Franck Pommereau

Merge branch 'andy' of into andy

1 +#!/usr/bin/env python
2 +import snakes.utils.andy.main as andymain
3 +andymain.main()
1 +# entities: tuple of name of the entities, initial level, tuple of decays 0
2 +# denotes unbounded decay (omega)
3 +# examples:
4 +# entities = ( ('B',4, (0,2,2,2,3)), ('P',0, (0,0)), ('C',0, (0,0)),
5 +# ('G',0, (0,0)) )
6 +# entities = ( ('Sugar',1, (0,2)), ('Aspartame',0, (0,2)),
7 +# ('Glycemia',2, (0,2,2,2)), ('Glucagon',0, (0,2)),
8 +# ('Insulin',0,(0,2,2)) )
9 +
10 +entities = ( ('s1',0, (0,1)), ('s2',0, (0,1)), ('s3',0, (0,1)) )
11 +
12 +# Activities: Tuple of (activators, inhibitors, results, duration)
13 +# activators, inhibitors are dictionaries of pairs
14 +# (entity, level)
15 +# results are dictionaries of pairs (entity, +z)
16 +
17 +# potential activities examples:
18 +# potential = ( (dict([('P',0)]),dict([('P',1)]),dict([('P',1)]),0),
19 +# (dict([('P',1)]),dict(),dict([('P',-1)]),0),
20 +# (dict([('C',0)]),dict([('C',1)]),dict([('C',1)]),0),
21 +# (dict([('C',1)]),dict(),dict([('C',-1)]),0),
22 +# (dict([('G',0)]),dict([('G',1)]),dict([('G',1)]),0),
23 +# (dict([('G',1)]),dict(),dict([('G',-1)]),0) )
24 +# potential = ( (dict([('Sugar',1)]),dict(),
25 +# dict([('Insulin',1),('Glycemia',1)]),0),
26 +# (dict([('Aspartame',1)]),dict(),dict([('Insulin',1)]),0),
27 +# (dict(),dict([('Glycemia',1)]),dict([('Glucagon',1)]),0),
28 +# (dict([('Glycemia',3)]),dict(),dict([('Insulin',1)]),0),
29 +# (dict([('Insulin',2)]),dict(),dict([('Glycemia',-1)]),0),
30 +# (dict([('Insulin',1),('Glycemia',3)]), dict(),
31 +# dict([('Glycemia',-1)]),0),
32 +# (dict([('Insulin',1)]),dict([('Glycemia',2)]),
33 +# dict([('Glycemia',-1)]),0),
34 +# (dict([('Glucagon',1)]),dict(),dict([('Glycemia',+1)]),0)
35 +# )
36 +
37 +potential = ( (dict(), dict([('s1',1)]), dict([('s2',1)]), 1),
38 + (dict(), dict([('s2',1)]), dict([('s3',1)]), 1),
39 + (dict(), dict([('s3',1)]), dict([('s1',1)]), 1) )
40 +
41 +# obligatory activities examples:
42 +# obligatory = ( (dict([('P',1)]),dict(),dict([('B',1)]),1),
43 +# (dict([('C',1)]),dict(),dict([('B',-1)]),3),
44 +# (dict([('G',1)]),dict(),dict([('B',-2)]),3))
45 +
46 +obligatory = ()
47 +
1 +"""This package features the Andy compiler, this is mainly a
2 +command-line tool but it can be called also from Python. The API is
3 +very simple and mimics the command line interface
4 +
5 +### Function `snakes.utils.andy.main.main` ###
6 +
7 + :::python
8 + def main (args=sys.argv[1:]) : ...
9 +
10 +Entry point of the compiler
11 +
12 +##### Call API #####
13 +
14 + * `list args`:
15 + * `return PetriNet`:
16 +
17 +##### Exceptions #####
18 +
19 + * `DeclarationError`: when
20 + * `CompilationError`: when
21 +
22 +"""
23 +
24 +# apidoc stop
25 +from snakes import SnakesError
26 +
27 +class CompilationError (SnakesError) :
28 + pass
29 +
30 +class DeclarationError (SnakesError) :
31 + pass
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +import sys, optparse, os.path, webbrowser
2 +import pdb, traceback
3 +import snakes.plugins
4 +from snakes.utils.andy import CompilationError, DeclarationError
5 +from snakes.utils.andy.simul import Simulator, AndySimulator
6 +from snakes.utils.andy.andy import andy2snakes
7 +from snakes.utils.simul.html import json
8 +
9 +##
10 +## error messages
11 +##
12 +
13 +options = None
14 +
15 +ERR_ARG = 1
16 +ERR_OPT = 2
17 +ERR_IO = 3
18 +ERR_PARSE = 4
19 +ERR_PLUGIN = 5
21 +ERR_OUTPUT = 7
22 +ERR_BUG = 255
23 +
24 +def log (message) :
25 + sys.stdout.write("andy: %s\n" % message.strip())
26 + sys.stdout.flush()
27 +
28 +def err (message) :
29 + sys.stderr.write("andy: %s\n" % message.strip())
30 + sys.stderr.flush()
31 +
32 +def die (code, message=None) :
33 + global options
34 + if message :
35 + err(message)
36 + if options.debug :
37 + pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2])
38 + else :
39 + sys.exit(code)
40 +
41 +def bug () :
42 + global options
43 + sys.stderr.write("""
44 + ********************************************************************
45 + *** An unexpected error ocurred. Please report this bug to ***
46 + *** <>, together with the execution ***
47 + *** trace below and, if possible, a stripped-down version of the ***
48 + *** ABCD source code that caused this bug. Thank you for your ***
49 + *** help in improving SNAKES! ***
50 + ********************************************************************
51 +
52 +""")
53 + traceback.print_exc()
54 + if options.debug :
55 + pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2])
56 + else :
57 + sys.exit(ERR_BUG)
58 +
59 +##
60 +## options parsing
61 +##
62 +
63 +gv_engines = ("dot", "neato", "twopi", "circo", "fdp")
64 +
65 +opt = optparse.OptionParser(prog="andy",
66 + usage="%prog [OPTION]... FILE")
67 +opt.add_option("-l", "--load",
68 + dest="plugins", action="append", default=[],
69 + help="load plugin (this option can be repeated)",
70 + metavar="PLUGIN")
71 +opt.add_option("-p", "--pnml",
72 + dest="pnml", action="store", default=None,
73 + help="save net as PNML",
74 + metavar="OUTFILE")
75 +for engine in gv_engines :
76 + opt.add_option("-" + engine[0], "--" + engine,
77 + dest="gv" + engine, action="store", default=None,
78 + help="draw net using '%s' (from GraphViz)" % engine,
79 + metavar="OUTFILE")
80 +opt.add_option("--debug",
81 + dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False,
82 + help="launch debugger on compiler error (default: no)")
83 +opt.add_option("-s", "--simul",
84 + dest="simul", action="store_true", default=False,
85 + help="launch interactive code simulator")
86 +opt.add_option("--headless",
87 + dest="headless", action="store", default=None,
88 + help="headless code simulator, with saved parameters",
89 + metavar="JSONFILE")
90 +opt.add_option("--port",
91 + dest="port", action="store", default=8000, type=int,
92 + help="port on which the simulator server runs",
93 + metavar="PORT")
94 +
95 +def getopts (args) :
96 + global options, andy, tmp
97 + (options, args) = opt.parse_args(args)
98 + plugins = []
99 + for p in options.plugins :
100 + plugins.extend(t.strip() for t in p.split(","))
101 + if "labels" not in plugins :
102 + plugins.append("labels")
103 + for engine in gv_engines :
104 + gvopt = getattr(options, "gv%s" % engine)
105 + if gvopt and "gv" not in plugins :
106 + plugins.append("gv")
107 + break
108 + if (options.simul) and "gv" not in plugins :
109 + plugins.append("gv")
110 + options.plugins = plugins
111 + if len(args) < 1 :
112 + err("no input file provided")
113 + opt.print_help()
114 + die(ERR_ARG)
115 + elif len(args) > 1 :
116 + err("more than one input file provided")
117 + opt.print_help()
118 + die(ERR_ARG)
119 + andy = args[0]
120 + if options.pnml == andy :
121 + err("input file also used as output (--pnml)")
122 + opt.print_help()
123 + die(ERR_ARG)
124 + for engine in gv_engines :
125 + if getattr(options, "gv%s" % engine) == andy :
126 + err("input file also used as output (--%s)" % engine)
127 + opt.print_help()
128 + die(ERR_ARG)
129 +
130 +##
131 +## drawing nets
132 +##
133 +
134 +def draw (net, target, engine="dot") :
135 + try :
136 + return net.draw(target, engine=engine)
137 + except :
138 + die(ERR_OUTPUT, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
139 +
140 +##
141 +## save pnml
142 +##
143 +
144 +def save_pnml (net, target) :
145 + try :
146 + out = open(target, "w")
147 + out.write(snk.dumps(net))
148 + out.close()
149 + except :
150 + die(ERR_OUTPUT, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
151 +
152 +##
153 +## simulator (not standalone)
154 +##
155 +
156 +def simulate (entities, potential, obligatory, filename='<string>') :
157 + global options, snk
158 + getopts(["--simul", filename])
159 + snk = snakes.plugins.load(options.plugins, "snakes.nets", "snk")
160 + net = andy2snakes(snk, entities, potential, obligatory)
161 + net.label(srcfile=filename, snakes=snk)
162 + return AndySimulator(net)
163 +
164 +##
165 +## main
166 +##
167 +
168 +def main (args=sys.argv[1:]) :
169 + global options, snk
170 + # get options
171 + try:
172 + getopts(args)
173 + except SystemExit :
174 + raise
175 + except :
176 + die(ERR_OPT, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
177 + # read andy spec
178 + try:
179 + env = {}
180 + execfile(andy, env)
181 + del env['__builtins__']
182 + except:
183 + die(ERR_IO, "could not read input file %r" % andy)
184 + # compile to net
185 + dirname = os.path.dirname(andy)
186 + if dirname and dirname not in sys.path :
187 + sys.path.append(dirname)
188 + elif "." not in sys.path :
189 + sys.path.append(".")
190 + try :
191 + snk = snakes.plugins.load(options.plugins, "snakes.nets", "snk")
192 + except :
193 + die(ERR_PLUGIN, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
194 +
195 + try:
196 + net = andy2snakes(snk, env['entities'], env['potential'],
197 + env['obligatory'])
198 + except:
199 + bug()
200 +
201 + # output
202 + if options.pnml :
203 + save_pnml(net, options.pnml)
204 + for engine in gv_engines :
205 + target = getattr(options, "gv%s" % engine)
206 + if target :
207 + draw(net, target, engine)
208 + trace, lineno = [], None
209 + if options.simul :
210 + try :
211 + simul = Simulator(net, options.port)
212 + except :
213 + bug()
214 + simul.start()
215 + if options.headless :
216 + with open(options.headless, "w") as out :
217 + out.write(json({"res" : "%sr" % simul.url,
218 + "url" : simul.url,
219 + "key" : simul.server.httpd.key,
220 + "host" : "",
221 + "port" : simul.port}))
222 + else :
223 +
224 + simul.wait()
225 + elif trace :
226 + if lineno is None :
227 + print("unsafe execution:")
228 + else :
229 + asserts = dict((a.lineno, a) for a in net.label("asserts"))
230 + print("line %s, %r failed:"
231 + % (lineno, asserts[lineno].st.source()))
232 + for trans, mode in trace :
233 + print(" %s %s" % (trans, mode))
234 + return net
235 +
236 +if __name__ == "__main__" :
237 + main()
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1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
2 +<html>
3 +<head>
4 + <link type="text/css" href="r/css/bootstrap-theme.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
5 + <link type="text/css" href="r/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
6 + <script src="r/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
7 + <script src="r/js/jquery.periodic.js"></script>
8 + <script src="r/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
9 + <script src="r/js/d3.min.js"></script>
10 + <script src="r/js/simulator.js"></script>
11 + <style>
12 + path { stroke: steelblue;
13 + stroke-width: 2;
14 + fill: none; }
15 + line { stroke: black; }
16 + text { font-family: Arial;
17 + font-size: 9pt; }
18 + </style>
19 +</head>
20 +<body>
21 + <header class="navbar navbar-static-top">
22 + <nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
23 + <div class="container-fluid">
24 + <div class="navbar-header">
25 + <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle"
26 + data-toggle="collapse"
27 + data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-6">
28 + <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
29 + </button>
30 + <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Simulation SNAKES</a>
31 + </div>
32 + <div class="collapse navbar-collapse"
33 + id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-6">
34 + <ul class="nav navbar-nav" id="nav_sim">
35 + <li><a id="ui-reset">Reset Simulation</a></li>
36 + <li><a id="ui-quit">Stop Simulation</a></li>
37 + <li><a id="ui-help">Help</a></li>
38 + </ul>
39 + </div><!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
40 + </div>
41 + </nav>
42 + </header>
43 + <!-- model to be simulated -->
44 + %(model)s
45 +
46 + <!-- information about the simulator -->
47 + <div aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" class="modal fade"
48 + id="about" role="dialog" tabindex="-1">
49 + <div class="modal-dialog">
50 + <div class="modal-content">
51 + <div class="modal-header">
52 + <button aria-hidden="true" class="close"
53 + data-dismiss="modal" type="button">x</button>
54 + <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Petri Net</h4>
55 + </div>
56 + <div class="modal-body">
57 + <p>
58 + <span class="title">Andy simulator is part of the
59 + SNAKES toolkit</span><br />
60 + (C) 2014 Franck Pommereau
61 + </p>
62 + <p>
63 + <a href=""
64 + target="_blank">SNAKES homepage</a>
65 + </p>
66 + </div>
67 + <div class="modal-footer">
68 + <button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal"
69 + type="button">Close</button>
70 + </div>
71 + </div>
72 + </div>
73 + </div>
74 + <script>
75 + $(document).ready(function(){
76 + $.simisc({ "nav":{ "about": { "text": "About",
77 + "attr": { "id":"ui-about",
78 + "data-toggle": "modal",
79 + "data-target": "#about"
80 + } } },
81 + "graph": { "color": { "y":"red",
82 + "x":"blue" } } });
83 + });
84 + </script>
85 +</body>
86 +</html>
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 +/*!
2 + * jQuery periodic plugin
3 + *
4 + * Copyright 2010, Tom Anderson
5 + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
6 + *
7 + */
8 +
9 +$.periodic = function (options, callback) {
10 +
11 + // if the first argument is a function then assume the options aren't being passed
12 + if (jQuery.isFunction(options)) {
13 + callback = options;
14 + options = {};
15 + }
16 +
17 + // Merge passed settings with default values
18 + var settings = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.periodic.defaults, {
19 + ajax_complete : ajaxComplete,
20 + increment : increment,
21 + reset : reset,
22 + cancel : cancel
23 + }, options);
24 +
25 + // bookkeeping variables
26 + settings.cur_period = settings.period;
27 + settings.tid = false;
28 + var prev_ajax_response = '';
29 +
30 + run();
31 +
32 + // return settings so user can tweak them externally
33 + return settings;
34 +
35 + // run (or restart if already running) the looping construct
36 + function run() {
37 + // clear/stop existing timer (multiple calls to run() won't result in multiple timers)
38 + cancel();
39 + // let it rip!
40 + settings.tid = setTimeout(function() {
41 + // set the context (this) for the callback to the settings object
42 +;
43 +
44 + // compute the next value for cur_period
45 + increment();
46 +
47 + // queue up the next run
48 + if(settings.tid)
49 + run();
50 + }, settings.cur_period);
51 + }
52 +
53 + // utility function for use with ajax calls
54 + function ajaxComplete(xhr, status) {
55 + if (status === 'success' && prev_ajax_response !== xhr.responseText) {
56 + // reset the period whenever the response changes
57 + prev_ajax_response = xhr.responseText;
58 + reset();
59 + }
60 + }
61 +
62 + // compute the next delay
63 + function increment() {
64 + settings.cur_period *= settings.decay;
65 + if (settings.cur_period < settings.period) {
66 + // don't let it drop below the minimum
67 + reset();
68 + } else if (settings.cur_period > settings.max_period) {
69 + settings.cur_period = settings.max_period;
70 + if (settings.on_max !== undefined) {
71 + // call the user-supplied callback if we reach max_period
72 +;
73 + }
74 + }
75 + }
76 +
77 + function reset() {
78 + settings.cur_period = settings.period;
79 + // restart with the new timeout
80 + run();
81 + }
82 +
83 + function cancel() {
84 + clearTimeout(settings.tid);
85 + settings.tid = null;
86 + }
87 +
88 + // other functions we might want to implement
89 + function pause() {}
90 + function resume() {}
91 + function log() {}
92 +};
93 +
94 +jQuery.periodic.defaults = {
95 + period : 4000, // 4 sec.
96 + max_period : 1800000, // 30 min.
97 + decay : 1.5, // time period multiplier
98 + on_max : undefined // called if max_period is reached
99 +};
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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1 +<div class="container-fluid">
2 +<div class="row">
3 + <div class="col-md-1"></div>
4 + <div class="col-md-10">
5 + <div class="page-header">
6 + <h1><tt>Andy Simulator</tt> <small> powered by SNAKES</small></h1>
7 + </div>
8 +
9 + <div class="row">
10 + <h3>Player</h3>
11 + <div id="player">&nbsp;</div>
12 + </div>
13 + <div class="row">
14 + <h3>Modes</h3>
15 + <div id="modes">&nbsp;</div>
16 + </div>
17 + <div class="row">
18 + <h3>Net Graph</h3>
19 + <div id="graph">&nbsp;</div>
20 + </div>
21 + <div class="row">
22 + <div id="trace_zone">&nbsp;</div>
23 + </div>
24 + <div class="row">
25 + <h3>Command Panel</h3>
26 + <div id="Command_center">&nbsp;</div>
27 + </div>
28 + </div>
29 + <div class="col-md-1"></div>
30 +</div>
31 +</div>
1 +from snakes.utils.simul import BaseSimulator, BaseHTTPSimulator
2 +
3 +class AndySimulator (BaseSimulator) :
4 + def getstate (self, state) :
5 + ret = BaseSimulator.getstate(self, state)
6 + marking = self.states[state]
7 + ret["variables"] = dict((place, tokens.items()[0])
8 + for place, tokens in marking.items())
9 + ret["groups"] = ["timed", "even", "odd"]
10 + modes = []
11 + for i, (trans, binding) in enumerate(marking.modes) :
12 + if (state + i) % 5 == 0 :
13 + groups = ["timed"]
14 + else :
15 + groups = []
16 + modes.append(
17 + {"state" : state,
18 + "mode" : i,
19 + "html" : "%s (%s)" % ([7:], binding),
20 + "groups" : groups + ["odd" if (state % 2) else "even"]
21 + })
22 + ret["modes"] = [{"select": "#modes", "items": modes}]
23 + return ret
24 +
25 +#class Simulator (BaseHTTPSimulator) :
26 +# def __init__ (self, **system) :
27 +# simul = AndySimulator(**system)
28 +# BaseHTTPSimulator.__init__(self, simulator=simul)
29 +
30 +class Simulator (BaseHTTPSimulator) :
31 + def __init__ (self, net, port) :
32 + simul = AndySimulator(net)
33 + BaseHTTPSimulator.__init__(self, net, simulator=simul, port=port)
34 +# def init_model (self) :
35 +# return self.res["model.html"] %
36 +# def init_ui (self) :
37 +# return BaseHTTPSimulator.init_ui(self)[:-1] + [{
38 +# "label" : "Show net",
39 +# "id" : "ui-shownet",
40 +# "href" : "#",
41 +# "script" : "dialog($('#model .petrinet').html())"
42 +# }]
43 +