Rethink how inferred mappings work

......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from os import path, makedirs
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager, set_start_method
from time import sleep
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map
from setproctitle import setproctitle
def trace_unhandled_exceptions(func):
......@@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ class Chain:
def extract(self, df, khetatm):
""" Extract the part which is mapped to Rfam from the main CIF file and save it to another file.
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py {self.chain_label} extract()")
if self.mapping is not None:
status = f"Extract {self.mapping.nt_start}-{self.mapping.nt_end} atoms from {self.pdb_id}-{self.pdb_chain_id}"
self.file = path_to_3D_data+"rna_mapped_to_Rfam/"+self.chain_label+".cif"
......@@ -213,6 +214,8 @@ class Chain:
def extract_3D_data(self, save_logs=True):
""" Maps DSSR annotations to the chain. """
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py {self.chain_label} extract_3D_data()")
# Load the mmCIF annotations from file
......@@ -311,6 +314,10 @@ class Chain:
# Common 4v9q-DV case (and similar ones) : e.g. chains contains 17 and 17A which are both read 17 by DSSR.
# Solution : we shift the numbering of 17A (to 18) and the following residues.
df.iloc[i:, 1] += 1
elif duplicates.iloc[0,0] == 1 and df.iloc[i,0] == 3:
# 4wzo_1_1J case, there is a residue numbered -1 and read as 1 before the number 0.
df.iloc[1:, 1] += 1
df.iloc[0, 1] = 0
# 4v9k-DA case (and similar ones) : the nt_id is not the full nt_resnum: ... 1629 > 1630 > 163B > 1631 > ...
# Here the 163B is read 163 by DSSR, but there already is a residue 163.
......@@ -323,7 +330,6 @@ class Chain:
self.error_messages = f"Error with parsing of duplicate residues numbers."
return None
# Search for ligands at the end of the selection
# Drop ligands detected as residues by DSSR, by detecting several markers
while ( len(df.index_chain) and df.iloc[-1,2] not in ["A", "C", "G", "U"] and (
......@@ -338,7 +344,6 @@ class Chain:
df = df.head(-1)
# Duplicates in index_chain : drop, they are ligands
# e.g. 3iwn_1_B_1-91, ligand C2E has index_chain 1 (and nt_resnum 601)
duplicates = [ index for index, element in enumerate(df.duplicated(['index_chain']).values) if element ]
......@@ -384,7 +389,7 @@ class Chain:
df.iloc[i+1:, 1] += 1
warn(f"Missing index_chain {i} in {self.chain_label} !")
# Assert some nucleotides still exist
l = df.iloc[-1,1] - df.iloc[0,1] + 1 # update length of chain from nt_resnum point of view
......@@ -522,6 +527,8 @@ class Chain:
"""Saves the extracted 3D data to the database.
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py {self.chain_label} register_chain()")
with sqlite3.connect(runDir+"/results/RNANet.db", timeout=10.0) as conn:
# Register the chain in table chain
if self.mapping is not None:
......@@ -575,6 +582,8 @@ class Chain:
s_seq: the aligned version of self.seq_to_align
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py {self.chain_label} remap()")
alilen = len(s_seq)
re_mappings = []
......@@ -630,6 +639,8 @@ class Chain:
REQUIRES align_column and re_mapping up to date
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py {self.chain_label} replace_gaps()")
homology_data = sql_ask_database(conn, f"""SELECT freq_A, freq_C, freq_G, freq_U, freq_other FROM
(SELECT chain_id, rfam_acc FROM chain WHERE chain_id={self.db_chain_id})
NATURAL JOIN re_mapping
......@@ -741,6 +752,9 @@ class Downloader:
"""Query the Rfam public MySQL database for mappings between their RNA families and PDB structures.
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py download_Rfam_PDB_mappings()")
# Download PDB mappings to Rfam family
print("> Fetching latest PDB mappings from Rfam..." + " " * 29, end='', flush=True)
......@@ -766,6 +780,8 @@ class Downloader:
Does not download if already there.
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py download_Rfam_cm()")
print(f"\t> Download Rfam.cm.gz from Rfam..." + " " * 37, end='', flush=True)
if not path.isfile(path_to_seq_data + "Rfam.cm"):
......@@ -785,6 +801,9 @@ class Downloader:
Family ID, number of sequences identified, maximum length of those sequences.
SETS family in the database (partially)
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py download_Rfam_family_stats()")
db_connection = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql+pymysql://rfamro@mysql-rfam-public.ebi.ac.uk:4497/Rfam')
......@@ -829,6 +848,8 @@ class Downloader:
Actually gets a FASTA archive from the public Rfam FTP. Does not download if already there."""
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py download_Rfam_sequences({rfam_acc})")
if not path.isfile(path_to_seq_data + f"rfam_sequences/fasta/{rfam_acc}.fa.gz"):
for _ in range(10): # retry 100 times if it fails
......@@ -849,6 +870,9 @@ class Downloader:
Does not remove structural redundancy.
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py download_BGSU_NR_list({res})")
nr_code = min([ i for i in [1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 20.0] if i >= res ])
print(f"> Fetching latest list of RNA files at {nr_code} A resolution from BGSU website...", end='', flush=True)
# Download latest BGSU non-redundant list
......@@ -875,6 +899,10 @@ class Downloader:
return full_structures_list # list of ( str (class), str (class_members) )
def download_from_SILVA(self, unit):
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py download_from_SILVA({unit})")
if not path.isfile(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{unit}.arb"):
print(f"Downloading {unit} from SILVA...", end='', flush=True)
......@@ -989,6 +1017,8 @@ class Pipeline:
global path_to_3D_data
global path_to_seq_data
setproctitle("RNANet.py process_options()")
opts, _ = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "r:hs",
[ "help", "resolution=", "keep-hetatm=", "from-scratch",
......@@ -1105,13 +1135,16 @@ class Pipeline:
print("usage: RNANet.py --3d-folder path/where/to/store/chains --seq-folder path/where/to/store/alignments")
print("See RNANet.py --help for more information.")
def list_available_mappings(self):
"""List 3D chains with available Rfam mappings.
Return a list of Chain() objects with the mappings set up.
If self.HOMOLOGY is set to False, simply returns a list of Chain() objects with available 3D chains."""
setproctitle("RNANet.py list_available_mappings()")
# List all 3D RNA chains below given resolution
full_structures_list = self.dl.download_BGSU_NR_list(self.CRYSTAL_RES) # list of tuples ( class, class_members )
......@@ -1131,11 +1164,11 @@ class Pipeline:
# Compute the list of mappable structures using NR-list and Rfam-PDB mappings
# And get Chain() objects
print("> Building list of structures...", flush=True)
p = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),), processes=ncores)
p = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),), processes=ncores, maxtasksperchild=1)
pbar = tqdm(full_structures_list, maxinterval=1.0, miniters=1, bar_format="{percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}|")
for _, newchains in enumerate(p.imap_unordered(partial(work_infer_mappings, not self.REUSE_ALL, allmappings), full_structures_list)):
pbar = tqdm(full_structures_list, maxinterval=1.0, miniters=1, desc="Eq. classes", bar_format="{percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}|")
for _, newchains in enumerate(p.imap_unordered(partial(work_infer_mappings, not self.REUSE_ALL, allmappings), full_structures_list, chunksize=1)):
self.update += newchains
pbar.update(1) # Everytime the iteration finishes, update the global progress bar
......@@ -1161,7 +1194,7 @@ class Pipeline:
pdb_chain_id = nr[2].upper()
chain_label = f"{pdb_id}_{str(pdb_model)}_{pdb_chain_id}"
res = sql_ask_database(conn, f"""SELECT chain_id from chain WHERE structure_id='{pdb_id}' AND chain_name='{pdb_chain_id}' AND rfam_acc IS NULL AND issue=0""")
if not len(res): # the chain is NOT yet in the database, or this is a known issue
if not len(res) or self.REUSE_ALL: # the chain is NOT yet in the database, or this is a known issue
self.update.append(Chain(pdb_id, pdb_model, pdb_chain_id, chain_label, eq_class))
......@@ -1179,6 +1212,8 @@ class Pipeline:
REQUIRES the previous definition of self.update, so call list_available_mappings() before.
SETS table structure"""
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py dl_and_annotate(retry={retry})")
# Prepare the results folders
if not path.isdir(path_to_3D_data + "RNAcifs"):
os.makedirs(path_to_3D_data + "RNAcifs") # for the whole structures
......@@ -1186,15 +1221,15 @@ class Pipeline:
os.makedirs(path_to_3D_data + "annotations") # for DSSR analysis of the whole structures
# Download and annotate
print("> Downloading and annotating structures...", flush=True)
print("> Downloading and annotating structures (or checking previous results if they exist)...", flush=True)
if retry:
mmcif_list = sorted(set([ c.pdb_id for c in self.retry ]))
mmcif_list = sorted(set([ c.pdb_id for c in self.update if not path.isfile(path_to_3D_data + "annotations/" + c.pdb_id + ".json") ]))
mmcif_list = sorted(set([ c.pdb_id for c in self.update ]))
p = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),), processes=int(coeff_ncores*ncores))
p = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),), processes=int(coeff_ncores*ncores), maxtasksperchild=1)
pbar = tqdm(mmcif_list, maxinterval=1.0, miniters=1, desc="mmCIF files")
for _ in p.imap_unordered(work_mmcif, mmcif_list):
for _ in p.imap_unordered(work_mmcif, mmcif_list, chunksize=1):
pbar.update(1) # Everytime the iteration finishes, update the global progress bar
......@@ -1213,6 +1248,8 @@ class Pipeline:
REQUIRES the previous definition of self.update, so call list_available_mappings() before.
SETS self.loaded_chains"""
setproctitle(f"RNANet.py build_chains(retry={retry})")
# Prepare folders
if self.HOMOLOGY and not path.isdir(path_to_3D_data + "rna_mapped_to_Rfam"):
......@@ -1239,19 +1276,25 @@ class Pipeline:
# If there were newly discovered problems, add this chain to the known issues
issues = 0
issues_names = []
ki = open(runDir + "/known_issues.txt", 'a')
kir = open(runDir + "/known_issues_reasons.txt", 'a')
for c in results:
if c[1].delete_me and c[1].chain_label not in self.known_issues:
if retry or "Could not load existing" not in c[1].error_messages:
warn(f"Adding {c[1].chain_label} to known issues.")
issues += 1
ki.write(c[1].chain_label + '\n')
kir.write(c[1].chain_label + '\n' + c[1].error_messages + '\n\n')
with sqlite3.connect(runDir+"/results/RNANet.db") as conn:
sql_execute(conn, f"UPDATE chain SET issue = 1 WHERE chain_id = ?;", data=(c[1].db_chain_id,))
if issues:
warn("Added newly discovered issues to known issues:")
print("\033[33m"+ " ".join(issues_names) + "\033[0m", flush=True)
# Add successfully built chains to list
self.loaded_chains += [ c[1] for c in results if not c[1].delete_me ]
......@@ -1276,6 +1319,8 @@ class Pipeline:
REQUIRES that self.loaded_chains is defined.
SETS family (partially, through call)"""
setproctitle("RNANet.py prepare_sequences()")
# Preparing a results folder
if not os.access(path_to_seq_data + "realigned/", os.F_OK):
os.makedirs(path_to_seq_data + "realigned/")
......@@ -1308,6 +1353,8 @@ class Pipeline:
REQUIRES self.fam_list to be defined
SETS family (partially)"""
setproctitle("RNANet.py realign()")
# Prepare the job list
joblist = []
for f in self.fam_list:
......@@ -1345,6 +1392,8 @@ class Pipeline:
REQUIRES self.fam_list to be defined"""
setproctitle("RNANet.py remap()")
print("Computing nucleotide frequencies in alignments...\nThis can be very long on slow storage devices (Hard-drive...)")
print("Check your CPU and disk I/O activity before deciding if the job failed.")
nworkers =max(min(ncores, len(self.fam_list)), 1)
......@@ -1357,11 +1406,11 @@ class Pipeline:
# Start a process pool to dispatch the RNA families,
# over multiple CPUs (one family by CPU)
p = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),), processes=nworkers, maxtasksperchild=5)
p = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),), processes=nworkers, maxtasksperchild=1)
fam_pbar = tqdm(total=len(self.fam_list), desc="RNA families", position=0, leave=True)
for i, _ in enumerate(p.imap_unordered(partial(work_pssm, fill_gaps=self.FILL_GAPS), self.fam_list)): # Apply work_pssm to each RNA family
for i, _ in enumerate(p.imap_unordered(partial(work_pssm, fill_gaps=self.FILL_GAPS), self.fam_list, chunksize=1)): # Apply work_pssm to each RNA family
fam_pbar.update(1) # Everytime the iteration finishes on a family, update the global progress bar over the RNA families
......@@ -1378,6 +1427,8 @@ class Pipeline:
REQUIRES self.loaded_chains (to output corresponding CSV files) and self.fam_list (for statistics)"""
setproctitle("RNANet.py output_results()")
time_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
#Prepare folders:
......@@ -1387,10 +1438,10 @@ class Pipeline:
os.makedirs(runDir + "/results/archive/")
# Save to by-chain CSV files
p = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),), processes=3)
p = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),), processes=3, maxtasksperchild=1)
pbar = tqdm(total=len(self.loaded_chains), desc="Saving chains to CSV", position=0, leave=True)
for _, _2 in enumerate(p.imap_unordered(work_save, self.loaded_chains)):
for _, _2 in enumerate(p.imap_unordered(work_save, self.loaded_chains, chunksize=2)):
......@@ -1439,6 +1490,8 @@ class Pipeline:
def sanitize_database(self):
"""Searches for issues in the database and correct them"""
setproctitle("RNANet.py sanitize_database()")
conn = sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db")
# Assert every structure is used
......@@ -1532,7 +1585,7 @@ def sql_define_tables(conn):
structure_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
chain_name VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL,
eq_class VARCHAR(10),
eq_class VARCHAR(16),
pdb_start SMALLINT,
pdb_end SMALLINT,
issue TINYINT,
......@@ -1767,9 +1820,9 @@ def execute_joblist(fulljoblist):
print("using", n, "processes:")
# execute jobs of priority i that should be processed n by n:
p = Pool(processes=n, maxtasksperchild=5, initializer=init_worker)
p = Pool(processes=n, maxtasksperchild=1, initializer=init_worker)
raw_results = p.map(partial(execute_job, jobcount=jobcount), bunch)
raw_results = p.map(partial(execute_job, jobcount=jobcount), bunch, chunksize=2)
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
......@@ -1792,6 +1845,9 @@ def work_infer_mappings(update_only, allmappings, codelist):
build a list of Chain() objects mapped to Rfam families, by expanding available mappings
of any element of the list to all the list elements.
setproctitle("RNAnet.py work_infer_mappings()")
newchains = []
known_mappings = pd.DataFrame()
......@@ -1812,11 +1868,12 @@ def work_infer_mappings(update_only, allmappings, codelist):
# Now infer mappings for chains that are not explicitely listed in Rfam-PDB mappings:
if len(known_mappings):
families = set(known_mappings['rfam_acc'])
# generalize
inferred_mappings = known_mappings.drop(['pdb_id','chain'], axis=1).drop_duplicates()
# check for approximative redundancy:
if len(inferred_mappings) != len(inferred_mappings.drop_duplicates(subset="rfam_acc")):
# Then, there exists some mapping variants onto the same Rfam family CM,
......@@ -1831,9 +1888,25 @@ def work_infer_mappings(update_only, allmappings, codelist):
len(inferred_mappings[thisfam_5_3]) != len(inferred_mappings[ inferred_mappings['rfam_acc'] == rfam ])
and len(inferred_mappings[thisfam_5_3]) > 0
warn(f"There are mappings for {rfam} in both directions:", error=True)
# there are mappings in both directions... wtf Rfam ?!
if (len(inferred_mappings[thisfam_5_3]) == len(inferred_mappings[thisfam_3_5]) == 1
and int(inferred_mappings[thisfam_5_3].pdb_start) == int(inferred_mappings[thisfam_3_5].pdb_end)
and int(inferred_mappings[thisfam_5_3].pdb_end) == int(inferred_mappings[thisfam_3_5].pdb_start)
# The two mappings are on the same nucleotide interval, but in each sense.
# e.g. RF00254 6v5b and 6v5c... maybe a bug on their side ?
# How can a chain match a CM in both senses ?
# We keep only the 5->3 sense.
inferred_mappings = inferred_mappings.drop(index=inferred_mappings.index[thisfam_3_5])
sel_5_to_3 = (inferred_mappings['pdb_start'] < inferred_mappings['pdb_end'])
thisfam_5_3 = (inferred_mappings['rfam_acc'] == rfam ) & sel_5_to_3
thisfam_3_5 = (inferred_mappings['rfam_acc'] == rfam ) & (sel_5_to_3 == False)
warn(f"Found mappings to {rfam} in both directions on the same interval, keeping only the 5'->3' one.")
warn(f"There are mappings for {rfam} in both directions:", error=True)
# Compute consensus for chains in 5' -> 3' sense
if len(inferred_mappings[thisfam_5_3]):
......@@ -1887,7 +1960,7 @@ def work_infer_mappings(update_only, allmappings, codelist):
pdb_start = int(m.pdb_start.min())
pdb_end = int(m.pdb_end.max())
inferred = False
else: # otherwise, use the inferred mapping
elif not(pdb_id in known_mappings.pdb_id and pdb_chain_id in known_mappings.chain): # if no known mapping on another family, use the inferred mapping
pdb_start = int(inferred_mappings.loc[ (inferred_mappings['rfam_acc'] == rfam) ].pdb_start)
pdb_end = int(inferred_mappings.loc[ (inferred_mappings['rfam_acc'] == rfam) ].pdb_end)
inferred = True
......@@ -1911,6 +1984,8 @@ def work_mmcif(pdb_id):
SETS table structure
setproctitle(f"RNAnet.py work_mmcif({pdb_id})")
final_filepath = path_to_3D_data+"RNAcifs/"+pdb_id+".cif"
# Attempt to download it if not present
......@@ -1921,43 +1996,52 @@ def work_mmcif(pdb_id):
warn(f"Unable to download {pdb_id}.cif. Ignoring it.", error=True)
# Load the MMCIF file with Biopython
mmCif_info = MMCIF2Dict(final_filepath)
# Get info about that structure
exp_meth = mmCif_info["_exptl.method"][0]
date = mmCif_info["_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date"][0]
if "_refine.ls_d_res_high" in mmCif_info.keys() and mmCif_info["_refine.ls_d_res_high"][0] not in ['.', '?']:
reso = float(mmCif_info["_refine.ls_d_res_high"][0])
elif "_refine.ls_d_res_low" in mmCif_info.keys() and mmCif_info["_refine.ls_d_res_low"][0] not in ['.', '?']:
reso = float(mmCif_info["_refine.ls_d_res_low"][0])
elif "_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution" in mmCif_info.keys() and mmCif_info["_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution"][0] not in ['.', '?']:
reso = float(mmCif_info["_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution"][0])
warn(f"Wtf, structure {pdb_id} has no resolution ?")
warn(f"Check https://files.rcsb.org/header/{pdb_id}.cif to figure it out.")
reso = 0.0
# Save into the database
# check if it exists in database
with sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db") as conn:
sql_execute(conn, """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO structure (pdb_id, pdb_model, date, exp_method, resolution)
VALUES (?, ?, DATE(?), ?, ?);""", data = (pdb_id, 1, date, exp_meth, reso))
# run DSSR (you need to have it in your $PATH, follow x3dna installation instructions)
output = subprocess.run(["x3dna-dssr", f"-i={final_filepath}", "--json", "--auxfile=no"],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout = output.stdout.decode('utf-8')
stderr = output.stderr.decode('utf-8')
if "exception" in stderr:
# DSSR is unable to parse the chain.
warn(f"Exception while running DSSR, ignoring {pdb_id}.", error=True)
return 1
r = sql_ask_database(conn, f"""SELECT * from structure where pdb_id = '{pdb_id}';""")
# if not, read the CIF header and register the structure
if not len(r):
# Load the MMCIF file with Biopython
mmCif_info = MMCIF2Dict(final_filepath)
# Get info about that structure
exp_meth = mmCif_info["_exptl.method"][0]
date = mmCif_info["_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date"][0]
if "_refine.ls_d_res_high" in mmCif_info.keys() and mmCif_info["_refine.ls_d_res_high"][0] not in ['.', '?']:
reso = float(mmCif_info["_refine.ls_d_res_high"][0])
elif "_refine.ls_d_res_low" in mmCif_info.keys() and mmCif_info["_refine.ls_d_res_low"][0] not in ['.', '?']:
reso = float(mmCif_info["_refine.ls_d_res_low"][0])
elif "_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution" in mmCif_info.keys() and mmCif_info["_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution"][0] not in ['.', '?']:
reso = float(mmCif_info["_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution"][0])
warn(f"Wtf, structure {pdb_id} has no resolution ?")
warn(f"Check https://files.rcsb.org/header/{pdb_id}.cif to figure it out.")
reso = 0.0
# Save into the database
with sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db") as conn:
sql_execute(conn, """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO structure (pdb_id, pdb_model, date, exp_method, resolution)
VALUES (?, ?, DATE(?), ?, ?);""", data = (pdb_id, 1, date, exp_meth, reso))
if not path.isfile(path_to_3D_data + "annotations/" + pdb_id + ".json"):
# run DSSR (you need to have it in your $PATH, follow x3dna installation instructions)
output = subprocess.run(["x3dna-dssr", f"-i={final_filepath}", "--json", "--auxfile=no"],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout = output.stdout.decode('utf-8')
stderr = output.stderr.decode('utf-8')
if "exception" in stderr:
# DSSR is unable to parse the chain.
warn(f"Exception while running DSSR, ignoring {pdb_id}.", error=True)
return 1
# save the analysis to file only if we can load it :/
json_file = open(path_to_3D_data + "annotations/" + pdb_id + ".json", "w")
# save the analysis to file only if we can load it :/
json_file = open(path_to_3D_data + "annotations/" + pdb_id + ".json", "w")
return 0
......@@ -1966,6 +2050,9 @@ def work_build_chain(c, extract, khetatm, retrying=False, save_logs=True):
If asked, also extracts the 3D chains from their original structure files.
setproctitle(f"RNAnet.py work_build_chain({c.chain_label})")
if not path.isfile(path_to_3D_data + "annotations/" + c.pdb_id + ".json"):
warn(f"Could not find annotations for {c.chain_label}, ignoring it.", error=True)
c.delete_me = True
......@@ -1997,6 +2084,8 @@ def work_build_chain(c, extract, khetatm, retrying=False, save_logs=True):
def work_prepare_sequences(dl, rfam_acc, chains):
"""Prepares FASTA files of homologous sequences to realign with cmalign or SINA."""
setproctitle("RNAnet.py work_prepare_sequences()")
if rfam_acc in LSU_set | SSU_set: # rRNA
if path.isfile(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.afa"):
# Detect doublons and remove them
......@@ -2087,6 +2176,8 @@ def work_realign(rfam_acc):
cmalign requires too much RAM for them, so we use SINA, a specifically designed tool for rRNAs.
setproctitle(f"RNAnet.py work_realign({rfam_acc})")
if rfam_acc in LSU_set | SSU_set:
# Ribosomal subunits deserve a special treatment.
# They require too much RAM to be aligned with Infernal.
......@@ -2210,6 +2301,7 @@ def work_pssm(f, fill_gaps):
Uses only 1 core, so this function can be called in parallel.
setproctitle(f"RNAnet.py work_pssm({f})")
# Get a worker number to position the progress bar
global idxQueue
......@@ -2223,6 +2315,7 @@ def work_pssm(f, fill_gaps):
align = AlignIO.read(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{f}++.afa", "fasta")
warn(f"{f}'s alignment is wrong. Recompute it and retry.", error=True)
with open(runDir + "/errors.txt", "a") as errf:
errf.write(f"{f}'s alignment is wrong. Recompute it and retry.\n")
return 1
......@@ -2313,6 +2406,9 @@ def work_pssm(f, fill_gaps):
def work_save(c, homology=True):
setproctitle(f"RNAnet.py work_save({c.chain_label})")
conn = sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db", timeout=15.0)
if homology:
df = pd.read_sql_query(f"""
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ done
PROCESS_LIST=`ps ax | grep -Ei ${PROCESS_TO_KILL} | grep -Eiv '(grep|vi statistics.py)' | awk ' { print $1;}'`
if [ ! -z $KILLPID ];then
kill -9 $KILLPID
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import subprocess, os, sys
# Put a list of problematic chains here, they will be properly deleted and recomputed
problems = [
path_to_3D_data = sys.argv[1]
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ for p in problems:
homology = ('-' in p)
# Remove the datapoints files and 3D files
subprocess.run(["rm", '-f', path_to_3D_data + f"/rna_mapped_to_Rfam/{p}.cif"])
......@@ -25,16 +26,25 @@ for p in problems:
# Find more information
structure = p.split('_')[0]
chain = p.split('_')[2]
families = [ f.split('.')[1] for f in files ] # The RFAM families this chain has been mapped onto
# Delete the chain from the database, and the associated nucleotides and re_mappings, using foreign keys
for fam in families:
command = ["sqlite3", "results/RNANet.db", f"PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON; delete from chain where structure_id=\"{structure}\" and chain_name=\"{chain}\" and rfam_acc=\"{fam}\";"]
if homology:
families = [ f.split('.')[1] for f in files ] # The RFAM families this chain has been mapped onto
# Delete the chain from the database, and the associated nucleotides and re_mappings, using foreign keys
for fam in families:
command = ["sqlite3", "results/RNANet.db", f"PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON; delete from chain where structure_id=\"{structure}\" and chain_name=\"{chain}\" and rfam_acc=\"{fam}\";"]
print(' '.join(command))
command = ["python3.8", "RNAnet.py", "--3d-folder", path_to_3D_data, "--seq-folder", path_to_seq_data, "-r", "20.0", "--extract", "--only", p]
# Delete the chain from the database, and the associated nucleotides and re_mappings, using foreign keys
command = ["sqlite3", "results/RNANet.db", f"PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON; delete from chain where structure_id=\"{structure}\" and chain_name=\"{chain}\" and rfam_acc is null;"]
print(' '.join(command))
command = ["python3.8", "RNAnet.py", "--3d-folder", path_to_3D_data, "--seq-folder", path_to_seq_data, "-r", "20.0", "--no-homology", "--extract", "--only", p]
# Re-run RNANet
command = ["python3.8", "RNAnet.py", "--3d-folder", path_to_3D_data, "--seq-folder", path_to_seq_data, "-r", "20.0", "--extract", "--only", p]
print('\n',' '.join(command),'\n')
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ res_thr = 20.0 # default: all structures
LSU_set = ("RF00002", "RF02540", "RF02541", "RF02543", "RF02546") # From Rfam CLAN 00112
SSU_set = ("RF00177", "RF02542", "RF02545", "RF01959", "RF01960") # From Rfam CLAN 00111
def reproduce_wadley_results(carbon=4, show=False, sd_range=(1,4)):
def reproduce_wadley_results(carbon=4, show=False, sd_range=(1,4), res=4.0):
Plot the joint distribution of pseudotorsion angles, in a Ramachandran-style graph.
See Wadley & Pyle (2007)
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def reproduce_wadley_results(carbon=4, show=False, sd_range=(1,4)):
exit("You overestimate my capabilities !")
if not path.isfile(f"data/wadley_kernel_{angle}_{res_thr}A.npz"):
if not path.isfile(f"data/wadley_kernel_{angle}_{res}A.npz"):
# Get a worker number to position the progress bar
global idxQueue
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def reproduce_wadley_results(carbon=4, show=False, sd_range=(1,4)):
df = pd.read_sql(f"""SELECT {angle}, th{angle}
FROM nucleotide JOIN (
SELECT chain_id FROM chain JOIN structure
WHERE structure.resolution <= {res_thr}
WHERE structure.resolution <= {res}
) AS c
WHERE puckering="C2'-endo"
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def reproduce_wadley_results(carbon=4, show=False, sd_range=(1,4)):
df = pd.read_sql(f"""SELECT {angle}, th{angle}
FROM nucleotide JOIN (
SELECT chain_id FROM chain JOIN structure
WHERE structure.resolution <= {res_thr}
WHERE structure.resolution <= {res}
) AS c
WHERE form = '.'
AND puckering="C3'-endo"
......@@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ def reproduce_wadley_results(carbon=4, show=False, sd_range=(1,4)):
# Save the data to an archive for later use without the need to recompute
c3_endo_e=c3_endo_etas, c3_endo_t=c3_endo_thetas,
c2_endo_e=c2_endo_etas, c2_endo_t=c2_endo_thetas,
kernel_c3=f_c3, kernel_c2=f_c2)
f = np.load(f"data/wadley_kernel_{angle}.npz")
f = np.load(f"data/wadley_kernel_{angle}_{res}A.npz")
c2_endo_etas = f["c2_endo_e"]
c3_endo_etas = f["c3_endo_e"]
c2_endo_thetas = f["c2_endo_t"]
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def reproduce_wadley_results(carbon=4, show=False, sd_range=(1,4)):
ax.bar3d(xpos.ravel(), ypos.ravel(), 0.0, 0.09, 0.09, hist_cut.ravel(), color=color_values, zorder="max")
if show:
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ def reproduce_wadley_results(carbon=4, show=False, sd_range=(1,4)):
ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, f_cut, cmap=cm.get_cmap("coolwarm"), linewidth=0, antialiased=True)
if show:
......@@ -178,10 +178,9 @@ def reproduce_wadley_results(carbon=4, show=False, sd_range=(1,4)):
ax = fig.gca()
ax.scatter(x, y, s=1, alpha=0.1)
ax.contourf(xx, yy, f_cut, alpha=0.5, cmap=cm.get_cmap("coolwarm"), levels=levels, extend="max")
if show:
......@@ -231,7 +230,13 @@ def stats_len():
# Get the lengths of chains
with sqlite3.connect("results/RNANet.db") as conn:
l = [ x[0] for x in sql_ask_database(conn, f"SELECT COUNT(index_chain) FROM (SELECT chain_id FROM chain JOIN structure ON chain.structure_id = structure.pdb_id WHERE rfam_acc='{f}' AND resolution <= {res_thr}) NATURAL JOIN nucleotide GROUP BY chain_id;", warn_every=0) ]
l = [ x[0] for x in sql_ask_database(conn, f"""SELECT COUNT(index_chain)
SELECT chain_id
FROM chain JOIN structure ON chain.structure_id = structure.pdb_id
WHERE rfam_acc='{f}' AND resolution <= {res_thr}
) NATURAL JOIN nucleotide
GROUP BY chain_id;""", warn_every=0) ]
lengths.append(l) # list of chain lengths from the family
# notify(f"[{i+1}/{len(fam_list)}] Computed {f} chains lengths")
......@@ -597,6 +602,172 @@ def per_chain_stats():
many=True, data=list(df.to_records(index=False)), warn_every=10)
notify("Updated the database with per-chain base frequencies")
def general_stats():
Number of structures as function of the resolution threshold
Number of Rfam families as function of the resolution threshold
with sqlite3.connect("results/RNANet.db") as conn:
df_unique = pd.read_sql(f"""SELECT distinct pdb_id, chain_name, exp_method, resolution
FROM chain JOIN structure ON chain.structure_id = structure.pdb_id
WHERE rfam_acc IS NULL AND ISSUE=0;""", conn)
df_mapped_unique = pd.read_sql(f"""SELECT distinct pdb_id, chain_name, exp_method, resolution
FROM chain JOIN structure ON chain.structure_id = structure.pdb_id
WHERE rfam_acc IS NOT NULL AND ISSUE=0;""", conn)
df_mapped_copies = pd.read_sql(f"""SELECT pdb_id, chain_name, inferred, rfam_acc, pdb_start, pdb_end, exp_method, resolution
FROM chain JOIN structure ON chain.structure_id = structure.pdb_id
WHERE rfam_acc IS NOT NULL AND ISSUE=0;""", conn)
df_inferred_only_unique = pd.read_sql(f"""SELECT DISTINCT pdb_id, c.chain_name, exp_method, resolution
FROM (SELECT inferred, rfam_acc, pdb_start, pdb_end, chain.structure_id, chain.chain_name, r.redundancy, r.inf_redundancy
FROM chain
JOIN (SELECT structure_id, chain_name, COUNT(distinct rfam_acc) AS redundancy, SUM(inferred) AS inf_redundancy
FROM chain
WHERE rfam_acc IS NOT NULL AND issue=0
GROUP BY structure_id, chain_name
) AS r ON chain.structure_id=r.structure_id AND chain.chain_name = r.chain_name
WHERE r.redundancy=r.inf_redundancy AND rfam_acc IS NOT NULL and issue=0
) AS c
JOIN structure ON c.structure_id=structure.pdb_id;""", conn)
print("> found", len(df_inferred_only_unique.index), "chains which are mapped only by inference using BGSU NR Lists.")
# plot N = f(resolution, exp_method)
methods = df_unique.exp_method.unique()
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1+len(methods), 3, figsize=(15,5*(1+len(methods))), sharex=True)
df_unique.sort_values('resolution', inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
df_mapped_unique.sort_values('resolution', inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
df_inferred_only_unique.sort_values('resolution', inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
df_mapped_copies.sort_values('resolution', inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
max_res = max(df_unique.resolution)
max_structs = len(df_mapped_copies.index.tolist())
colors = np.linspace(0,1,1+len(methods))
plt.xticks( np.arange(0, max_res+2, 2.0).tolist(), np.arange(0, max_res+2, 2.0).tolist() )
axs[0][0].grid(axis='y', ls='dotted', lw=1)
axs[0][0].hist(df_unique.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 1, colors[0], 1), label='distribution')
axs[0][0].hist(df_unique.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 0, colors[0], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='cumulative')
axs[0][0].text(0.95*max_res, 0.95*len(df_unique.resolution), "%d " % len(df_unique.resolution),
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=14)
axs[0][0].set_ylabel("ALL", fontsize=14)
axs[0][0].set_title("Number of unique RNA chains", fontsize=14)
axs[0][0].set_ylim((0, max_structs * 1.05))
axs[0][0].legend(loc="best", fontsize=14)
axs[0][1].grid(axis='y', ls='dotted', lw=1)
axs[0][1].hist(df_mapped_unique.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 1, colors[0], 1), label='distribution')
axs[0][1].hist(df_mapped_unique.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 0, colors[0], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='cumulative')
axs[0][1].hist(df_inferred_only_unique.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0.2, 0, colors[0], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='only by inference')
axs[0][1].text(0.95*max_res, 0.95*len(df_mapped_unique.resolution), "%d " % len(df_mapped_unique.resolution),
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=14)
axs[0][1].set_title("Number of unique RNA chains\nmapped to $\geq 1$ family", fontsize=14)
axs[0][1].set_ylim((0, max_structs * 1.05))
axs[0][1].legend(loc="best", fontsize=14)
axs[0][2].grid(axis='y', ls='dotted', lw=1)
axs[0][2].hist(df_mapped_copies.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 1, colors[0], 1), label='distribution')
axs[0][2].hist(df_mapped_copies.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 0, colors[0], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='cumulative')
axs[0][2].hist(df_mapped_copies[df_mapped_copies.inferred == 1].resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0.2, 0, colors[0], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='inferred')
axs[0][2].text(0.95*max_res, 0.95*len(df_mapped_copies.resolution), "%d " % len(df_mapped_copies.resolution),
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=14)
axs[0][2].set_title("Number of RNA chains mapped to a\nfamily (with copies)", fontsize=14)
axs[0][2].legend(loc="right", fontsize=14)
axs[0][2].set_ylim((0, max_structs * 1.05))
for i,m in enumerate(methods):
df_unique_m = df_unique[df_unique.exp_method == m]
df_mapped_unique_m = df_mapped_unique[df_mapped_unique.exp_method == m]
df_inferred_only_unique_m = df_inferred_only_unique[df_inferred_only_unique.exp_method == m]
df_mapped_copies_m = df_mapped_copies[ df_mapped_copies.exp_method == m]
max_structs = len(df_mapped_copies_m.resolution.tolist())
print("> found", max_structs, "structures with method", m, flush=True)
axs[1+i][0].grid(axis='y', ls='dotted', lw=1)
axs[1+i][0].hist(df_unique_m.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 1, colors[1+i], 1), label='distribution')
axs[1+i][0].hist(df_unique_m.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 0, colors[1+i], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='cumulative')
axs[1+i][0].text(0.95*max_res, 0.95*len(df_unique_m.resolution), "%d " % len(df_unique_m.resolution),
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=14)
axs[1+i][0].set_ylim((0, max_structs * 1.05))
axs[1+i][0].set_ylabel(m, fontsize=14)
axs[1+i][0].legend(loc="best", fontsize=14)
axs[1+i][1].grid(axis='y', ls='dotted', lw=1)
axs[1+i][1].hist(df_mapped_unique_m.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 1, colors[1+i], 1), label='distribution')
axs[1+i][1].hist(df_mapped_unique_m.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 0, colors[1+i], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='cumulative')
axs[1+i][1].hist(df_inferred_only_unique_m.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0.2, 0, colors[1+i], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='only by inference')
axs[1+i][1].text(0.95*max_res, 0.95*len(df_mapped_unique_m.resolution), "%d " % len(df_mapped_unique_m.resolution),
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=14)
axs[1+i][1].set_ylim((0, max_structs * 1.05))
axs[1+i][1].legend(loc="best", fontsize=14)
axs[1+i][2].grid(axis='y', ls='dotted', lw=1)
axs[1+i][2].hist(df_mapped_copies_m.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 1, colors[1+i], 1), label='distribution')
axs[1+i][2].hist(df_mapped_copies_m.resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0, 0, colors[1+i], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='cumulative')
axs[1+i][2].hist(df_mapped_copies_m[df_mapped_copies_m.inferred == 1].resolution, bins=np.arange(0, max_res, 0.5), fc=(0.2, 0, colors[1+i], 0.5), cumulative=True, label='inferred')
axs[1+i][2].text(0.95*max_res, 0.95*len(df_mapped_copies_m.resolution), "%d " % len(df_mapped_copies_m.resolution),
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=14)
axs[1+i][2].set_ylim((0, max_structs * 1.05))
axs[1+i][2].legend(loc="right", fontsize=14)
axs[-1][0].set_xlabel("Structure resolution\n(Angströms, lower is better)", fontsize=14)
axs[-1][1].set_xlabel("Structure resolution\n(Angströms, lower is better)", fontsize=14)
axs[-1][2].set_xlabel("Structure resolution\n(Angströms, lower is better)", fontsize=14)
fig.suptitle("Number of RNA chains by experimental method and resolution", fontsize=16)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, right=0.98, wspace=0.05,
hspace=0.05, bottom=0.05, top=0.92)
# plot Nfam = f(resolution, exp_method)
df_mapped_copies['n_fam'] = [ len(df_mapped_copies.rfam_acc[:i+1].unique()) for i in range(len(df_mapped_copies.index)) ]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1+len(methods), figsize=(5*(1+len(methods)), 5))
max_res = max(df_mapped_copies.resolution)
max_fams = max(df_mapped_copies.n_fam)
colors = np.linspace(0,1,1+len(methods))
plt.xticks( np.arange(0, max_res+2, 2.0).tolist(), np.arange(0, max_res+2, 2.0).tolist() )
axs[0].grid(axis='y', ls='dotted', lw=1)
axs[0].plot(df_mapped_copies.resolution, df_mapped_copies.n_fam)
axs[0].text(0.95*max_res, 0.95*df_mapped_copies.n_fam.iloc[-1], "%d " % df_mapped_copies.n_fam.iloc[-1],
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=14)
axs[0].set_title("ALL", fontsize=14)
axs[0].set_xlabel("Structure resolution (Angströms)", fontsize=14)
axs[0].set_ylabel("Number of Rfam families", fontsize=14)
axs[0].set_ylim((0, max_res * 1.05))
axs[0].set_ylim((0, max_fams * 1.05))
for i,m in enumerate(methods):
df_mapped_copies_m = df_mapped_copies[ df_mapped_copies.exp_method == m].drop("n_fam", axis=1).copy()
df_mapped_copies_m['n_fam'] = [ len(df_mapped_copies_m.rfam_acc[:i+1].unique()) for i in range(len(df_mapped_copies_m.index)) ]
print(">", df_mapped_copies_m.n_fam.iloc[-1], "different RNA families have a 3D structure solved by", m)
axs[1+i].grid(axis='y', ls='dotted', lw=1)
axs[1+i].plot(df_mapped_copies_m.resolution, df_mapped_copies_m.n_fam, )
axs[1+i].text(0.95*max(df_mapped_copies_m.resolution), 0.95*df_mapped_copies_m.n_fam.iloc[-1], "%d " % df_mapped_copies_m.n_fam.iloc[-1],
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=14)
axs[1+i].set_xlim((0, max_res * 1.05))
axs[1+i].set_ylim((0, max_fams * 1.05))
axs[1+i].set_xlabel("Structure resolution (Angströms)", fontsize=14)
axs[1+i].set_title(m, fontsize=14)
fig.suptitle("Number of RNA families used by experimental method and resolution", fontsize=16)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.98, wspace=0.05,
hspace=0.05, bottom=0.12, top=0.84)
def log_to_pbar(pbar):
def update(r):
......@@ -604,6 +775,9 @@ def log_to_pbar(pbar):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse options
opts, _ = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "r:h", [ "help", "resolution=", "3d-folder=", "seq-folder=" ])
......@@ -665,8 +839,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Define the tasks
joblist = []
# joblist.append(Job(function=reproduce_wadley_results, args=(1,)))
# joblist.append(Job(function=reproduce_wadley_results, args=(4,)))
joblist.append(Job(function=reproduce_wadley_results, args=(1, False, (1,4), 4.0))) # res threshold is 4.0 Angstroms by default
joblist.append(Job(function=reproduce_wadley_results, args=(4, False, (1,4), 4.0))) #
joblist.append(Job(function=stats_len)) # Computes figures
# joblist.append(Job(function=stats_freq)) # updates the database
# for f in famlist: