Improved automation

......@@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ class Pipeline:
# Remove previous precomputed data
subprocess.run(["rm","-f", "data/wadley_kernel_eta.npz", "data/wadley_kernel_eta_prime.npz", "data/pair_counts.csv"])
for f in self.fam_list:
subprocess.run(["rm","-f", f"data/{f}.npy"])
subprocess.run(["rm","-f", f"data/{f}.npy", f"data/{f}_pairs.csv", f"data/{f}_counts.csv"])
# Run statistics files
......@@ -1397,13 +1397,12 @@ class Pipeline:
subprocess.run(["python3.8", "statistics.py", path_to_3D_data, path_to_seq_data])
# Save additional informations
conn = sqlite3.connect(runDir+"/results/RNANet.db")
pd.read_sql_query("SELECT rfam_acc, description, idty_percent, nb_homologs, nb_3d_chains, nb_total_homol, max_len, comput_time, comput_peak_mem from family ORDER BY nb_3d_chains DESC;",
conn).to_csv(runDir + f"/results/archive/families_{time_str}.csv", float_format="%.2f", index=False)
pd.read_sql_query("""SELECT structure_id, chain_name, pdb_start, pdb_end, rfam_acc, inferred, date, exp_method, resolution, issue FROM structure
JOIN chain ON structure.pdb_id = chain.structure_id
ORDER BY structure_id, chain_name, rfam_acc ASC;""", conn).to_csv(runDir + f"/results/archive/summary_{time_str}.csv", float_format="%.2f", index=False)
with sqlite3.connect(runDir+"/results/RNANet.db") as conn:
pd.read_sql_query("SELECT rfam_acc, description, idty_percent, nb_homologs, nb_3d_chains, nb_total_homol, max_len, comput_time, comput_peak_mem from family ORDER BY nb_3d_chains DESC;",
conn).to_csv(runDir + f"/results/archive/families_{time_str}.csv", float_format="%.2f", index=False)
pd.read_sql_query("""SELECT structure_id, chain_name, pdb_start, pdb_end, rfam_acc, inferred, date, exp_method, resolution, issue FROM structure
JOIN chain ON structure.pdb_id = chain.structure_id
ORDER BY structure_id, chain_name, rfam_acc ASC;""", conn).to_csv(runDir + f"/results/archive/summary_{time_str}.csv", float_format="%.2f", index=False)
# Archive the results
if self.SELECT_ONLY is None:
......@@ -2408,6 +2407,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
rfam_acc_to_download[c.mapping.rfam_acc] = [ c ]
print(f"> Identified {len(rfam_acc_to_download.keys())} families to update and re-align with the crystals' sequences")
pp.fam_list = sorted(rfam_acc_to_download.keys())
# This is a script supposed to be run periodically as a cron job
cd /home/lbecquey/Projects/RNANet;
rm -f nohup.out errors.txt;
cd /home/lbecquey/Projects/RNANet
rm -f latest_run.log errors.txt
# Run RNANet
nohup bash -c 'time ./RNAnet.py --3d-folder /home/lbecquey/Data/RNA/3D/ --seq-folder /home/lbecquey/Data/RNA/sequences/ -s -r 20.0 --archive';
bash -c 'time ./RNAnet.py --3d-folder /home/lbecquey/Data/RNA/3D/ --seq-folder /home/lbecquey/Data/RNA/sequences/ -r 20.0 -s --archive' &> latest_run.log
touch results/RNANet.db # update last modification date
rm -f results/RNANet.db-wal results/RNANet.db-shm # SQLite temporary files
# Compress
rm -f results/RNANet.db.gz
gzip -k results/RNANet.db
rm -f /home/lbecquey/Projects/RNANet/results/RNANet.db.gz
echo 'Deleted results/RNANet.db.gz (if existed)' >> latest_run.log
gzip -k /home/lbecquey/Projects/RNANet/results/RNANet.db
echo 'Recreated it.' >> latest_run.log
# Sync in Seafile
seaf-cli start;
sleep 30m;
seaf-cli stop;
seaf-cli start >> latest_run.log 2>&1
echo 'Waiting 10m for SeaFile synchronization...' >> latest_run.log
sleep 10m
echo `seaf-cli status` >> latest_run.log
seaf-cli stop >> latest_run.log 2>&1
echo 'We are '`date`', update completed.' >> latest_run.log
......@@ -161,3 +161,7 @@
......@@ -487,3 +487,15 @@ DSSR warning 4v5z.json: no nucleotides found. Ignoring 4v5z_1_AA_1-1562.
DSSR warning 4v5z.json: no nucleotides found. Ignoring 4v5z_1_AA_1-1563.
Could not find nucleotides of chain 8 in annotation 6lqm.json. Either there is a problem with 6lqm mmCIF download, or the bases are not resolved in the structure. Delete it and retry.
Could not find nucleotides of chain 8 in annotation 6lu8.json. Either there is a problem with 6lu8 mmCIF download, or the bases are not resolved in the structure. Delete it and retry.
Could not find nucleotides of chain 8 in annotation 6lsr.json. Either there is a problem with 6lsr mmCIF download, or the bases are not resolved in the structure. Delete it and retry.
Could not find nucleotides of chain 8 in annotation 6lss.json. Either there is a problem with 6lss mmCIF download, or the bases are not resolved in the structure. Delete it and retry.
......@@ -288,6 +288,9 @@ def parallel_stats_pairs(f):
REQUIRES tables chain, nucleotide up-to-date."""
if path.isfile("data/"+f+"_pairs.csv") and path.isfile("data/"+f+"_counts.csv"):
# Get a worker number to position the progress bar
global idxQueue
thr_idx = idxQueue.get()
......@@ -363,7 +366,7 @@ def parallel_stats_pairs(f):
# Update the database
with sqlite3.connect("results/RNANet.db") as conn:
with sqlite3.connect("results/RNANet.db", isolation_level=None) as conn:
conn.execute('pragma journal_mode=wal') # Allow multiple other readers to ask things while we execute this writing query
sql_execute(conn, """UPDATE chain SET pair_count_cWW = ?, pair_count_cWH = ?, pair_count_cWS = ?, pair_count_cHH = ?,
pair_count_cHS = ?, pair_count_cSS = ?, pair_count_tWW = ?, pair_count_tWH = ?, pair_count_tWS = ?,
......@@ -554,7 +557,7 @@ def per_chain_stats():
REQUIRES tables chain, nucleotide up to date. """
with sqlite3.connect("results/RNANet.db") as conn:
with sqlite3.connect("results/RNANet.db", isolation_level=None) as conn:
# Compute per-chain nucleotide frequencies
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT SUM(is_A) as A, SUM(is_C) AS C, SUM(is_G) AS G, SUM(is_U) AS U, SUM(is_other) AS O, chain_id FROM nucleotide GROUP BY chain_id;", conn)
df["total"] = pd.Series(df.A + df.C + df.G + df.U + df.O, dtype=np.float64)
......@@ -610,7 +613,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
p = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),), processes=nworkers)
pbar = tqdm(total=len(joblist), desc="Stat jobs", position=0, leave=True)
for j in joblist:
p.apply_async(j.func_, args=j.args_, callback=log_to_pbar(pbar))
......@@ -626,6 +629,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Something went wrong")
# finish the work after the parallel portions