Nt-specific Biopython PortionSelector

......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ nohup.out
# results
# temporary results files
......@@ -44,16 +44,15 @@ SSU_set = {"RF00177", "RF02542", "RF02545", "RF01959", "RF01960"} # From Rfam
no_nts_set = set()
weird_mappings = set()
class NtPortionSelector(object):
class SelectivePortionSelector(object):
"""Class passed to MMCIFIO to select some chain portions in an MMCIF file.
Validates every chain, residue, nucleotide, to say if it is in the selection or not.
def __init__(self, model_id, chain_id, start, end, khetatm):
def __init__(self, model_id, chain_id, valid_resnums, khetatm):
self.chain_id = chain_id
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.resnums = valid_resnums
self.pdb_model_id = model_id
self.hydrogen_regex = re.compile("[123 ]*H.*")
self.keep_hetatm = khetatm
......@@ -77,7 +76,10 @@ class NtPortionSelector(object):
# warn(f"icode {icode} at position {resseq}\t\t")
# Accept the residue if it is in the right interval:
return int(self.start <= resseq <= self.end)
if len(self.resnums):
return int(resseq in self.resnums)
return 1
def accept_atom(self, atom):
......@@ -128,13 +130,12 @@ class Chain:
self.pdb_id = pdb_id # PDB ID
self.pdb_model = int(pdb_model) # model ID, starting at 1
self.pdb_chain_id = pdb_chain_id # chain ID (mmCIF), multiple letters
self.pdb_start = pdb_start # if portion of chain, the start number (relative to the chain, not residue numbers)
self.pdb_end = pdb_end # if portion of chain, the start number (relative to the chain, not residue numbers)
self.reversed = (pdb_start > pdb_end) if pdb_start is not None else False # wether pdb_start > pdb_end in the Rfam mapping
if len(rfam):
self.mapping = Mapping(chain_label, rfam, pdb_start, pdb_end, inferred)
self.mapping = None
self.chain_label = chain_label # chain pretty name
self.file = "" # path to the 3D PDB file
self.rfam_fam = rfam # mapping to an RNA family
self.inferred = inferred # Wether this mapping has been inferred from BGSU's NR list
self.seq = "" # sequence with modified nts
self.seq_to_align = "" # sequence with modified nts replaced, but gaps can exist
self.length = -1 # length of the sequence (missing residues are not counted)
......@@ -156,8 +157,8 @@ class Chain:
""" Extract the part which is mapped to Rfam from the main CIF file and save it to another file.
if self.pdb_start is not None and (self.pdb_end - self.pdb_start):
status = f"Extract {self.pdb_start}-{self.pdb_end} atoms from {self.pdb_id}-{self.pdb_chain_id}"
if self.mapping is not None:
status = f"Extract {self.mapping.nt_start}-{self.mapping.nt_end} atoms from {self.pdb_id}-{self.pdb_chain_id}"
self.file = path_to_3D_data+"rna_mapped_to_Rfam/"+self.chain_label+".cif"
status = f"Extract {self.pdb_id}-{self.pdb_chain_id}"
......@@ -183,36 +184,19 @@ class Chain:
# Extract the desired chain
c = s[model_idx][self.pdb_chain_id]
if self.pdb_start is not None and (self.pdb_end - self.pdb_start):
# # Pay attention to residue numbering
# first_number = c.child_list[0].get_id()[1] # the chain's first residue is numbered 'first_number'
# if self.pdb_start < self.pdb_end:
# start = self.pdb_start + first_number - 1 # shift our start_position by 'first_number'
# end = self.pdb_end + first_number - 1 # same for the end position
# else:
# self.reversed = True # the 3D chain is numbered backwards compared to the Rfam family
# end = self.pdb_start + first_number - 1
# start = self.pdb_end + first_number - 1
if self.pdb_start < self.pdb_end:
start = self.pdb_start # shift our start_position by 'first_number'
end = self.pdb_end # same for the end position
self.reversed = True # the 3D chain is numbered backwards compared to the Rfam family
end = self.pdb_start
start = self.pdb_end
if self.mapping is not None:
valid_set = set(self.mapping.old_nt_resnums)
start = c.child_list[0].get_id()[1] # the chain's first residue is numbered 'first_number'
end = c.child_list[-1].get_id()[1] # the chain's last residue number
valid_set = set()
# Define a selection
# sel = ChainSelector(self.pdb_chain_id, start, end, model_id = model_idx)
sel = NtPortionSelector(model_idx, self.pdb_chain_id, start, end, khetatm)
sel = SelectivePortionSelector(model_idx, self.pdb_chain_id, valid_set, khetatm)
# Save that selection on the mmCIF object s to file
ioobj = MMCIFIO()
ioobj.save(self.file, sel)
......@@ -225,7 +209,7 @@ class Chain:
with open(path_to_3D_data + "annotations/" + self.pdb_id + ".json", 'r') as json_file:
json_object = json.load(json_file)
notify(f"Read {self.chain_label} DSSR annotations")
notify(f"Read {self.pdb_id} DSSR annotations")
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
warn("Could not load "+self.pdb_id+f".json with JSON package: {e}", error=True)
self.delete_me = True
......@@ -275,87 +259,87 @@ class Chain:
return None
# Solve some common issues and drop ligands
# Select the nucleotides we need
# Shift numbering when duplicate residue numbers are found.
# Remove nucleotides of the chain that are outside the Rfam mapping, if any
if self.mapping is not None:
df = self.mapping.filter_df(df)
# Duplicate residue numbers : shift numbering
# Example: 4v9q-DV contains 17 and 17A which are both read 17 by DSSR.
while True in df.duplicated(['nt_resnum']).values:
i = df.duplicated(['nt_resnum']).values.tolist().index(True)
df.iloc[i:, 1] += 1
# Search for ligands at the end of the selection
# Drop ligands detected as residues by DSSR, by detecting several markers
df = df.drop_duplicates("index_chain", keep="first") # drop doublons in index_chain
while (len(df.index_chain) and df.iloc[[-1]].nt_name.tolist()[0] not in ["A", "C", "G", "U"] and
((df.iloc[[-1]][["alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon", "zeta", "v0", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"]].isna().values).all()
or (df.iloc[[-1]].puckering=='').any())
or (len(df.index_chain) >= 2 and df.iloc[[-1]].nt_resnum.iloc[0] > 50 + df.iloc[[-2]].nt_resnum.iloc[0])):
while ( len(df.index_chain) and df.iloc[-1,2] not in ["A", "C", "G", "U"] and (
(df.iloc[[-1]][["alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon", "zeta", "v0", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"]].isna().values).all()
or (df.iloc[[-1]].puckering=='').any()
or ( len(df.index_chain) >= 2 and df.iloc[-1,1] > 50 + df.iloc[-2,1] )
or ( len(df.index_chain) and df.iloc[-1,2] in ["GNG", "E2C", "OHX", "IRI", "MPD", "8UZ"] )
if self.mapping is not None:
df = df.head(-1)
# drop eventual nts with index_chain < the first residue (usually, ligands)
df = df.drop(df[df.index_chain < 0].index)
# Assert some nucleotides still exist
l = df.iloc[-1,1] - df.iloc[0,1] + 1 # length of chain from nt_resnum point of view
except IndexError:
warn(f"Could not find real nucleotides of chain {self.pdb_chain_id} in annotation {self.pdb_id}.json. Ignoring chain {self.chain_label}.", error=True)
self.delete_me = True
self.error_messages = f"Could not find nucleotides of chain {self.pdb_chain_id} in annotation {self.pdb_id}.json. We expect a problem with {self.pdb_id} mmCIF download. Delete it and retry."
return None
# If, for some reason, index_chain does not start at one (e.g. 6boh, chain GB), make it start at one
if df.iloc[0,0] != 1:
st = df.iloc[0,0] -1
df.iloc[:, 0] -= st
# Find missing index_chain values because of resolved nucleotides that have a strange nt_resnum value
# Duplicates in index_chain : drop, they are ligands
# e.g. 3iwn_1_B_1-91, ligand C2E has index_chain 1 (and nt_resnum 601)
duplicates = [ index for index, element in enumerate(df.duplicated(['index_chain']).values) if element ]
if len(duplicates):
for i in duplicates:
warn(f"Found duplicated index_chain {df.iloc[i,0]} in {self.chain_label}. Keeping only the first.")
if self.mapping is not None:
self.mapping.log(f"Found duplicated index_chain {df.iloc[i,0]}. Keeping only the first.")
with open("duplicates.txt", "a") as f:
f.write(f"DEBUG: {self.chain_label} has duplicate index_chains !\n")
df = df.drop_duplicates("index_chain", keep="first") # drop doublons in index_chain
# drop eventual nts with index_chain < the first residue,
# now negative because we renumber to 1 (usually, ligands)
ligands = df[df.index_chain < 0]
if len(ligands.index_chain):
if self.mapping is not None:
for line in ligands.iterrows():
df = df.drop(ligands.index)
# Find missing index_chain values
# This happens because of resolved nucleotides that have a
# strange nt_resnum value
# e.g. 4v49-AA, position 5'- 1003 -> 2003 -> 1004 - 3'
diff = set(range(df.shape[0])).difference(df['index_chain'] - 1)
for i in sorted(diff):
# check if a nucleotide numbered +1000 exists
looked_for = df[df.index_chain == i].nt_resnum.values[0]
found = None
for nt in nts:
if nt['chain_name'] != self.pdb_chain_id:
if nt['index_chain'] == i + 1 :
found = nt
if found:
df_row = pd.DataFrame([found], index=[i])[df.columns.values]
df_row.iloc[0,1] = df.iloc[i,1]
df = pd.concat([ df.iloc[:i], df_row, df.iloc[i:] ])
df.iloc[i+1:, 1] += 1
warn(f"Missing index_chain {i} in {self.chain_label} !")
# Remove nucleotides of the chain that are outside the Rfam mapping, if any
if self.pdb_start and self.pdb_end:
if self.pdb_start < self.pdb_end:
newdf = df.drop(df[(df.nt_resnum < self.pdb_start) | (df.nt_resnum > self.pdb_end)].index)
newdf = df.drop(df[(df.nt_resnum < self.pdb_end) | (df.nt_resnum > self.pdb_start)].index)
if len(diff):
warn(f"Missing residues regarding index_chain: {[1+i for i in sorted(diff)]}")
for i in sorted(diff):
# check if a nucleotide numbered +1000 exists in the nts object
found = None
for nt in nts: # nts is the object from the loaded JSON and contains all nts
if nt['chain_name'] != self.pdb_chain_id:
if nt['index_chain'] == i + 1 :
found = nt
if found:
df_row = pd.DataFrame([found], index=[i])[df.columns.values]
if self.mapping is not None:
self.mapping.insert_new(i+1, found['nt_resnum'], df.iloc[i,1])
df_row.iloc[0,1] = df.iloc[i,1]
df = pd.concat([ df.iloc[:i], df_row, df.iloc[i:] ])
df.iloc[i+1:, 1] += 1
warn(f"Missing index_chain {i} in {self.chain_label} !")
if len(newdf.index_chain) > 0:
# everything's okay
df = newdf
# There were nucleotides in this chain but we removed them all while
# filtering the ones outside the Rfam mapping.
# This probably means that, for this chain, the mapping is relative to
# index_chain and not nt_resnum.
warn(f"Assuming {self.chain_label}'s mapping to {self.rfam_fam} is an absolute position interval.")
weird_mappings.add(self.chain_label + "." + self.rfam_fam)
df = df.drop(df[(df.index_chain < self.pdb_start) | (df.index_chain > self.pdb_end)].index)
# Assert some nucleotides still exist
l = df.iloc[-1,1] - df.iloc[0,1] + 1 # update length of chain from nt_resnum point of view
except IndexError:
warn(f"Could not find real nucleotides of chain {self.pdb_chain_id} between {self.pdb_start} and "
f"{self.pdb_end} ({'not ' if not self.inferred else ''}inferred). Ignoring chain {self.chain_label}.")
warn(f"Could not find real nucleotides of chain {self.pdb_chain_id} between {self.mapping.nt_start} and "
f"{self.mapping.nt_end} ({'not ' if not self.mapping.inferred else ''}inferred). Ignoring chain {self.chain_label}.")
self.delete_me = True
self.error_messages = f"Could not find nucleotides of chain {self.pdb_chain_id} in annotation {self.pdb_id}.json. Either there is a problem with {self.pdb_id} mmCIF download, or the bases are not resolved in the structure. Delete it and retry."
......@@ -464,7 +448,7 @@ class Chain:
df['nb_interact'] = interacts
df = df.drop(['nt_id'], axis=1) # remove now useless descriptors
if self.reversed:
if self.mapping.reversed:
# The 3D structure is numbered from 3' to 5' instead of standard 5' to 3'
# or the sequence that matches the Rfam family is 3' to 5' instead of standard 5' to 3'.
# Anyways, you need to invert the angles.
......@@ -507,6 +491,10 @@ class Chain:
self.error_messages = "Sequence is too short. (< 5 resolved nts)"
return None
# Log chain info to file
if self.mapping is not None:
return df
def register_chain(self, df):
......@@ -515,7 +503,7 @@ class Chain:
with sqlite3.connect(runDir+"/results/RNANet.db", timeout=10.0) as conn:
# Register the chain in table chain
if self.pdb_start is not None:
if self.mapping.nt_start is not None:
sql_execute(conn, f""" INSERT INTO chain
(structure_id, chain_name, pdb_start, pdb_end, reversed, rfam_acc, inferred, issue)
......@@ -527,14 +515,14 @@ class Chain:
data=(str(self.pdb_id), str(self.pdb_chain_id),
int(self.pdb_start), int(self.pdb_end),
int(self.reversed), str(self.rfam_fam),
int(self.inferred), int(self.delete_me)))
int(self.mapping.nt_start), int(self.mapping.nt_end),
int(self.mapping.reversed), str(self.mapping.rfam_acc),
int(self.mapping.inferred), int(self.delete_me)))
# get the chain id
self.db_chain_id = sql_ask_database(conn, f"""SELECT (chain_id) FROM chain
WHERE structure_id='{self.pdb_id}'
AND chain_name='{self.pdb_chain_id}'
AND rfam_acc='{self.rfam_fam}';""")[0][0]
AND rfam_acc='{self.mapping.rfam_acc}';""")[0][0]
sql_execute(conn, """INSERT INTO chain (structure_id, chain_name, rfam_acc, issue) VALUES (?, ?, NULL, ?)
ON CONFLICT(structure_id, chain_name, rfam_acc) DO UPDATE SET issue=excluded.issue;""",
......@@ -886,6 +874,103 @@ class Downloader:
notify(f"Downloaded and extracted {unit} database from SILVA", "used previous file")
class Mapping:
A custom class to store more information about nucleotide mappings.
def __init__(self, chain_label, rfam_acc, pdb_start, pdb_end, inferred):
rfam_acc : Rfam family accession number of the mapping
pdb_start/pdb_end : nt_resnum start and end values in the 3D data that are mapped to the family
inferred : wether the mapping has been inferred using BGSU's NR list
self.chain_label = chain_label
self.rfam_acc = rfam_acc
self.nt_start = pdb_start # nt_resnum numbering
self.nt_end = pdb_end # nt_resnum numbering
self.reversed = (pdb_start > pdb_end)
self.inferred = inferred
self.interval = range(pdb_start, pdb_end+1)
self.old_nt_resnums = [] # to be computed
self.new_nt_resnums = [] #
self.logs = [] # Events are logged when modifying the mapping
def shift_resnum_range(self, i):
self.log(f"Shifting nt_resnum numbering because of duplicate residue {self.new_nt_resnums[i]}")
for j in range(i, len(self.new_nt_resnums)):
self.new_nt_resnums[j] += 1
def insert_new(self, index_chain, oldresnum, newresnum):
# Adds a nt that did not passed the mapping filter at first
# because it was numbered with a very high nt_resnum value (outside the bounds of the mapping)
# But, in practice, its index_chain is correct and in the bounds and it belongs to the mapped chain.
# Those nts are only searched if there are missing index_chain values in the mapping bounds.
# insert the nt_resnum values in the lists
self.old_nt_resnums.insert(index_chain-1, oldresnum)
self.new_nt_resnums.insert(index_chain-1, newresnum)
# shift the new_nt_resnum values if needed, to avoid creating a doublon
if self.new_nt_resnums[index_chain-1] == self.new_nt_resnums[index_chain]:
for j in range(index_chain, len(self.new_nt_resnums)):
self.new_nt_resnums[j] += 1
# warn(f"Residue {index_chain} has been saved and renumbered {newresnum} instead of {oldresnum}")
self.log(f"Residue {index_chain} has been saved and renumbered {newresnum} instead of {oldresnum}")
def filter_df(self, df):
if not self.reversed:
newdf = df.drop(df[(df.nt_resnum < self.nt_start) | (df.nt_resnum > self.nt_end)].index)
newdf = df.drop(df[(df.nt_resnum < self.nt_end) | (df.nt_resnum > self.nt_start)].index)
if len(newdf.index_chain) > 0:
# everything's okay
df = newdf
# There were nucleotides in this chain but we removed them all while
# filtering the ones outside the Rfam mapping.
# This probably means that, for this chain, the mapping is relative to
# index_chain and not nt_resnum.
warn(f"Assuming mapping to {self.rfam_acc} is an absolute position interval.")
weird_mappings.add(self.chain_label + "." + self.rfam_acc)
df = df.drop(df[(df.index_chain < self.nt_start) | (df.index_chain > self.nt_end)].index)
# If, for some reason, index_chain does not start at one (e.g. 6boh, chain GB), make it start at one
if len(df.index_chain) and df.iloc[0,0] != 1:
st = df.iloc[0,0] -1
df.iloc[:, 0] -= st
self.old_nt_resnums = df.nt_resnum.tolist()
self.new_nt_resnums = df.nt_resnum.tolist()
return df
def drop_ligand(self, df_row):
self.log("Droping ligand:")
i = self.new_nt_resnums.index(df_row.iloc[0,1])
def log(self, message):
if isinstance(message, str):
def to_file(self, filename):
if not path.exists("logs"):
os.makedirs("logs", exist_ok=True)
with open("logs/"+filename, "w") as f:
class Pipeline:
def __init__(self):
self.dl = Downloader()
......@@ -1928,6 +2013,24 @@ def work_prepare_sequences(dl, rfam_acc, chains):
"""Prepares FASTA files of homologous sequences to realign with cmalign or SINA."""
if rfam_acc in LSU_set | SSU_set: # rRNA
if path.isfile(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.afa"):
# Detect doublons and remove them
existing_afa = AlignIO.read(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.afa", "fasta")
existing_ids = [ r.id for r in existing_afa ]
del existing_afa
new_ids = [ str(c) for c in chains ]
doublons = [ i for i in existing_ids if i in new_ids ]
del existing_ids, new_ids
if len(doublons):
fasta = path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.fa"
warn(f"Removing {len(doublons)} doublons from existing {rfam_acc}++.fa and using their newest version")
seqfile = SeqIO.parse(fasta, "fasta")
with open(fasta, 'w') as f:
for rec in seqfile:
if rec.id not in doublons:
# Add the new sequences with previous ones, if any
with open(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.fa", "a") as f:
for c in chains:
......@@ -2037,7 +2140,7 @@ def work_realign(rfam_acc):
existing_stk = AlignIO.read(existing_ali_path, "stockholm")
existing_ids = [ r.id for r in existing_stk ]
del existing_stk
new_stk = AlignIO.read(new_ali_path, "stk")
new_stk = AlignIO.read(new_ali_path, "stockholm")
new_ids = [ r.id for r in new_stk ]
del new_stk
doublons = [ i for i in existing_ids if i in new_ids ]
......@@ -2046,8 +2149,9 @@ def work_realign(rfam_acc):
warn(f"Removing {len(doublons)} doublons from existing {rfam_acc}++.stk and using their newest version")
with open(path_to_seq_data + "realigned/toremove.txt", "w") as toremove:
p = subprocess.run(["esl-alimanip", "--seq-r", path_to_seq_data + "realigned/toremove.txt", "-o", existing_ali_path],
p = subprocess.run(["esl-alimanip", "--seq-r", path_to_seq_data + "realigned/toremove.txt", "-o", existing_ali_path+"2", existing_ali_path],
stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
p = subprocess.run(["mv", existing_ali_path+"2", existing_ali_path], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
os.remove(path_to_seq_data + "realigned/toremove.txt")
# And we merge the two alignments
......@@ -2075,7 +2179,7 @@ def work_realign(rfam_acc):
if len(stderr):
print('', flush=True)
warn(f"Error while during sequence alignment: {stderr}", error=True)
warn(f"Error during sequence alignment: {stderr}", error=True)
with open(runDir + "/errors.txt", "a") as er:
er.write(f"Attempting to realign {rfam_acc}:\n" + stderr + '\n')
return 1
......@@ -2087,7 +2191,7 @@ def work_realign(rfam_acc):
subprocess.run(["rm", "-f", "esltmp*"]) # We can, because we are not running in parallel for this part.
# Assert everything worked, or save an error
with open(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.afa") as output:
with open(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.afa", 'r') as output:
if not len(output.readline()):
# The process crashed, probably because of RAM overflow
warn(f"Failed to realign {rfam_acc} (killed)", error=True)
......@@ -2237,7 +2341,7 @@ def work_save(c, homology=True):
NATURAL JOIN nucleotide
NATURAL JOIN align_column;""",
filename = path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/" + c.chain_label + '.' + c.rfam_fam
filename = path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/" + c.chain_label + '.' + c.mapping.rfam_acc
df = pd.read_sql_query(f"""
SELECT index_chain, nt_resnum, nt_position, nt_name, nt_code, nt_align_code,
......@@ -2280,7 +2384,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# At this point, the structure table is up to date
if len(pp.to_retry):
......@@ -2293,7 +2396,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Among errors, {len(no_nts_set)} structures seem to contain RNA chains without defined nucleotides:", no_nts_set, flush=True)
if len(weird_mappings):
print(f"{len(weird_mappings)} mappings to Rfam were taken as absolute positions instead of residue numbers:", weird_mappings, flush=True)
if pp.SELECT_ONLY is None:
if not pp.HOMOLOGY:
# Save chains to file
......@@ -2301,7 +2405,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
work_save(c, homology=False)
# At this point, structure, chain and nucleotide tables of the database are up to date.
# (Modulo some statistics computed by statistics.py)
......@@ -2309,15 +2413,16 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Homology information
# ===========================================================================
pp.checkpoint_load_chains() # If your job failed, you can comment all the "3D information" part and start from here.
if pp.SELECT_ONLY is None:
pp.checkpoint_load_chains() # If your job failed, you can comment all the "3D information" part and start from here.
# Get the list of Rfam families found
rfam_acc_to_download = {}
for c in pp.loaded_chains:
if c.rfam_fam not in rfam_acc_to_download:
rfam_acc_to_download[c.rfam_fam] = [ c ]
if c.mapping.rfam_acc not in rfam_acc_to_download:
rfam_acc_to_download[c.mapping.rfam_acc] = [ c ]
print(f"> Identified {len(rfam_acc_to_download.keys())} families to update and re-align with the crystals' sequences")
pp.fam_list = sorted(rfam_acc_to_download.keys())
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Run RNANet
cd /home/lbecquey/Projects/RNANet;
rm -f stdout.txt stderr.txt errors.txt;
time './RNAnet.py --3d-folder /home/lbequey/Data/RNA/3D/ --seq-folder /home/lbecquey/Data/RNA/sequences/' > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt;
time './RNAnet.py --3d-folder /home/lbequey/Data/RNA/3D/ --seq-folder /home/lbecquey/Data/RNA/sequences/ -s -r 20.0' > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt;
# Sync in Seafile
seaf-cli start;
......@@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ def to_dist_matrix(f):
notify(f"Computed {f} distance matrix", "loaded from file")
return 0
notify(f"Computing {f} distance matrix from alignment...")
dm = DistanceCalculator('identity')
with open(path_to_seq_data+"/realigned/"+f+"++.afa") as al_file:
al = AlignIO.read(al_file, "fasta")[-len(mappings_list[f]):]
......@@ -542,10 +543,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
threads = [
th.Thread(target=reproduce_wadley_results, kwargs={'carbon': 1}),
th.Thread(target=reproduce_wadley_results, kwargs={'carbon': 4}),
# th.Thread(target=stats_len), # computes figures
# th.Thread(target=stats_freq), # Updates the database
# th.Thread(target=seq_idty), # produces .npy files and seq idty figures
# th.Thread(target=per_chain_stats) # Updates the database
th.Thread(target=stats_len), # computes figures
th.Thread(target=stats_freq), # Updates the database
th.Thread(target=seq_idty), # produces .npy files and seq idty figures
th.Thread(target=per_chain_stats) # Updates the database
# Start the threads