Jean-Yves Didier

merge between master and branch modules

module.exports = function (grunt) {
"use strict";
let shim = function(obj) { return `\nexport default ${obj};\n`; };
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
copy: {
dist: {
{src: 'src/arcs_browser.js', dest: 'build/arcs_browser.js'},
{src: 'src/arcs_node.mjs', dest: 'build/arcs_node.mjs'}
jsdoc: {
dist: {
src: ['src/*.js', 'docs/'], //, 'components/*.js'],
......@@ -43,16 +54,13 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
uglify: {
terser: {
build: {
options: {
banner: '/*! <%= %> <%="yyyy-mm-dd") %> */\n'
files: {
'build/arcs.min.js': [
'build/arcs_browser.js': [
'build/arcs_browser.min.js': [
'build/arcseditor.min.js': [
......@@ -74,7 +82,38 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
concat: {
file_append: {
default_options: {
files: [
append: shim('AR'),
prepend: `import CV from '../cv/index.js';\n`,
input: './deps/aruco/index.js'
append: shim('CV'),
input: './deps/cv/index.js'
'string-replace': {
dist: {
files: {
'deps/objloader/objloader.js': 'deps/objloader/index.js',
'deps/mtlloader/mtlloader.js': 'deps/mtlloader/index.js',
'deps/ddsloader/ddsloader.js': 'deps/ddsloader/index.js'
options: {
pattern: '../../../build/three.module.js',
replacement: '../three.js/index.js'
concat: {
dist: {
src: [
......@@ -88,7 +127,6 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
dest: 'build/arcs.js'
......@@ -106,21 +144,24 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
dest: 'build/arcseditor.js'
// Load the plugin that provides the "uglify" task.
// Load the plugin that provides the "uglify" task.
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat','uglify']);
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat','copy','terser']);
grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jslint']);
grunt.registerTask('doc', ['jsdoc']);
grunt.registerTask('install-deps', ['bower', 'file_append', 'string-replace']);
"name": "ARCS",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.2.0",
"description": "Augmented Reality Component System in web browser and node environment",
"main": "build/arcs.js",
"keywords": [
......@@ -10,12 +10,11 @@
"author": "Jean-Yves Didier",
"license": "GPL",
"dependencies": {
"requirejs": "*",
"tracking.js": "*",
"three.js": "",
"objloader" : "",
"mtlloader": "",
"objmtlloader": "",
"three.js": "",
"objloader" : "",
"mtlloader" : "",
"ddsloader" : "",
"aruco": "",
"cv": "",
"codemirror" : "*",
......@@ -22,22 +22,14 @@ var ARCS = ARCS || {};
* Helper functions to determine environment
* ***************************************************************************/
* @return {boolean} true if ARCS is run in a node.js environment
ARCS.isInNode = function () {
return (typeof require === 'function' && require.resolve);
return (typeof require === 'function' && require.resolve);
* @return {boolean} true if ARCS is run with require.js
ARCS.isInRequire = function () {
return (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd);
* Component implementation
......@@ -241,7 +233,7 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
var constants = {};
var factories = {};
var libraries = [];
var depLibPromises=[];
//var depLibPromises=[];
var self = this;
var loadLibraries;
var loadDataFile;
......@@ -255,6 +247,7 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
if (ctx !== undefined) {
libraries = ctx.libraries;
var p;
for (p in ctx.components) {
if (ctx.components.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
components[p] = ctx.components[p];
......@@ -271,8 +264,7 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
loadDataFile = function(fileName) {
var loadDataFile =async function(fileName) {
var dataPromise ;
if (ARCS.isInNode()) {
......@@ -285,59 +277,12 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
} else {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',fileName,true);
client.onload = function() {
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
} else {
client.onerror = function() {
var client = await fetch(fileName);
return client.json();
this.addLibraryPromise = function(p) {
promiseLibrary = function(libName) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (libName.substr(-3) === '.js') {
if (ARCS.isInNode()) {
if (require("./" + libraries[i] + ".js") === undefined) {
} else {
} else {
function() {
function(err) {
loadLibraries = function () {
var loadLibraries = function () {
var i;
// we will use different instances of require either the one of node
// or the one from require.js
......@@ -345,14 +290,13 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
var res=[];
for(i=0; i < libraries.length; i++) {
return Promise.all(res);
instanciateComponents = function() {
var instanciateComponents = function() {
var p, promises=[];
for (p in components) {
if (components.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
......@@ -361,7 +305,7 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
console.error("[ARCS] Context dump follows: ", libraries, components, constants);
return ;
factory = factories[components[p].type];
var factory = factories[components[p].type];
//console.log("instanciating ", p);
try {
if (components[p].value !== undefined || components[p].url !== undefined || components[p].ref !== undefined) {
......@@ -410,13 +354,23 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
libActualName =;
libUrl = libName.url;
promiseLibrary(libUrl).then( function() {
if (libraries.indexOf(libActualName) < 0) {
// TODO promisify call to cbFunction
return import(libUrl).then( function(module) {
// TODO insert here component factories
for (p in module.default) {
if (module.default.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
if (cbFunction !== undefined) {
}).catch( function(msg) { console.error("[ARCS] Trouble loading '",libUrl,"' with reason -", msg) });
......@@ -533,9 +487,9 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
// this should return a promise !
this.instanciate = function () {
return loadLibraries().then(function() { return Promise.all(depLibPromises); })
.catch(function(msg) { console.log("[ARCS] Trouble instanciating context", msg); });
//! TODO
return loadLibraries().then(instanciateComponents)
.catch(function(msg) { console.error("[ARCS] Trouble instanciating context", msg); });
......@@ -1697,7 +1651,7 @@ = function(tree, tokenEvents) {
res =[0],tokenEvents);
var i;
for (i=1; i < tree.length; i++) {
if (tree[i].hasOwnProperty('and')) {
rightTN =[i]['and'], tokenEvents);
......@@ -2083,7 +2037,7 @@ ARCS.Application = function () {
* Starts the application
this.start = function () {
console.log("[ARCS] Starting application");
console.log("[ARCS] Starting application...");
......@@ -2099,116 +2053,6 @@ ARCS.Application.slot("setSheet");
* definition of the main module function:
* it takes an anonymous function as a parameter
* the anonymous function has one parameter: the object encompassing
* ARCS definitions (in order to able to use ARCS.Component.create, ...)
* @param moduleDefinition {function} main function of the module.
* It should return a list of components
* @param deps {mixed[]} dependencies
// reimplementation using native promises
arcs_module = function(moduleDefinition, deps) {
var storeComponents, i;
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
if (module.parent.exports) {
ARCS = module.exports;
if (deps === undefined) { deps = []; }
storeComponents = function (deps) {
var mdef, p;
// we should insert ARCS at the beginning of deps !
mdef = (typeof moduleDefinition === 'function') ?
moduleDefinition.apply(this, deps) : moduleDefinition;
if (mdef === undefined) {
throw new Error("[ARCS] Your module is undefined. Did you forget to export components?\nCode of module follows:\n" +moduleDefinition);
// no longer needed with the use of imports
for (p in mdef) {
if (mdef.hasOwnProperty(p) && ARCS.Context.currentContext != null) {
ARCS.Context.currentContext.setFactory(p,mdef[p]); //.setFactory(ARCS.Application.currentApplication, p, mdef[p]);
return Promise.resolve();
// until now, it is the very same code.
// here we create a promise to solve dependency
// reject has the dependency name, while resolve has the object
var depResolve = function(dep) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var d,shimConfig;
if (ARCS.isInNode()) {
d = require(dep);
if (d === undefined) {
} else {
} else {
// this one a little bit trickier since we have to shim.
if ( !== undefined) {
shimConfig = { shim: {} };
shimConfig.shim[] = { exports: dep.exports };
if (dep.deps !== undefined) {
shimConfig.shim[].deps = dep.deps;
dep =;
// shim performed
function(d) { resolve(d); },
function(err) { console.log("[ARCS] Trouble with module ", dep); reject(dep, err); }
var depResolves = [];
for (i=0; i<deps.length; i++) {
depResolves[i] = depResolve(deps[i]);
function(reason) { console.error("[ARCS] Failed to load dependency ", reason ); })
// ARCS is then defined as a node.js module
if (!ARCS.isInNode()) {
var exports = {};
exports.Component = ARCS.Component;
exports.Connection = ARCS.Connection;
exports.Invocation = ARCS.Invocation;
exports.Statemachine = ARCS.Statemachine;
exports.Sheet = ARCS.Sheet;
exports.Application = ARCS.Application;
exports.EventLogicParser = ARCS.EventLogicParser;
exports.TransitionSystem = ARCS.TransitionSystem;
exports.isInNode = ARCS.isInNode;
exports.isInRequire = ARCS.isInRequire;
// hack for require.js
// ARCS is then defined as a require.js module.
if (ARCS.isInRequire()) {
//console.log("module ARCS in require.js");
export { ARCS as default};
\ No newline at end of file
/*! ARCS 2017-07-17 */
var ARCS=ARCS||{};if(ARCS.isInNode=function(){return"function"==typeof require&&require.resolve},ARCS.isInRequire=function(){return"function"==typeof define&&define.amd},ARCS.Component={SourceIsNotComponent:{message:"Source is not a component"},UndefinedSignal:{message:"Signal is not defined"},UndefinedSlot:{message:"Slot is not defined"},create:function(a,b,c){return void 0===a.prototype?(console.error("Cannot create such a component"),0):(a.prototype.slots=[],a.prototype.signals={},a.slotList=function(){return a.prototype.slots},a.prototype.slotList=function(){return a.prototype.slots},a.prototype.signalList=function(){var b,c=[];for(b in a.prototype.signals)c.push(b);return c},a.signalList=function(){return a.prototype.signalList()},a.prototype.emit=function(a){var b,c,d,,1);for(b in this.signals[a])c=this.signals[a][b].func,d=this.signals[a][b].obj,c.apply(d,e)},a.slot=function(b,c){var d;if(b instanceof Array)for(d=0;d<b.length;d++)a.prototype.slots.push(b[d]);else a.prototype.slots.push(b),void 0!==c&&(a.prototype[b]=c)},a.signal=function(b){var c;if(b instanceof Array)for(c=0;c<b.length;c++)a.prototype.signals[b[c]]=1;else a.prototype.signals[b]=1},void 0!==b&&a.slot(b),void 0!==c&&a.signal(c),a)},check:function(a){return void 0!==a.prototype&&(void 0!==a.prototype.signals&&void 0!==a.prototype.slots)},connect:function(a,b,c,d){var e,f;if(void 0===a.signals)throw ARCS.Component.SourceIsNotComponent;if(void 0===a.signals[b])throw ARCS.Component.UndefinedSignal;if(void 0===c[d])throw ARCS.Component.UndefinedSlot;if(!a.hasOwnProperty("signals")){e=a.signals,a.signals={};for(f in e)a.signals[f]=[]}a.signals[b].push({obj:c,func:c[d]})},disconnect:function(a,b,c,d){var e;for(e=0;e<a.signals[b].length;e++)a.signals[b][e].obj===c&&a.signals[b][e].func===c[d]&&(a.signals[b].splice(e,1),e--)},invoke:function(a,b,c){if(void 0===a[b])throw ARCS.Component.UndefinedSlot;var d=a[b];d.apply(a,c)},config:function(a,b){"function"==typeof a.config&&a.config(b)}},ARCS.Context=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f={},g={},h={},j=[],k=[],l=this;if(h.StateMachine=ARCS.Statemachine,void 0!==a){j=a.libraries;for(p in a.components)a.components.hasOwnProperty(p)&&(f[p]=a.components[p]);if(void 0!==a.constants)for(p in a.constants)a.constants.hasOwnProperty(p)&&(g[p]=a.constants[p])}c=function(a){return ARCS.isInNode()?new Promise(function(b,c){var d=require(a);void 0!==d?b(d):c("[ARCS] File not found")}):new Promise(function(b,c){var d=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",a,!0),d.overrideMimeType("application/json"),d.send(),d.onload=function(){this.status>=200&&this.status<300?b(JSON.parse(this.responseText)):(console.error(this.statusText),c(this.statusText))},d.onerror=function(){console.error(this.statusText),c(this.statusText)}})},this.addLibraryPromise=function(a){k.push(a)},d=function(a){return new Promise(function(b,c){".js"===a.substr(-3)&&c(a),ARCS.isInNode()?void 0===require("./"+j[i]+".js")?c(a):b():require([a],function(){b()},function(b){c(a,b)})})},b=function(){var a;ARCS.Context.currentContext=l;var b=[];for(a=0;a<j.length;a++)b.push(d(j[a]));return Promise.all(b)},e=function(){var a,b=[];console.log(f);for(a in f)if(f.hasOwnProperty(a)){if(void 0===h[f[a].type])return console.error("[ARCS] Factory "+f[a].type+" not found."),void console.error("[ARCS] Context dump follows: ",j,f,g);factory=h[f[a].type];try{if(void 0!==f[a].value||void 0!==f[a].url||void 0!==f[a].ref){if(void 0!==f[a].value&&(f[a].instance=new factory(f[a].value)),void 0!==f[a].url){var d=function(a,b){return function(c){return f[a].instance=new b(c),Promise.resolve()}};b.push(c(f[a].url).then(d(a,factory)))}void 0!==f[a].ref&&void 0!==g[f[a].ref]&&(f[a].instance=new factory(g[f[a].ref]))}else f[a].instance=new factory}catch(b){console.error("[ARCS] Component of type ",a," not instanciated.",b)}}return Promise.all(b)},this.loadLibrary=function(a,b){var c=a,e=a;ARCS.Context.currentContext=l,"string"!=typeof a&&(,c=a.url),j.push(e),d(c).then(function(){void 0!==b&&b()})},this.getComponentList=function(){var a,b=Object.keys(f);for(a=0;a<b.length;a++)f.hasOwnProperty(b[a])||b.splice(a--,1);return b},this.getConstant=function(a){return g[a]},this.getComponentType=function(a){if(void 0!==f[a])return f[a].type},this.getComponentValue=function(a){if(void 0!==f[a])return f[a].value},this.getComponent=function(a){if(void 0!==f[a])return f[a].instance},this.getComponentName=function(a){var b,c;for(c=f.getComponentList(),b=0;b<c.length;b++)if(f[c[b]].instance===a)return c[b]},this.setFactory=function(a,b){h[a]=b},this.toJSON=function(){var a,b={};for(a in f)f.hasOwnProperty(a)&&(b[a]={type:f[a].type,value:f[a].value});return b},this.setComponentValue=function(a,b){f[a].value=b},this.addComponent=function(a,b,c){var d;f[a]={},f[a].type=b,f[a].value=c;var e=h[b];void 0!==e&&(d=new e(c)),f[a].instance=d},this.removeComponent=function(a){delete f[a]},this.getFactory=function(a){return h[a]},this.getFactoryList=function(){return Object.keys(h)},this.instanciate=function(){return b().then(function(){return Promise.all(k)}).then(e).catch(function(a){console.log("[ARCS] Trouble instanciating context",a)})};var m=function(a,b){var c,d=Object.create(b);for(c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(d[c]=a[c]);return d};this.chain=function(a,b,c){return[m(a,f),m(b,g),m(c,h)]},this.setParent=function(a){if(void 0!==a){var b=a.chain(f,g,h);f=b[0],g=b[1],h=b[2]}}},ARCS.Context.currentContext=null,ARCS.Invocation=function(a,b,c){this.getDestination=function(){return a},this.getSlot=function(){return b},this.getValue=function(){return c},this.invoke=function(){var d=a[b];return void 0===d?void console.error("Undefined slot %s of component %s",b,a):void d.apply(a,c)}},ARCS.Invocation.cast=function(a,b){if(void 0!==a.value){var c=b.getComponent(a.destination);return void 0===c&&console.error("[ARCS] Destination ",a.destination," is undefined"),new ARCS.Invocation(c,a.slot,a.value)}if(void 0!==a.ref)return new ARCS.Invocation(b.getComponent(a.destination),a.slot,b.getConstant(a.ref))},ARCS.Invocation.PRE_CONNECTION=0,ARCS.Invocation.POST_CONNECTION=1,ARCS.Invocation.CLEAN_UP=2,ARCS.Connection=function(a,b,c,d){this.connect=function(){try{ARCS.Component.connect(a,b,c,d)}catch(e){console.log(e,a,b,c,d)}},this.disconnect=function(){ARCS.Component.disconnect(a,b,c,d)},this.getSource=function(){return a},this.getDestination=function(){return c},this.getSlot=function(){return d},this.getSignal=function(){return b}},ARCS.Connection.cast=function(a,b){return new ARCS.Connection(b.getComponent(a.source),a.signal,b.getComponent(a.destination),a.slot)},ARCS.Sheet=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g=new ARCS.Context,h=[],i=[],j=[],k=[],l=0,m=0,n=0,o=0;b=function(){var a;for(a=0;a<h.length;a++)h[a].invoke()},c=function(){var a;for(a=0;a<i.length;a++)i[a].invoke()},d=function(){var a;for(a=0;a<j.length;a++)j[a].invoke()},e=function(){var a;for(a=0;a<k.length;a++)k[a].connect()},f=function(){var a;for(a=0;a<k.length;a++)k[a].disconnect()},this.setContext=function(a){g=a},this.activate=function(){g.instanciate().then(function(){b(),e(),c()})},this.deactivate=function(){f(),d()},this.addPreConnection=function(a){var b=ARCS.Invocation.cast(a,g);return,h.push(b),},this.addPostConnection=function(a){var b=ARCS.Invocation.cast(a,g);return,i.push(b),},this.addCleanup=function(a){var b=ARCS.Invocation.cast(a,g);return,j.push(b),},this.addConnection=function(a){var b=ARCS.Connection.cast(a,g);return,k.push(b),};var p=function(a,b){for(var c=b.length;c--&&b[c].id!==a;);c>=0?b.splice(c,1):console.warn("Could not remove data with id",a)};this.removePreConnection=function(a){p(a,h)},this.removePostConnection=function(a){p(a,i)},this.removeCleanup=function(a){p(a,j)};var q=function(a,b,c){for(var d=c.length;d--&&c[d].id!==a;);d>=0&&(c[d].value=b)};this.changePreConnection=function(a,b){q(a,b,h)},this.changePostConnection=function(a,b){q(a,b,i)},this.changeCleanup=function(a,b){q(a,b,j)},this.removeConnection=function(a){p(a,k)};var r=function(a,b,c){for(var d,e=c.length,f=c.length;e--&&c[e].id!==a;);for(;f--&&c[f].id!==b;);e>=0&&f>=0&&(d=c[e],c[e]=c[f],c[f]=d,c[e].id=a,c[f].id=b)};this.swapConnections=function(a,b){r(a,b,k)},this.swapCleanups=function(a,b){r(a,b,j)},this.swapPreConnections=function(a,b){r(a,b,h)},this.swapPostConnections=function(a,b){r(a,b,i)};var s=function(a){var b=0,c=ARCS.Invocation.cast,d=ARCS.Connection.cast;for(b=0;b<a.preconnections.length;b++)h.push(c(a.preconnections[b],g));for(b=0;b<a.postconnections.length;b++)i.push(c(a.postconnections[b],g));for(b=0;b<a.cleanups.length;b++)j.push(c(a.cleanups[b],g));for(b=0;b<a.connections.length;b++)k.push(d(a.connections[b],g))};this.import=function(b){b.hasOwnProperty("context")&&(g=new ARCS.Context(b.context),g.setParent(a)),g.instanciate().then(function(){s(b)})};var t=function(a){return{destination:g.getComponentName(a.getDestination()),slot:a.getSlot(),value:a.getValue()}},u=function(a){return{source:g.getComponentName(a.getSource()),signal:a.getSignal(),destination:g.getComponentName(a.getDestination()),slot:a.getSlot()}};this.toJSON=function(){var a,b=[],c=[],d=[],e=[];for(a=0;a<k.length;a++)d.push(u(k[a]));for(a=0;a<h.length;a++)b.push(t(h[a]));for(a=0;a<i.length;a++)c.push(t(i[a]));for(a=0;a<j.length;a++)e.push(t(j[a]));return{preconnections:b,postconnections:c,connections:d,cleanups:e}},g.setParent(a)},ARCS.EventLogicParser=function(){function a(a,b){function c(){this.constructor=a}c.prototype=b.prototype,a.prototype=new c}function b(a,b,c,d,e,f){this.message=a,this.expected=b,this.found=c,this.offset=d,this.line=e,this.column=f,"SyntaxError"}function c(a){function c(b){function c(b,c,d){var e,f;for(e=c;e<d;e++)f=a.charAt(e),"\n"===f?(b.seenCR||b.line++,b.column=1,b.seenCR=!1):"\r"===f||"\u2028"===f||"\u2029"===f?(b.line++,b.column=1,b.seenCR=!0):(b.column++,b.seenCR=!1)}return R!==b&&(R>b&&(R=0,S={line:1,column:1,seenCR:!1}),c(S,R,b),R=b),S}function d(a){P<T||(P>T&&(T=P,U=[]),U.push(a))}function e(d,e,f){function g(a){var b=1;for(a.sort(function(a,b){return a.description<b.description?-1:a.description>b.description?1:0});b<a.length;)a[b-1]===a[b]?a.splice(b,1):b++}function h(a,b){function c(a){function b(a){return a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}return a.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/"/g,'\\"').replace(/\x08/g,"\\b").replace(/\t/g,"\\t").replace(/\n/g,"\\n").replace(/\f/g,"\\f").replace(/\r/g,"\\r").replace(/[\x00-\x07\x0B\x0E\x0F]/g,function(a){return"\\x0"+b(a)}).replace(/[\x10-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/g,function(a){return"\\x"+b(a)}).replace(/[\u0180-\u0FFF]/g,function(a){return"\\u0"+b(a)}).replace(/[\u1080-\uFFFF]/g,function(a){return"\\u"+b(a)})}var d,e,f,g=new Array(a.length);for(f=0;f<a.length;f++)g[f]=a[f].description;return d=a.length>1?g.slice(0,-1).join(", ")+" or "+g[a.length-1]:g[0],e=b?'"'+c(b)+'"':"end of input","Expected "+d+" but "+e+" found."}var i=c(f),j=f<a.length?a.charAt(f):null;return null!==e&&g(e),new b(null!==d?d:h(e,j),e,j,f,i.line,i.column)}function f(){var a;return a=g()}function g(){var a,b,c,d;if(a=P,b=i(),b!==q){if(c=[],d=h(),d!==q)for(;d!==q;)c.push(d),d=h();else c=t;c!==q?(Q=a,b=u(b,c),a=b):(P=a,a=t)}else P=a,a=t;return a===q&&(a=i()),a}function h(){var a,b,c;return a=P,b=l(),b!==q?(c=i(),c!==q?(Q=a,b=v(c),a=b):(P=a,a=t)):(P=a,a=t),a===q&&(a=P,b=m(),b!==q?(c=i(),c!==q?(Q=a,b=w(c),a=b):(P=a,a=t)):(P=a,a=t)),a}function i(){var b,c,e,f;return b=P,c=j(),c!==q&&(Q=b,c=x(c)),b=c,b===q&&(b=P,40===a.charCodeAt(P)?(c=y,P++):(c=q,0===V&&d(z)),c!==q?(e=g(),e!==q?(41===a.charCodeAt(P)?(f=A,P++):(f=q,0===V&&d(B)),f!==q?(Q=b,c=C(e),b=c):(P=b,b=t)):(P=b,b=t)):(P=b,b=t)),b}function j(){var b,c,e;return V++,b=P,c=P,e=k(),e!==q&&(e=a.substring(c,P)),c=e,c!==q&&(Q=b,c=E(c)),b=c,V--,b===q&&(c=q,0===V&&d(D)),b}function k(){var b,c,e,f,g;if(b=P,c=n(),c!==q)if(F.test(a.charAt(P))?(e=a.charAt(P),P++):(e=q,0===V&&d(G)),e!==q){for(f=[],H.test(a.charAt(P))?(g=a.charAt(P),P++):(g=q,0===V&&d(I));g!==q;)f.push(g),H.test(a.charAt(P))?(g=a.charAt(P),P++):(g=q,0===V&&d(I));f!==q?(g=n(),g!==q?(c=[c,e,f,g],b=c):(P=b,b=t)):(P=b,b=t)}else P=b,b=t;else P=b,b=t;return b}function l(){var b,c,e,f;return b=P,c=n(),c!==q?(38===a.charCodeAt(P)?(e=J,P++):(e=q,0===V&&d(K)),e!==q?(f=n(),f!==q?(c=[c,e,f],b=c):(P=b,b=t)):(P=b,b=t)):(P=b,b=t),b}function m(){var b,c,e,f;return b=P,c=n(),c!==q?(124===a.charCodeAt(P)?(e=L,P++):(e=q,0===V&&d(M)),e!==q?(f=n(),f!==q?(c=[c,e,f],b=c):(P=b,b=t)):(P=b,b=t)):(P=b,b=t),b}function n(){var b,c;for(b=[],N.test(a.charAt(P))?(c=a.charAt(P),P++):(c=q,0===V&&d(O));c!==q;)b.push(c),N.test(a.charAt(P))?(c=a.charAt(P),P++):(c=q,0===V&&d(O));return b}var o,p=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:{},q={},r={start:f},s=f,t=q,u=function(a,b){return[a].concat(b)},v=function(a){return{and:a}},w=function(a){return{or:a}},x=function(a){return a},y="(",z={type:"literal",value:"(",description:'"("'},A=")",B={type:"literal",value:")",description:'")"'},C=function(a){return[a]},D={type:"other",description:"id"},E=function(a){return a.trim()},F=/^[_a-zA-Z]/,G={type:"class",value:"[_a-zA-Z]",description:"[_a-zA-Z]"},H=/^[_a-zA-Z0-9]/,I={type:"class",value:"[_a-zA-Z0-9]",description:"[_a-zA-Z0-9]"},J="&",K={type:"literal",value:"&",description:'"&"'},L="|",M={type:"literal",value:"|",description:'"|"'},N=/^[ \r\n\t]/,O={type:"class",value:"[ \\r\\n\\t]",description:"[ \\r\\n\\t]"},P=0,Q=0,R=0,S={line:1,column:1,seenCR:!1},T=0,U=[],V=0;if("startRule"in p){if(!(p.startRule in r))throw new Error("Can't start parsing from rule \""+p.startRule+'".');s=r[p.startRule]}if(o=s(),o!==q&&P===a.length)return o;throw o!==q&&P<a.length&&d({type:"end",description:"end of input"}),e(null,U,T)}return a(b,Error),{SyntaxError:b,parse:c}}(),ARCS.TokenEvent=function(){var a,b;this.promise=new Promise(function(c,d){a=c,b=d}),this.accept=function(){a()},this.abort=function(){b()}},ARCS.TransitionNetwork=function(){this.promise={},this.and=function(a){return this.promise=Promise.all([this.promise,a.promise]),this},this.or=function(a){return this.promise=Promise.race([this.promise,a.promise]),this}},,b){var c,d,e;if("string"==typeof a){var f;b.hasOwnProperty(a)?f=b[a]:b[a]=f=new ARCS.TokenEvent;var g=new ARCS.TransitionNetwork;return g.promise=f.promise,g}for([0],b),i=1;i<a.length;i++)a[i].hasOwnProperty("and")?([i].and,b),d=c.and(e)):a[i].hasOwnProperty("or")?([i].or,b),d=c.or(e)):console.warn("[ARCS] Illegal tree"),c=d;return c},ARCS.Statemachine=new ARCS.Component.create(function(a){var b="",c="",d={},e="",f=this,g={},h={},i={},j=function(a){f.slots.indexOf(a)<0&&(f.slots.push(a),f[a]=function(a){return function(){f.setToken(a)}}(a))},k=function(a){var b;if(d.hasOwnProperty(a)){h={};for(b in d[a])d[a].hasOwnProperty(b)&&([b],h).promise,i.then(function(){var c;for(c in h)h.hasOwnProperty(c)&&h[c].abort();k(d[a][b])}))}e=a,f.emit("requestSheet",e),e===c&&f.emit("requestTermination")};this.setInitialState=function(a){b=a,e=b},this.setFinalState=function(a){c=a},this.addTransition=function(a,b,c){var e,f,h=/([A-Za-z_]\w*)/g;try{var f=ARCS.EventLogicParser.parse(b);if("string"==typeof f)j(f);else for(;null!==(e=h.exec(b));)j(e[0]);g[b]=f,void 0===d[a]&&(d[a]={}),d[a][b]=c}catch(a){}},this.setToken=function(a){h.hasOwnProperty(a)&&h[a].accept()},this.setTransitions=function(a){var b,c;for(b in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(b))for(c in a[b])a[b].hasOwnProperty(c)&&this.addTransition(b,c,a[b][c])},this.start=function(){console.log("statemachine",this,b,a),k(b)},void 0!==a&&(b=a.initial,,this.setTransitions(a.transitions),e="")},["setToken"],["requestSheet","requestTermination"]),ARCS.Application=function(){var a,b=new ARCS.Context,c={},d={},e=[],f=this,g="";this.export=function(){var a={context:b,controller:b.getComponentName(d),sheets:c};return a},this.getContext=function(){return b},this.getSheetList=function(){return Object.keys(c)},this.getSheet=function(a){return c[a]},this.addSheet=function(a,d){c[a]=d,d.setContext(b)},this.removeSheet=function(a){delete c[a]},a=function(){var a,e,g;for(e=b.getComponent(d),d=e,g=Object.keys(c),a=0;a<g.length;a++)e=new ARCS.Sheet(b),e.import(c[g[a]],b),c[g[a]]=e;ARCS.Component.connect(d,"requestSheet",f,"setSheet"),ARCS.Component.connect(d,"requestTermination",f,"finish"),d.start()},this.setController=function(a){d=b.getComponent(a)},this.setSheet=function(a){c.hasOwnProperty(a)?(g&&c[g].deactivate(),g=a,c[g].activate()):console.warn("[ARCS] Tried to activate hollow sheet named: "+a)},this.finish=function(){g&&c[g].deactivate()},this.import=function(a){b=new ARCS.Context(a.context),c=a.sheets,d=a.controller,void 0===d&&console.error("[ARCS] Undefined controller. Cannot start application.")},this.setFactory=function(a,b){factories[a]=b},this.setDependency=function(a){e[a]={}},this.start=function(){console.log("[ARCS] Starting application"),b.instanciate().then(a)}},ARCS.Application.setDependency=function(a,b){a.setDependency(b)},ARCS.Component.create(ARCS.Application),ARCS.Application.slot("setSheet"),ARCS.Application.slot("finish"),arcs_module=function(a,b){var c,d;"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.parent.exports&&(ARCS=module.exports),void 0===b&&(b=[]),c=function(b){var c,d;if(b.unshift(ARCS),c="function"==typeof a?a.apply(this,b):a,void 0===c)throw new Error("[ARCS] Your module is undefined. Did you forget to export components?\nCode of module follows:\n"+a);for(d in c)c.hasOwnProperty(d)&&null!=ARCS.Context.currentContext&&ARCS.Context.currentContext.setFactory(d,c[d]);return Promise.resolve()};var e=function(a){return new Promise(function(b,c){var d,e;ARCS.isInNode()?(d=require(a),void 0===d?c(a):b(d)):(void 0!{shim:{}},e.shim[]={exports:a.exports},void 0!==a.deps&&(e.shim[].deps=a.deps),require.config(e),,require([a],function(a){b(a)},function(b){console.log("[ARCS] Trouble with module ",a),c(a,b)}))})},f=[];for(d=0;d<b.length;d++)f[d]=e(b[d]);ARCS.Context.currentContext.addLibraryPromise(Promise.all(f).then(c,function(a){console.error("[ARCS] Failed to load dependency ",a)}))},!ARCS.isInNode())var exports={};exports.Component=ARCS.Component,exports.Connection=ARCS.Connection,exports.Invocation=ARCS.Invocation,exports.Statemachine=ARCS.Statemachine,exports.Sheet=ARCS.Sheet,exports.Application=ARCS.Application,exports.EventLogicParser=ARCS.EventLogicParser,exports.TransitionSystem=ARCS.TransitionSystem,exports.isInNode=ARCS.isInNode,exports.isInRequire=ARCS.isInRequire,ARCS.isInRequire()&&define(exports);
\ No newline at end of file
var ARCS=ARCS||{};ARCS.isInNode=function(){return"function"==typeof require&&require.resolve},ARCS.Component={SourceIsNotComponent:{message:"Source is not a component"},UndefinedSignal:{message:"Signal is not defined"},UndefinedSlot:{message:"Slot is not defined"},create:function(n,t,e){return void 0===n.prototype?(console.error("Cannot create such a component"),0):(n.prototype.slots=[],n.prototype.signals={},n.slotList=function(){return n.prototype.slots},n.prototype.slotList=function(){return n.prototype.slots},n.prototype.signalList=function(){var t,e=[];for(t in n.prototype.signals)e.push(t);return e},n.signalList=function(){return n.prototype.signalList()},n.prototype.emit=function(n){var t,e,o,,1);for(t in this.signals[n])e=this.signals[n][t].func,o=this.signals[n][t].obj,e.apply(o,i)},n.slot=function(t,e){var o;if(t instanceof Array)for(o=0;o<t.length;o++)n.prototype.slots.push(t[o]);else n.prototype.slots.push(t),void 0!==e&&(n.prototype[t]=e)},n.signal=function(t){var e;if(t instanceof Array)for(e=0;e<t.length;e++)n.prototype.signals[t[e]]=1;else n.prototype.signals[t]=1},void 0!==t&&n.slot(t),void 0!==e&&n.signal(e),n)},check:function(n){return void 0!==n.prototype&&(void 0!==n.prototype.signals&&void 0!==n.prototype.slots)},connect:function(n,t,e,o){var i,r;if(void 0===n.signals)throw ARCS.Component.SourceIsNotComponent;if(void 0===n.signals[t])throw ARCS.Component.UndefinedSignal;if(void 0===e[o])throw ARCS.Component.UndefinedSlot;if(!n.hasOwnProperty("signals"))for(r in i=n.signals,n.signals={},i)n.signals[r]=[];n.signals[t].push({obj:e,func:e[o]})},disconnect:function(n,t,e,o){var i;for(i=0;i<n.signals[t].length;i++)n.signals[t][i].obj===e&&n.signals[t][i].func===e[o]&&(n.signals[t].splice(i,1),i--)},invoke:function(n,t,e){if(void 0===n[t])throw ARCS.Component.UndefinedSlot;n[t].apply(n,e)},config:function(n,t){"function"==typeof n.config&&n.config(t)}},ARCS.Context=function(n){var t={},e={},o={},i=[],r=this;if(o.StateMachine=ARCS.Statemachine,void 0!==n){var s;for(s in i=n.libraries,n.components)n.components.hasOwnProperty(s)&&(t[s]=n.components[s]);if(void 0!==n.constants)for(s in n.constants)n.constants.hasOwnProperty(s)&&(e[s]=n.constants[s])}var c=async function(n){return ARCS.isInNode()?new Promise((function(t,e){var o=require(n);void 0!==o?t(o):e("[ARCS] File not found")})):(await fetch(n)).json()},a=function(){var n,r=[];for(n in t)if(t.hasOwnProperty(n)){if(void 0===o[t[n].type])return console.error("[ARCS] Factory "+t[n].type+" not found."),void console.error("[ARCS] Context dump follows: ",i,t,e);var s=o[t[n].type];try{if(void 0!==t[n].value||void 0!==t[n].url||void 0!==t[n].ref){if(void 0!==t[n].value&&(t[n].instance=new s(t[n].value)),void 0!==t[n].url){console.log("loading data file",t[n].url),r.push(c(t[n].url).then(function(n,e){return function(o){return console.log("instanciating from data file"),t[n].instance=new e(o),Promise.resolve()}}(n,s)))}void 0!==t[n].ref&&void 0!==e[t[n].ref]&&(t[n].instance=new s(e[t[n].ref]))}else t[n].instance=new s}catch(t){console.error("[ARCS] Component of type ",n," not instanciated.",t)}}return Promise.all(r)};this.loadLibrary=function(n,t){var e=n,o=n;return ARCS.Context.currentContext=r,"string"!=typeof n&&(,e=n.url),i.indexOf(o)<0&&i.push(o),import(e).then((function(n){for(s in n.default)n.default.hasOwnProperty(s)&&ARCS.Context.currentContext.setFactory(s,n.default[s]);void 0!==t&&t()})).catch((function(n){console.error("[ARCS] Trouble loading '",e,"' with reason -",n)}))},this.getComponentList=function(){var n,e=Object.keys(t);for(n=0;n<e.length;n++)t.hasOwnProperty(e[n])||e.splice(n--,1);return e},this.getConstant=function(n){return e[n]},this.getComponentType=function(n){if(void 0!==t[n])return t[n].type},this.getComponentValue=function(n){if(void 0!==t[n])return t[n].value},this.getComponent=function(n){if(void 0!==t[n])return t[n].instance},this.getComponentName=function(n){var e,o;for(o=t.getComponentList(),e=0;e<o.length;e++)if(t[o[e]].instance===n)return o[e]},this.setFactory=function(n,t){o[n]=t},this.toJSON=function(){var n,e={};for(n in t)t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(e[n]={type:t[n].type,value:t[n].value});return e},this.setComponentValue=function(n,e){t[n].value=e},this.addComponent=function(n,e,i){var r;t[n]={},t[n].type=e,t[n].value=i;var s=o[e];void 0!==s&&(r=new s(i)),t[n].instance=r},this.removeComponent=function(n){delete t[n]},this.getFactory=function(n){return o[n]},this.getFactoryList=function(){return Object.keys(o)},this.instanciate=function(){
//! TODO
return function(){var n;ARCS.Context.currentContext=r;var t=[];for(n=0;n<i.length;n++)t.push(r.loadLibrary(i[n]));return Promise.all(t)}().then(a).catch((function(n){console.error("[ARCS] Trouble instanciating context",n)}))};var u=function(n,t){var e,o=Object.create(t);for(e in n)n.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(o[e]=n[e]);return o};this.chain=function(n,i,r){return[u(n,t),u(i,e),u(r,o)]},this.setParent=function(n){if(void 0!==n){var i=n.chain(t,e,o);t=i[0],e=i[1],o=i[2]}}},ARCS.Context.currentContext=null,ARCS.Invocation=function(n,t,e){this.getDestination=function(){return n},this.getSlot=function(){return t},this.getValue=function(){return e},this.invoke=function(){var o=n[t];void 0!==o?o.apply(n,e):console.error("Undefined slot %s of component %s",t,n)}},ARCS.Invocation.cast=function(n,t){if(void 0!==n.value){var e=t.getComponent(n.destination);return void 0===e&&console.error("[ARCS] Destination ",n.destination," is undefined"),new ARCS.Invocation(e,n.slot,n.value)}if(void 0!==n.ref)return new ARCS.Invocation(t.getComponent(n.destination),n.slot,t.getConstant(n.ref))},ARCS.Invocation.PRE_CONNECTION=0,ARCS.Invocation.POST_CONNECTION=1,ARCS.Invocation.CLEAN_UP=2,ARCS.Connection=function(n,t,e,o){this.connect=function(){try{ARCS.Component.connect(n,t,e,o)}catch(i){console.log(i,n,t,e,o)}},this.disconnect=function(){ARCS.Component.disconnect(n,t,e,o)},this.getSource=function(){return n},this.getDestination=function(){return e},this.getSlot=function(){return o},this.getSignal=function(){return t}},ARCS.Connection.cast=function(n,t){return new ARCS.Connection(t.getComponent(n.source),n.signal,t.getComponent(n.destination),n.slot)},ARCS.Sheet=function(n){var t,e,o,i,r,s=new ARCS.Context,c=[],a=[],u=[],f=[],l=0,p=0,h=0,C=0;t=function(){var n;for(n=0;n<c.length;n++)c[n].invoke()},e=function(){var n;for(n=0;n<a.length;n++)a[n].invoke()},o=function(){var n;for(n=0;n<u.length;n++)u[n].invoke()},i=function(){var n;for(n=0;n<f.length;n++)f[n].connect()},r=function(){var n;for(n=0;n<f.length;n++)f[n].disconnect()},this.setContext=function(n){s=n},this.activate=function(){s.instanciate().then((function(){t(),i(),e()}))},this.deactivate=function(){r(),o()},this.addPreConnection=function(n){var t=ARCS.Invocation.cast(n,s);return,c.push(t),},this.addPostConnection=function(n){var t=ARCS.Invocation.cast(n,s);return,a.push(t),},this.addCleanup=function(n){var t=ARCS.Invocation.cast(n,s);return,u.push(t),},this.addConnection=function(n){var t=ARCS.Connection.cast(n,s);return,f.push(t),};var d=function(n,t){for(var e=t.length;e--&&t[e].id!==n;);e>=0?t.splice(e,1):console.warn("Could not remove data with id",n)};this.removePreConnection=function(n){d(n,c)},this.removePostConnection=function(n){d(n,a)},this.removeCleanup=function(n){d(n,u)};var v=function(n,t,e){for(var o=e.length;o--&&e[o].id!==n;);o>=0&&(e[o].value=t)};this.changePreConnection=function(n,t){v(n,t,c)},this.changePostConnection=function(n,t){v(n,t,a)},this.changeCleanup=function(n,t){v(n,t,u)},this.removeConnection=function(n){d(n,f)};var g=function(n,t,e){for(var o,i=e.length,r=e.length;i--&&e[i].id!==n;);for(;r--&&e[r].id!==t;);i>=0&&r>=0&&(o=e[i],e[i]=e[r],e[r]=o,e[i].id=n,e[r].id=t)};this.swapConnections=function(n,t){g(n,t,f)},this.swapCleanups=function(n,t){g(n,t,u)},this.swapPreConnections=function(n,t){g(n,t,c)},this.swapPostConnections=function(n,t){g(n,t,a)};this.import=function(t){t.hasOwnProperty("context")&&(s=new ARCS.Context(t.context)).setParent(n),s.instanciate().then((function(){!function(n){var t=0,e=ARCS.Invocation.cast,o=ARCS.Connection.cast;for(t=0;t<n.preconnections.length;t++)c.push(e(n.preconnections[t],s));for(t=0;t<n.postconnections.length;t++)a.push(e(n.postconnections[t],s));for(t=0;t<n.cleanups.length;t++)u.push(e(n.cleanups[t],s));for(t=0;t<n.connections.length;t++)f.push(o(n.connections[t],s))}(t)}))};var S=function(n){return{destination:s.getComponentName(n.getDestination()),slot:n.getSlot(),value:n.getValue()}};this.toJSON=function(){var n,t,e=[],o=[],i=[],r=[];for(n=0;n<f.length;n++)i.push((t=f[n],{source:s.getComponentName(t.getSource()),signal:t.getSignal(),destination:s.getComponentName(t.getDestination()),slot:t.getSlot()}));for(n=0;n<c.length;n++)e.push(S(c[n]));for(n=0;n<a.length;n++)o.push(S(a[n]));for(n=0;n<u.length;n++)r.push(S(u[n]));return{preconnections:e,postconnections:o,connections:i,cleanups:r}},s.setParent(n)},ARCS.EventLogicParser=function(){function n(n,t,e,o,i,r){this.message=n,this.expected=t,this.found=e,this.offset=o,this.line=i,this.column=r,"SyntaxError"}return function(n,t){function e(){this.constructor=n}e.prototype=t.prototype,n.prototype=new e}(n,Error),{SyntaxError:n,parse:function(t){var e,o=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:{},i={},r={start:U},s=U,c=i,a=function(n,t){return[n].concat(t)},u=function(n){return{and:n}},f=function(n){return{or:n}},l=function(n){return n},p="(",h={type:"literal",value:"(",description:'"("'},C=")",d={type:"literal",value:")",description:'")"'},v=function(n){return[n]},g={type:"other",description:"id"},S=function(n){return n.trim()},A=/^[_a-zA-Z]/,m={type:"class",value:"[_a-zA-Z]",description:"[_a-zA-Z]"},y=/^[_a-zA-Z0-9]/,R={type:"class",value:"[_a-zA-Z0-9]",description:"[_a-zA-Z0-9]"},w="&",x={type:"literal",value:"&",description:'"&"'},P="|",O={type:"literal",value:"|",description:'"|"'},T=/^[ \r\n\t]/,N={type:"class",value:"[ \\r\\n\\t]",description:"[ \\r\\n\\t]"},b=0,k=0,F={line:1,column:1,seenCR:!1},I=0,E=[],L=0;if("startRule"in o){if(!(o.startRule in r))throw new Error("Can't start parsing from rule \""+o.startRule+'".');s=r[o.startRule]}function j(n){return k!==n&&(k>n&&(k=0,F={line:1,column:1,seenCR:!1}),function(n,e,o){var i,r;for(i=e;i<o;i++)"\n"===(r=t.charAt(i))?(n.seenCR||n.line++,n.column=1,n.seenCR=!1):"\r"===r||"\u2028"===r||"\u2029"===r?(n.line++,n.column=1,n.seenCR=!0):(n.column++,n.seenCR=!1)}(F,k,n),k=n),F}function _(n){b<I||(b>I&&(I=b,E=[]),E.push(n))}function q(e,o,i){var r=j(i),s=i<t.length?t.charAt(i):null;return null!==o&&function(n){var t=1;for(n.sort((function(n,t){return n.description<t.description?-1:n.description>t.description?1:0}));t<n.length;)n[t-1]===n[t]?n.splice(t,1):t++}(o),new n(null!==e?e:function(n,t){var e,o=new Array(n.length);for(e=0;e<n.length;e++)o[e]=n[e].description;return"Expected "+(n.length>1?o.slice(0,-1).join(", ")+" or "+o[n.length-1]:o[0])+" but "+(t?'"'+function(n){function t(n){return n.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}return n.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/"/g,'\\"').replace(/\x08/g,"\\b").replace(/\t/g,"\\t").replace(/\n/g,"\\n").replace(/\f/g,"\\f").replace(/\r/g,"\\r").replace(/[\x00-\x07\x0B\x0E\x0F]/g,(function(n){return"\\x0"+t(n)})).replace(/[\x10-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/g,(function(n){return"\\x"+t(n)})).replace(/[\u0180-\u0FFF]/g,(function(n){return"\\u0"+t(n)})).replace(/[\u1080-\uFFFF]/g,(function(n){return"\\u"+t(n)}))}(t)+'"':"end of input")+" found."}(o,s),o,s,i,r.line,r.column)}function U(){return D()}function D(){var n,t,e,o;if(n=b,(t=Z())!==i){if(e=[],(o=z())!==i)for(;o!==i;)e.push(o),o=z();else e=c;e!==i?(n,n=t=a(t,e)):(b=n,n=c)}else b=n,n=c;return n===i&&(n=Z()),n}function z(){var n,t;return n=b,B()!==i&&(t=Z())!==i?(n,n=u(t)):(b=n,n=c),n===i&&(n=b,M()!==i&&(t=Z())!==i?(n,n=f(t)):(b=n,n=c)),n}function Z(){var n,e,o,r;return n=b,(e=V())!==i&&(n,e=l(e)),(n=e)===i&&(n=b,40===t.charCodeAt(b)?(e=p,b++):(e=i,0===L&&_(h)),e!==i&&(o=D())!==i?(41===t.charCodeAt(b)?(r=C,b++):(r=i,0===L&&_(d)),r!==i?(n,n=e=v(o)):(b=n,n=c)):(b=n,n=c)),n}function V(){var n,e,o;return L++,n=b,e=b,(o=J())!==i&&(o=t.substring(e,b)),(e=o)!==i&&(n,e=S(e)),L--,(n=e)===i&&(e=i,0===L&&_(g)),n}function J(){var n,e,o,r,s;if(n=b,(e=G())!==i)if(A.test(t.charAt(b))?(o=t.charAt(b),b++):(o=i,0===L&&_(m)),o!==i){for(r=[],y.test(t.charAt(b))?(s=t.charAt(b),b++):(s=i,0===L&&_(R));s!==i;)r.push(s),y.test(t.charAt(b))?(s=t.charAt(b),b++):(s=i,0===L&&_(R));r!==i&&(s=G())!==i?n=e=[e,o,r,s]:(b=n,n=c)}else b=n,n=c;else b=n,n=c;return n}function B(){var n,e,o,r;return n=b,(e=G())!==i?(38===t.charCodeAt(b)?(o=w,b++):(o=i,0===L&&_(x)),o!==i&&(r=G())!==i?n=e=[e,o,r]:(b=n,n=c)):(b=n,n=c),n}function M(){var n,e,o,r;return n=b,(e=G())!==i?(124===t.charCodeAt(b)?(o=P,b++):(o=i,0===L&&_(O)),o!==i&&(r=G())!==i?n=e=[e,o,r]:(b=n,n=c)):(b=n,n=c),n}function G(){var n,e;for(n=[],T.test(t.charAt(b))?(e=t.charAt(b),b++):(e=i,0===L&&_(N));e!==i;)n.push(e),T.test(t.charAt(b))?(e=t.charAt(b),b++):(e=i,0===L&&_(N));return n}if((e=s())!==i&&b===t.length)return e;throw e!==i&&b<t.length&&_({type:"end",description:"end of input"}),q(null,E,I)}}}(),ARCS.TokenEvent=function(){var n,t;this.promise=new Promise((function(e,o){n=e,t=o})),this.accept=function(){n()},this.abort=function(){t()}},ARCS.TransitionNetwork=function(){this.promise={},this.and=function(n){return this.promise=Promise.all([this.promise,n.promise]),this},this.or=function(n){return this.promise=Promise.race([this.promise,n.promise]),this}},,t){var e,o,i,r;if("string"==typeof n){var s;t.hasOwnProperty(n)?s=t[n]:t[n]=s=new ARCS.TokenEvent;var c=new ARCS.TransitionNetwork;return c.promise=s.promise,c}for([0],t),r=1;r<n.length;r++)n[r].hasOwnProperty("and")?([r].and,t),o=e.and(i)):n[r].hasOwnProperty("or")?([r].or,t),o=e.or(i)):console.warn("[ARCS] Illegal tree"),e=o;return e},ARCS.Statemachine=new ARCS.Component.create((function(n){var t="",e="",o={},i="",r=this,s={},c={},a=function(n){var t;r.slots.indexOf(n)<0&&(r.slots.push(n),r[n]=(t=n,function(){r.setToken(t)}))},u=function(n){var t;if(o.hasOwnProperty(n))for(t in c={},o[n])o[n].hasOwnProperty(t)&&[t],c).promise.then((function(){var e;for(e in c)c.hasOwnProperty(e)&&c[e].abort();u(o[n][t])}));i=n,r.emit("requestSheet",i),i===e&&r.emit("requestTermination")};this.setInitialState=function(n){i=t=n},this.setFinalState=function(n){e=n},this.addTransition=function(n,t,e){var i,r=/([A-Za-z_]\w*)/g;try{var c;if("string"==typeof(c=ARCS.EventLogicParser.parse(t)))a(c);else for(;null!==(i=r.exec(t));)a(i[0]);s[t]=c,void 0===o[n]&&(o[n]={}),o[n][t]=e}catch(n){}},this.setToken=function(n){c.hasOwnProperty(n)&&c[n].accept()},this.setTransitions=function(n){var t,e;for(t in n)if(n.hasOwnProperty(t))for(e in n[t])n[t].hasOwnProperty(e)&&this.addTransition(t,e,n[t][e])},this.start=function(){console.log("statemachine",this,t,n),u(t)},void 0!==n&&(t=n.initial,,this.setTransitions(n.transitions),i="")}),["setToken"],["requestSheet","requestTermination"]),ARCS.Application=function(){var n,t=new ARCS.Context,e={},o={},i=[],r=this,s="";this.export=function(){return{context:t,controller:t.getComponentName(o),sheets:e}},this.getContext=function(){return t},this.getSheetList=function(){return Object.keys(e)},this.getSheet=function(n){return e[n]},this.addSheet=function(n,o){e[n]=o,o.setContext(t)},this.removeSheet=function(n){delete e[n]},n=function(){var n,i,s;for(i=t.getComponent(o),o=i,s=Object.keys(e),n=0;n<s.length;n++)(i=new ARCS.Sheet(t)).import(e[s[n]],t),e[s[n]]=i;ARCS.Component.connect(o,"requestSheet",r,"setSheet"),ARCS.Component.connect(o,"requestTermination",r,"finish"),o.start()},this.setController=function(n){o=t.getComponent(n)},this.setSheet=function(n){e.hasOwnProperty(n)?(s&&e[s].deactivate(),e[s=n].activate()):console.warn("[ARCS] Tried to activate hollow sheet named: "+n)},this.finish=function(){s&&e[s].deactivate()},this.import=function(n){t=new ARCS.Context(n.context),e=n.sheets,void 0===(o=n.controller)&&console.error("[ARCS] Undefined controller. Cannot start application.")},this.setFactory=function(n,t){factories[n]=t},this.setDependency=function(n){i[n]={}},this.start=function(){console.log("[ARCS] Starting application..."),t.instanciate().then(n)}},ARCS.Application.setDependency=function(n,t){n.setDependency(t)},ARCS.Component.create(ARCS.Application),ARCS.Application.slot("setSheet"),ARCS.Application.slot("finish");export{ARCS as default};
\ No newline at end of file
{ "type": "module"}
function (ARCS) {
var Animator;
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
var Animator;
* @class Animator
* @classdesc A component that request new frames for animation.
* This component is useful when you want to create animations in the
* context of a web browser.
Animator = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var paused = false;
var self=this;
var tick = function () {
if (paused === false) {
* Starts requesting frames for animation. As soon as it is started,
* the signal <b>onAnimationFrame</b> is periodically triggered.
* @slot
* @emits onAnimationFrame
* @function Animator#start
this.start = function () {
paused = false;
* Stops requesting frames for animation.
* @slot
* @function Animator#stop
this.stop = function () {
paused = true;
* Signals that an animation frame is ready.
* @signal
* @function Animator#onAnimationFrame
* @class Animator
* @classdesc A component that request new frames for animation.
* This component is useful when you want to create animations in the
* context of a web browser.
Animator = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var paused = false;
var self=this;
var tick = function () {
if (paused === false) {
* Starts requesting frames for animation. As soon as it is started,
* the signal <b>onAnimationFrame</b> is periodically triggered.
* @slot
* @emits onAnimationFrame
* @function Animator#start
this.start = function () {
paused = false;
* Stops requesting frames for animation.
* @slot
* @function Animator#stop
this.stop = function () {
paused = true;
* Signals that an animation frame is ready.
* @signal
* @function Animator#onAnimationFrame
return {Animator: Animator};
\ No newline at end of file
export default {Animator: Animator};
function (ARCS, CV, AR) {
var ARUCODetector;
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
import CV from '../deps/cv/index.js';
import AR from '../deps/aruco/index.js';
var ARUCODetector;
* @class ARUCODetector
* @classdesc Component that detects ARUCO markers in images
* This component encapsulate the {@link|js-aruco} library.
ARUCODetector = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var detector ;
* @class ARUCODetector
* @classdesc Component that detects ARUCO markers in images
* This component encapsulate the {@link|js-aruco} library.
ARUCODetector = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var detector ;
/*1 Instanciate here the detector */
detector = new AR.Detector();
/*1 Instanciate here the detector */
detector = new AR.Detector();
* Detects ARUCO markers in the given image.
* If markers are detected, this slot triggers the signal <b>onMarkers</b>.
* @param image {obj} the image in which markers should be detected
* @emits onMarkers
* @function ARUCODetector#detect
* @slot
this.detect = function (image) {
/*1 recover markers from image
* then send they will be sent through onMarkers event
var markers = detector.detect(image);
* Signal that is emitted when markers are detected in an image.
* @function ARUCODetector#onMarkers
* @param markers {Marker[]} Array of detected markers.
* @signal
* @typedef {Object} Marker
* @property {number} id - marker id
* @property {Object} pose - computed pose for the marker
* @property {number[]} pose.rotation - rotation matrix (3x3)
* @property {number[]} pose.position - translation (3 components)
* Detects ARUCO markers in the given image.
* If markers are detected, this slot triggers the signal <b>onMarkers</b>.
* @param image {obj} the image in which markers should be detected
* @emits onMarkers
* @function ARUCODetector#detect
* @slot
this.detect = function (image) {
/*1 recover markers from image
* then send they will be sent through onMarkers event
var markers = detector.detect(image);
* Signal that is emitted when markers are detected in an image.
* @function ARUCODetector#onMarkers
* @param markers {Marker[]} Array of detected markers.
* @signal
* @typedef {Object} Marker
* @property {number} id - marker id
* @property {Object} pose - computed pose for the marker
* @property {number[]} pose.rotation - rotation matrix (3x3)
* @property {number[]} pose.position - translation (3 components)
return {ARUCODetector: ARUCODetector};
{name:"deps/cv/index", exports:"CV"},
\ No newline at end of file
export default {ARUCODetector: ARUCODetector};
function(ARCS, three) {
var ARViewer;
* @class ARViewer
* @classdesc Simple compositing viewer for augmented reality
ARViewer = ARCS.Component.create(
/** @lends ARViewer.prototype */
function () {
var container, sourceAspectRatio, sourceHeight;
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
import * as THREE from '../deps/three.js/index.js';
import FrustumCamera from '../deps/three.js/frustumcamera.js';
var ARViewer;
* @class ARViewer
* @classdesc Simple compositing viewer for augmented reality
ARViewer = ARCS.Component.create(
/** @lends ARViewer.prototype */
function () {
var container, sourceAspectRatio, sourceHeight;
var renderer, scene2d, scene3d, camera2d, camera3d, videoSource, videoTexture;
var aspectRatioKept = true;
var sceneId;
// scenegraph initializations
scene2d = new THREE.Scene();
camera2d = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
scene3d = new THREE.Scene();
* Initializes the widgets (HTML elements) needed as a basis
* for the viewer.
* @param cName {string} id of the container that will enclose the scene renderer
* @param vName {string} id of the element at the source of the video stream
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setWidgets
this.setWidgets = function(cName,vName) {
container = document.getElementById(cName);
videoSource = document.getElementById(vName);
var containerStyle = window.getComputedStyle(container);
var videoStyle = window.getComputedStyle(videoSource);
sourceAspectRatio = parseInt(videoStyle.width) / parseInt(videoStyle.height);
sourceHeight = parseInt(videoStyle.height);
var renderer, scene2d, scene3d, camera2d, camera3d, videoSource, videoTexture;
var aspectRatioKept = true;
var sceneId;
// scenegraph initializations
scene2d = new THREE.Scene();
camera2d = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
scene3d = new THREE.Scene();
container.width = parseInt(containerStyle.width);
container.height = parseInt(containerStyle.height);
* Initializes the widgets (HTML elements) needed as a basis
* for the viewer.
* @param cName {string} id of the container that will enclose the scene renderer
* @param vName {string} id of the element at the source of the video stream
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setWidgets
this.setWidgets = function(cName,vName) {
container = document.getElementById(cName);
videoSource = document.getElementById(vName);
var containerStyle = window.getComputedStyle(container);
var videoStyle = window.getComputedStyle(videoSource);
sourceAspectRatio = parseInt(videoStyle.width) / parseInt(videoStyle.height);
sourceHeight = parseInt(videoStyle.height);
container.width = parseInt(containerStyle.width);
container.height = parseInt(containerStyle.height);
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setClearColor(0x000000, 1);
renderer.setSize(container.width, container.height);
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setClearColor(0x000000, 1);
renderer.setSize(container.width, container.height);
var theta = 45; //2*Math.atan2(container.height/2,focalLength)*180/3.14159265;
camera3d = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(theta, container.width / container.height, 0.01, 10000);
var _light = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff);
if ( THREE.VideoTexture !== undefined) {
console.log("Using video texture since it is available");
videoTexture = new THREE.VideoTexture(videoSource);
} else {
console.log("Falling back on simple texture");
videoTexture = new THREE.Texture(videoSource);
var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1.0, 1.0);
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {map: videoTexture, depthTest: false, depthWrite: false} );
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
var textureObject = new THREE.Object3D();
textureObject.position.z = -1;
* Set the focal length of the virtual camera for very simple
* camera models.
* @param focal {numeric} focal length (in pixels) of the camera.
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setFocal
this.setFocal = function (focal) {
var theta = 2*Math.atan(0.5*sourceHeight/focal)*180/Math.PI;
camera3d.fov = theta;
var theta = 45; //2*Math.atan2(container.height/2,focalLength)*180/3.14159265;
camera3d = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(theta, container.width / container.height, 0.01, 10000);
var _light = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff);
* Set intrinsic camera parameters for the virtual camera
* @param intrinsics {array} linearized array of camera parameters
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setIntrinsics
this.setIntrinsics = function (parameters) {
/*3 set here the intrinsic parameters of camera3d
* camera3d should be of type THREE.FrustumCamera
* you should frustum accordingly to intrinsic parameters
// camera3d = new THREE.FrustumCamera( ... ) ;
* Set extrinsic camera parameters for the virtual camera
* @param markers {array} an array of markers
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setExtrinsics
this.setExtrinsics = function (markers) {
/*2 set here the extrinsic parameters of camera3d
* Each marker has 3 major properties :
* - id is the marker id;
* - pose.rotation gives its orientation using a rotation matrix
* and is a 3x3 array
* - pose.position gives its position with respect to the camera
* and is a vector with 3 components.
var i ;
for ( i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
if ( markers[i].id === sceneId ) {
// put here the code to set orientation and position of object camera3d
// see also documentation of Object3D (API Three.js)
// since a camera is an Object3D
if ( THREE.VideoTexture !== undefined) {
console.log("Using video texture since it is available");
videoTexture = new THREE.VideoTexture(videoSource);
} else {
console.log("Falling back on simple texture");
videoTexture = new THREE.Texture(videoSource);
var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1.0, 1.0);
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {map: videoTexture, depthTest: false, depthWrite: false} );
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
var textureObject = new THREE.Object3D();
textureObject.position.z = -1;
var rotation = markers[i].pose.rotation;
var translation = markers[i].pose.position;
var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4(
rotation[0][0], rotation[0][1], rotation[0][2], translation[0],
rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1], rotation[1][2], translation[1],
rotation[2][0], rotation[2][1], rotation[2][2], translation[2],
0 , 0, 0, 1);
* Set the focal length of the virtual camera for very simple
* camera models.
* @param focal {numeric} focal length (in pixels) of the camera.
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setFocal
this.setFocal = function (focal) {
var theta = 2*Math.atan(0.5*sourceHeight/focal)*180/Math.PI;
camera3d.fov = theta;
* Set intrinsic camera parameters for the virtual camera
* @param intrinsics {array} linearized array of camera parameters
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setIntrinsics
this.setIntrinsics = function (parameters) {
/*3 set here the intrinsic parameters of camera3d
* camera3d should be of type THREE.FrustumCamera
* you should frustum accordingly to intrinsic parameters
// camera3d = new THREE.FrustumCamera( ... ) ;
/*var r = new THREE.Euler();
camera3d.rotation.x = r.x;
camera3d.rotation.y = r.y;
camera3d.rotation.z = r.z;*/
camera3d.position.x = translation[0];
camera3d.position.y = translation[1];
camera3d.position.z = translation[2];
/*objRoot.scale.x = 1;
objRoot.scale.y = 1;
objRoot.scale.z = 1;*/
* Set extrinsic camera parameters for the virtual camera
* @param markers {array} an array of markers
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setExtrinsics
this.setExtrinsics = function (markers) {
/*2 set here the extrinsic parameters of camera3d
* Each marker has 3 major properties :
* - id is the marker id;
* - pose.rotation gives its orientation using a rotation matrix
* and is a 3x3 array
* - pose.position gives its position with respect to the camera
* and is a vector with 3 components.
var i ;
for ( i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
if ( markers[i].id === sceneId ) {
// put here the code to set orientation and position of object camera3d
// see also documentation of Object3D (API Three.js)
// since a camera is an Object3D
var rotation = markers[i].pose.rotation;
var translation = markers[i].pose.position;
var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4(
rotation[0][0], rotation[0][1], rotation[0][2], translation[0],
rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1], rotation[1][2], translation[1],
rotation[2][0], rotation[2][1], rotation[2][2], translation[2],
0 , 0, 0, 1);
/*var r = new THREE.Euler();
camera3d.rotation.x = r.x;
camera3d.rotation.y = r.y;
camera3d.rotation.z = r.z;*/
camera3d.position.x = translation[0];
camera3d.position.y = translation[1];
camera3d.position.z = translation[2];
/*objRoot.scale.x = 1;
objRoot.scale.y = 1;
objRoot.scale.z = 1;*/
* Set the scene id in case we should set extrinsic parameters.
* @param id {number} the id of the scene
* @function ARViewer#setSceneId
* @slot
this.setSceneId = function (id) {
sceneId = id;
* Sets the size of the viewport in pixels to render the scene
* @param width {number} width of the viewport
* @param height {number} height of the viewport
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setSize
this.setSize = function(width, height) {
var W = width|0;
var H = height|0;
container.width = width;
container.height = height;
* Set the scene id in case we should set extrinsic parameters.
* @param id {number} the id of the scene
* @function ARViewer#setSceneId
* @slot
this.setSceneId = function (id) {
sceneId = id;
* Sets the size of the viewport in pixels to render the scene
* @param width {number} width of the viewport
* @param height {number} height of the viewport
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#setSize
this.setSize = function(width, height) {
var W = width|0;
var H = height|0;
container.width = width;
container.height = height;
* Tells to keep the aspect ratio of the camera.
* It avoids deformations of the augmented scene.
* @param b {boolean} set it to <tt>true</tt> to keep aspect ratio, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#keepAspectRatio
this.keepAspectRatio = function (b) {
aspectRatioKept = b;
var updateAspectRatio = function () {
var cAspectRatio = container.width / container.height;
var actualWidth, actualHeight;
var xoff, yoff;
* Tells to keep the aspect ratio of the camera.
* It avoids deformations of the augmented scene.
* @param b {boolean} set it to <tt>true</tt> to keep aspect ratio, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#keepAspectRatio
this.keepAspectRatio = function (b) {
aspectRatioKept = b;
if (aspectRatioKept == true) {
// cameras have the source aspect ratio
camera2d.aspect = sourceAspectRatio;
camera3d.aspect = sourceAspectRatio;
// then, we should adjust viewport accordingly.
if (cAspectRatio > sourceAspectRatio) {
actualHeight = container.height;
actualWidth = actualHeight * sourceAspectRatio;
} else {
actualWidth = container.width;
actualHeight = actualWidth / sourceAspectRatio;
var updateAspectRatio = function () {
var cAspectRatio = container.width / container.height;
var actualWidth, actualHeight;
var xoff, yoff;
if (aspectRatioKept == true) {
// cameras have the source aspect ratio
camera2d.aspect = sourceAspectRatio;
camera3d.aspect = sourceAspectRatio;
// then, we should adjust viewport accordingly.
if (cAspectRatio > sourceAspectRatio) {
actualHeight = container.height;
actualWidth = actualHeight * sourceAspectRatio;
} else {
actualWidth = container.width;
actualHeight = actualWidth / sourceAspectRatio;
xoff = (container.width - actualWidth) / 2 ;
yoff = (container.height - actualHeight) / 2;
renderer.setViewport(xoff, yoff, actualWidth, actualHeight);
} else {
// for 3D camera, we will have to recompute the actual
// aspect ratio.
// but first reset viewport, just in case
renderer.setViewport(0, 0, container.width, container.height);
camera2d.aspect = cAspectRatio ;
camera3d.aspect = sourceAspectRatio;
xoff = (container.width - actualWidth) / 2 ;
yoff = (container.height - actualHeight) / 2;
renderer.setViewport(xoff, yoff, actualWidth, actualHeight);
} else {
// for 3D camera, we will have to recompute the actual
// aspect ratio.
* Adds new objects to the current 3D scene
* @param scene {object} 3D object as defined by Three.js to add to the scene.
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#addScene
this.addScene = function (scene) {
// but first reset viewport, just in case
renderer.setViewport(0, 0, container.width, container.height);
camera2d.aspect = cAspectRatio ;
camera3d.aspect = sourceAspectRatio;
* Removes an object from the current 3D scene
* @param scene {object} 3D object as defined by Three.js to remove from the scene.
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#removeScene
this.removeScene = function (scene) {
* Triggers the rendering of the composite scene
* @function ARViewer#render
* @slot
this.render = function () {
videoTexture.needsUpdate = true;
renderer.autoClear = false;
renderer.render(scene2d, camera2d);
renderer.render(scene3d, camera3d);
* Computes the ideal camera position to see the whole 3D scene.
* Mainly useful for debugging
* @function ARViewer#viewAll
* @slot
this.viewAll = function () {
var box = new THREE.Box3();
var center =;
var radius = box.getBoundingSphere().radius;
camera3d.position.x = center.x ;
camera3d.position.y = center.y ;
var c = Math.cos(camera3d.fov/2);
var s = Math.sin(camera3d.fov/2);
camera3d.position.z = center.z + 1.2 * radius*s*( 1 + s / c ) ;
* Resets the position of the camera to the origin of the scene coordinate system
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#resetCamera
this.resetCamera = function () {
camera3d.position.x = camera3d.position.y = camera3d.position.z = 0;
camera3d.up = THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp.clone();
* Adds new objects to the current 3D scene
* @param scene {object} 3D object as defined by Three.js to add to the scene.
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#addScene
this.addScene = function (scene) {
* Removes an object from the current 3D scene
* @param scene {object} 3D object as defined by Three.js to remove from the scene.
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#removeScene
this.removeScene = function (scene) {
* Triggers the rendering of the composite scene
* @function ARViewer#render
* @slot
this.render = function () {
videoTexture.needsUpdate = true;
renderer.autoClear = false;
renderer.render(scene2d, camera2d);
renderer.render(scene3d, camera3d);
* Computes the ideal camera position to see the whole 3D scene.
* Mainly useful for debugging
* @function ARViewer#viewAll
* @slot
this.viewAll = function () {
var box = new THREE.Box3();
var center =;
var sphere = new THREE.Sphere();
var radius = sphere.radius;
/** @lends ARViewer.slots */
'setExtrinsics', 'setIntrinsics'
return {ARViewer: ARViewer};
camera3d.position.x = center.x ;
camera3d.position.y = center.y ;
var c = Math.cos(camera3d.fov/2);
var s = Math.sin(camera3d.fov/2);
camera3d.position.z = center.z + 1.2 * radius*s*( 1 + s / c ) ;
* Resets the position of the camera to the origin of the scene coordinate system
* @slot
* @function ARViewer#resetCamera
this.resetCamera = function () {
camera3d.position.x = camera3d.position.y = camera3d.position.z = 0;
camera3d.up = THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp.clone();
<<<<<<< HEAD
[ 'deps/three.js/index','deps/three.js/frustumcamera']
\ No newline at end of file
/** @lends ARViewer.slots */
'setExtrinsics', 'setIntrinsics'
export default {ARViewer: ARViewer};
>>>>>>> modules
/* ugly hack in order to display data in web page instead of console */
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
var Console;
* @class Console
* @classdesc Redirects console messages to a given HTML element in the page.
* @param id {string} id of the HTML element in which console messages will be added.
Console = ARCS.Component.create(
function (id) {
if (id === undefined) {
return ;
var output = document.getElementById(id);
if (output) {
window.console = {
timeRef: new Date().getTime(),
output : output,
display: function(color,args) {
var s = document.createElement("span");;
var elapsed = (new Date().getTime() - this.timeRef);
function(ARCS) {
var Console;
* @class Console
* @classdesc Redirects console messages to a given HTML element in the page.
* @param id {string} id of the HTML element in which console messages will be added.
Console = ARCS.Component.create(
function (id) {
if (id === undefined) {
return ;
s.innerHTML = '<span class="marker">' + (elapsed/1000).toFixed(3) + '</span> ' +, ' ');
log: function () {
error: function () {
warn: function () {
var output = document.getElementById(id);
if (output) {
window.console = {
timeRef: new Date().getTime(),
output : output,
display: function(color,args) {
var s = document.createElement("span");;
var elapsed = (new Date().getTime() - this.timeRef);
s.innerHTML = '<span class="marker">' + (elapsed/1000).toFixed(3) + '</span>' +, ' ');
log: function () {
error: function () {
warn: function () {
return { Console: Console};
\ No newline at end of file
export default { Console: Console};
......@@ -5,102 +5,99 @@
* @file
arcs_module(function (ARCS) {
var Loop, DisplayInt, Sum;
/** @exports loop */
//console.log("loop: ", ARCS);
* @class Loop
* @classdesc loop component creation using a compact style.
* This component iterates for a given number of times
Loop = ARCS.Component.create(
function () {
* Sets the number of times the component should iterate.
* It starts the iterations. At each iteration, a signal newIteration is
* emitted, then, at the end of the iterations, a signal sendToken is
* eventually triggered.
* @param n {numeric} number of iterations
* @function Loop#setIterations
* @slot
* @emits newIteration
* @emits sendToken
this.setIterations = function (n) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
console.log("Loop : emitting ", i);
this.emit("newIteration", i);
/** @function Loop#newIteration
* @signal
* @param n {number} current iteration number.
/** @function Loop#sendToken
* @signal
* @param s {string} token to emit.
"setIterations", //slotList
["endLoop", "newIteration"] // signalList
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
* @class DisplayInt
* @classdesc displayInt component creation using a variation with defined slots
* in the constructor (a slot is a function). DisplayInt will display an integer
* received on its display slot.
DisplayInt = function () {
* @class Loop
* @classdesc loop component creation using a compact style.
* This component iterates for a given number of times
var Loop = ARCS.Component.create(
function () {
* @param n {numeric} number to display
* @function DisplayInt#display
* @slot
this.display = function (n) {
console.log(" DisplayInt : " + n);
* Sets the number of times the component should iterate.
* It starts the iterations. At each iteration, a signal newIteration is
* emitted, then, at the end of the iterations, a signal sendToken is
* eventually triggered.
* @param n {numeric} number of iterations
* @function Loop#setIterations
* @slot
* @emits newIteration
* @emits sendToken
this.setIterations = function (n) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
console.log("Loop : emitting ", i);
this.emit("newIteration", i);
/** @function Loop#newIteration
* @signal
* @param n {number} current iteration number.
/** @function Loop#sendToken
* @signal
* @param s {string} token to emit.
"setIterations", //slotList
["endLoop", "newIteration"] // signalList
* @class Sum
* @classdec Sum is a component summing integers passed to its slot "add"
* and the result is sent back by signal "sum".
* This component is declared in two different phases: declaration of the
* constructor and declaration of the slot "add".
Sum = function () { = 0;
* @class DisplayInt
* @classdesc displayInt component creation using a variation with defined slots
* in the constructor (a slot is a function). DisplayInt will display an integer
* received on its display slot.
var DisplayInt = function () {
* @param n {numeric} number to display
* @function DisplayInt#display
* @slot
this.display = function (n) {
console.log(" DisplayInt : " + n);
* This slot adds its parameter to its internal sum and send it back by using
* the signal "sum".
* @param n {integer} add n to the internal sum of the component.
* @function Sum#add
* @slot
Sum.slot("add", function (n) { = + n;
this.emit("sum",; //console.log(" Total : " +;
// the anonymous function must return the components in one object:
// keys are factory names, value are actual constructors modified by
// ARCS.Component.create
* @class Sum
* @classdec Sum is a component summing integers passed to its slot "add"
* and the result is sent back by signal "sum".
* This component is declared in two different phases: declaration of the
* constructor and declaration of the slot "add".
var Sum = function () { = 0;
return {Loop: Loop, DisplayInt: DisplayInt, Sum: Sum};
* This slot adds its parameter to its internal sum and send it back by using
* the signal "sum".
* @param n {integer} add n to the internal sum of the component.
* @function Sum#add
* @slot
Sum.slot("add", function (n) { = + n;
this.emit("sum",; //console.log(" Total : " +;
// the anonymous function must return the components in one object:
// keys are factory names, value are actual constructors modified by
// ARCS.Component.create
export default {Loop: Loop, DisplayInt: DisplayInt, Sum: Sum};
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
import POS from '../deps/pose/square_pose.js';
var MarkerLocator;
function (ARCS, POS) {
var MarkerLocator;
MarkerLocator = ARCS.Component.create(
function () {
var square_pose = new POS.SquareFiducial();
this.setFocalLength = function (focalLength) {
this.setModelSize = function (modelSize) {
this.setIntrinsics = function (intrinsics) {
this.setImageSource = function (id) {
var imageSource = document.getElementById(id);
if (id === undefined) {
var imageSourceStyle = window.getComputedStyle(imageSource);
square_pose.setImageSize(parseInt(imageSourceStyle.width),parseInt( imageSourceStyle.height));
MarkerLocator = ARCS.Component.create(
function () {
var square_pose = new POS.SquareFiducial();
this.setFocalLength = function (focalLength) {
this.setModelSize = function (modelSize) {
this.setIntrinsics = function (intrinsics) {
this.setImageSource = function (id) {
var imageSource = document.getElementById(id);
if (id === undefined) {
var imageSourceStyle = window.getComputedStyle(imageSource);
square_pose.setImageSize(parseInt(imageSourceStyle.width),parseInt( imageSourceStyle.height));
this.locateMarkers = function (markers) {
var k, pose;
for (k=0; k < markers.length; k++) {
corners = markers[k].corners;
markers[k].pose = square_pose.pose(corners);
this.locateMarkers = function (markers) {
var k, pose;
for (k=0; k < markers.length; k++) {
corners = markers[k].corners;
markers[k].pose = square_pose.pose(corners);
return { MarkerLocator: MarkerLocator };
[ {name: "deps/pose/square_pose", exports: "POS"} ]
\ No newline at end of file
export default { MarkerLocator: MarkerLocator };
function(ARCS,_three) {
var ObjectTransform ;
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
import * as THREE from '../deps/three.js/index.js';
* @class ObjectTransform
* @classdesc Apply transformations to objects
ObjectTransform = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var objRoot;
var refMat;
var id = -1;
var ObjectTransform ;
* Sets the object of interest on which we would like to apply transforms.
* @param obj {object} a Three.js Object3D
* @function ObjectTransform#setObject
this.setObject = function (obj) {
objRoot = new THREE.Object3D();
var box = new THREE.Box3;
var s = box.size();
var scale = MAX3(s.x, s.y, s.z);
obj.add(new THREE.AxisHelper(scale / 2));
var MAX3 = function (a,b,c) {
if ( a >= b ) {
if ( a >= c) {
return a;
} else {
return c;
} else {
if (b >= c) {
return b;
} else {
return c;
* @class ObjectTransform
* @classdesc Apply transformations to objects
ObjectTransform = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var objRoot;
var refMat;
var id = -1;
// right now, we make something compatible with aruco markers
// it may evolve in the future
* Takes an array of markers and then applies transformations
* to the referenced object.
* @function ObjectTransform#setTransform
* @param arr {Marker[]} an array of detected markers.
this.setTransform = function ( arr ) {
/*2 set here the transformation we should apply on objRoot
* Each marker has 3 major properties :
* - id is the marker id;
* - pose.rotation gives its orientation using a rotation matrix
* and is a 3x3 array
* - pose.position gives its position with respect to the camera
* and is a vector with 3 components.
if (objRoot === undefined) { return ; }
var i ;
for ( i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if ( arr[i].id === id ) {
// insert your code here.
var rotation = arr[i].pose.rotation;
var translation = arr[i].pose.position;
/*var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4(
rotation[0][0], rotation[0][1], rotation[0][2], translation[0],
rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1], rotation[1][2], translation[1],
rotation[2][0], rotation[2][1], rotation[2][2], translation[2],
0 , 0, 0, 1);
* Sets the object of interest on which we would like to apply transforms.
* @param obj {object} a Three.js Object3D
* @function ObjectTransform#setObject
this.setObject = function (obj) {
objRoot = new THREE.Object3D();
var box = new THREE.Box3;
var s = box.size();
var scale = MAX3(s.x, s.y, s.z);
obj.add(new THREE.AxisHelper(scale / 2));
var r = new THREE.Euler();
objRoot.rotation.x = r.x;
objRoot.rotation.y = r.y;
objRoot.rotation.z = r.z;
objRoot.position.x = translation[0];
objRoot.position.y = translation[1];
objRoot.position.z = translation[2];
objRoot.scale.x = 1;
objRoot.scale.y = 1;
objRoot.scale.z = 1;*/
objRoot.rotation.x = -Math.asin(-rotation[1][2]);
objRoot.rotation.y = -Math.atan2(rotation[0][2], rotation[2][2]);
objRoot.rotation.z = Math.atan2(rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1]);
objRoot.position.x = translation[0];
objRoot.position.y = translation[1];
objRoot.position.z = -translation[2];
var MAX3 = function (a,b,c) {
if ( a >= b ) {
if ( a >= c) {
return a;
} else {
return c;
} else {
if (b >= c) {
return b;
} else {
return c;
this.setId = function (i) {
id = i;
['setObject', 'setTransform', 'setId'],
// right now, we make something compatible with aruco markers
// it may evolve in the future
* Takes an array of markers and then applies transformations
* to the referenced object.
* @function ObjectTransform#setTransform
* @param arr {Marker[]} an array of detected markers.
this.setTransform = function ( arr ) {
/*2 set here the transformation we should apply on objRoot
* Each marker has 3 major properties :
* - id is the marker id;
* - pose.rotation gives its orientation using a rotation matrix
* and is a 3x3 array
* - pose.position gives its position with respect to the camera
* and is a vector with 3 components.
if (objRoot === undefined) { return ; }
var i ;
for ( i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if ( arr[i].id === id ) {
// insert your code here.
var rotation = arr[i].pose.rotation;
var translation = arr[i].pose.position;
/*var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4(
rotation[0][0], rotation[0][1], rotation[0][2], translation[0],
rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1], rotation[1][2], translation[1],
rotation[2][0], rotation[2][1], rotation[2][2], translation[2],
0 , 0, 0, 1);
var r = new THREE.Euler();
objRoot.rotation.x = r.x;
objRoot.rotation.y = r.y;
objRoot.rotation.z = r.z;
objRoot.position.x = translation[0];
objRoot.position.y = translation[1];
objRoot.position.z = translation[2];
objRoot.scale.x = 1;
objRoot.scale.y = 1;
objRoot.scale.z = 1;*/
objRoot.rotation.x = -Math.asin(-rotation[1][2]);
objRoot.rotation.y = -Math.atan2(rotation[0][2], rotation[2][2]);
objRoot.rotation.z = Math.atan2(rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1]);
return { ObjectTransform : ObjectTransform };
objRoot.position.x = translation[0];
objRoot.position.y = translation[1];
objRoot.position.z = -translation[2];
this.setId = function (i) {
id = i;
[ "deps/three.js/index" ]
\ No newline at end of file
['setObject', 'setTransform', 'setId'],
export default { ObjectTransform : ObjectTransform };
function(ARCS, three, _objloader, _mtlloader, _objmtlloader) {
var OBJLoader;
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
import * as THREE from '../deps/three.js/index.js';
import { OBJLoader } from '../deps/objloader/objloader.js';
import { MTLLoader } from '../deps/mtlloader/mtlloader.js';
//import { DDSLoader } from '../deps/ddsloader/ddsloader.js';
var internalOBJLoader;
internalOBJLoader = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var self = this;
var innerObject;
OBJLoader = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var self = this;
var innerObject;
var onLoadWrapper = function(obj) {
innerObject = obj;
console.log("[OBJLoader] object has %d components", obj.children.length);
self.emit("onLoad", obj);
var onLoadWrapper = function(obj) {
innerObject = obj;
console.log("[OBJLoader] object has %d components", obj.children.length);
self.emit("onLoad", obj);
var onLoadJSON = function(geom, mat) {
innerObject = new THREE.Mesh(geom, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(mat));
self.emit("onLoad", innerObject);
var progress = function ( xhr ) {
console.log( (xhr.loaded / * 100) + '% loaded' );
var error = function ( xhr ) {
console.log( 'An error happened' );
this.load = function(objURL, mtlURL) {
var loader;
// we may use a string tokenizer to determine file types
// then all would be in the same loading slot.
console.log("loading objects", objURL, mtlURL);
if (mtlURL === undefined) {
//console.log("using loader");
loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
loader.load(objURL, onLoadWrapper, progress, error);
var onLoadJSON = function(geom, mat) {
innerObject = new THREE.Mesh(geom, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(mat));
self.emit("onLoad", innerObject);
var progress = function ( xhr ) {
console.log( (xhr.loaded / * 100) + '% loaded' );
var error = function ( xhr ) {
console.log( 'An error happened' );
this.load = function(objURL, mtlURL) {
var loader;
// we may use a string tokenizer to determine file types
// then all would be in the same loading slot.
//console.log("loading objects", objURL, mtlURL);
var manager = new THREE.LoadingManager();
//manager.addHandler( /\.dds$/i, new DDSLoader() );
if (mtlURL === undefined) {
//console.log("using loader");
loader = new OBJLoader(manager);
loader.load(objURL, onLoadWrapper, progress, error);
} else {
//console.log("using mtl loader");
loader = new MTLLoader(manager);
loader.load(mtlURL, function(materials) {
new OBJLoader(manager)
.load(objURL, onLoadWrapper, progress, error);
}, progress, error);
this.loadJSON = function(jsonURL) {
var loader;
//console.log("loading objects", jsonURL);
loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader();
loader.load(jsonURL, onLoadJSON); //, progress, error);
var MAX3 = function (a,b,c) {
if ( a >= b ) {
if ( a >= c) {
return a;
} else {
//console.log("using mtl loader");
loader = new THREE.OBJMTLLoader();
loader.load(objURL, mtlURL, onLoadWrapper, progress, error);
return c;
this.loadJSON = function(jsonURL) {
var loader;
//console.log("loading objects", jsonURL);
loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
loader.load(jsonURL, onLoadJSON); //, progress, error);
var MAX3 = function (a,b,c) {
if ( a >= b ) {
if ( a >= c) {
return a;
} else {
return c;
} else {
if (b >= c) {
return b;
} else {
if (b >= c) {
return b;
} else {
return c;
return c;
this.unitize = function() {
if (innerObject === undefined) { return ; }
var box = new THREE.Box3();
var s = box.size();
var c =;
var scale = 1 / MAX3(s.x, s.y, s.z);
innerObject.scale.x = innerObject.scale.y = innerObject.scale.z = scale;
this.resize = function(s) {
if (innerObject === undefined) { return ; }
innerObject.scale.x *= s;
innerObject.scale.y *= s;
innerObject.scale.z *= s;
["load","unitize", "resize"],
this.unitize = function() {
if (innerObject === undefined) { return ; }
var box = new THREE.Box3();
var s = box.size();
var c =;
var scale = 1 / MAX3(s.x, s.y, s.z);
innerObject.scale.x = innerObject.scale.y = innerObject.scale.z = scale;
this.resize = function(s) {
if (innerObject === undefined) { return ; }
innerObject.scale.x *= s;
innerObject.scale.y *= s;
innerObject.scale.z *= s;
return { OBJLoader: OBJLoader};
[ 'deps/three.js/index', 'deps/objloader/index', 'deps/mtlloader/index','deps/objmtlloader/index' ]
\ No newline at end of file
["load","unitize", "resize"],
export default { OBJLoader: internalOBJLoader};
{ "type": "module"}
arcs_module(function(ARCS) {
var TokenSender;
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
TokenSender = ARCS.Component.create(
function( arr ) {
var i;
var self = this;
for (i=0; i< arr.length; i++) {
if (typeof arr[i] === "string") {
this[arr[i]] = function( s ) {
return function() {
console.log("[TokenSender] emitting %s", s);
} (arr[i]);
var TokenSender;
return { TokenSender : TokenSender };
\ No newline at end of file
TokenSender = ARCS.Component.create(
function( arr ) {
var i;
var self = this;
for (i=0; i< arr.length; i++) {
if (typeof arr[i] === "string") {
this[arr[i]] = function( s ) {
return function() {
console.log("[TokenSender] emitting %s", s);
} (arr[i]);
export default { TokenSender : TokenSender };
arcs_module(function(ARCS) {
var LiveSource, VideoSource;
LiveSource = ARCS.Component.create(
function () {
var context, canvas, video, imageData;
var defaultWidth = 320;
var defaultHeight = 240;
var self = this;
var handleMediaStream = function(stream) {
if (window.webkitURL) {
video.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);
} else if (video.mozSrcObject !== undefined) {
video.mozSrcObject = stream;
} else if (video.srcObject !== undefined) {
video.srcObject = stream;
} else {
video.src = stream;
var errorMediaStream = function(error) {
console.error("Cannot initialize video component:", error.code);
var setUserMedia = function() {
console.log("video test");
if (navigator.mediaDevices !== undefined) {
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video:{facingMode : "environment"}})
} else {
var getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
if (getUserMedia !== undefined) {
console.log(getUserMedia(), handleMediaStream, errorMediaStream);
/*getUserMedia({video:true}, handleMediaStream,
this.grabFrame = function () {
if ( context === undefined || canvas === undefined || video === undefined)
if (video.readyState === video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) {
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
var LiveSource, VideoSource;
LiveSource = ARCS.Component.create(
function () {
var context, canvas, video, imageData;
var defaultWidth = 320;
var defaultHeight = 240;
var self = this;
var handleMediaStream = function(stream) {
if (window.webkitURL) {
video.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);
} else if (video.mozSrcObject !== undefined) {
video.mozSrcObject = stream;
} else if (video.srcObject !== undefined) {
video.srcObject = stream;
} else {
video.src = stream;
var errorMediaStream = function(error) {
console.error("Cannot initialize video component:", error.code);
var setUserMedia = function() {
if (navigator.mediaDevices !== undefined) {
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: {facingMode: "environment", width: defaultWidth, height: defaultHeight}})
} else {
var getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
if (getUserMedia !== undefined) {
this.grabFrame = function () {
if ( context === undefined || canvas === undefined || video === undefined)
if (video.readyState === video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) {
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
this.setSize = function(x,y) {
this.setSize = function(x,y) {
this.setWidgets = function (videoId, canvasId) {
video = document.getElementById(videoId);
canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
this.setWidgets = function (videoId, canvasId) {
video = document.getElementById(videoId);
canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
if (video === undefined || canvas === undefined) {
console.log("video elements not defined");
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasStyle= window.getComputedStyle(canvas);
VideoSource = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var context, canvas, video, imageData;
var defaultWidth=320;
var defaultHeight=240;
var self=this;
if (video === undefined || canvas === undefined) {
console.log("video elements not defined");
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasStyle= window.getComputedStyle(canvas);
VideoSource = ARCS.Component.create(
function() {
var context, canvas, video, imageData;
var defaultWidth=320;
var defaultHeight=240;
var self=this;
this.setWidgets = function (videoId, canvasId) {
video = document.getElementById(videoId);
canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
this.setWidgets = function (videoId, canvasId) {
video = document.getElementById(videoId);
canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
if (video === undefined || canvas === undefined) {
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasStyle= window.getComputedStyle(canvas);
if (video === undefined || canvas === undefined) {
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasStyle= window.getComputedStyle(canvas);
if (video.paused || video.ended) {
video.addEventListener('play', function() {
} else {
if (video.paused || video.ended) {
video.addEventListener('play', function() {
} else {
this.grabFrame = function () {
if ( context === undefined || canvas === undefined || video === undefined)
if (video.paused || video.ended) {
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
this.grabFrame = function () {
if ( context === undefined || canvas === undefined || video === undefined)
if (video.paused || video.ended) {
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
['grabFrame', 'setWidgets'],
['onReady', 'onImage']
return {LiveSource: LiveSource, VideoSource: VideoSource};
['grabFrame', 'setWidgets'],
['onReady', 'onImage']
export default {LiveSource: LiveSource, VideoSource: VideoSource};
function (ARCS) {
var WindowEvent;
import ARCS from '../build/arcs.js';
WindowEvent = ARCS.Component.create(
function () {
var self= this;
window.onresize = function() {
self.emit("onResize",window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
let WindowEvent;
WindowEvent = ARCS.Component.create(
function () {
let self= this;
window.onresize = function() {
self.emit("onResize",window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
return { WindowEvent: WindowEvent};
\ No newline at end of file
export default { WindowEvent: WindowEvent};
......@@ -493,3 +493,5 @@ Mat3.prototype.row = function(index){
return new Vec3( m[index][0], m[index][1], m[index][2] );
export default POS;
......@@ -529,3 +529,5 @@ POS.Pose = function(error1, rotation1, translation1, error2, rotation2, translat
this.alternativeRotation = rotation2;
this.alternativeTranslation = translation2;
export default POS;
......@@ -129,4 +129,6 @@ POS.SquareFiducial.prototype.crossProduct = function(a,b) {
POS.SimplePose = function(pos, rot) {
this.position = pos;
this.rotation = rot;
\ No newline at end of file
export default POS;
......@@ -281,3 +281,5 @@ SVD.pythag = function(a, b){
SVD.sign = function(a, b){
return b >= 0.0? Math.abs(a): -Math.abs(a);
export default SVD;
arcs_module(function(ARCS) {
THREE.FrustumCamera = function ( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ) {
import * as THREE from './index.js';
let FrustumCamera = function ( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ) { this );
......@@ -17,22 +18,22 @@ THREE.FrustumCamera = function ( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ) {
THREE.FrustumCamera.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Camera.prototype );
THREE.FrustumCamera.prototype.constructor = THREE.FrustumCamera;
FrustumCamera.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Camera.prototype );
FrustumCamera.prototype.constructor = FrustumCamera;
THREE.FrustumCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix = function () {
FrustumCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix = function () {
this.left, this.right, this.bottom,, this.near, this.far
THREE.FrustumCamera.prototype.clone = function () {
FrustumCamera.prototype.clone = function () {
var camera = new THREE.FrustumCamera();
var camera = new FrustumCamera(); this, camera );
......@@ -51,6 +52,4 @@ THREE.FrustumCamera.prototype.clone = function () {
return {};
}, ['deps/three.js/index']
export default FrustumCamera;
......@@ -11,14 +11,17 @@
"author": "Jean-Yves Didier",
"license": "GPL",
"license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
"devDependencies": {
"bower": ">=1.3.9",
"grunt": ">=0.4.5",
"grunt-jslint": ">=1.1.12",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": ">=0.5.1",
"grunt-terser": "*",
"grunt-jsdoc": ">=0.5.6",
"grunt-bower-task": ">=0.4.0",
"grunt-contrib-concat": ">=0.5.0"
"grunt-contrib-concat": ">=0.5.0",
"grunt-contrib-copy": ">=1.0.0",
"grunt-file-append": ">=0.0.7",
"grunt-string-replace": ">=1.3.1"
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ ARCS.Application = function () {
* Starts the application
this.start = function () {
console.log("[ARCS] Starting application");
console.log("[ARCS] Starting application...");
......@@ -22,19 +22,11 @@ var ARCS = ARCS || {};
* Helper functions to determine environment
* ***************************************************************************/
* @return {boolean} true if ARCS is run in a node.js environment
ARCS.isInNode = function () {
return (typeof require === 'function' && require.resolve);
return (typeof require === 'function' && require.resolve);
* @return {boolean} true if ARCS is run with require.js
ARCS.isInRequire = function () {
return (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd);
......@@ -6,43 +6,31 @@ import ARCS from './arcs.js';
* It relies on require.js to get the job done.
* @file
"use strict";
// basically, here we start by importing the module ARCS
import ARCS from './arcs.js';
console.log("Bootstrapping ARCS...");
console.log("[ARCS] Bootstrapping...");
var baseUrl, appDescription, requireMarkup, xhr;
requireMarkup = document.querySelector('[data-main]');
requireMarkup = document.querySelector('[data-arcsapp]');
if (requireMarkup !== undefined) {
baseUrl = requireMarkup.dataset.baseUrl ;
appDescription = requireMarkup.dataset.arcsapp || "arcsapp.json";
// do not move these lines: must be performed before require
// changes paths.
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',appDescription,true);
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
console.error("[ARCS] Failed to get app description (",appDescription,"):",,e.message);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 0)) {
try {
console.log("ARCS application description loaded");
var applicationObject = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (baseUrl) {
// TODO change this line below
require.config( { baseUrl: baseUrl });
var aap = new ARCS.Application();
console.log("Starting application...");
} catch (e) {
console.error("[ARCS] Error while parsing JSON:",e);
(async function toto() {
var description = await(fetch(appDescription));
var applicationObject = await(description.json());
console.log("[ARCS] Application description loaded");
var aap = new ARCS.Application();
* definition of the main module function:
* it takes an anonymous function as a parameter
* the anonymous function has one parameter: the object encompassing
* ARCS definitions (in order to able to use ARCS.Component.create, ...)
* @param moduleDefinition {function} main function of the module.
* It should return a list of components
* @param deps {mixed[]} dependencies
// TODO remove dependency handling
// reimplementation using native promises
arcs_module = function(moduleDefinition) {
var storeComponents, i;
// TODO verify if this is still needed
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
if (module.parent.exports) {
ARCS = module.exports;
storeComponents = function () {
var mdef, p;
// we should insert ARCS at the beginning of deps !
mdef = (typeof moduleDefinition === 'function') ?
moduleDefinition.apply(this) : moduleDefinition;
if (mdef === undefined) {
throw new Error("[ARCS] Your module is undefined. Did you forget to export components?\nCode of module follows:\n" +moduleDefinition);
for (p in mdef) {
if (mdef.hasOwnProperty(p) && ARCS.Context.currentContext != null) {
ARCS.Context.currentContext.setFactory(p,mdef[p]); //.setFactory(ARCS.Application.currentApplication, p, mdef[p]);
return Promise.resolve();
// until now, it is the very same code.
function(reason) { console.error("[ARCS] Failed to load dependency ", reason ); })
#!/usr/bin/env node
var ARCS = require('./arcs.js');
var application = require('./appli.json');
var aap = new ARCS.Application();
#!/usr/bin/env -S node --experimental-modules --experimental-json-modules
import ARCS from './arcs.js';
import process from 'process';
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs';
//import application from './appli.json';
function usage() {
let sp = process.argv[1].lastIndexOf(path.delimiter);
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
var appDescription = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]);
if (appDescription === '') {
console.error("File '"+process.argv[2]+"' is empty.");
var application = JSON.parse(appDescription);
var aap = new ARCS.Application();
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
var constants = {};
var factories = {};
var libraries = [];
var depLibPromises=[];
//var depLibPromises=[];
var self = this;
var loadLibraries;
var loadDataFile;
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
if (ctx !== undefined) {
libraries = ctx.libraries;
var p;
for (p in ctx.components) {
if (ctx.components.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
components[p] = ctx.components[p];
......@@ -39,8 +40,7 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
loadDataFile = function(fileName) {
var loadDataFile =async function(fileName) {
var dataPromise ;
if (ARCS.isInNode()) {
......@@ -53,59 +53,12 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
} else {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',fileName,true);
client.onload = function() {
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
} else {
client.onerror = function() {
var client = await fetch(fileName);
return client.json();
this.addLibraryPromise = function(p) {
promiseLibrary = function(libName) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (libName.substr(-3) === '.js') {
if (ARCS.isInNode()) {
if (require("./" + libraries[i] + ".js") === undefined) {
} else {
} else {
function() {
function(err) {
loadLibraries = function () {
var loadLibraries = function () {
var i;
// we will use different instances of require either the one of node
// or the one from require.js
......@@ -113,14 +66,13 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
var res=[];
for(i=0; i < libraries.length; i++) {
return Promise.all(res);
instanciateComponents = function() {
var instanciateComponents = function() {
var p, promises=[];
for (p in components) {
if (components.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
......@@ -129,7 +81,7 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
console.error("[ARCS] Context dump follows: ", libraries, components, constants);
return ;
factory = factories[components[p].type];
var factory = factories[components[p].type];
//console.log("instanciating ", p);
try {
if (components[p].value !== undefined || components[p].url !== undefined || components[p].ref !== undefined) {
......@@ -140,11 +92,12 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
// we need currying here !
var delayInstanciation = function(p,factory) {
return function(obj) {
console.log("instanciating from data file");
components[p].instance = new factory(obj);
return Promise.resolve();
console.log("loading data file", components[p].url);
......@@ -177,13 +130,23 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
libActualName =;
libUrl = libName.url;
promiseLibrary(libUrl).then( function() {
if (libraries.indexOf(libActualName) < 0) {
// TODO promisify call to cbFunction
return import(libUrl).then( function(module) {
// TODO insert here component factories
for (p in module.default) {
if (module.default.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
if (cbFunction !== undefined) {
}).catch( function(msg) { console.error("[ARCS] Trouble loading '",libUrl,"' with reason -", msg) });
......@@ -300,9 +263,9 @@ ARCS.Context = function( ctx ) {
// this should return a promise !
this.instanciate = function () {
return loadLibraries().then(function() { return Promise.all(depLibPromises); })
.catch(function(msg) { console.log("[ARCS] Trouble instanciating context", msg); });
//! TODO
return loadLibraries().then(instanciateComponents)
.catch(function(msg) { console.error("[ARCS] Trouble instanciating context", msg); });
// no longer needed with the use of imports
// ARCS is then defined as a node.js module
if (!ARCS.isInNode()) {
var exports = {};
exports.Component = ARCS.Component;
exports.Connection = ARCS.Connection;
exports.Invocation = ARCS.Invocation;
exports.Statemachine = ARCS.Statemachine;
exports.Sheet = ARCS.Sheet;
exports.Application = ARCS.Application;
exports.EventLogicParser = ARCS.EventLogicParser;
exports.TransitionSystem = ARCS.TransitionSystem;
exports.isInNode = ARCS.isInNode;
exports.isInRequire = ARCS.isInRequire;
// hack for require.js
// ARCS is then defined as a require.js module.
if (ARCS.isInRequire()) {
//console.log("module ARCS in require.js");
export { ARCS as default};
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ = function(tree, tokenEvents) {
res =[0],tokenEvents);
var i;
for (i=1; i < tree.length; i++) {
if (tree[i].hasOwnProperty('and')) {
rightTN =[i]['and'], tokenEvents);
"context": {
"libraries": [
"components/arucodetector", "components/markerlocator",
"components/windowevent", "components/tokensender", "components/objecttransform"
"../components/arucodetector.js", "../components/markerlocator.js",
"../components/windowevent.js", "../components/tokensender.js", "../components/objecttransform.js"
"components": {
"viewer": { "type": "ARViewer"},
......@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
<title>ARCS: marker experiment</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="arcs.css">
<script data-main="../../build/arcs_browser"
<script src="../../build/arcs_browser.js"
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<video id="video" width=320 height=240 autoplay="true" style="display: none;"></video>
<video id="video" width=640 height=480 autoplay="true" style="display: none;"></video>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<div id="container" ></div>
<div id="contents">
"context" : {
"libraries" : [ "components/loop","components/console"],
"libraries" : [ "../components/loop.js","../components/console.js"],
"components" : {
"loop": { "type": "Loop" },
"dint": { "type": "DisplayInt" },
<title>ARCS engine</title>
<script data-main="../../build/arcs_browser"
<script data-base-url="../.."
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
<h1>ARCS in Web Browser</h1>
<div style="height:100px; overflow: auto; border: solid 1px navy;">
<p id="output" style="margin: 5px; padding: 5px;"></p>
<div style="height:80vh; overflow: auto; border: solid 1px navy;">
<p id="output" style="margin: 5px; padding: 5px; font-family: monospace;"></p>