Biokop mode

......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ MOIP::MOIP() {}
MOIP::MOIP(const RNA& rna, string source, string source_path, float theta, bool verbose) : verbose_{verbose}, rna_(rna)
if (!exists(source_path))
if (obj_function2_nbr_ != 'c' and !exists(source_path))
cerr << "ERR: Hmh, i can't find this: " << source_path << endl;
......@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ MOIP::MOIP(const RNA& rna, string source, string source_path, float theta, bool
// Add the y^u_v decision variables
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> Legal basepairs : ";
uint u, v, c = 0;
uint u, v, cy = 0;
index_of_yuv_ = vector<vector<size_t>>(rna_.get_RNA_length() - 6, vector<size_t>(0));
for (u = 0; u < rna_.get_RNA_length() - 6; u++)
for (v = u + 4; v < rna_.get_RNA_length(); v++) // A basepair is possible if v > u+3
if (rna_.get_pij(u, v) > theta) {
if (verbose_) cout << u << '-' << v << " ";
char name[15];
sprintf(name, "y%d,%d", u, v);
basepair_dv_.add(IloNumVar(env_, 0, 1, IloNumVar::Bool, name)); // A boolean whether u and v are paired
......@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ MOIP::MOIP(const RNA& rna, string source, string source_path, float theta, bool
// Add the x_i,j decision variables
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> The possible stacks of two base pairs (i,j) and (i+1,j-1) : ";
c = 0;
uint cx = 0;
index_of_xij_ = vector<vector<size_t>>(rna_.get_RNA_length() - 6, vector<size_t>(0));
for (u = 0; u < rna_.get_RNA_length() - 6; u++)
for (v = u + 4; v < rna_.get_RNA_length(); v++) // A basepair is possible if v > u+3
if (rna_.get_pij(u, v) > theta and rna_.get_pij(u + 1, v - 1) > theta) { // or u-1 v+1 ??
if (verbose_) cout << u << '-' << v << " ";
char name[15];
sprintf(name, "x%d,%d", u, v);
stacks_dv_.add(IloNumVar(env_, 0, 1, IloNumVar::Bool, name)); // A boolean whether (u,v) and (u+1,v-1) are a stack
......@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ MOIP::MOIP(const RNA& rna, string source, string source_path, float theta, bool
// Look for insertions sites, then create the appropriate Cxip variables
insertion_sites_ = vector<Motif>();
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> Looking for insertion sites..." << endl;
if (source == "csvfile")
......@@ -295,7 +294,7 @@ MOIP::MOIP(const RNA& rna, string source, string source_path, float theta, bool
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> " << insertion_sites_.size() << " candidate motifs on " << accepted + errors << " (" << errors << " ignored motifs), after applying probability threshold of " << theta << endl;
else if (obj_function2_nbr_ != 'c')
cout << "Err: Unknown module source." << endl;
......@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ MOIP::MOIP(const RNA& rna, string source, string source_path, float theta, bool
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> " << c << " + " << i << " (yuv + Cpxi) decision variables are used." << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> " << cy << " + " << cx << " + " << i << " (yuv + xuv + Cpxi) decision variables are used." << endl;
// Adding the problem's constraints
model_ = IloModel(env_);
......@@ -340,8 +339,11 @@ MOIP::MOIP(const RNA& rna, string source, string source_path, float theta, bool
// exit(1);
// }
// Define the motif objective function:
// Define the objective functions
obj1 = IloExpr(env_);
if (obj_function2_nbr_ != 'c') {
// Define the motif objective function:
for (uint i = 0; i < insertion_sites_.size(); i++) {
IloNum sum_k = 0;
......@@ -371,6 +373,17 @@ MOIP::MOIP(const RNA& rna, string source, string source_path, float theta, bool
} else {
// user passed both --mea and --mfe, this is Biokop mode, obj1 will be MEA
if (verbose_) cout << "Running in Biokop mode: MEA versus MFE, ignoring motifs." << endl;
for (size_t u = 0; u < rna_.get_RNA_length() - 6; u++) {
for (size_t v = u + 4; v < rna_.get_RNA_length(); v++) {
if (allowed_basepair(u, v)) obj1 += (IloNum(rna_.get_pij(u, v)) * y(u, v));
// set obj_function2_nbr_ to a so that obj2 is set to MFE just here after.
obj_function2_nbr_ = 'a';
//Stacking energy parameter matrix
double energy[7][7] = {
......@@ -446,7 +459,7 @@ void MOIP::define_problem_constraints(string& source)
// Ensure that the stacking of (i,j) and (i+1,j-1) exists if and only if the pairing (i,j) and (i+1, j-1) exist
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> ensuring that the stacks are possible..." << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> ensuring that the stacks are correct..." << endl;
for (u = 0; u < n - 5; u++) {
for (v = u + 4; v < n; v++) {
if (allowed_basepair(u, v) and allowed_basepair(u + 1, v - 1)) {
......@@ -459,7 +472,7 @@ void MOIP::define_problem_constraints(string& source)
model_.add(IloNum(2) * x(u, v) <= c7_1);
if (verbose_) cout << "\t\t" << (2 * x(u,v) <= c7_1) << endl;
model_.add(x(u, v) >= c7_2);
if (verbose_) cout << "\t\t" << (x(u, v) >= c7_2) << endl << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << "\t\t" << (x(u, v) >= c7_2) << endl;
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
bool verbose = false;
float theta_p_threshold;
char obj_function_nbr;
char mea_or_mfe = 'b'; // a for MFE, b for MEA
char mea_or_mfe = 'b'; // a for MFE, b for MEA, c for both and no motifs
list<Fasta> f;
ofstream outfile;
SecondaryStructure bestSSO1, bestSSO2;
......@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
po::notify(vm); // throws on error, so do after help in case there are any problems
if (vm.count("mfe")) mea_or_mfe = 'a';
if (vm.count("mea")) mea_or_mfe = 'b';
if (vm.count("mea") and vm.count("mfe")) mea_or_mfe = 'c';
if (vm.count("verbose")) verbose = true;
if (vm.count("disable-pseudoknots")) MOIP::allow_pk_ = false;
} catch (po::error& e) {
......@@ -146,12 +147,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
myRNA = RNA(fa->name(), fa->seq(), verbose);
if (verbose) cout << "\t> " << inputName << " successfuly loaded (" << myRNA.get_RNA_length() << " nt)" << endl;
// check motif folder exists
if (access(motifs_path_name.c_str(), F_OK) == -1) {
cerr << "\033[31m" << motifs_path_name << " not found\033[0m" << endl;
string source;
Motif::delay = 1;
if (vm.count("rinfolder"))
......@@ -164,8 +159,16 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
source = "jsonfolder";
else if (vm.count("pre-placed"))
source = "csvfile";
else if (mea_or_mfe != 'c') {
cerr << "ERR: no source of modules provided !" << endl;
// check motif folder exists
if (mea_or_mfe != 'c' and access(motifs_path_name.c_str(), F_OK) == -1) {
cerr << "\033[31m" << motifs_path_name << " not found\033[0m" << endl;
......@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ RNA::RNA(string name, string seq, bool verbose)
// Free memory allocated by ViennaRNA
else cerr << "NULL result returned by vrna_pfl_fold" << endl;