loop.js 3.45 KB
 * Example of component declarations inside a module. 
 * You may look at the definitions of the following components:
 * {@link Loop}
 * @file

// TODO first strategy: import ARCS and export components
// TODO second strategy: make an anonymous function to export
// in any case, arcs_module disappears

//! TODO to comment or uncomment (maybe)
// imports ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
function (ARCS) {
    var Loop, DisplayInt, Sum;
    /** @exports loop */
    //console.log("loop: ", ARCS);
     * @class Loop
     * @classdesc loop component creation using a compact style.
     * This component iterates for a given number of times
    Loop = ARCS.Component.create(
        function () {
         * Sets the number of times the component should iterate.
         * It starts the iterations. At each iteration, a signal newIteration is 
         * emitted, then, at the end of the iterations, a signal sendToken is 
         * eventually triggered.
         * @param n {numeric} number of iterations
         * @function Loop#setIterations
         * @slot
         * @emits newIteration
         * @emits sendToken
            this.setIterations = function (n) {
                var i;
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    console.log("Loop : emitting ", i);
                    this.emit("newIteration", i);
            /** @function Loop#newIteration
             * @signal
             * @param n {number} current iteration number.             
            /** @function Loop#sendToken
             * @signal
             * @param s {string} token to emit.
        "setIterations", //slotList 
        ["endLoop", "newIteration"] // signalList

     * @class DisplayInt 
     * @classdesc displayInt component creation using a variation with defined slots
     * in the constructor (a slot is a function). DisplayInt will display an integer
     * received on its display slot.
    DisplayInt = function () {
     * @param n {numeric} number to display
     * @function DisplayInt#display
     * @slot
        this.display = function (n) {
            console.log("  DisplayInt : " + n);


     * @class Sum
     * @classdec Sum is a component summing integers passed to its slot "add" 
     * and the result is sent back by signal "sum".
     * This component is declared in two different phases: declaration of the 
     * constructor and declaration of the slot "add".
    Sum = function () {
        this.total = 0;

     * This slot adds its parameter to its internal sum and send it back by using 
     * the signal "sum".
     * @param n {integer} add n to the internal sum of the component.
     * @function Sum#add
     * @slot
    Sum.slot("add", function (n) {
        this.total = this.total + n;
        this.emit("sum", this.total); //console.log("  Total : " + this.total);

    // the anonymous function must return the components in one object:
    // keys are factory names, value are actual constructors modified by 
    // ARCS.Component.create

    return {Loop: Loop, DisplayInt: DisplayInt, Sum: Sum};
//! TODO comment or uncomment (maybe)