Franck Pommereau

remove doc gen

Showing 1 changed file with 1 additions and 6 deletions
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ all:
@echo "Commands:"
@echo " release prepare source for release"
@echo " tgz build a source tarball"
@echo " doc build API documentation"
@echo " dput build and upload Ubuntu packages"
@echo " clean delete some garbage files"
@echo " test run tests through supported Python implementations"
......@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ emacs:
echo $$((1+$$(cat debian/PPA))) > debian/PPA
release: committed test doc tgz
release: committed tgz
hg tag version-$$(cat VERSION)
echo 1 > debian/PPA
echo 1 > debian/VERSION
......@@ -36,15 +35,11 @@ lang:
tgz: committed
hg archive snakes-$$(cat VERSION)-$$(cat debian/VERSION)
cd snakes-$$(cat VERSION)-$$(cat debian/VERSION) && make doc
tar cf snakes-$$(cat VERSION)-$$(cat debian/VERSION).tar snakes-$$(cat VERSION)-$$(cat debian/VERSION)
rm -rf snakes-$$(cat VERSION)-$$(cat debian/VERSION)
gzip -9 snakes-$$(cat VERSION)-$$(cat debian/VERSION).tar
gpg --armor --sign --detach-sig snakes-$$(cat VERSION)-$$(cat debian/VERSION).tar.gz
doc: snakes/*.py snakes/plugins/*.py snakes/utils/*.py snakes/lang/*.py
make -C doc VERSION debian/*