solved issue angles still in degrees

......@@ -30,14 +30,12 @@ To help you design your own SQL requests, we provide a description of the databa
* `rfam_acc`: The family which the chain is mapped to (if not mapped, value is *unmappd*)
* `pdb_start`: Position in the chain where the mapping to Rfam begins (absolute position, not residue number)
* `pdb_end`: Position in the chain where the mapping to Rfam ends (absolute position, not residue number)
* `reversed`: Wether the mapping numbering order differs from the residue numbering order in the mmCIF file (eg 4c9d, chains C and D)
* `issue`: Wether an issue occurred with this structure while downloading, extracting, annotating or parsing the annotation. See the file known_issues_reasons.txt for more information about why your chain is marked as an issue.
* `inferred`: Wether the mapping has been inferred using the redundancy list (value is 1) or just known from Rfam-PDB mappings (value is 0)
* `chain_freq_A`, `chain_freq_C`, `chain_freq_G`, `chain_freq_U`, `chain_freq_other`: Nucleotide frequencies in the chain
* `pair_count_cWW`, `pair_count_cWH`, ... `pair_count_tSS`: Counts of the non-canonical base-pair types in the chain (intra-chain counts only)
## Table `nucleotide`, for individual nucleotide descriptors
* `nt_id`: A unique identifier
* `chain_id`: The chain the nucleotide belongs to
* `index_chain`: its absolute position within the portion of chain mapped to Rfam, from 1 to X. This is completely uncorrelated to any gene start or 3D chain residue numbers.
* `nt_position`: relative position within the portion of chain mapped to RFam, from 0 to 1
......@@ -51,7 +49,7 @@ To help you design your own SQL requests, we provide a description of the databa
* `nb_interact`: number of interactions with other nucleotides. Up to 3 values. Includes inter-chain interactions.
* `pair_type_LW`: The Leontis-Westhof nomenclature codes of the interactions. The first letter concerns cis/trans orientation, the second this base's side interacting, and the third the other base's side.
* `pair_type_DSSR`: Same but using the DSSR nomenclature (Hoogsteen edge approximately corresponds to Major-groove and Sugar edge to minor-groove)
* `alpha`, `beta`, `gamma`, `delta`, `epsilon`, `zeta`: The 6 torsion angles of the RNA backabone for this nucleotide
* `alpha`, `beta`, `gamma`, `delta`, `epsilon`, `zeta`: The 6 torsion angles of the RNA backbone for this nucleotide, between 0 and 2pi
* `epsilon_zeta`: Difference between epsilon and zeta angles
* `bb_type`: conformation of the backbone (BI, BII or ..)
* `chi`: torsion angle between the sugar and base (O-C1'-N-C4)
......@@ -69,7 +67,8 @@ To help you design your own SQL requests, we provide a description of the databa
## Table `align_column`, for positions in multiple sequence alignments
* `rfam_acc`: The family's MSA the column belongs to
* `index_ali`: Position of the column in the alignment (starts at 1)
* `index_ali`: Position of the column in the wide alignment with Rfam sequences (starts at 1)
* `index_small_ali`: Position of the column in the small alignment with only 3D chains (starts at 1)
* `cm_coord`: Position of the column in the Rfam covariance model of the family (starts at 1). The value is NULL in portions that are insertions compared to the model.
* `freq_A`, `freq_C`, `freq_G`, `freq_U`, `freq_other`: Nucleotide frequencies in the alignment at this position
* `gap_percent`: The frequencies of gaps at this position in the alignment (between 0.0 and 1.0)
......@@ -79,7 +78,6 @@ To help you design your own SQL requests, we provide a description of the databa
There always is an entry, for each family (rfam_acc), with index_ali = 0; gap_percent = 1.0; and nucleotide frequencies set to 0.0. This entry is used when the nucleotide frequencies cannot be determined because of local alignment issues.
## Table `re_mapping`, to map a nucleotide to an alignment column
* `remapping_id`: A unique identifier
* `chain_id`: The chain which is mapped to an alignment
* `index_chain`: The absolute position of the nucleotide in the chain (from 1 to X)
* `index_ali` The position of that nucleotide in its family alignment
......@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ We first remove the nucleotides whose number is outside the family mapping (if a
* **What are the versions of the dependencies you use ?**
`cmalign` is v1.1.3, `sina` is v1.6.0, `x3dna-dssr` is v1.9.9, Biopython is v1.78.
`cmalign` is v1.1.4, `sina` is v1.6.0, `x3dna-dssr` is v1.9.9, Biopython is v1.78.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ Select what to do:
-f [ --full-inference ] Infer new mappings even if Rfam already provides some. Yields more copies of
chains mapped to different families.
-s Run statistics computations after completion
--stats-opts=… Pass additional command line options to the statistics.py script, e.g. "--wadley --distance-matrices"
--extract Extract the portions of 3D RNA chains to individual mmCIF files.
--keep-hetatm=False (True | False) Keep ions, waters and ligands in produced mmCIF files.
Does not affect the descriptors.
......@@ -75,25 +76,30 @@ Select how to do it:
--3d-folder=… Path to a folder to store the 3D data files. Subfolders will contain:
RNAcifs/ Full structures containing RNA, in mmCIF format
rna_mapped_to_Rfam/ Extracted 'pure' RNA chains
rna_mapped_to_Rfam/ Extracted 'pure' portions of RNA chains mapped to families
rna_only/ Extracted 'pure' RNA chains, not truncated
datapoints/ Final results in CSV file format.
--seq-folder=… Path to a folder to store the sequence and alignment files. Subfolders will be:
rfam_sequences/fasta/ Compressed hits to Rfam families
realigned/ Sequences, covariance models, and alignments by family
--sina Align large subunit LSU and small subunit SSU ribosomal RNA using SINA instead of Infernal,
the other RNA families will be aligned using infernal.
--maxcores=… Limit the number of cores to use in parallel portions to reduce the simultaneous
need of RAM. Should be a number between 1 and your number of CPUs. Note that portions
of the pipeline already limit themselves to 50% or 70% of that number by default.
--cmalign-opts=… A string of additional options to pass to cmalign aligner, e.g. "--nonbanded --mxsize 2048"
--archive Create tar.gz archives of the datapoints text files and the alignments,
and update the link to the latest archive.
--no-logs Do not save per-chain logs of the numbering modifications
--no-logs Do not save per-chain logs of the numbering modifications.
Select which data we are interested in:
-r 4.0 [ --resolution=4.0 ] Maximum 3D structure resolution to consider a RNA chain.
--all Build chains even if they already are in the database.
--only Ask to process a specific chain label only
--ignore-issues Do not ignore already known issues and attempt to compute them
--update-homologous Re-download Rfam and SILVA databases, realign all families, and recompute all CSV files
--all Process chains even if they already are in the database.
--redundant Process all members of the equivalence classes not only the representative.
--only Ask to process a specific chains only (e.g. 4v49, 4v49_1_AA, or 4v49_1_AA_5-1523).
--ignore-issues Do not ignore already known issues and attempt to compute them.
--update-homologous Re-download Rfam and SILVA databases, realign all families, and recompute all CSV files.
--from-scratch Delete database, local 3D and sequence files, and known issues, and recompute.
......@@ -101,11 +107,13 @@ Options --3d-folder and --seq-folder are mandatory for command-line installation
The most useful options in that list are
* ` --extract`, to actually produce some re-numbered 3D mmCIF files of the RNA chains individually,
* ` --no-homology`, to ignore the family mapping and sequence alignment parts and only focus on 3D data download and annotation. This would yield more data since many RNAs are not mapped to any Rfam family.
* ` --no-homology`, to ignore the family mapping and sequence alignment parts and only focus on 3D data download and annotation. This would yield more data since many RNAs are not mapped to any Rfam family,
* ` -s`, to run the "statistics" which are a few useful post-computation tasks such as:
* Computation of sequence identity matrices
* Statistics over the sequence lengths, nucleotide frequencies, and basepair types by RNA family
* Overall database content statistics
* Detailed analysis of the eta-theta pseudotorsion angles (use `--stats-opts "--wadley"` after `-s`) or 3D distance matrices and their averages per family (use `--stats-opts "--distance-matrices"`)
* ` --redundant`, to yield all the available data and not only the BGSU NR-List respresentatives
# Computation time
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
......@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if opt == "-h" or opt == "--help":
print( "RNANet statistics, a script to build a multiscale RNA dataset from public data\n"
"Developped by Louis Becquey (louis.becquey@univ-evry.fr), 2020/2021")
"Developped by Louis Becquey an Khodor Hannoush, 2020/2021")
print("-h [ --help ]\t\t\tPrint this help message")
......@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
elif opt == '--version':
print("RNANet statistics 1.4 beta")
print("RNANet statistics 1.5 beta")
elif opt == "-r" or opt == "--resolution":
assert float(arg) > 0.0 and float(arg) <= 20.0