Standalone script biorseo.py

......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from os import path, makedirs, getcwd, chdir, devnull
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
from math import sqrt
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count, Manager
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Manager
import multiprocessing
import ast
......@@ -21,12 +21,26 @@ bypdir = ""
biorseoDir = "."
exec(compile(open(biorseoDir+"/EditMe").read(), '', 'exec'))
runDir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
self.outputf = biorseoDir + "/results/"
tempDir = biorseoDir + "/temp/"
HLmotifDir = biorseoDir + "/data/modules/BGSU/HL/3.2/lib"
ILmotifDir = biorseoDir + "/data/modules/BGSU/IL/3.2/lib"
descfolder = biorseoDir + "/data/modules/DESC"
# Parse options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:o:", ["rna3dmotifs","3dmotifatlas","jar3d","bayespairing","patternmatch","func="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print("Please provide arguments !")
m = Manager()
running_stats = m.list()
running_stats.append(0) # n_launched
running_stats.append(0) # n_finished
running_stats.append(0) # n_skipped
fails = m.list()
# ================== CLASSES AND FUNCTIONS ================================
......@@ -55,11 +69,10 @@ class NoDaemonProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
class NoDaemonContext(type(multiprocessing.get_context())):
Process = NoDaemonProcess
# We sub-class multiprocessing.pool.Pool instead of multiprocessing.Pool
# because the latter is only a wrapper function, not a proper class.
class MyPool(multiprocessing.pool.Pool):
# We sub-class multiprocessing.pool.Pool instead of multiprocessing.Pool
# because the latter is only a wrapper function, not a proper class.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['context'] = NoDaemonContext()
super(MyPool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
......@@ -103,12 +116,10 @@ class InsertionSite:
class Job:
def __init__(self, command=[], function=None, args=[], how_many_in_parallel=0, priority=1, timeout=None, checkFunc=None, checkArgs=[]):
def __init__(self, command=[], function=None, args=[], how_many_in_parallel=0, priority=1, timeout=None):
self.cmd_ = command
self.func_ = function
self.args_ = args
self.checkFunc_ = checkFunc
self.checkArgs_ = checkArgs
self.priority_ = priority
self.timeout_ = timeout
if not how_many_in_parallel:
......@@ -122,7 +133,7 @@ class Job:
class RNA:
def __init__(self, header, seq):
self.seq_ = seq
self.header_ = header
self.header = header
self.length = len(seq)
self.rnasubopt = []
......@@ -314,62 +325,55 @@ class RNA:
class BiorseoInstance:
def __init__(self, argv):
def __init__(self, opts):
# set default options
self.type = "dpm"
self.modules = "desc"
self.func = 'B'
self.outputf = self.outputf
self.inputfile = ""
self.outputf = biorseoDir + "/results/" # default results location
self.jobcount = 0
self.joblist = []
self.mode = 0 # default is single sequence mode
# Parse options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(
argv, "hi:o:", ["type=", "func=", "modules="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print("Please provide arguments !")
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "-h":
print("biorseo.py -i myRNA.fa -o myRNA.jar3dB --type jar3d --func B")
print("biorseo.py -i myRNA.fa -o myRNA.rawB --rna3dmotifs --patternmatch --func B")
print("biorseo.py -i myRNA.fa -o myRNA.jar3dB --3dmotifatlas --jar3d --func B")
print("biorseo.py -i myRNA.fa -o myRNA.bgsubypD --3dmotifatlas --bayespairing --func D")
elif opt == "-i":
self.inputfile = arg
self.mode = 0 # single sequence mode
elif opt == "-o":
self.outputf = arg # output file or folder...
self.outputf = arg # output file or folder...
if self.outputf[1] != '/':
self.outputf = getcwd() + '/' + self.outputf
if self.outputf[-1] != '/':
self.outputf = self.outputf + '/'
elif opt == "--func":
if arg in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']:
self.func = arg
raise "Unknown scoring function " + arg
elif opt == "--type":
if arg in ['dpm', 'jar3d', 'byp']:
self.type = arg
raise "Unknown pattern matching method " + arg
elif opt == "--modules":
if arg in ['desc', 'bgsu']:
self.modules = arg
raise "Unsupported module model type " + arg
elif opt == "--patternmatch":
self.type = "dpm"
elif opt == "--jar3d":
self.type = "jar3d"
elif opt == "--bayespairing":
self.type = "byp"
elif opt == "--rna3dmotifs":
self.modules = "desc"
elif opt == "--3dmotifatlas":
self.modules = "bgsu"
raise "Unknown option " + opt
print("saving files to", self.outputf)
# create jobs
if self.mode:
# Create a job manager
self.manager = Manager()
self.running_stats = self.manager.list()
self.running_stats.append(0) # n_launched
self.running_stats.append(0) # n_finished
self.running_stats.append(0) # n_skipped
self.fails = self.manager.list()
# Create the output folder
subprocess.call(["mkdir", "-p", self.outputf])
# run them
def enumerate_loops(self, s):
def resort(unclosedLoops):
......@@ -575,11 +579,11 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
def launch_BayesPairing(self, module_type, seq_, header_, basename):
def launch_BayesPairing(self, module_type, seq_, header_):
cmd = ["python3", "parse_sequences.py", "-seq", self.outputf +
basename + ".fa", "-d", module_type, "-interm", "1"]
header_ + ".fa", "-d", module_type, "-interm", "1"]
logfile = open("log_of_the_run.sh", 'a')
logfile.write(" ".join(cmd))
......@@ -595,9 +599,9 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
l = BypLog[idx]
insertion_sites = [x for x in ast.literal_eval(l.split(":")[1][1:])]
if module_type == "rna3dmotif":
rna = open(self.outputf + basename + ".byp.csv", "w")
rna = open(self.outputf + header_ + ".byp.csv", "w")
rna = open(self.outputf + basename + ".bgsubyp.csv", "w")
rna = open(self.outputf + header_ + ".bgsubyp.csv", "w")
for i, module in enumerate(insertion_sites):
if len(module):
......@@ -618,23 +622,18 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
def execute_job(self, j):
if j.checkFunc_ is not None:
if j.checkFunc_(*j.checkArgs_):
self.running_stats[2] += 1
print("["+str(self.running_stats[0]+self.running_stats[2]) +
'/'+str(self.jobcount)+"]\tSkipping a finished job")
return 0
self.running_stats[0] += 1
running_stats[0] += 1
if len(j.cmd_):
logfile = open("log_of_the_run.sh", 'a')
logfile.write(" ".join(j.cmd_))
print("["+str(self.running_stats[0]+self.running_stats[2]) +
print("["+str(running_stats[0]+running_stats[2]) +
'/'+str(self.jobcount)+"]\t"+" ".join(j.cmd_))
r = subprocess.call(j.cmd_, timeout=j.timeout_)
elif j.func_ is not None:
print("["+str(self.running_stats[0]+self.running_stats[2])+'/'+str(self.jobcount) +
print("["+str(running_stats[0]+running_stats[2])+'/'+str(self.jobcount) +
"]\t"+j.func_.__name__+'('+", ".join([a for a in j.args_])+')')
r = j.func_(*j.args_)
......@@ -642,10 +641,47 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
r = 1
if r:
self.running_stats[1] += 1
running_stats[1] += 1
return r
def execute_jobs(self):
jobs = {}
self.jobcount = len(self.joblist)
for job in self.joblist:
if job.priority_ not in jobs.keys():
jobs[job.priority_] = {}
if job.nthreads not in jobs[job.priority_].keys():
jobs[job.priority_][job.nthreads] = []
nprio = max(jobs.keys())
for i in range(1,nprio+1):
if not len(jobs[i].keys()): continue
# check the thread numbers
different_thread_numbers = [n for n in jobs[i].keys()]
for n in different_thread_numbers:
bunch = jobs[i][n]
if not len(bunch): continue
pool = MyPool(processes=n)
pool.map(self.execute_job, bunch)
if len(fails):
print("Some jobs failed! :")
for j in fails:
print("Computations ran successfully.")
def check_result_existence(self, datatype, method, function, with_PK, basename):
folder = self.outputf+"PK/" if with_PK else self.outputf+"noPK/"
if datatype == "bgsu":
......@@ -687,8 +723,8 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
# Read fasta file, which can contain one or several RNAs
RNAcontainer = []
print("loading file(s)...")
subprocess.call(["mkdir", "-p", self.outputf]) # Create the output folder
print("loading file %s..." % self.inputfile)
db = open(self.inputfile, "r")
c = 0
header = ""
......@@ -701,33 +737,33 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
c = c % 2
if c == 1:
if header != "": # This is our second RNA in the fasta file
self.mode = 1
header = l[:-1]
self.mode = 1 # we switch to batch mode
header = l[1:-1]
if c == 0:
seq = l[:-1].upper()
if is_canonical_nts(seq):
header = header.replace('/', '_')
header = header.replace('/', '_').replace('\'','').replace('(','').replace(')','')
RNAcontainer.append(RNA(header, seq))
if not path.isfile(self.outputf + header + ".fa"):
rna = open(self.outputf + header + ".fa", "w")
rna.write(">" + header +'\n')
rna.write(seq +'\n')
for nt, number in ignored_nt_dict.items():
print("ignored %d sequences because of char %c" % (number, nt))
tot = len(RNAcontainer)
print("Loaded %d RNAs." % (tot))
#define job list
joblist = []
# define job list
for instance in RNAcontainer:
executable = biorseoDir + "/bin/biorseo"
fastafile = self.outputf+instance.header+".fa"
method_type = ""
ext = ".raw"
priority = 1
if self.type == "jar3d":
ext = ".jar3d"
......@@ -735,28 +771,30 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
csv = self.outputf + instance.header + ".sites.csv"
# RNAsubopt
joblist.append(Job(command=["RNAsubopt", "-i", fastafile, "--outfile="+ instance.header + ".subopt"], priority=1, checkFunc=check_RNAsubopt, checkArgs=[instance.header]))
joblist.append(Job(command=["mv", instance.header + ".subopt", self.outputf], priority=2, checkFunc=check_RNAsubopt, checkArgs=[instance.header]))
self.joblist.append(Job(command=["RNAsubopt", "-i", fastafile, "--outfile="+ instance.header + ".subopt"], priority=1))
self.joblist.append(Job(command=["mv", instance.header + ".subopt", self.outputf], priority=2))
joblist.append(Job(function=self.launch_JAR3D, args=[instance.seq_, instance.header], priority=3, how_many_in_parallel=1, checkFunc=check_JAR3D, checkArgs=[instance.header]))
self.joblist.append(Job(function=self.launch_JAR3D, args=[instance.seq_, instance.header], priority=3, how_many_in_parallel=1))
priority = 4
if self.type == "byp":
method_type = "--bayespaircsv"
if self.modules == "desc":
ext = ".byp"
csv = self.outputf + instance.header + ".byp.csv"
joblist.append(Job(function=self.launch_BayesPairing, args=["rna3dmotif", instance.seq_, instance.header_, instance.header], how_many_in_parallel=-1, priority=1, checkFunc=check_BayesPairing, checkArgs=[instance.header]))
self.joblist.append(Job(function=self.launch_BayesPairing, args=["rna3dmotif", instance.seq_, instance.header], how_many_in_parallel=-1, priority=1))
elif self.modules == "bgsu":
ext = ".bgsubyp"
csv = self.outputf + instance.header + ".bgsubyp.csv"
joblist.append(Job(function=self.launch_BayesPairing, args=["3dmotifatlas", instance.seq_, instance.header_, instance.header], how_many_in_parallel=-1, priority=1, checkFunc=check_BGSUBayesPairing, checkArgs=[instance.header]))
self.joblist.append(Job(function=self.launch_BayesPairing, args=["3dmotifatlas", instance.seq_, instance.header], how_many_in_parallel=-1, priority=1))
priority = 2
if self.type == "dpm":
method_type = "--descfolder"
csv = descfolder
command = [executable, "-s", fastafile ]
if method_type:
command += [ method_type, csv ]
command += [ "-o", self.outputf + instance.header + ext + self.func, "--type", self.func ]
joblist.append(Job(command=command, priority=4, timeout=3600, how_many_in_parallel=3))
self.joblist.append(Job(command=command, priority=priority, timeout=3600, how_many_in_parallel=3))
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ typedef unsigned int uint;
unsigned int Fasta::load(std::list<Fasta>& data, const char* file){
std::string line, name, seq, str;
std::ifstream ifs(file);
std::ifstream ifs;
ifs.open(file, std::ios::in);
while (std::getline(ifs, line)) {
if (line[0]=='>') { // header
if (!name.empty()) {
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ class NoDaemonProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
class NoDaemonContext(type(multiprocessing.get_context())):
Process = NoDaemonProcess
# We sub-class multiprocessing.pool.Pool instead of multiprocessing.Pool
# because the latter is only a wrapper function, not a proper class.
class MyPool(multiprocessing.pool.Pool):
......@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ class MyPool(multiprocessing.pool.Pool):
kwargs['context'] = NoDaemonContext()
super(MyPool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def execute_job(j):
if j.checkFunc_ is not None: