in the die coordinate system.
                    this.get3DCounterpart = function(x,y) {
                        // TODO #7 
                        // compute the 3D coordinates of a feature that is in the image
                        // coordinate system. You will make use of: center, xAxis, yAxis,
                        // realWidth, realHeight and the size of the reference image stored
                        // in imageData.
                        var imgWidth  = this.imageData.width;
                        var imgHeight = this.imageData.height;
                        var realOrig = [
                            center[0] - 0.5 * realWidth * xaxis[0] - 0.5 * realHeight * yaxis[0],
                            center[1] - 0.5 * realWidth * xaxis[1] - 0.5 * realHeight * yaxis[1],
                            center[2] - 0.5 * realWidth * xaxis[2] - 0.5 * realHeight * yaxis[2]
                        return [
                            realOrig[0] + x / imgWidth * realWidth * xaxis[0] + y / imgHeight * realHeight * yaxis[0],
                            realOrig[1] + x / imgWidth * realWidth * xaxis[1] + y / imgHeight * realHeight * yaxis[1],
                            realOrig[2] + x / imgWidth * realWidth * xaxis[2] + y / imgHeight * realHeight * yaxis[2],
/* *****************************************************************************
 * End of inner class DiceFace declaration
                for (i = 0 ; i < 6; i++ ) {
                    diceFaces[i] = new DiceFace(initData.faces[i]);
                temporaryCanvas.getContext("2d").clearRect(0,0,temporaryCanvas.width, temporaryCanvas.height);
                 * Launches the detection of the die 
                 * @function DiceDetector#detect
                 * @param image {ImageData}
                 * @slot
                this.detect = function(image) {
                    var keyPoints = [];
                    var globalMatches = [];
                    var points2D = [];
                    var points3D = [];
                    var i, j;
                    var matches = [];
                    var pose, grayImage;

                    // TODO #2 
                    // Then, store keypoints and descriptors associated to the image in
                    // variable keyPoints. Documentation of global SURF object 
                    // will give hints about using surfDetDes(...)

                    grayImage = SURF.grayImage(image);
                    keyPoints = SURF.surfDetDes(grayImage/*, 3,4,2,0.001*/);
                    for (i =0; i< 6; i++) {
                        if (keyPoints.length > 0) {                            
                            // TODO #3: find matches between acquired image (img) and die faces.
                            // See documentation of global object SURF. 
                            // It will give hints about using getMatches(...)

                            matches = SURF.getMatches(keyPoints, diceFaces[i].keyPoints);
                            // if there are enough matches ...                            
                            if (matches.length >= 6) {
                                console.log("Found matches with image ", diceFaces[i].imageId);                                
                                for (j=0; j < matches.length; j++) {
                                    // TODO #5
                                    // insert, at the back of the point2D array,
                                    // points matched from the acquired image and, at the back
                                    // of the point3D array, points matched from the die face
                                    // converted in 3D using DieFace.get3DCounterpart(...)
                                    // See also documentation of object of type Array in javascript
                                        diceFaces[i].get3DCounterpart(matches[j][1].x, matches[j][1].y));

                    if( points2D.length >= 4) {
                        // TODO #6
                        // draw keypoints from array point2D onto the acquired image
                        // (img). You will use drawIPoint(...) defined in global object SURF
                        if (debugCanvas) {
                            SURF.drawIPoints(debugCanvas.getContext("2d"), points2D);

                        // TODO #8
                        // use object poseEstimator to compute pose
                        // the result will give the position of the object 
                        // with respect to the camera. You can have a look at 
                        // objecttransform.js to see how it is used.
                        // the result you will obtain must be shaped into 
                        // a structure that is compliant to the one used 
                        // by ARUCO. See documentation of type Marker and
                        // documentation of class Posit.
                        pose = poseEstimator.pose(points2D, points3D);
                        pose.rotation = pose.bestRotation;
                        pose.translation = pose.bestTranslation;
                        marker.id = currentId ;
                        marker.pose = { rotation: pose.bestRotation, position: pose.bestTranslation};

                this.setFocal = function( focalLength) {
                this.setId = function(id) {
                    currentId = id;    
                 * sends the computed pose of the die
                 * @param pose {Marker} pose coded as a marker

        return { DiceDetector : DiceDetector };
        {name:"deps/surf/surf", exports:"SURF"},