Creating simple python launcher

Showing 1 changed file with 162 additions and 13 deletions
......@@ -53,6 +53,43 @@ class MyPool(multiprocessing.pool.Pool):
super(MyPool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Loop:
def __init__(self, header, subsequence, looptype, position):
self.header = header
self.seq = subsequence
self.type = looptype
self.position = position
def get_header(self):
return self.header
def subsequence(self):
return self.seq
class InsertionSite:
def __init__(self, loop, csv_line):
# BEWARE : jar3d csv output is crap because of java's locale settings.
# On french OSes, it uses commas to delimit the fields AND as floating point delimiters !!
# Parse with caution, and check what the csv output files look like on your system...
info = csv_line.split(',')
self.loop = loop # the Loop object that has been searched with jar3d
# position of the loop's components, so the motif's ones, in the query sequence.
self.position = loop.position
# Motif model identifier of the RNA 3D Motif Atlas
self.atlas_id = info[2]
# alignment score of the subsequence to the motif model
self.score = int(float(info[4]))
# should the motif model be inverted to fit the sequence ?
self.rotation = int(info[-2])
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.score < other.score
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.score > other.score
class Job:
def __init__(self, command=[], function=None, args=[], how_many_in_parallel=0, priority=1, timeout=None, checkFunc=None, checkArgs=[]):
self.cmd_ = command
......@@ -72,10 +109,14 @@ class Job:
class BiorseoInstance:
def __init__(self, argv):
# set default options
self.type = "dpm"
self.modules = "desc"
self.func = 'B'
self.outputf = outputDir
self.jobcount = 0
# Parse options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(
argv, "hil::o:", ["type=", "func=", "modules="])
......@@ -124,6 +165,114 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
# Create the output folder
subprocess.call(["mkdir", "-p", self.outputf])
def enumerate_loops(self, s):
def resort(unclosedLoops):
loops.insert(len(loops)-1-unclosedLoops, loops[-1])
opened = []
openingStart = []
closingStart = []
loops = []
loopsUnclosed = 0
consecutiveOpenings = []
if s[0] == '(':
consecutiveClosings = 0
lastclosed = -1
previous = ''
for i in range(len(s)):
# If we arrive on an unpaired segment
if s[i] == '.':
if previous == '(':
if previous == ')':
# Opening basepair
if s[i] == '(':
if previous == '(':
consecutiveOpenings[-1] += 1
if previous == ')':
# We have something like (...(
if len(openingStart) and openingStart[-1] == opened[-1]:
# Create a new loop starting with this component.
loops.append([(openingStart[-1], i)])
loopsUnclosed += 1
# We have something like )...( or even )(
if len(closingStart) and closingStart[-1] == lastclosed:
# Append a component to existing multiloop
loops[-1].append((closingStart[-1], i))
# Closing basepair
if s[i] == ')':
if previous == ')':
consecutiveClosings += 1
consecutiveClosings = 1
# This is not supposed to happen in real data, but whatever.
if previous == '(':
# We have something like (...) or ()
if len(openingStart) and openingStart[-1] == opened[-1]:
# Create a new loop, and save it as already closed (HL)
loops.append([(openingStart[-1], i)])
# We have something like )...)
if len(closingStart) and closingStart[-1] == lastclosed:
# Append a component to existing multiloop and close it.
loops[-1].append((closingStart[-1], i))
loopsUnclosed -= 1
if i+1 < len(s):
if s[i+1] != ')': # We are on something like: ).
# an openingStart has not been correctly detected, like in ...((((((...)))...)))
if consecutiveClosings < consecutiveOpenings[-1]:
# Create a new loop (uncompleted)
loops.append([(opened[-2], opened[-1])])
loopsUnclosed += 1
# We just completed an HL+stem, like ...(((...))).., we can forget its info
if consecutiveClosings == consecutiveOpenings[-1]:
consecutiveClosings = 0
else: # There are still several basepairs to remember, forget only the processed ones, keep the others
consecutiveOpenings[-1] -= consecutiveClosings
consecutiveClosings = 0
else: # We are on something like: ))
# we are on an closingStart that cannot be correctly detected, like in ...(((...(((...))))))
if consecutiveClosings == consecutiveOpenings[-1]:
# Append a component to the uncomplete loop and close it.
loops[-1].append((i, i+1))
loopsUnclosed -= 1
# Forget the info about the processed stem.
consecutiveClosings = 0
lastclosed = i
previous = s[i]
# print(i,"=",s[i],"\t", "consec. Op=", consecutiveOpenings,"Cl=",consecutiveClosings)
def launch_JAR3D_worker(self, loop):
# write motif to a file
newpath = getcwd()+'/'+loop.header[1:]
......@@ -182,7 +331,7 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
HLs = []
ILs = []
for ss in rnasubopt_preds:
loop_candidates = enumerate_loops(ss)
loop_candidates = self.enumerate_loops(ss)
for loop_candidate in loop_candidates:
if len(loop_candidate) == 1 and loop_candidate not in HLs:
......@@ -199,7 +348,7 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
# Scanning loop subsequences against motif database
pool = MyPool(processes=cpu_count())
insertion_sites = [x for y in pool.map(
launch_JAR3D_worker, loops) for x in y]
self.launch_JAR3D_worker, loops) for x in y]
# Writing results to CSV file
c = 0
......@@ -265,21 +414,21 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
def execute_job(self, j):
if j.checkFunc_ is not None:
if j.checkFunc_(*j.checkArgs_):
running_stats[2] += 1
print("["+str(running_stats[0]+running_stats[2]) +
'/'+str(jobcount)+"]\tSkipping a finished job")
self.running_stats[2] += 1
print("["+str(self.running_stats[0]+self.running_stats[2]) +
'/'+str(self.jobcount)+"]\tSkipping a finished job")
return 0
running_stats[0] += 1
self.running_stats[0] += 1
if len(j.cmd_):
logfile = open("log_of_the_run.sh", 'a')
logfile.write(" ".join(j.cmd_))
print("["+str(running_stats[0]+running_stats[2]) +
'/'+str(jobcount)+"]\t"+" ".join(j.cmd_))
print("["+str(self.running_stats[0]+self.running_stats[2]) +
'/'+str(self.jobcount)+"]\t"+" ".join(j.cmd_))
r = subprocess.call(j.cmd_, timeout=j.timeout_)
elif j.func_ is not None:
print("["+str(running_stats[0]+running_stats[2])+'/'+str(jobcount) +
print("["+str(self.running_stats[0]+self.running_stats[2])+'/'+str(self.jobcount) +
"]\t"+j.func_.__name__+'('+", ".join([a for a in j.args_])+')')
r = j.func_(*j.args_)
......@@ -287,11 +436,11 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
r = 1
if r:
running_stats[1] += 1
self.running_stats[1] += 1
return r
def check_existence(self, datatype, method, function, with_PK, basename):
def check_result_existence(self, datatype, method, function, with_PK, basename):
folder = self.outputf+"PK/" if with_PK else self.outputf+"noPK/"
if datatype == "bgsu":
if method == "jar3d":
......@@ -311,7 +460,7 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
raise "Unknown data type !"
return path.isfile(folder + basename + extension + function)
def check_existence(self, datatype, method, basename):
def check_csv_existence(self, datatype, method, basename):
if datatype == "bgsu":
if method == "jar3d":
extension = ".sites.csv"