using sqlite instead of text files

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import concurrent.futures, Bio.PDB.StructureBuilder, getopt, gzip, io, json, os, psutil, re, requests, sqlalchemy, subprocess, sys, time, warnings
import concurrent.futures, Bio.PDB.StructureBuilder, getopt, gzip, io, json, os, psutil, re, requests, sqlalchemy, sqlite3, subprocess, sys, time, warnings
from Bio import AlignIO, SeqIO
from Bio.PDB import MMCIFParser
from Bio.PDB.mmcifio import MMCIFIO
......@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ class Chain:
self.rfam_fam = rfam # mapping to an RNA family
self.inferred = inferred # Wether this mapping has been inferred from BGSU's NR list
self.seq = "" # sequence with modified nts
self.aligned_seq = "" # sequence with modified nts replaced, but gaps can exist
self.seq_to_align = "" # sequence with modified nts replaced, but gaps can exist
self.length = -1 # length of the sequence (missing residues are not counted)
self.full_length = -1 # length of the chain extracted from source structure ([start; stop] interval)
self.full_length = abs(pdb_end-pdb_start) + 1 # length of the chain extracted from source structure ([start; stop] interval)
self.delete_me = False # an error occured during production/parsing
self.error_messages = "" # Error message(s) if any
self.data = None # Pandas DataFrame with all the 3D data extracted by DSSR.
self.db_chain_id = -1 # index of the RNA chain in the SQL database, table chain
def __str__(self):
return self.pdb_id + '[' + str(self.pdb_model) + "]-" + self.pdb_chain_id
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class Chain:
self.delete_me = True
self.error_messages = f"Error downloading {url}"
def extract_portion(self):
def extract_portion(self, conn):
""" Extract the part which is mapped to Rfam from the main CIF file and save it to another file.
......@@ -206,6 +206,17 @@ class Chain:
# Extract the desired chain
c = s[model_idx][self.pdb_chain_id]
# (note that we can use mmcif_parser defined in __main__ only because the process creation method is 'fork'.
# Each worker inherits from the context and gets its own (empty) mmcif_parser object.)
# Get info about that structure and save it to the database
exp_meth = s._mmcif_dict["_exptl.method"]
date = s._mmcif_dict["_database_PDB_rev.date_original"]
reso = s._mmcif_dict["_refine.ls_d_res_high"]
sql_execute(conn, f"""
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO structure (pdb_id, pdb_model, date, exp_method, resolution)
VALUES ({self.pdb_id}, {self.pdb_model}, {date}, {exp_meth}, {reso});
# Pay attention to residue numbering
first_number = c.child_list[0].get_id()[1] # the chain's first residue is numbered 'first_number'
......@@ -227,7 +238,7 @@ class Chain:
print(status + f"\t{validsymb}")
def extract_all(self):
def extract_all(self, conn):
""" Extract the RNA chain from the main CIF file and save it to another file.
......@@ -254,6 +265,17 @@ class Chain:
# Load the whole mmCIF into a Biopython structure object:
s = mmcif_parser.get_structure(self.pdb_id, self.full_mmCIFpath)
# (note that we can use mmcif_parser defined in __main__ only because the process creation method is 'fork'.
# Each worker inherits from the context and gets its own (empty) mmcif_parser object.)
# Get info about that structure and save it to the database
exp_meth = s._mmcif_dict["_exptl.method"]
date = s._mmcif_dict["_database_PDB_rev.date_original"]
reso = s._mmcif_dict["_refine.ls_d_res_high"]
sql_execute(conn, f"""
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO structure (pdb_id, pdb_model, date, exp_method, resolution)
VALUES ({self.pdb_id}, {self.pdb_model}, {date}, {exp_meth}, {reso});
# Extract the desired chain
c = s[model_idx][self.pdb_chain_id]
......@@ -270,18 +292,16 @@ class Chain:
print(status + f"\t{validsymb}")
def set_rfam(self, rfam):
""" Rember the Rfam mapping for this chain.
self.rfam_fam = rfam
def extract_3D_data(self):
def extract_3D_data(self, conn):
""" Runs DSSR to annotate the 3D chain and get various information about it. """
# Check if the file exists. If no, compute it.
if not os.path.exists(path_to_3D_data+f"annotations/{self.chain_label}.{self.rfam_fam}.csv"):
# Check if data is in the database.
count = sql_ask_database(conn, f"""
SELECT COUNT(nt_id) from nucleotide WHERE chain_id = '{self.db_chain_id}';
# If all the nucleotides have not already been computed, compute them
if count != abs(self.pdb_end - self.pdb_start) + 1:
# run DSSR (you need to have it in your $PATH, follow x3dna installation instructions)
output = subprocess.run(
["x3dna-dssr", f"-i={self.file}", "--json", "--auxfile=no"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
......@@ -314,14 +334,8 @@ class Chain:
df = pd.DataFrame(nts)
# remove low pertinence or undocumented descriptors
df = df.drop(['summary', 'chain_name', 'index', 'splay_angle',
'splay_distance', 'splay_ratio', 'sugar_class',
'bin', 'suiteness', 'cluster'], axis=1)
# df['P_x'] = [ float(i[0]) if i[0] is not None else np.NaN for i in df['P_xyz'] ] #
# df['P_y'] = [ float(i[1]) if i[1] is not None else np.NaN for i in df['P_xyz'] ] #
# df['P_z'] = [ float(i[2]) if i[2] is not None else np.NaN for i in df['P_xyz'] ] # Flatten the
# df['C5prime_x'] = [ float(i[0]) if i[0] is not None else np.NaN for i in df['C5prime_xyz'] ] # Python dictionary
# df['C5prime_y'] = [ float(i[1]) if i[1] is not None else np.NaN for i in df['C5prime_xyz'] ] #
# df['C5prime_z'] = [ float(i[2]) if i[2] is not None else np.NaN for i in df['C5prime_xyz'] ] #
'splay_distance', 'splay_ratio', 'sugar_class', 'is_modified',
'bin', 'suiteness', 'cluster', "filter_rmsd", "frame"], axis=1)
# Convert angles to radians
df.loc[:,['alpha', 'beta','gamma','delta','epsilon','zeta','epsilon_zeta','chi','v0', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4',
......@@ -356,6 +370,13 @@ class Chain:
df.iloc[i:, 0] += 1
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
# One-hot encoding sequence
df["is_A"] = [ 1 if x in "Aa" else 0 for x in df["nt_code"] ]
df["is_C"] = [ 1 if x in "Cc" else 0 for x in df["nt_code"] ]
df["is_G"] = [ 1 if x in "Gg" else 0 for x in df["nt_code"] ]
df["is_U"] = [ 1 if x in "Uu" else 0 for x in df["nt_code"] ]
df["is_other"] = [ 0 if x in "ACGUacgu" else 1 for x in df["nt_code"] ]
df["nt_position"] = [ float(i+1)/self.full_length for i in range(self.full_length) ]
# Iterate over pairs to identify base-base interactions
res_ids = list(df['nt_id']) # things like "chainID.C4, chainID.U5"
......@@ -405,6 +426,7 @@ class Chain:
# The 3D structure is numbered from 3' to 5' instead of standard 5' to 3'
# or the sequence that matches the Rfam family is 3' to 5' instead of standard 5' to 3'.
# Anyways, you need to invert the angles.
# TODO: angles alpha, beta, etc
warn(f"Has {self.chain_label} been numbered from 3' to 5' ? Inverting pseudotorsions, other angle measures are not corrected.")
df = df.reindex(index=df.index[::-1]).reset_index(drop=True)
df['index_chain'] = 1 + df.index
......@@ -429,6 +451,23 @@ class Chain:
if int(v):
df['paired'] = newpairs
# Saving to database
sql_execute(conn, f"""
(chain_id, index_chain, nt_resnum, nt_name, nt_code, dbn, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta,
epsilon_zeta, bb_type, chi, glyco_bond, form, ssZp, Dp, eta, theta, eta_prime, theta_prime, eta_base, theta_base,
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, amplitude, phase_angle, puckering, nt_align_code, is_A, is_C, is_G, is_U, is_other, nt_position,
paired, pair_type_LW, pair_type_DSSR, nb_interact)
VALUES ('{self.db_chain_id}', ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
;""", many=True, data=list(df.to_records(index=False))
del df
print("\t> Saved", self.chain_label, f"annotations to database.\t\t{validsymb}", flush=True)
except KeyError as e:
# Mostly, there are no part about nucleotides in the DSSR output. Abort.
warn(f"Error while parsing DSSR's json output:\n{e}\n\tignoring {self.chain_label}\t\t\t\t", error=True)
......@@ -436,21 +475,12 @@ class Chain:
self.error_messages = f"Error while parsing DSSR's json output:\n{e}"
# Creating a df for easy saving to CSV
df.to_csv(path_to_3D_data + f"annotations/{self.chain_label}.{self.rfam_fam}.csv")
del df
print("\t> Saved", self.chain_label, f"annotations to CSV.\t\t{validsymb}", flush=True)
print("\t> Computing", self.chain_label, f"annotations...\t{validsymb}\t(already done)", flush=True)
# Now load data from the CSV file
d = pd.read_csv(path_to_3D_data+f"annotations/{self.chain_label}.{self.rfam_fam}.csv", index_col=0)
self.seq = "".join(d.nt_code.values)
self.aligned_seq = "".join(d.nt_align_code.values)
self.length = len([ x for x in self.aligned_seq if x != "-" ])
self.full_length = len(d.nt_code)
self.data = d
print(f"\t> Loaded data from CSV\t\t\t\t{validsymb}", flush=True)
self.seq = "".join(sql_ask_database(conn, f"SELECT nt_code from nucleotide WHERE chain_id = '{self.db_chain_id}' ORDER BY index_chain ASC;"))
self.seq_to_align = "".join(sql_ask_database(conn, f"SELECT nt_align_code from nucleotide WHERE chain_id = '{self.db_chain_id}' ORDER BY index_chain ASC;"))
self.length = len([ x for x in self.seq_to_align if x != "-" ])
print(f"\t> Read {self.chain_label} nucleotide data from database\t\t{validsymb}", flush=True)
# Remove too short chains
if self.length < 5:
......@@ -459,28 +489,41 @@ class Chain:
self.error_messages = "Sequence is too short. (< 5 resolved nts)"
def set_freqs_from_aln(self, s_seq, ali_freqs):
def remap_and_save(self, conn, columns_to_save, s_seq):
"""Maps the object's sequence to its version in a MSA, to compute nucleotide frequencies at every position.
s_seq: the aligned version of self.aligned_seq
ali_freqs: the nucleotide frequencies at every position of s_seq
conn: a connection to the database
columns_to_save: a set of indexes in the alignment that are mapped to previous sequences in the alignment
s_seq: the aligned version of self.seq_to_align
This also replaces gaps by the most common nucleotide.
def register_col(i, j, unknown=False):
if not unknown:
# because index_chain in table nucleotide is in [1,N], we use i+1 and j+1.
columns_to_save.add(j) # it's a set, doublons are automaticaly ignored
sql_execute(conn, f"""INSERT OR REPLACE INTO re_mapping
(chain_id, index_chain, index_ali) VALUES ('{self.db_chain_id}', {i+1}, {j+1});
# Index 0 is kept for an "unknown" values column
sql_execute(conn, f"""INSERT OR REPLACE INTO re_mapping
(chain_id, index_chain, index_ali) VALUES ('{self.db_chain_id}', {i+1}, 0);""")
alilen = len(s_seq)
# Save colums in the appropriate positions
i = 0
j = 0
temp_freqs = np.zeros((5,0))
while i<self.full_length and j<alilen:
# Here we try to map self.aligned_seq (the sequence of the 3D chain, including gaps when residues are missing),
# Here we try to map self.seq_to_align (the sequence of the 3D chain, including gaps when residues are missing),
# with s_seq, the sequence aligned in the MSA, containing any of ACGU and two types of gaps, - and .
if self.aligned_seq[i] == s_seq[j].upper(): # alignment and sequence correspond (incl. gaps)
temp_freqs = np.concatenate((temp_freqs, ali_freqs[:,j].reshape(-1,1)), axis=1)
if self.seq_to_align[i] == s_seq[j].upper(): # alignment and sequence correspond (incl. gaps)
register_col(i, j)
i += 1
j += 1
elif self.aligned_seq[i] == '-': # gap in the chain, but not in the aligned sequence
elif self.seq_to_align[i] == '-': # gap in the chain, but not in the aligned sequence
# search for a gap to the consensus nearby
k = 0
......@@ -496,80 +539,61 @@ class Chain:
# if not, search for a insertion gap nearby
if j<alilen and s_seq[j] == '.':
temp_freqs = np.concatenate((temp_freqs, ali_freqs[:,j].reshape(-1,1)), axis=1)
register_col(i, j)
i += 1
j += 1
# else, just ignore the gap.
temp_freqs = np.concatenate((temp_freqs, np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]).reshape(-1,1)), axis=1)
register_col(i, j, unknown=True)
i += 1
elif s_seq[j] in ['.', '-']: # gap in the alignment, but not in the real chain
j += 1 # ignore the column
else: # sequence mismatch which is not a gap...
print(f"You are never supposed to reach this. Comparing {self.chain_label} in {i} ({self.aligned_seq[i-1:i+2]}) with seq[{j}] ({s_seq[j-3:j+4]}).\n",
print(f"You are never supposed to reach this. Comparing {self.chain_label} in {i} ({self.seq_to_align[i-1:i+2]}) with seq[{j}] ({s_seq[j-3:j+4]}).\n",
sep='', flush=True)
raise Exception('Something is wrong with sequence alignment.')
# Replace gapped positions by the consensus sequence:
c_aligned_seq = list(self.aligned_seq)
homology_data = sql_ask_database(conn, """
SELECT freq_A, freq_C, freq_G, freq_U, freq_other FROM
(SELECT chain_id, rfam_acc FROM chain)
NATURAL JOIN re_mapping
NATURAL JOIN align_column;
assert len(homology_data) == self.full_length
c_seq_to_align = list(self.seq_to_align)
c_seq = list(self.seq)
letters = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'U', 'N']
for i in range(self.full_length):
if c_aligned_seq[i] == '-': # (then c_seq[i] also is)
freq = temp_freqs[:,i]
l = letters[freq.tolist().index(max(freq))]
c_aligned_seq[i] = l
if c_seq_to_align[i] == '-': # (then c_seq[i] also is)
freq = homology_data[i]
l = letters[freq.index(max(freq))]
c_seq_to_align[i] = l
c_seq[i] = l
self.data.iloc[i,3] = l # self.data['nt_code'][i]
self.aligned_seq = ''.join(c_aligned_seq)
sql_execute(conn, f"""UPDATE nucleotide SET nt_align_code = '{l}', is_{l if l in "ACGU" else "other"} = 1
WHERE chain_id = {self.db_chain_id} AND index_chain = {i+1};""")
self.seq_to_align = ''.join(c_seq_to_align)
self.seq = ''.join(c_seq)
# Temporary np array to store the computations
point = np.zeros((11, self.full_length))
for i in range(self.full_length):
# normalized position in the chain
point[0,i] = float(i+1)/self.full_length
# one-hot encoding of the actual sequence
if self.seq[i] in letters[:4]:
point[ 1 + letters[:4].index(self.seq[i]), i ] = 1
point[5,i] = 1
point[6,i] = temp_freqs[0, i]
point[7,i] = temp_freqs[1, i]
point[8,i] = temp_freqs[2, i]
point[9,i] = temp_freqs[3, i]
point[10,i] = temp_freqs[4, i]
self.data = pd.concat([self.data, pd.DataFrame(point.T, columns=["nt_position","is_A","is_C","is_G","is_U","is_other","freq_A","freq_C","freq_G","freq_U","freq_other"])], axis=1)
# reorder columns:
cols = [ # 1D structure descriptors
# 2D structure descriptors
# 3D strcuture descriptors
'v0', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'amplitude', 'phase_angle', 'puckering'
self.data = self.data[cols]
def save(self, fformat = "csv"):
def save(self, conn, fformat = "csv"):
# save to file
df = pd.read_sql_query(f"""
SELECT (index_chain, nt_resnum, position, nt_name, nt_code, nt_align_code,
is_A, is_C, is_G, is_U, is_other, freq_A, freq_C, freq_G, freq_U, freq_other, dbn,
paired, nb_interact, pair_type_LW, pair_type_DSSR, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, epsilon_zeta,
chi, bb_type, glyco_bond, form, ssZp, Dp, eta, theta, eta_prime, theta_prime, eta_base, theta_base,
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, amlitude, phase_angle, puckering) FROM (
(SELECT (chain_id, rfam_acc) from chain WHERE chain_id = '{self.db_chain_id}')
NATURAL JOIN re_mapping
NATURAL JOIN nucleotide
NATURAL JOIN align_column
;""", conn)
if fformat == "csv":
self.data.to_csv(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/" + self.chain_label + str('.'+self.rfam_fam if self.rfam_fam != '' else ''))
df.to_csv(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/" + self.chain_label + str('.'+self.rfam_fam if self.rfam_fam != '' else ''))
class Job:
......@@ -891,7 +915,7 @@ def execute_job(j, jobcount):
t = end_time - start_time
return (t,m,r)
def execute_joblist(fulljoblist, printstats=False):
def execute_joblist(fulljoblist):
""" Run a list of job objects.
The jobs in the list can have differente priorities and/or different number of threads.
......@@ -915,14 +939,8 @@ def execute_joblist(fulljoblist, printstats=False):
# number of different priorities in the list
nprio = max(jobs.keys())
if printstats:
# Write statistics in a file (header here)
f = open(runDir + "/data/jobstats.csv", "w")
# Process the jobs from priority 1 to nprio
results = {}
results = []
for i in range(1,nprio+1):
if i not in jobs.keys(): continue # no job has the priority level i
......@@ -930,7 +948,6 @@ def execute_joblist(fulljoblist, printstats=False):
different_thread_numbers = sorted(jobs[i].keys())
# jobs should be processed 1 by 1, 2 by 2, or n by n depending on their definition
res = []
for n in different_thread_numbers:
# get the bunch of jobs of same priority and thread number
bunch = jobs[i][n]
......@@ -943,25 +960,15 @@ def execute_joblist(fulljoblist, printstats=False):
if printstats:
# Extract computation times
times = [ r[0] for r in raw_results ]
mems = [ r[1] for r in raw_results ]
# Write them to file
f = open(runDir + "/data/jobstats.csv", "a")
for j, t, m in zip(bunch, times, mems):
j.comp_time = t
j.max_mem = m
print(f"\t> {j.label} finished in {t:.2f} sec with {int(m/1000000):d} MB of memory. \t{validsymb}", flush=True)
# Separate the job results in a different list
# Extract computation times
times += [ r[0] for r in raw_results ]
mems += [ r[1] for r in raw_results ]
res += [ r[2] for r in raw_results ]
# Add the results of this tree branch to the main list
results[i] = res
for j, r, t, m in zip(bunch, res, times, mems):
j.comp_time = round(t, 2) # secondes
j.max_mem = int(m/1000000) # MB
results.append( (j.label, r, round(t, 2), int(m/1000000)))
# throw back the money
return results
......@@ -975,17 +982,17 @@ def download_Rfam_PDB_mappings():
db_connection = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql+pymysql://rfamro@mysql-rfam-public.ebi.ac.uk:4497/Rfam')
mappings = pd.read_sql('SELECT rfam_acc, pdb_id, chain, pdb_start, pdb_end, bit_score, evalue_score, cm_start, cm_end, hex_colour FROM pdb_full_region WHERE is_significant=1;', con=db_connection)
mappings.to_csv(path_to_3D_data + 'Rfam-PDB-mappings.csv')
mappings.to_csv(runDir + "/data/Rfam-PDB-mappings.csv")
except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: # Cannot connect :'()
# Check if a previous run succeeded (if file exists, use it)
if path.isfile(path_to_3D_data + 'Rfam-PDB-mappings.csv'):
if path.isfile(runDir + "/data/Rfam-PDB-mappings.csv"):
print("\t> Using previous version.")
mappings = pd.read_csv(path_to_3D_data + 'Rfam-PDB-mappings.csv')
mappings = pd.read_csv(runDir + "/data/Rfam-PDB-mappings.csv")
else: # otherwise, abort.
print("Can't do anything without data. Can't reach mysql-rfam-public.ebi.ac.uk on port 4497. Is it open on your system ? Exiting.")
print("Can't do anything without data. Exiting.")
raise Exception("Can't reach mysql-rfam-public.ebi.ac.uk on port 4497. Is it open on your system ?")
return mappings
......@@ -1055,6 +1062,7 @@ def download_Rfam_family_stats(list_of_families):
db_connection = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql+pymysql://rfamro@mysql-rfam-public.ebi.ac.uk:4497/Rfam')
conn = sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db")
# Prepare the SQL query. It computes the length of the chains and gets the maximum length by family.
q = """SELECT fr.rfam_acc, COUNT(DISTINCT fr.rfamseq_acc) AS 'n_seq',
......@@ -1070,14 +1078,30 @@ def download_Rfam_family_stats(list_of_families):
FROM full_region fr
GROUP BY fr.rfam_acc"""
# Query the database
# Query the public database
d = pd.read_sql(q, con=db_connection)
# filter the results to families we are interested in
return d[ d["rfam_acc"].isin(list_of_families) ]
d = d[ d["rfam_acc"].isin(list_of_families) ]
# save the statistics to local database
n_pdb = [ len(rfam_acc_to_download[f]) for f in d["rfam_acc"] ]
d["n_pdb_seqs"] = n_pdb
d["total_seqs"] = d["n_seq"] + d["n_pdb_seqs"]
sql_execute(conn, """
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO family (rfam_acc, nb_homologs, max_len, nb_3d_chains, nb_total_homol))
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""", many=True, data=list(d.to_records(index=False))
) # We use the replace keyword to get the latest information
# print the stats
for f in d:
line = d[d["rfam_acc"]==f]
print(f"\t> {f}: {line.n_seq.values[0]} Rfam hits + {line.n_pdb_seqs.values[0]} PDB sequences to realign")
except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
warn("Something's wrong with the SQL database. Check mysql-rfam-public.ebi.ac.uk status and try again later. Not printing statistics.")
return {}
def download_Rfam_sequences(rfam_acc):
""" Downloads the unaligned sequences known related to a given RNA family.
......@@ -1130,15 +1154,38 @@ def build_chain(c):
""" Additionally adds all the desired information to a Chain object.
# Register the chain, and get its chain_id
conn = sqlite3.connect(runDir+"/results/RNANet.db")
if c.pdb_start is not None:
sql = f"""INSERT OR IGNORE INTO chain
(structure_id, chain_name, pdb_start, pdb_end, reversed, rfam_acc, inferred, issue)
('{c.pdb_id}', '{c.pdb_chain_id}', {int(c.pdb_start)}, {int(c.pdb_end)}, {int(c.reversed)}, {int(c.inferred)}, '{c.rfam_fam}', 0);
sql = f"""INSERT OR IGNORE INTO chain (structure_id, chain_name, issue)
VALUES ('{c.pdb_id}', '{c.pdb_chain_id}', 0);
sql_execute(conn, sql)
cid = sql_ask_database(conn, f"""
SELECT (chain_id) FROM chain
WHERE structure_id='{c.pdb_id}'
AND chain_name='{c.pdb_chain_id}';
if not len(cid):
raise Exception("Chain has not registered properly !")
c.db_chain_id = cid[0][0]
# Download the whole mmCIF file containing the chain we are interested in
# If no problems, extract the portion we want
if not c.delete_me:
# If no problems, annotate it with DSSR
if not c.delete_me:
......@@ -1147,17 +1194,21 @@ def build_chain(c):
# If there were newly discovered problems, add this chain to the known issues
if c.delete_me and c.chain_label not in known_issues:
warn(f"Adding {c.chain_label} to known issues.\t\t")
f = open(path_to_3D_data + "known_issues.txt", 'a')
f = open(runDir + "/known_issues.txt", 'a')
f.write(c.chain_label + '\n')
f = open(path_to_3D_data + "known_issues_reasons.txt", 'a')
f = open(runDir + "/known_issues_reasons.txt", 'a')
f.write(c.chain_label + '\n' + c.error_messages + '\n\n')
sql_execute(conn, f"UPDATE chain SET issue = 1 WHERE chain_id = '{c.db_chain_id}';")
# The Chain object is ready
return c
def cm_realign(rfam_acc, chains, label):
def cm_realign(rfam_acc, chains):
""" Runs multiple sequence alignements by RNA family.
It aligns the Rfam hits from a RNA family with the sequences from the list of chains.
......@@ -1167,7 +1218,7 @@ def cm_realign(rfam_acc, chains, label):
# If the computation was already done before, do not recompute.
if path.isfile(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.afa"):
print(f"\t> {label} completed \t{validsymb}\t(already done)", flush=True)
print(f"\t> {rfam_acc} re-alignment completed \t{validsymb}\t(already done)", flush=True)
if not path.isfile(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.fa"):
......@@ -1190,7 +1241,7 @@ def cm_realign(rfam_acc, chains, label):
# Add the chains sequences to the file
for c in chains:
f.write(f"> {str(c)}\n"+c.aligned_seq.replace('-', '').replace('U','T')+'\n')
f.write(f"> {str(c)}\n"+c.seq_to_align.replace('-', '').replace('U','T')+'\n')
......@@ -1206,7 +1257,7 @@ def cm_realign(rfam_acc, chains, label):
# Running alignment
print(f"\t> {label} (cmalign)...", flush=True)
print(f"\t> Re-aligning {rfam_acc} with {len(chains)} chains (cmalign)...", flush=True)
f = open(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.stk", "w")
subprocess.run(["cmalign", "--mxsize", "2048", path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}.cm", path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.fa"], stdout=f)
......@@ -1258,7 +1309,7 @@ def cm_realign(rfam_acc, chains, label):
arbfile = "realigned/LSU.arb"
# Run alignment
print(f"\t> {label} (SINA)...", flush=True)
print(f"\t> Re-aligning {rfam_acc} with {len(chains)} chains (SINA)...", flush=True)
subprocess.run(["sina", "-i", path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.fa",
"-o", path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{rfam_acc}++.afa",
"-r", path_to_seq_data + arbfile,
......@@ -1290,6 +1341,7 @@ def alignment_nt_stats(f):
Also saves every chain of the family to file.
Uses only 1 core, so this function can be called in parallel.
conn = sqlite3.connect(runDir + '/results/RNANet.db')
# Get a worker number to position the progress bar
global idxQueue
......@@ -1304,33 +1356,47 @@ def alignment_nt_stats(f):
align = AlignIO.read(path_to_seq_data + f"realigned/{f}++.afa", "fasta")
warn(f"{f}'s alignment is wrong. Recompute it and retry.", error=True)
raise Exception(f"{f}'s alignment is wrong.")
# Compute statistics per column
pssm = BufferingSummaryInfo(align).get_pssm(f, thr_idx)
frequencies = np.array([ summarize_position(pssm[i]) for i in range(align.get_alignment_length()) ]).T
frequencies = [ summarize_position(pssm[i]) for i in range(align.get_alignment_length()) ]
del pssm
# For each sequence, find the right chain and save the PSSMs inside.
# For each sequence, find the right chain and remap chain residues with alignment columns
columns_to_save = {}
pbar = tqdm(total=len(chains_ids), position=thr_idx+1, desc=f"Worker {thr_idx+1}: {f} chains", leave=False)
for s in align:
if not '[' in s.id: # this is a Rfamseq entry, not a 3D chain
# get the right 3D chain:
idx = chains_ids.index(s.id)
# call its remap method
columns_to_save = list_of_chains[idx].remap_and_save(conn, columns_to_save, s.seq)
# call its method to set its frequencies, and save it
list_of_chains[idx].set_freqs_from_aln(s.seq, frequencies)
del list_of_chains[idx] # saves a bit of memory because of the Chain object sizes
del chains_ids[idx] # to keep indexes aligned with list_of_chains
# Save the useful columns in the database
data = [ (f, j+1) + frequencies[j] for j in sorted(columns_to_save) ]
sql_execute(conn, """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO align_column
(rfam_acc, index_ali, freq_A, freq_C, freq_G, freq_U, freq_other)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""", many=True, data=data)
# Add an unknown values column, with index_ali 0
sql_execute(conn, f"""INSERT OR REPLACE INTO align_column
(rfam_acc, index_ali, freq_A, freq_C, freq_G, freq_U, freq_other)
VALUES ('{f}', 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);""")
# Save chains to CSV
for s in align:
if not '[' in s.id: # this is a Rfamseq entry, not a 3D chain
idx = chains_ids.index(s.id)
del rfam_acc_to_download[f] # We won't need this family's chain objects anymore, free up
idxQueue.put(thr_idx) # replace the thread index in the queue
return 0
......@@ -1437,15 +1503,121 @@ def infer_all_mappings(allmappings, codelist):
return newchains
def sql_define_tables(conn):
model CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
date DATE,
exp_method VARCHAR(50),
resolution REAL,
UNIQUE (pdb_id, model)
structure_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
chain_name VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL,
pdb_start SMALLINT,
pdb_end SMALLINT,
reversed TINYINT,
issue TINYINT,
rfam_acc CHAR(7),
inferred TINYINT,
chain_freq_A REAL,
chain_freq_C REAL,
chain_freq_G REAL,
chain_freq_U REAL,
chain_freq_other REAL,
pair_count_cWW SMALLINT,
pair_count_cWH SMALLINT,
UNIQUE (structure_id, chain_name, rfam_acc)
chain_id INT,
index_chain SMALLINT,
nt_resnum SMALLINT,
nt_position SMALLINT,
nt_name VARCHAR(5),
nt_code CHAR(1),
nt_align_code CHAR(1),
dbn CHAR(1),
paired VARCHAR(20),
nb_interact TINYINT,
pair_type_LW VARCHAR(20),
pair_type_DSSR VARCHAR(25),
alpha REAL, beta REAL, gamma REAL, delta REAL, epsilon REAL, zeta REAL,
epsilon_zeta REAL,
bb_type VARCHAR(5),
chi REAL,
glyco_bond VARCHAR(3),
v0 REAL, v1 REAL, v2 REAL, v3 REAL, v4 REAL,
form CHAR(1),
ssZp REAL,
eta REAL, theta REAL, eta_prime REAL, theta_prime REAL, eta_base REAL, theta_base REAL,
phase_angle REAL,
amplitude REAL,
puckering VARCHAR(20),
UNIQUE (chain_id, index_chain)
remapping_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY,
chain_id INT NOT NULL,
index_chain INT NOT NULL,
index_ali INT NOT NULL,
UNIQUE (chain_id, index_chain),
UNIQUE (chain_id, index_ali)
nb_homologs INT,
nb_3d_chains INT,
nb_total_homol INT,
comput_time REAL,
comput_peak_mem REAL,
idty_percent REAL
rfam_acc CHAR(7) NOT NULL,
index_ali INT NOT NULL,
freq_A REAL,
freq_C REAL,
freq_G REAL,
freq_U REAL,
freq_other REAL,
UNIQUE (rfam_acc, index_ali)
def sql_ask_database(conn, sql):
cursor = conn.cursor()
result = cursor.execute(sql).fetchall()
return result
def sql_execute(conn, sql, many=False, data=None):
if many:
conn.executemany(sql, data)
cur = conn.cursor()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parse options
runDir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:],
[ "help", "resolution=", "keep-hetatm=",
[ "help", "resolution=", "keep-hetatm=", "from-scratch"
"fill-gaps=", "3d-folder=", "seq-folder=",
"no-homology", "force-retry" ])
"no-homology", "retry-issues" ])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
......@@ -1469,18 +1641,18 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print("--3d-folder=…\t\t\tPath to a folder to store the 3D data files. Subfolders will contain:"
"\n\t\t\t\t\tRNAcifs/\t\tFull structures containing RNA, in mmCIF format"
"\n\t\t\t\t\trna_mapped_to_Rfam/\tExtracted 'pure' RNA chains"
"\n\t\t\t\t\tannotations/\t\tAnnotations by DSSR"
"\n\t\t\t\t\tdatapoints/\t\tFinal results in specified file format.")
"\n\t\t\t\t\tdatapoints/\t\tFinal results in CSV file format.")
print("--seq-folder=…\t\t\tPath to a folder to store the sequence and alignment files."
"\n\t\t\t\t\trfam_sequences/fasta/\tCompressed hits to Rfam families"
"\n\t\t\t\t\trealigned/\t\tSequences, covariance models, and alignments by family")
print("--no-homology\t\t\tDo not try to compute PSSMs and do not align sequences."
"\n\t\t\t\tAllows to yield more 3D data (consider chains without a Rfam mapping).")
print("--force-retry\t\t\tIgnore already known issues, and retry to build them from scratch.")
print("--from-scratch\t\t\tDelete already computed data and known issues, and recompute.")
print("--retry-issues\t\t\tIgnore already known issues, and retry to build them from scratch.")
elif opt == '--version':
print("RNANet 0.4 alpha ")
print("RNANet 1.0 alpha ")
elif opt == "-r" or opt == "--resolution":
assert arg in ["1.5", "2.0", "2.5", "3.0", "3.5", "4.0", "20.0"]
......@@ -1499,49 +1671,50 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
path_to_3D_data = path.abspath(arg)
if path_to_3D_data[-1] != '/':
path_to_3D_data += '/'
print("Storing 3D data into", path_to_3D_data)
print("> Storing 3D data into", path_to_3D_data)
elif opt=='--seq-folder':
path_to_seq_data = path.abspath(arg)
if path_to_seq_data[-1] != '/':
path_to_seq_data += '/'
print("Storing sequences into", path_to_seq_data)
elif opt == "--force-retry":
print("> Storing sequences into", path_to_seq_data)
elif opt == "--retry-issues":
elif opt == "--from-scratch":
subprocess.run(["rm", "-f", "/known_issues.txt"])
if path_to_3D_data == "tobedefinedbyoptions" or path_to_seq_data == "tobedefinedbyoptions":
print("usage: RNANet.py --3d-folder path/where/to/store/chains --seq-folder path/where/to/store/alignments")
print("See RNANet.py --help for more information.")
runDir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
os.makedirs(runDir + "/results", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(runDir + "/data", exist_ok=True)
# Check existence of the database, or create it
conn = sqlite3.connect(runDir + '/results/RNANet.db')
print("> Storing results into", runDir + "/results/RNANet.db")
# ===========================================================================
# List 3D chains with available Rfam mapping
# ===========================================================================
chains_database = pd.DataFrame(columns=['pdb_id', 'pdb_model', 'pdb_chain', 'rfam_fam', 'pdb_start', 'pdb_end', 'reversed', 'inferred', 'issue'])
# List all 3D RNA chains below given resolution
full_structures_list = download_BGSU_NR_list()
# Check for a list of known problems:
known_issues = []
if path.isfile(path_to_3D_data + "known_issues.txt"):
f = open(path_to_3D_data + "known_issues.txt", 'r')
if path.isfile(runDir + "/known_issues.txt"):
f = open(runDir + "/known_issues.txt", 'r')
known_issues = [ x[:-1] for x in f.readlines() ]
print("\t> Ignoring known issues:")
for x in known_issues:
print("\t ", x)
chains_database = chains_database.append(pd.DataFrame({ 'pdb_id':x.split('_')[0],
}, index=[x]))
all_chains = []
......@@ -1564,6 +1737,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
for codelist in tqdm(full_structures_list):
codes = str(codelist).replace('+',',').split(',')
# Convert the list of codes to Chain() objects
for c in codes:
nr = c.split('|')
pdb_id = nr[0].lower()
......@@ -1573,13 +1747,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
all_chains.append(Chain(pdb_id, pdb_model, pdb_chain_id, chain_label))
del full_structures_list
chains_database = chains_database.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
{c.chain_label:[ c.pdb_id, c.pdb_model, c.pdb_chain_id, c.rfam_fam, c.pdb_start, c.pdb_end, c.reversed, c.inferred, False ] for c in all_chains},
columns=['pdb_id', 'pdb_model', 'pdb_chain', 'rfam_fam', 'pdb_start', 'pdb_end', 'reversed', 'inferred', 'issue'] ))
chains_database.to_csv(runDir + "/results/results_database.csv")
n_chains = len(all_chains)
print(">", validsymb, n_chains, "RNA chains of interest.")
print("\n>", validsymb, n_chains, "RNA chains of interest.")
# ===========================================================================
# Download 3D structures, extract the desired chain portions,
......@@ -1601,14 +1771,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
os.makedirs(path_to_3D_data + "rna_mapped_to_Rfam") # for the portions mapped to Rfam
if not HOMOLOGY and not path.isdir(path_to_3D_data + "rna_only"):
os.makedirs(path_to_3D_data + "rna_only") # extract chains of pure RNA
if not path.isdir(path_to_3D_data+"annotations"):
os.makedirs(path_to_3D_data+"annotations") # for the annotations by DSSR
# Run the builds and extractions
results = execute_joblist(joblist)[1]
results = execute_joblist(joblist)
# At this point, structure, chain and nucleotide tables of the database are up to date.
# Remove the chains whose parsing resulted in errors
loaded_chains = [ c for c in results if not c.delete_me ]
loaded_chains = [ c[1] for c in results if not c[1].delete_me ]
print(f"> Loaded {len(loaded_chains)} RNA chains ({len(all_chains) - len(loaded_chains)} errors).")
del all_chains # Here ends its utility, so let's free some memory
......@@ -1618,7 +1788,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if not HOMOLOGY:
# Save chains to file
for c in loaded_chains:
c.data.to_csv(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/" + c.chain_label)
......@@ -1648,19 +1818,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Ask the SQL server how much we have to download for each family
fam_stats = download_Rfam_family_stats(rfam_acc_to_download.keys())
fam_list = sorted(rfam_acc_to_download.keys())
if len(fam_stats.keys()): # 'if' protected, for the case the server is down, fam_stats is empty
# save the statistics to CSV file
n_pdb = [ len(rfam_acc_to_download[f]) for f in fam_stats["rfam_acc"] ]
fam_stats["n_pdb_seqs"] = n_pdb
fam_stats["total_seqs"] = fam_stats["n_seq"] + fam_stats["n_pdb_seqs"]
fam_stats.to_csv(runDir + "/data/statistics.csv")
# print the stats
for f in fam_list:
line = fam_stats[fam_stats["rfam_acc"]==f]
print(f"\t> {f}: {line.n_seq.values[0]} Rfam hits + {line.n_pdb_seqs.values[0]} PDB sequences to realign")
del fam_stats
# At this point, the family table is up to date
# Download the sequences
for f in fam_list:
......@@ -1673,12 +1834,16 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Prepare the job list
fulljoblist = []
for f in fam_list:
label = f"Realign {f} + {len(rfam_acc_to_download[f])} chains"
fulljoblist.append( Job( function=cm_realign, args=[f, rfam_acc_to_download[f], label], # Apply cm_realign to each RNA family
how_many_in_parallel=1, label=label)) # the function already uses all CPUs so launch them one by one
fulljoblist.append( Job( function=cm_realign, args=[f, rfam_acc_to_download[f]], # Apply cm_realign to each RNA family
how_many_in_parallel=1, label=f)) # the function already uses all CPUs so launch them one by one
# Execute the jobs
execute_joblist(fulljoblist, printstats=True) # printstats=True will show a summary of time/memory usage of the jobs
results = execute_joblist(fulljoblist)
conn = sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db")
sql_execute(conn, """UPDATE family SET comput_time = ?, comput_peak_mem = ?
WHERE rfam_acc = ?;""", many=True, data=[ (r[2], r[3], r[0]) for r in results ])
del fulljoblist
# ==========================================================================================
......@@ -1687,10 +1852,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Computing nucleotide frequencies in alignments...")
# Prepare a results folder
if not path.isdir(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/"):
os.makedirs(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/")
# Prepare the architecture of a shiny multi-progress-bars design
thr_idx_mgr = Manager() # Push the number of workers to a queue.
idxQueue = thr_idx_mgr.Queue() # ... Then each Pool worker will
......@@ -1709,15 +1870,28 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# At this point, the align_column and re_mapping tables are up-to-date.
# ==========================================================================================
# Post computation tasks
# ==========================================================================================
# Archive the results
if not path.isdir(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/"):
os.makedirs(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/")
os.makedirs("results/archive", exist_ok=True)
time_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
subprocess.run(["tar","-C", path_to_3D_data + "/datapoints","-czf",f"results/archive/RNANET_datapoints_{time_str}.tar.gz","."])
subprocess.run(['ln',"-s", runDir +f"/results/archive/RNANET_datapoints_{time_str}.tar.gz", runDir + "/results/RNANET_datapoints_latest.tar.gz"])
conn = sqlite3.connect(runDir+"/results/RNANet.db")
pd.read_sql_query("SELECT rfam_acc, idty_percent, nb_homologs, nb_3d_chains, nb_total_homol, max_len, comput_time, ciomput_peak_mem from family",
conn).to_csv(runDir + "/results/families.csv")
pd.read_sql_query("""SELECT structure_id, chain_name, pdb_start, pdb_end, rfam_acc, inferred,
reversed, date, exp_method, resolution, issue FROM
structure NATURAL JOIN chain
ORDER BY structure_id, chain_name, rfam_acc ASC;
""", conn).to_csv(runDir + "/results/summary.csv")
# Run statistics
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
from os import path
from collections import Counter
from RNAnet import read_cpu_number
from RNAnet import read_cpu_number, sql_ask_database
path_to_3D_data = "/nhome/siniac/lbecquey/Data/RNA/3D/"
......@@ -182,17 +182,22 @@ def stats_len(mappings_list, points):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,3))
ax = fig.gca()
ax.hist(lengths, bins=100, stacked=True, log=True, color=cols, label=sorted(mappings_list.keys()))
ax.set_xlabel("Sequence length (nucleotides)")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of 3D chains")
ax.set_xlabel("Sequence length (nucleotides)", fontsize=8)
ax.set_ylabel("Number of 3D chains", fontsize=8)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=8)
filtered_handles = [mpatches.Patch(color='red'), mpatches.Patch(color='white'),
mpatches.Patch(color='blue'), mpatches.Patch(color='white'),
filtered_handles = [mpatches.Patch(color='red'), mpatches.Patch(color='white'), mpatches.Patch(color='white'), mpatches.Patch(color='white'),
mpatches.Patch(color='blue'), mpatches.Patch(color='white'), mpatches.Patch(color='white'),
mpatches.Patch(color='green'), mpatches.Patch(color='purple'),
mpatches.Patch(color='orange'), mpatches.Patch(color='grey')]
filtered_labels = ['Large Ribosomal Subunits', '(RF02540, RF02541, RF02543)','Small Ribosomal Subunits','(RF01960, RF00177)',
filtered_labels = ['Large Ribosomal Subunits', '(RF02540,', 'RF02541', 'RF02543)',
'Small Ribosomal Subunits','(RF01960,', 'RF00177)',
'5S rRNA (RF00001)', '5.8S rRNA (RF00002)', 'tRNA (RF00005)', 'Other']
ax.legend(filtered_handles, filtered_labels, loc='best', ncol=2)
ax.legend(filtered_handles, filtered_labels, loc='right',
ncol=1, fontsize='small', bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 0.55))
# print("[3]\tComputed sequence length statistics and saved the figure.")
def format_percentage(tot, x):
......@@ -284,7 +289,7 @@ def stats_pairs(mappings_list, points):
ax = total_series.plot(figsize=(5,3), kind='bar', log=True, ylim=(1e4,5000000) )
ax.set_ylabel("Number of observations")
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, right=0.99)
# print("[5]\tComputed nucleotide statistics and saved CSV and PNG file.")
......@@ -350,7 +355,7 @@ def seq_idty(mappings_list):
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.3)
fig.colorbar(im, ax=axs[-1], shrink=0.8)
# print("[6]\tComputed identity matrices and saved the figure.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -389,12 +394,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Define threads for the tasks
threads = [
th.Thread(target=reproduce_wadley_results, args=[rna_points], kwargs={'carbon': 1}),
th.Thread(target=reproduce_wadley_results, args=[rna_points], kwargs={'carbon': 4}),
# th.Thread(target=reproduce_wadley_results, args=[rna_points], kwargs={'carbon': 1}),
# th.Thread(target=reproduce_wadley_results, args=[rna_points], kwargs={'carbon': 4}),
th.Thread(target=partial(stats_len, mappings_list), args=[rna_points]),
th.Thread(target=partial(stats_freq, mappings_list), args=[rna_points]),
th.Thread(target=partial(stats_pairs, mappings_list), args=[rna_points]),
th.Thread(target=seq_idty, args=[mappings_list])
# th.Thread(target=partial(stats_freq, mappings_list), args=[rna_points]),
# th.Thread(target=partial(stats_pairs, mappings_list), args=[rna_points]),
# th.Thread(target=seq_idty, args=[mappings_list])
for t in threads: