better warnings

Showing 1 changed file with 26 additions and 12 deletions
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import concurrent.futures, Bio.PDB.StructureBuilder, getopt, gzip, io, json, os, pickle, psutil, re, requests, signal, sqlalchemy, sqlite3, subprocess, sys, time, traceback, warnings
import concurrent.futures, getopt, gzip, io, json, os, pickle, psutil, re, requests, signal, sqlalchemy, sqlite3, subprocess, sys, time, traceback, warnings
from Bio import AlignIO, SeqIO
from Bio.PDB import MMCIFParser
from Bio.PDB.mmcifio import MMCIFIO
......@@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ class Chain:
# Print eventual warnings given by DSSR, and abort if there are some
if "warning" in json_object.keys():
warn(f"Ignoring {self.chain_label} ({json_object['warning']})")
warn(f"found DSSR warning in annotation {self.pdb_id}.json: {json_object['warning']}. Ignoring {self.chain_label}.")
self.delete_me = True
self.error_messages = f"DSSR warning for {self.chain_label}: {json_object['warning']}"
self.error_messages = f"DSSR warning {self.pdb_id}.json: {json_object['warning']}. Ignoring {self.chain_label}."
return 1
......@@ -228,6 +228,11 @@ class Chain:
nts = json_object["nts"] # sub-json-object
df = pd.DataFrame(nts) # conversion to dataframe
df = df[ df.chain_name == self.pdb_chain_id ] # keeping only this chain's nucleotides
if df.empty:
warn(f"Could not find nucleotides of chain {self.pdb_chain_id} in annotation {self.pdb_id}.json. Ignoring chain {self.chain_label}.", error=True)
self.delete_me = True
self.error_messages = f"Could not find nucleotides of chain {self.pdb_chain_id} in annotation {self.pdb_id}.json. We expect a problem with {self.pdb_id} mmCIF download. Delete it and retry."
return 1
# remove low pertinence or undocumented descriptors
cols_we_keep = ["index_chain", "nt_resnum", "nt_name", "nt_code", "nt_id", "dbn", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon", "zeta",
......@@ -242,7 +247,7 @@ class Chain:
df.loc[:,['alpha', 'beta','gamma','delta','epsilon','zeta','epsilon_zeta','chi','v0', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4',
'eta','theta','eta_prime','theta_prime','eta_base','theta_base', 'phase_angle']] %= (2.0*np.pi)
except KeyError as e:
warn(f"Error while parsing DSSR's {self.chain_label} json output:{e}", error=True)
warn(f"Error while parsing DSSR {self.pdb_id}.json output:{e}", error=True)
self.delete_me = True
self.error_messages = f"Error while parsing DSSR's json output:\n{e}"
return 1
......@@ -265,9 +270,9 @@ class Chain:
l = df.iloc[-1,1] - df.iloc[0,1] + 1 # length of chain from nt_resnum point of view
except IndexError:
warn(f"Error while parsing DSSR's annotation: No nucleotides are part of {self.chain_label}!", error=True)
warn(f"Could not find real nucleotides of chain {self.pdb_chain_id} in annotation {self.pdb_id}.json. Ignoring chain {self.chain_label}.", error=True)
self.delete_me = True
self.error_messages = f"Error while parsing DSSR's json output: No nucleotides from {self.chain_label}. We expect a problem with {self.pdb_id} mmCIF download. Delete it and retry."
self.error_messages = f"Could not find nucleotides of chain {self.pdb_chain_id} in annotation {self.pdb_id}.json. We expect a problem with {self.pdb_id} mmCIF download. Delete it and retry."
return 1
# If, for some reason, index_chain does not start at one (e.g. 6boh, chain GB), make it start at one
......@@ -846,7 +851,7 @@ class Pipeline:
"\n\t\t\t\tAllows to yield more 3D data (consider chains without a Rfam mapping).")
print("--ignore-issues\t\t\tDo not ignore already known issues and attempt to compute them")
print("--update-homologous\t\tRe-download Rfam sequences and SILVA arb databases, and realign all families")
print("--update-homologous\t\tRe-download Rfam and SILVA databases, realign all families, and recompute all CSV files")
print("--from-scratch\t\t\tDelete database, local 3D and sequence files, and known issues, and recompute.")
print("Typical usage:")
......@@ -893,6 +898,9 @@ class Pipeline:
runDir + "/known_issues_reasons.txt",
runDir + "/results/RNANet.db"])
elif opt == "--update-homologous":
if "tobedefinedbyoptions" == path_to_seq_data:
warn("Please provide --seq-folder before --update-homologous in the list of options.", error=True)
warn("Deleting previous sequence files and recomputing alignments.")
subprocess.run(["rm", "-rf",
path_to_seq_data + "realigned",
......@@ -1136,7 +1144,7 @@ class Pipeline:
WHERE rfam_acc = ?;""", many=True, data=data)
def remap(self):
"""Compute nucleotide frequencies of the previous alignments and save them in the database
"""Compute nucleotide frequencies of some alignments and save them in the database
REQUIRES self.fam_list to be defined"""
......@@ -1548,6 +1556,9 @@ def execute_joblist(fulljoblist):
# Sort jobs in a tree structure, first by priority, then by CPU numbers
jobs = {}
jobcount = len(fulljoblist)
if not jobcount:
warn("nothing to do !")
return []
for job in fulljoblist:
if job.priority_ not in jobs.keys():
jobs[job.priority_] = {}
......@@ -1720,8 +1731,9 @@ def work_mmcif(pdb_id):
url = 'http://files.rcsb.org/download/%s.cif' % (pdb_id)
final_filepath = path_to_3D_data+"RNAcifs/"+pdb_id+".cif"
# Attempt to download it
# Attempt to download it if not present
if not path.isfile(final_filepath):
_urlretrieve(url, final_filepath)
......@@ -1741,11 +1753,12 @@ def work_mmcif(pdb_id):
elif "_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution" in mmCif_info.keys() and mmCif_info["_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution"][0] not in ['.', '?']:
reso = float(mmCif_info["_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution"][0])
warn(f"Wtf, structure {pdb_id} has no resolution ? Check https://files.rcsb.org/header/{pdb_id}.cif to figure it out.")
warn(f"Wtf, structure {pdb_id} has no resolution ?")
warn(f"Check https://files.rcsb.org/header/{pdb_id}.cif to figure it out.")
reso = 0.0
# Save into the database
with sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db")as conn:
with sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db") as conn:
sql_execute(conn, """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO structure (pdb_id, pdb_model, date, exp_method, resolution)
VALUES (?, ?, DATE(?), ?, ?);""", data = (pdb_id, 1, date, exp_meth, reso))
......@@ -2157,6 +2170,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"> Identified {len(rfam_acc_to_download.keys())} families to update and re-align with the crystals' sequences:")
pp.fam_list = sorted(rfam_acc_to_download.keys())
if len(pp.fam_list):
......@@ -2179,4 +2193,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Completed.") # This part of the code is supposed to release some serotonin in the modeller's brain, do not remove
# # so i can sleep for the end of the night
# subprocess.run(["shutdown","now"])
# subprocess.run(["poweroff"])