Franck Pommereau

initial import

Showing 79 changed files with 945 additions and 0 deletions
1 +all: chap1 chap2
2 +
3 +chap1: chap1.pdf chap1-anim.gif
4 +
5 +chap2: chap2.pdf
6 + python3
7 + mv chap2*.gif chap2/
8 +
9 +%.pdf: %.tex
10 + latexmk -pdf $<
11 + latexmk -pdf -c $<
12 + mkdir -p $(*F)
13 + convert -background white -alpha remove -density 600 $@ $(*F)/fig-%03d.png
14 +
15 +%.gif: %.tex
16 + python3 $<
1 +from t2g import *
2 +
3 +markings = {0: dict(a=3, b=0, c=0, d=0),
4 + 1: dict(a=1, b=1, c=0, d=0),
5 + 2: dict(a=1, b=0, c=1, d=0),
6 + 3: dict(a=1, b=0, c=0, d=2),
7 + 4: dict(a=2, b=0, c=0, d=1),
8 + 5: dict(a=0, b=1, c=0, d=1),
9 + 6: dict(a=0, b=0, c=1, d=1),
10 + 7: dict(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=3)}
11 +
12 +state = {"a": 0, "b": 0, "c": 0, "d": 0}
13 +
14 +trans = {(0,1): "t",
15 + (1,2): "u",
16 + (2,3): "v",
17 + (3,4): "w",
18 + (4,0): "w",
19 + (4,5): "t",
20 + (5,6): "u",
21 + (6,7): "v",
22 + (7,3): "w",
23 + (6,2): "w",
24 + (5,1): "w"}
25 +
26 +active = dict((t, "") for t in "tuvw")
27 +active.update((s, "") for s in range(8))
28 +active.update((f, "") for f in trans)
29 +
30 +load("chap1-anim.tex")
31 +src = 0
32 +
33 +for dst in [1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 0] :
34 + state = markings[src]
35 + active[src] = "active"
36 + frame(.8)
37 + active[src,dst] = active[trans[src,dst]] = "active"
38 + frame(.8)
39 + active[src] = active[src,dst] = active[trans[src,dst]] = ""
40 + src = dst
41 +
42 +gif("chap1-anim.gif")
1 +\documentclass[multi={tikzpicture},crop=true,border=5pt]{standalone}
2 +
3 +\usepackage{tikz}
4 +\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,arrows.meta,petri}
5 +\tikzset{
6 + >=latex,
7 + every place/.style={minimum size=6mm},
8 + every transition/.style={minimum size=6mm},
9 + token distance=6pt,
10 +}
11 +
12 +\tikzstyle{trans}=[transition]
13 +
14 +\tikzstyle{state}=[draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
15 + fill=blue!70!gray!10!white,
16 + line width=2pt,
17 + cloud,cloud puffs=8,
18 + inner sep=-1pt]
19 +
20 +\tikzstyle{fire}=[arrows={-Straight Barb[scale=.6]},
21 + shorten >=-2pt, shorten <=-1pt,
22 + draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
23 + line width=2pt,
24 + fill opacity=0,
25 + text opacity=1,
26 + line cap=round,
27 + rounded corners]
28 +
29 +\tikzstyle{active}=[draw=green!50!gray!50!white,
30 + fill=green!70!gray!10!white]
31 +
32 +\def\matrix #1#2#3#4{%
33 + $\begin{array}{c@{\hspace{5pt}}c}
34 + #1 & #2 \\
35 + #3 & #4
36 + \end{array}$}
37 +
38 +\begin{document}
39 +
40 +%%FRAME
41 +
42 +\begin{tikzpicture}
43 + \begin{scope}[yshift=45mm,xshift=28mm,scale=1.2]
44 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["a"] }}] (a) at (0,0) {};
45 + \node[left] at (a.west) {$a$};
46 + \node[trans,{{ active["t"] }}] (t) at (1,0) {$t$};
47 + \draw[->] (a) -- node[above]{2} (t);
48 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["b"] }}] (b) at (2,0) {};
49 + \node[right] at (b.east) {$b$};
50 + \draw[->] (t) -- (b);
51 + \node[trans,{{ active["u"] }}] (u) at (2,-1) {$u$};
52 + \draw[->] (b) -- (u);
53 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["c"] }}] (c) at (2,-2) {};
54 + \node[right] at (c.east) {$c$};
55 + \draw[->] (u) -- (c);
56 + \node[trans,{{ active["v"] }}] (v) at (1,-2) {$v$};
57 + \draw[->] (c) -- (v);
58 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["d"] }}] (d) at (0,-2) {};
59 + \node[left] at (d.west) {$d$};
60 + \draw[->] (v) -- node[above]{2} (d);
61 + \node[trans,{{ active["w"] }}] (w) at (0,-1) {$w$};
62 + \draw[->] (d) -- (w);
63 + \draw[->] (w) -- (a);
64 + \end{scope}
65 + \begin{scope}[scale=2]
66 + \node[state,{{ active[0] }}] (0) at (0,0) {\matrix 3000};
67 + \node[state,{{ active[1] }}] (1) at (1,0) {\matrix 1100};
68 + \draw[fire,{{ active[0,1] }}] (0) -- node[above] {$t$} (1);
69 + \node[state,{{ active[2] }}] (2) at (2,0) {\matrix 1001};
70 + \draw[fire,{{ active[1,2] }}] (1) -- node[above] {$u$} (2);
71 + \node[state,{{ active[3] }}] (3) at (3,0) {\matrix 1020};
72 + \draw[fire,{{ active[2,3] }}] (2) -- node[above] {$v$} (3);
73 + \node[state,{{ active[4] }}] (4) at (4,0) {\matrix 2010};
74 + \draw[fire,{{ active[3,4] }}] (3) -- node[above] {$w$} (4);
75 + \draw[fire,{{ active[4,0] }}] (4) |- node[near end,above] {$w$} +(-1,.5) -| (0);
76 + \node[state,{{ active[5] }}] (5) at (1,-1) {\matrix 0110};
77 + \draw[fire,{{ active[4,5] }}] (4) |- node[pos=.05,right] {$t$} +(-1,-1.5) -| (5);
78 + \draw[fire,{{ active[5,1] }}] (5) -- node[left] {$w$} (1);
79 + \node[state,{{ active[6] }}] (6) at (2,-1) {\matrix 0011};
80 + \draw[fire,{{ active[5,6] }}] (5) -- node[above] {$u$} (6);
81 + \draw[fire,{{ active[6,2] }}] (6) -- node[left] {$w$} (2);
82 + \node[state,{{ active[7] }}] (7) at (3,-1) {\matrix 0030};
83 + \draw[fire,{{ active[7,3] }}] (7) -- node[left] {$w$} (3);
84 + \draw[fire,{{ active[6,7] }}] (6) -- node[above] {$v$} (7);
85 + \end{scope}
86 +\end{tikzpicture}
87 +
88 +%%/FRAME
89 +
90 +\end{document}
1 +\documentclass[multi={tikzpicture},crop=true,border=5pt]{standalone}
2 +
3 +\usepackage{tikz}
4 +\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,arrows.meta,petri}
5 +\tikzset{
6 + >=latex,
7 + every place/.style={minimum size=6mm},
8 + every transition/.style={minimum size=6mm},
9 + token distance=6pt,
10 +}
11 +
12 +\tikzstyle{trans}=[transition]
13 +
14 +\tikzstyle{state}=[draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
15 + fill=blue!70!gray!10!white,
16 + line width=2pt,
17 + cloud,cloud puffs=8,
18 + inner sep=-1pt]
19 +
20 +\tikzstyle{fire}=[arrows={-Straight Barb[scale=.6]},
21 + shorten >=-2pt, shorten <=-1pt,
22 + draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
23 + line width=2pt,
24 + line cap=round,
25 + rounded corners]
26 +
27 +\def\matrix #1#2#3#4{%
28 + $\begin{array}{c@{\hspace{5pt}}c}
29 + #1 & #2 \\
30 + #3 & #4
31 + \end{array}$}
32 +
33 +\begin{document}
34 +
35 +% Les réseaux de Petri
36 +
37 +% Chapitre 1. Quoi ?
38 +% Où l'on apprend ce que sont les réseaux de Petri.
39 +
40 +%%%
41 +
42 +% Ceci est une place.
43 +
44 +\begin{tikzpicture}
45 + \node[place] (p) at (0,0) {};
46 +\end{tikzpicture}
47 +
48 +% Une place peut contenir des jetons (ici 3).
49 +
50 +\begin{tikzpicture}
51 + \node[place,tokens=3] (p) at (0,0) {};
52 +\end{tikzpicture}
53 +
54 +% Ceci est une transition.
55 +
56 +% Une transition ne peut pas contenir de jetons, non non.
57 +
58 +\begin{tikzpicture}
59 + \node[trans] (t) at (0,0) {};
60 +\end{tikzpicture}
61 +
62 +% Ceci est un arc.
63 +
64 +\begin{tikzpicture}
65 + \draw[->] (0,0) -- (1,0);
66 +\end{tikzpicture}
67 +
68 +% Un arc peut être décoré par un nombre entier (valant au moins 1).
69 +
70 +% Quand on ne met pas de nombre, c'est qu'il vaut 1.
71 +
72 +\begin{tikzpicture}
73 + \draw[->] (0,0) -- node[above]{2} (1,0);
74 +\end{tikzpicture}
75 +
76 +% Un arc relie une place à une transition, ou l'inverse.
77 +
78 +\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=1.2]
79 + \node[place,tokens=3] (p) at (0,0) {};
80 + \node[trans] (t) at (1,0) {};
81 + \draw[->] (p) -- node[above]{2} (t);
82 + \node[trans] (u) at (0,-1) {};
83 + \node[place] (q) at (1,-1) {};
84 + \draw[->] (u) -- (q);
85 +\end{tikzpicture}
86 +
87 +% Mais un arc ne relie jamais deux places ou deux transitions.
88 +% Jamais, jamais.
89 +
90 +\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=1.2]
91 + \node[place,tokens=3] (p) at (0,0) {};
92 + \node[place] (q) at (1,0) {};
93 + \draw[->] (p) -- node[above]{2} (q);
94 + \node[trans] (t) at (0,-1) {};
95 + \node[trans] (u) at (1,-1) {};
96 + \draw[->] (t) -- (u);
97 + \node[forbidden sign,line width=5pt,draw=red,inner sep=6mm] at (.5,-.5) {};
98 +\end{tikzpicture}
99 +
100 +% Ceci est un réseau de Petri que nous appellerons Carl.
101 +
102 +% Carl a une transition, deux places (l'une a trois jetons, l'autre
103 +% zéro), et deux arcs.
104 +
105 +\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=1.2]
106 + \node[place,tokens=3] (p) at (0,0) {};
107 + \node[trans] (t) at (1,0) {};
108 + \draw[->] (p) -- node[above]{2} (t);
109 + \node[place] (q) at (2,0) {};
110 + \draw[->] (t) -- (q);
111 +\end{tikzpicture}
112 +
113 +% Les transitions consomment et produisent des jetons dans les places,
114 +% selon ce qu'indiquent les arcs.
115 +
116 +% La transition de Carl peut consommer deux jetons dans la place de
117 +% gauche et en produire un dans celle de droite (le 1 n'est pas
118 +% indiqué puisque c'est 1 justement).
119 +
120 +% Si elle le fait, on dit qu'on tire la transition.
121 +
122 +%%%
123 +
124 +% Ici, Carl a tiré sa transition. Deux jetons ont disparu de la place
125 +% de gauche, et un a été ajouté dans celle de droite. Comme indiqué
126 +% par les arcs.
127 +
128 +\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=1.2]
129 + \node[place,tokens=1] (p) at (0,0) {};
130 + \node[trans] (t) at (1,0) {};
131 + \draw[->] (p) -- node[above]{2} (t);
132 + \node[place,tokens=1] (q) at (2,0) {};
133 + \draw[->] (t) -- (q);
134 +\end{tikzpicture}
135 +
136 +% Maintenant, Carl ne peut plus tirer sa transition, car elle ne peut
137 +% pas consommer deux jetons dans la place de gauche qui n'en contient
138 +% qu'un. Donc Carl est bloqué. (Pauvre Carl.)
139 +
140 +%%%
141 +
142 +% Voici un autre réseau de Petri, appelons le Adam. Comme il a
143 +% beaucoup de places et de transitions, on leur donne des noms: a, b,
144 +% c, d pour les places, et t, u, v, w pour les transitions.
145 +
146 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
147 + \node[place,tokens=3] (a) at (0,0) {};
148 + \node[left] at (a.west) {$a$};
149 + \node[trans] (t) at (1,0) {$t$};
150 + \draw[->] (a) -- node[above]{2} (t);
151 + \node[place] (b) at (2,0) {};
152 + \node[right] at (b.east) {$b$};
153 + \draw[->] (t) -- (b);
154 + \node[trans] (u) at (2,-1) {$u$};
155 + \draw[->] (b) -- (u);
156 + \node[place] (c) at (2,-2) {};
157 + \node[right] at (c.east) {$c$};
158 + \draw[->] (u) -- (c);
159 + \node[trans] (v) at (1,-2) {$v$};
160 + \draw[->] (c) -- (v);
161 + \node[place] (d) at (0,-2) {};
162 + \node[left] at (d.west) {$d$};
163 + \draw[->] (v) -- node[above]{2} (d);
164 + \node[trans] (w) at (0,-1) {$w$};
165 + \draw[->] (d) -- (w);
166 + \draw[->] (w) -- (a);
167 +\end{tikzpicture}
168 +
169 +% Adam a trois jetons dans sa place a, et aucun ailleurs. On appelle
170 +% ça son marquage, c'est-à-dire le nombre de jetons dans chaque place.
171 +
172 +% On peut le dessiner dans un petit nuage bleu.
173 +
174 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
175 + \node[state] (s) at (1,-1) {\matrix 3000};
176 + \node[place,tokens=3] (a) at (0,0) {};
177 + \node[left] at (a.west) {$a$};
178 + \node[trans] (t) at (1,0) {$t$};
179 + \draw[->] (a) -- node[above]{2} (t);
180 + \node[place] (b) at (2,0) {};
181 + \node[right] at (b.east) {$b$};
182 + \draw[->] (t) -- (b);
183 + \node[trans] (u) at (2,-1) {$u$};
184 + \draw[->] (b) -- (u);
185 + \node[place] (c) at (2,-2) {};
186 + \node[right] at (c.east) {$c$};
187 + \draw[->] (u) -- (c);
188 + \node[trans] (v) at (1,-2) {$v$};
189 + \draw[->] (c) -- (v);
190 + \node[place] (d) at (0,-2) {};
191 + \node[left] at (d.west) {$d$};
192 + \draw[->] (v) -- node[above]{2} (d);
193 + \node[trans] (w) at (0,-1) {$w$};
194 + \draw[->] (d) -- (w);
195 + \draw[->] (w) -- (a);
196 + \draw[|->,yellow,very thick,shorten >=-10pt] (a) -- (s.north west);
197 + \draw[|->,yellow,very thick,shorten >=-10pt] (b) -- (s.north east);
198 + \draw[|->,yellow,very thick,shorten >=-10pt] (c) -- (s.south east);
199 + \draw[|->,yellow,very thick,shorten >=-10pt] (d) -- (s.south west);
200 +\end{tikzpicture}
201 +
202 +% Adam peut tirer sa transition t, ce qui enlèvera deux jetons dans a
203 +% et en ajoutera un dans b. On obtient alors ce marquage.
204 +
205 +\begin{tikzpicture}
206 + \node[state] {\matrix 1100};
207 +\end{tikzpicture}
208 +
209 +% On peut représenter cette évolution entre deux marquages par un
210 +% graphe.
211 +
212 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
213 + \node[state] (0) at (0,0) {\matrix 3000};
214 + \node[state] (1) at (1,0) {\matrix 1100};
215 + \draw[fire] (0) -- node[above] {$t$} (1);
216 +\end{tikzpicture}
217 +
218 +% Et on peut prolonger ce graphe en tirant u, v, puis w.
219 +
220 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
221 + \node[state] (0) at (0,0) {\matrix 3000};
222 + \node[state] (1) at (1,0) {\matrix 1100};
223 + \draw[fire] (0) -- node[above] {$t$} (1);
224 + \node[state] (2) at (2,0) {\matrix 1001};
225 + \draw[fire] (1) -- node[above] {$u$} (2);
226 + \node[state] (3) at (3,0) {\matrix 1020};
227 + \draw[fire] (2) -- node[above] {$v$} (3);
228 + \node[state] (4) at (4,0) {\matrix 2010};
229 + \draw[fire] (3) -- node[above] {$w$} (4);
230 +\end{tikzpicture}
231 +
232 +% À partir du dernier marquage atteint, on peut encore tirer w, et on
233 +% retrouve alors le marquage départ.
234 +
235 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
236 + \node[state] (0) at (0,0) {\matrix 3000};
237 + \node[state] (1) at (1,0) {\matrix 1100};
238 + \draw[fire] (0) -- node[above] {$t$} (1);
239 + \node[state] (2) at (2,0) {\matrix 1001};
240 + \draw[fire] (1) -- node[above] {$u$} (2);
241 + \node[state] (3) at (3,0) {\matrix 1020};
242 + \draw[fire] (2) -- node[above] {$v$} (3);
243 + \node[state] (4) at (4,0) {\matrix 2010};
244 + \draw[fire] (3) -- node[above] {$w$} (4);
245 + \draw[fire] (4) |- node[near end,above] {$w$} +(-1,.5) -| (0);
246 +\end{tikzpicture}
247 +
248 +% Mais, hop hop hop, pas si vite... Au lieu de tirer w, on aurait
249 +% aussi pu tirer t puisqu'il y a deux jetons dans a. Du coup, on
250 +% obtient un branchement dans notre graphe.
251 +
252 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
253 + \node[state] (0) at (0,0) {\matrix 3000};
254 + \node[state] (1) at (1,0) {\matrix 1100};
255 + \draw[fire] (0) -- node[above] {$t$} (1);
256 + \node[state] (2) at (2,0) {\matrix 1001};
257 + \draw[fire] (1) -- node[above] {$u$} (2);
258 + \node[state] (3) at (3,0) {\matrix 1020};
259 + \draw[fire] (2) -- node[above] {$v$} (3);
260 + \node[state] (4) at (4,0) {\matrix 2010};
261 + \draw[fire] (3) -- node[above] {$w$} (4);
262 + \draw[fire] (4) |- node[near end,above] {$w$} +(-1,.5) -| (0);
263 + \node[state] (5) at (1,-1) {\matrix 0110};
264 + \draw[fire] (4) |- node[pos=.05,right] {$t$} +(-1,-1.5) -| (5);
265 +\end{tikzpicture}
266 +
267 +% On continue : à partir de chaque marquage, on tire toutes les
268 +% transitions possibles. Et on obtient ce qu'on appelle le graphe de
269 +% marquages.
270 +
271 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
272 + \node[state] (0) at (0,0) {\matrix 3000};
273 + \node[state] (1) at (1,0) {\matrix 1100};
274 + \draw[fire] (0) -- node[above] {$t$} (1);
275 + \node[state] (2) at (2,0) {\matrix 1001};
276 + \draw[fire] (1) -- node[above] {$u$} (2);
277 + \node[state] (3) at (3,0) {\matrix 1020};
278 + \draw[fire] (2) -- node[above] {$v$} (3);
279 + \node[state] (4) at (4,0) {\matrix 2010};
280 + \draw[fire] (3) -- node[above] {$w$} (4);
281 + \draw[fire] (4) |- node[near end,above] {$w$} +(-1,.5) -| (0);
282 + \node[state] (5) at (1,-1) {\matrix 0110};
283 + \draw[fire] (4) |- node[pos=.05,right] {$t$} +(-1,-1.5) -| (5);
284 + \draw[fire] (5) -- node[left] {$w$} (1);
285 + \node[state] (6) at (2,-1) {\matrix 0011};
286 + \draw[fire] (5) -- node[above] {$u$} (6);
287 + \draw[fire] (6) -- node[left] {$w$} (2);
288 + \node[state] (7) at (3,-1) {\matrix 0030};
289 + \draw[fire] (7) -- node[left] {$w$} (3);
290 + \draw[fire] (6) -- node[above] {$v$} (7);
291 +\end{tikzpicture}
292 +
293 +% Revoyons cette action au ralenti...
294 +
295 +% On remarque qu'Adam, contrairement à Carl, n'a aucun blocage.
296 +% (C'est un réseau épanoui.)
297 +
298 +%%%
299 +
300 +% Notre chapitre 1 est maintenant terminé.
301 +
302 +% À bientôt pour le chapitre 2: pourquoi ?
303 +
304 +\end{document}
1 +from t2g import *
2 +
3 +#######################
4 +
5 +load("chap2-gates.tex")
6 +
7 +state = {"low": 0, "high": 1}
8 +active = {"down": "", "up": ""}
9 +
10 +frame(.8)
11 +active["down"] = "active"
12 +frame(.8)
13 +active["down"] = ""
14 +state = {"low": 1, "high": 0}
15 +frame(.8)
16 +active["up"] = "active"
17 +frame(.8)
18 +
19 +gif("chap2-gates.gif")
20 +
21 +#######################
22 +
23 +load("chap2-track.tex")
24 +
25 +state = {"far": 1, "before": 0, "inside": 0}
26 +active = {"enter": "", "exit": "", "approach": ""}
27 +
28 +frame(.8)
29 +active["approach"] = "active"
30 +frame(.8)
31 +active["approach"] = ""
32 +state = {"far": 0, "before": 1, "inside": 0}
33 +frame(.8)
34 +active["enter"] = "active"
35 +frame(.8)
36 +active["enter"] = ""
37 +state = {"far": 0, "before": 0, "inside": 1}
38 +frame(.8)
39 +active["exit"] = "active"
40 +frame(.8)
41 +
42 +gif("chap2-track.gif")
43 +
44 +#######################
45 +
46 +load("chap2-draft.tex")
47 +
48 +state = {"far": 1, "before": 0, "inside": 0, "low": 0, "high": 1, "godown": 0, "goup": 0}
49 +active = {"enter": "", "exit": "", "approach": "", "down": "", "up": ""}
50 +
51 +frame(.8)
52 +active["approach"] = "active"
53 +frame(.8)
54 +active["approach"] = ""
55 +state = {"far": 0, "before": 1, "inside": 0, "low": 0, "high": 1, "godown": 1, "goup": 0}
56 +frame(.8)
57 +active["down"] = "active"
58 +frame(.8)
59 +active["down"] = ""
60 +state = {"far": 0, "before": 1, "inside": 0, "low": 1, "high": 0, "godown": 0, "goup": 0}
61 +frame(.8)
62 +active["enter"] = "active"
63 +frame(.8)
64 +active["enter"] = ""
65 +state = {"far": 0, "before": 0, "inside": 1, "low": 1, "high": 0, "godown": 0, "goup": 0}
66 +frame(.8)
67 +active["exit"] = "active"
68 +frame(.8)
69 +active["exit"] = ""
70 +state = {"far": 1, "before": 0, "inside": 0, "low": 1, "high": 0, "godown": 0, "goup": 1}
71 +frame(.8)
72 +active["up"] = "active"
73 +frame(.8)
74 +
75 +gif("chap2-draft.gif")
76 +
77 +#######################
78 +
79 +load("chap2-test.tex")
80 +
81 +state = {"far": 1, "before": 0, "inside": 0, "low": 0, "high": 1, "godown": 0, "goup": 0}
82 +active = {"enter": "", "exit": "", "approach": "", "down": "", "up": "",
83 + 0: "active"}
84 +active.update((s, "") for s in range(1,5))
85 +
86 +frame(.8)
87 +active["approach"] = "active"
88 +frame(.8)
89 +active["approach"] = active[0] = ""
90 +active[1] = "active"
91 +state = {"far": 0, "before": 1, "inside": 0, "low": 0, "high": 1, "godown": 1, "goup": 0}
92 +frame(.8)
93 +active["down"] = "active"
94 +frame(.8)
95 +active["down"] = active[1] = ""
96 +active[2] = "active"
97 +state = {"far": 0, "before": 1, "inside": 0, "low": 1, "high": 0, "godown": 0, "goup": 0}
98 +frame(.8)
99 +active["enter"] = "active"
100 +frame(.8)
101 +active["enter"] = active[2] = ""
102 +active[3] = "active"
103 +state = {"far": 0, "before": 0, "inside": 1, "low": 1, "high": 0, "godown": 0, "goup": 0}
104 +frame(.8)
105 +active["exit"] = "active"
106 +frame(.8)
107 +active["exit"] = active[3] = ""
108 +active[4] = "active"
109 +state = {"far": 1, "before": 0, "inside": 0, "low": 1, "high": 0, "godown": 0, "goup": 1}
110 +frame(.8)
111 +active["up"] = "active"
112 +frame(.8)
113 +
114 +gif("chap2-test.gif", dpi=450)
1 +\documentclass[multi={tikzpicture},crop=true,border=5pt]{standalone}
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9 + >=latex,
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12 + token distance=6pt,
13 +}
14 +
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16 +
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18 +
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20 + fill=blue!70!gray!10!white,
21 + line width=2pt,
22 + cloud,cloud puffs=8,
23 + inner sep=-1pt]
24 +
25 +\tikzstyle{fire}=[arrows={-Straight Barb[scale=.6]},
26 + shorten >=-2pt, shorten <=-1pt,
27 + draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
28 + line width=2pt,
29 + line cap=round,
30 + rounded corners]
31 +
32 +\tikzstyle{active}=[draw=green!50!gray!50!white,
33 + fill=green!70!gray!10!white]
34 +
35 +\begin{document}
36 +
37 +%%FRAME
38 +
39 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
40 + \node[trans,{{ active["approach"] }}] (approach) at (0,0) {};
41 + \node[rotate=45] at (approach) {\tiny\textsf{approche}};
42 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["before"] }}] (before) at (1,0) {};
43 + \node[below] at (before.south) {\tiny\textsf{avant}};
44 + \node[trans,{{ active["enter"] }}] (enter) at (2,0) {};
45 + \node[rotate=45] at (enter) {\tiny\textsf{entre}};
46 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["inside"] }}] (inside) at (3,0) {};
47 + \node[below] at (inside.south) {\tiny\textsf{dedans}};
48 + \node[trans,{{ active["exit"] }}] (exit) at (4,0) {};
49 + \node[rotate=45] at (exit) {\tiny\textsf{sort}};
50 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["far"] }}] (far) at (2,-1) {};
51 + \node[below] at (far.south) {\tiny\textsf{loin}};
52 + \draw[arc] (before) -- (enter);
53 + \draw[arc] (enter) -- (inside);
54 + \draw[arc] (inside) -- (exit);
55 + \draw[arc] (exit) |- (far);
56 + \draw[arc] (far) -| (approach);
57 + \draw[arc] (approach) -- (before);
58 + %
59 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["low"] }}] (low) at (2,1) {};
60 + \node[below] at (low.south) {\tiny\textsf{bas}};
61 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["high"] }}] (high) at (2,3) {};
62 + \node[above] at (high.north) {\tiny\textsf{haut}};
63 + \node[trans,{{ active["down"] }}] (down) at (1,2) {};
64 + \node[rotate=45] at (down) {\tiny\textsf{baisse}};
65 + \node[trans,{{ active["up"] }}] (up) at (3,2) {};
66 + \node[rotate=45] at (up) {\tiny\textsf{lève}};
67 + \draw[arc] (high) -| (down);
68 + \draw[arc] (down) |- (low);
69 + \draw[arc] (low) -| (up);
70 + \draw[arc] (up) |- (high);
71 + %
72 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["godown"] }}] (godown) at (0,2) {};
73 + \node[above] at (godown.north) {\tiny\textsf{descendre}};
74 + \draw[arc] (approach) -- (godown);
75 + \draw[arc] (godown) -- (down);
76 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["goup"] }}] (goup) at (4,2) {};
77 + \node[above] at (goup.north) {\tiny\textsf{relever}};
78 + \draw[arc] (exit) -- (goup);
79 + \draw[arc] (goup) -- (up);
80 +\end{tikzpicture}
81 +
82 +%%/FRAME
83 +
84 +\end{document}
1 +\documentclass[multi={tikzpicture},crop=true,border=5pt]{standalone}
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9 + >=latex,
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13 +}
14 +
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16 +
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18 +
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20 + fill=blue!70!gray!10!white,
21 + line width=2pt,
22 + cloud,cloud puffs=8,
23 + inner sep=-1pt]
24 +
25 +\tikzstyle{fire}=[arrows={-Straight Barb[scale=.6]},
26 + shorten >=-2pt, shorten <=-1pt,
27 + draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
28 + line width=2pt,
29 + line cap=round,
30 + rounded corners]
31 +
32 +\tikzstyle{active}=[draw=green!50!gray!50!white,
33 + fill=green!70!gray!10!white]
34 +
35 +\begin{document}
36 +
37 +%%FRAME
38 +
39 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
40 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["low"] }}] (low) at (0,0) {};
41 + \node[below] at (low.south) {\tiny\textsf{bas}};
42 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["high"] }}] (high) at (0,2) {};
43 + \node[above] at (high.north) {\tiny\textsf{haut}};
44 + \node[trans,{{ active["down"] }}] (down) at (-1,1) {};
45 + \node[rotate=45] at (down) {\tiny\textsf{baisse}};
46 + \node[trans,{{ active["up"] }}] (up) at (1,1) {};
47 + \node[rotate=45] at (up) {\tiny\textsf{lève}};
48 + \draw[arc] (high) -| (down);
49 + \draw[arc] (down) |- (low);
50 + \draw[arc] (low) -| (up);
51 + \draw[arc] (up) |- (high);
52 + {% if state["low"] == 1 %}
53 + \node at (2.5,1) {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{../chap2/low}};
54 + {% else %}
55 + \node at (2.5,1) {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{../chap2/high}};
56 + {% endif %}
57 +\end{tikzpicture}
58 +
59 +%%/FRAME
60 +
61 +\end{document}
1 +\documentclass[multi={tikzpicture},crop=true,border=5pt]{standalone}
2 +
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6 +\usepackage{tikz}
7 +\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,arrows.meta,petri}
8 +\tikzset{
9 + >=latex,
10 + every place/.style={minimum size=6mm},
11 + every transition/.style={minimum size=6mm},
12 + token distance=6pt,
13 +}
14 +
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16 +
17 +\tikzstyle{arc}=[->,rounded corners]
18 +
19 +\tikzstyle{state}=[draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
20 + fill=blue!70!gray!10!white,
21 + line width=2pt,
22 + cloud,cloud puffs=8,
23 + inner sep=-3pt]
24 +
25 +\tikzstyle{fire}=[arrows={-Straight Barb[scale=.6]},
26 + shorten >=-2pt, shorten <=-1pt,
27 + draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
28 + fill opacity=0,
29 + text opacity=1,
30 + line width=2pt,
31 + line cap=round,
32 + rounded corners]
33 +
34 +\tikzstyle{active}=[draw=green!50!gray!50!white,
35 + fill=green!70!gray!10!white]
36 +
37 +\def\matrix #1#2#3#4#5#6#7{%
38 + {\small$\begin{array}{c@{\hspace{12pt}}c}
39 + \multicolumn{2}{c}{#1} \\[-6pt]
40 + #2 & #3 \\[-6pt]
41 + \multicolumn{2}{c}{\color{red}#4} \\[-6pt]
42 + #5 & \color{red}#6 \\[-6pt]
43 + \multicolumn{2}{c}{#7}
44 + \end{array}$}}
45 +
46 +\begin{document}
47 +
48 +%%FRAME
49 +
50 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
51 + \node[trans,{{ active["approach"] }}] (approach) at (0,0) {};
52 + \node[rotate=45] at (approach) {\tiny\textsf{approche}};
53 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["before"] }}] (before) at (1,0) {};
54 + \node[below] at (before.south) {\tiny\textsf{avant}};
55 + \node[trans,{{ active["enter"] }}] (enter) at (2,0) {};
56 + \node[rotate=45] at (enter) {\tiny\textsf{entre}};
57 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["inside"] }}] (inside) at (3,0) {};
58 + \node[below] at (inside.south) {\tiny\textsf{dedans}};
59 + \node[trans,{{ active["exit"] }}] (exit) at (4,0) {};
60 + \node[rotate=45] at (exit) {\tiny\textsf{sort}};
61 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["far"] }}] (far) at (2,-1) {};
62 + \node[below] at (far.south) {\tiny\textsf{loin}};
63 + \draw[arc] (before) -- (enter);
64 + \draw[arc] (enter) -- (inside);
65 + \draw[arc] (inside) -- (exit);
66 + \draw[arc] (exit) |- (far);
67 + \draw[arc] (far) -| (approach);
68 + \draw[arc] (approach) -- (before);
69 + %
70 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["low"] }}] (low) at (2,1) {};
71 + \node[below] at (low.south) {\tiny\textsf{bas}};
72 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["high"] }}] (high) at (2,3) {};
73 + \node[above] at (high.north) {\tiny\textsf{haut}};
74 + \node[trans,{{ active["down"] }}] (down) at (1,2) {};
75 + \node[rotate=45] at (down) {\tiny\textsf{baisse}};
76 + \node[trans,{{ active["up"] }}] (up) at (3,2) {};
77 + \node[rotate=45] at (up) {\tiny\textsf{lève}};
78 + \draw[arc] (high) -| (down);
79 + \draw[arc] (down) |- (low);
80 + \draw[arc] (low) -| (up);
81 + \draw[arc] (up) |- (high);
82 + %
83 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["godown"] }}] (godown) at (0,2) {};
84 + \node[above] at (godown.north) {\tiny\textsf{descendre}};
85 + \draw[arc] (approach) -- (godown);
86 + \draw[arc] (godown) -- (down);
87 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["goup"] }}] (goup) at (4,2) {};
88 + \node[above] at (goup.north) {\tiny\textsf{relever}};
89 + \draw[arc] (exit) -- (goup);
90 + \draw[arc] (goup) -- (up);
91 + %
92 + \begin{scope}[scale=2,yshift=-12mm]
93 + \node[state,{{ active[0] }}] (0) at (0,0) {\matrix 1000001};
94 + \node[state,{{ active[1] }}] (1) at (1,0) {\matrix 1100100};
95 + \node[state,{{ active[2] }}] (2) at (2,0) {\matrix 0001100};
96 + \node[state,{{ active[3] }}] (3) at (1.5,-1) {\matrix 0001010};
97 + \node[state,{{ active[4] }}] (4) at (.5,-1) {\matrix 0011001};
98 + \draw[fire,{{ active["approach"] }}] (0) -- node[above]{\tiny\textsf{approche}} (1);
99 + \draw[fire,{{ active["down"] }}] (1) -- node[above]{\tiny\textsf{baisse}} (2);
100 + \draw[fire,{{ active["enter"] }}] (2) |- node[left,pos=.1]{\tiny\textsf{entre}} (3);
101 + \draw[fire,{{ active["exit"] }}] (3) -- node[above]{\tiny\textsf{sort}} (4);
102 + \draw[fire,{{ active["up"] }}] (4) -| node[left,pos=.6]{\tiny\textsf{lève}} (0);
103 + \end{scope}
104 +\end{tikzpicture}
105 +
106 +%%/FRAME
107 +
108 +\end{document}
1 +\documentclass[multi={tikzpicture},crop=true,border=5pt]{standalone}
2 +
3 +\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
4 +
5 +\usepackage{verbatim}
6 +\usepackage{tikz}
7 +\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,arrows.meta,petri}
8 +\tikzset{
9 + >=latex,
10 + every place/.style={minimum size=6mm},
11 + every transition/.style={minimum size=6mm},
12 + token distance=6pt,
13 +}
14 +
15 +\tikzstyle{trans}=[transition]
16 +
17 +\tikzstyle{arc}=[->,rounded corners]
18 +
19 +\tikzstyle{state}=[draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
20 + fill=blue!70!gray!10!white,
21 + line width=2pt,
22 + cloud,cloud puffs=8,
23 + inner sep=-1pt]
24 +
25 +\tikzstyle{fire}=[arrows={-Straight Barb[scale=.6]},
26 + shorten >=-2pt, shorten <=-1pt,
27 + draw=blue!50!gray!50!white,
28 + line width=2pt,
29 + line cap=round,
30 + rounded corners]
31 +
32 +\tikzstyle{active}=[draw=green!50!gray!50!white,
33 + fill=green!70!gray!10!white]
34 +
35 +\begin{document}
36 +
37 +%%FRAME
38 +
39 +\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
40 + \node[trans,{{ active["approach"] }}] (approach) at (0,0) {};
41 + \node[rotate=45] at (approach) {\tiny\textsf{approche}};
42 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["before"] }}] (before) at (1,0) {};
43 + \node[below] at (before.south) {\tiny\textsf{avant}};
44 + \node[trans,{{ active["enter"] }}] (enter) at (2,0) {};
45 + \node[rotate=45] at (enter) {\tiny\textsf{entre}};
46 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["inside"] }}] (inside) at (3,0) {};
47 + \node[below] at (inside.south) {\tiny\textsf{dedans}};
48 + \node[trans,{{ active["exit"] }}] (exit) at (4,0) {};
49 + \node[rotate=45] at (exit) {\tiny\textsf{sort}};
50 + \node[place,tokens={{ state["far"] }}] (far) at (2,-1) {};
51 + \node[below] at (far.south) {\tiny\textsf{loin}};
52 + \draw[arc] (before) -- (enter);
53 + \draw[arc] (enter) -- (inside);
54 + \draw[arc] (inside) -- (exit);
55 + \draw[arc] (exit) |- (far);
56 + \draw[arc] (far) -| (approach);
57 + \draw[arc] (approach) -- (before);
58 + {% if state["far"] == 1 %}
59 + \node at (5.5,-.5) {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{../chap2/far}};
60 + {% elif state["before"] == 1 %}
61 + \node at (5.5,-.5) {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{../chap2/close}};
62 + {% else %}
63 + \node at (5.5,-.5) {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{../chap2/inside}};
64 + {% endif %}
65 +\end{tikzpicture}
66 +
67 +%%/FRAME
68 +
69 +\end{document}
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +import tempfile, os, os.path, inspect
2 +import jinja2
3 +
4 +class T2G (object) :
5 + def __init__ (self, env, header, body, trailer) :
6 + self.env = env
7 + self.tpl = jinja2.Template(body)
8 + self.trailer = trailer
9 + self.frames = []
10 + self.tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".t2g", dir=os.getcwd())
11 + self.out = open(os.path.join(, "frames.tex"), "w")
12 + self.out.write(header)
13 + def frame (self, duration) :
14 + env = self.env.copy()
15 + self.out.write("\n%%%%%% FRAME %s\n%s\n"
16 + % (len(self.frames), self.tpl.render(**env)))
17 + self.frames.append(duration * 100)
18 + def gif (self, path, dpi=500) :
19 + self.out.write("\n%%%%%% TRAILER\n\n%s\n" % self.trailer)
20 + self.out.flush()
21 + cwd = os.getcwd()
22 + path = os.path.join(cwd, path)
23 + try :
24 + os.chdir(
25 + os.system("latexmk -pdf -cd -f frames.tex")
26 + print("extracting frames")
27 + os.system("convert -background white -alpha remove -density %s"
28 + " frames.pdf frames.png" % dpi)
29 + print("building GIF")
30 + os.system("convert -layers OptimizeFrame -loop 0 %s %s"
31 + % (" ".join("-delay %s frames-%s.png" % (duration, frame)
32 + for frame, duration in enumerate(self.frames)),
33 + path))
34 + print("optimizing GIF")
35 + os.system("gifsicle --batch --optimize=3 %s" % path)
36 + finally :
37 + os.chdir(cwd)
38 +
39 +__t2g__ = None
40 +
41 +def load (path) :
42 + global __t2g__
43 + txt = open(path).read()
44 + header, txt = txt.split("%%FRAME")
45 + body, trailer = txt.split("%%/FRAME")
46 + stack = inspect.stack()
47 + __t2g__ = T2G(stack[1].frame.f_globals, header, body, trailer)
48 +
49 +def frame (duration) :
50 + global __t2g__
51 + assert __t2g__, "no template loaded"
52 + __t2g__.frame(duration)
53 +
54 +def gif (path, dpi=500) :
55 + global __t2g__
56 + assert __t2g__, "no template loaded"
57 + __t2g__.gif(path, dpi)