working basepair angles measures

......@@ -87,4 +87,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
with open(runDir + "/results/geometry/json/hirerna_basepairs_processed.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(fullresults, f, indent=None)
json.dump(fullresults, f, indent=4)
......@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ def stats_len():
ncol=1, fontsize='small', bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 0.5))
# Save the figure
fig.savefig(runDir + f"/results/figures/lengths_{res_thr}A.png")
idxQueue.put(thr_idx) # replace the thread index in the queue
setproctitle(f"RNANet statistics.py Worker {thr_idx+1} finished")
......@@ -1457,12 +1458,15 @@ def basepair_measures(res, pair):
# Measure tau, the dihedral
u = (res_12**rho).normalized()
v = (rho**pair_12).normalized()
w1 = n1**u
w2 = v**n2
cosTau1 = n1*u
cosTau2 = v*n2
cosTau2 = v*n2
# cosTau is enough to compute alpha, but we can't distinguish
# yet betwwen tau and -tau. If the full computation if required, then:
tau1 = np.arccos(cosTau1)*(180/np.pi)
tau2 = np.arccos(cosTau2)*(180/np.pi)
w1 = u**n1
w2 = v**n2
if res_12*w1 < 0:
tau1 = -tau1
if pair_12*w2 < 0:
......@@ -1471,11 +1475,12 @@ def basepair_measures(res, pair):
# And finally, the a1 and a2 angles between res_12 and p1 / pair_12 and p2
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning)
a1 = res_12.angle(p1)*(180/np.pi)
a2 = pair_12.angle(p2)*(180/np.pi)
if cosTau1 < 0:
a1 = (-res_12).angle(p1)*(180/np.pi)
a2 = (-pair_12).angle(p2)*(180/np.pi)
if cosTau1 > 0:
# CosTau > 0 (Tau < 90 or Tau > 270) implies that alpha > 180.
a1 = -a1
if cosTau2 < 0:
if cosTau2 > 0:
a2 = -a2
return [dist, b, c, d1, d2, a1, a2, tau1, tau2]
......@@ -1518,8 +1523,8 @@ def measures_wadley(name, s, thr_idx):
# do not recompute something already computed
if (path.isfile(runDir + '/results/geometry/Pyle/angles/flat_angles_pyle ' + name + '.csv') and
path.isfile(runDir + "/results/geometry/Pyle/distances/distances_wadley " + name + ".csv")):
if (path.isfile(runDir + '/results/geometry/Pyle/angles/flat_angles_pyle_' + name + '.csv') and
path.isfile(runDir + "/results/geometry/Pyle/distances/distances_wadley_" + name + ".csv")):
liste_dist = []
......@@ -1558,9 +1563,9 @@ def measures_wadley(name, s, thr_idx):
liste_angl.append([res.get_resname(), p_c1p_psuiv, c1p_psuiv_c1psuiv])
df = pd.DataFrame(liste_dist, columns=["Residu", "C1'-P", "P-C1'", "C4'-P", "P-C4'"])
df.to_csv(runDir + "/results/geometry/Pyle/distances/distances_wadley " + name + ".csv")
df.to_csv(runDir + "/results/geometry/Pyle/distances/distances_wadley_" + name + ".csv")
df = pd.DataFrame(liste_angl, columns=["Residu", "P-C1'-P°", "C1'-P°-C1'°"])
df.to_csv(runDir + "/results/geometry/Pyle/angles/flat_angles_pyle "+name+".csv")
df.to_csv(runDir + "/results/geometry/Pyle/angles/flat_angles_pyle_"+name+".csv")
def measures_aa(name, s, thr_idx):
......@@ -1841,7 +1846,7 @@ def measures_hrna_basepairs(name, s, thr_idx):
chain = next(s[0].get_chains())
# do not recompute something already computed
if path.isfile(runDir + "/results/geometry/HiRE-RNA/basepairs/basepairs "+name+".csv"):
if path.isfile(runDir + "/results/geometry/HiRE-RNA/basepairs/basepairs_"+name+".csv"):
df=pd.read_csv(os.path.abspath(path_to_3D_data +"datapoints/" + name))
......@@ -1850,7 +1855,7 @@ def measures_hrna_basepairs(name, s, thr_idx):
l = measures_hrna_basepairs_chain(name, chain, df, thr_idx)
df_calc = pd.DataFrame(l, columns=["type_LW", "nt1_idx", "nt1_res", "nt2_idx", "nt2_res", "Distance",
"211_angle", "112_angle", "dB1", "dB2", "alpha1", "alpha2", "3211_torsion", "1123_torsion"])
df_calc.to_csv(runDir + "/results/geometry/HiRE-RNA/basepairs/"+'basepairs ' + name + '.csv', float_format="%.3f")
df_calc.to_csv(runDir + "/results/geometry/HiRE-RNA/basepairs/"+'basepairs_' + name + '.csv', float_format="%.3f")
def measures_hrna_basepairs_chain(name, chain, df, thr_idx):
......@@ -2028,7 +2033,7 @@ def GMM_histo(data_ori, name_data, toric=False, hist=True, col=None, save=True)
weight = weights[i]
# compute the right x and y data to plot
y = weight*st.norm.pdf(x, mean, sigma)
......@@ -2335,11 +2340,11 @@ def gmm_wadley():
GMM_histo(p_c1p, "P-C1'")
GMM_histo(c1p_p, "C1'-P")
GMM_histo(p_c1p, "P-C4'")
GMM_histo(c1p_p, "C4'-P")
GMM_histo(p_c4p, "P-C4'")
GMM_histo(c4p_p, "C4'-P")
GMM_histo(p_c1p, "P-C4'", toric=False, hist=False, col='gold')
GMM_histo(c1p_p, "C4'-P", toric=False, hist=False, col='indigo')
GMM_histo(p_c4p, "P-C4'", toric=False, hist=False, col='gold')
GMM_histo(c4p_p, "C4'-P", toric=False, hist=False, col='indigo')
GMM_histo(p_c1p, "P-C1'", toric=False, hist=False, col='firebrick')
GMM_histo(c1p_p, "C1'-P", toric=False, hist=False, col='seagreen')
plt.xlabel("Distance (Angströms)")
......@@ -2730,8 +2735,6 @@ def process_jobs(joblist):
print("Something went wrong")
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.makedirs(runDir + "/results/figures/", exist_ok=True)
# parse options
......@@ -2915,7 +2918,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# general_stats()
os.makedirs(runDir+"/results/figures/GMM/", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(runDir+"/results/geometry/json/", exist_ok=True)
joblist = []
# joblist = []
# joblist.append(Job(function=concat_dataframes, args=(runDir + '/results/geometry/all-atoms/distances/', 'dist_atoms.csv')))
# joblist.append(Job(function=concat_dataframes, args=(runDir + '/results/geometry/HiRE-RNA/distances/', 'dist_atoms_hire_RNA.csv')))
......@@ -2926,11 +2929,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# joblist.append(Job(function=concat_dataframes, args=(runDir + '/results/geometry/Pyle/distances/', 'distances_wadley.csv')))
# joblist.append(Job(function=concat_dataframes, args=(runDir + '/results/geometry/Pyle/angles/', 'flat_angles_pyle.csv')))
# process_jobs(joblist)
# joblist = []
joblist.append(Job(function=gmm_aa_dists, args=()))
joblist.append(Job(function=gmm_aa_torsions, args=()))
joblist = []
# joblist.append(Job(function=gmm_aa_dists, args=()))
# joblist.append(Job(function=gmm_aa_torsions, args=()))
joblist.append(Job(function=gmm_hrna, args=()))
# joblist.append(Job(function=gmm_hrna, args=()))
joblist.append(Job(function=gmm_hrna_basepairs, args=()))
joblist.append(Job(function=gmm_wadley, args=()))