Update to benchmark.py and visualizer for RINs

......@@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ class Method:
if self.tool in ["RNAsubopt", "RNA-MoIP (1by1)", "RNA-MoIP (chunk)"] or self.placement_method == "Jar3d":
if f"{basename} RNAsubopt" in issues:
self.joblist.append(Job(command=["RNAsubopt", "-i", fasta, "--outfile="+ basename + ".subopt"],
priority=1, how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 0,
results = outputDir + "noPK/" + basename + ".subopt",
self.joblist.append(Job(command=["RNAsubopt", "-i", fasta, "--outfile="+ basename + ".subopt"],
priority=1, how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 0,
results = outputDir + "noPK/" + basename + ".subopt",
label=f"{basename} RNAsubopt"))
self.joblist.append(Job(command=["mv", basename + ".subopt", outputDir + "noPK/"],
priority=2, how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 0,
results = outputDir + "noPK/" + basename + ".subopt",
self.joblist.append(Job(command=["mv", basename + ".subopt", outputDir + "noPK/"],
priority=2, how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 0,
results = outputDir + "noPK/" + basename + ".subopt",
label=f"{basename} mv"))
# Find modules using Jar3d or BayesPairing:
......@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ class Method:
if f"{basename} BGSU-Jar3d" in issues:
self.joblist.append(Job(function=launch_JAR3D, args=[instance.seq_, basename],
priority=3, how_many_in_parallel=1,
results = outputDir + basename + ".bgsu_jar3d.csv",
priority=3, how_many_in_parallel=1,
results = outputDir + basename + ".bgsu_jar3d.csv",
label=f"{basename} BGSU-Jar3d"))
if self.placement_method == "ByP":
......@@ -222,17 +222,17 @@ class Method:
module_type_arg = "carnaval"
module_type_arg = "3dmotifatlas"
if module_type_arg != "carnaval":
if f"{basename} {self.data_source}-ByP" in issues:
# self.joblist.append(Job(function=launch_BayesPairing2, args=[module_type_arg, instance.seq_, instance.header_, basename],
# how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else -1, priority=3,
# results = outputDir + basename + f".{self.data_source.lower()}_byp2.csv",
# how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else -1, priority=3,
# results = outputDir + basename + f".{self.data_source.lower()}_byp2.csv",
# label=f"{basename} {self.data_source}-ByP"))
self.joblist.append(Job(function=launch_BayesPairing, args=[module_type_arg, instance.seq_, instance.header_, basename],
how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else -1, priority=3,
results = outputDir + basename + f".{self.data_source.lower()}_byp.csv",
how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else -1, priority=3,
results = outputDir + basename + f".{self.data_source.lower()}_byp.csv",
label=f"{basename} {self.data_source}-ByP"))
if f"{basename} {self.label}" in issues:
......@@ -256,29 +256,29 @@ class Method:
c += ["-o", results_file, "--func", self.func]
if not self.allow_pk:
c += ["-n"]
self.joblist.append(Job(command=c, priority=4, timeout=3600,
how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 10,
results = results_file,
self.joblist.append(Job(command=c, priority=4, timeout=3600,
how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 10,
results = results_file,
label=f"{basename} {self.label}"))
if self.tool == "RNA-MoIP (chunk)":
self.joblist.append(Job(function=launch_RNAMoIP, args=[instance.seq_, instance.header_, basename, False],
priority=3, how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 0,
timeout=3600, results = outputDir + f"noPK/{basename}.moipc",
priority=3, how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 0,
timeout=3600, results = outputDir + f"noPK/{basename}.moipc",
label=f"{basename} {self.label}"))
if self.tool == "RNA-MoIP (1by1)":
self.joblist.append(Job(function=launch_RNAMoIP, args=[instance.seq_, instance.header_, basename, True],
priority=3, how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 0,
results = outputDir + f"noPK/{basename}.moip",
priority=3, how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 0,
results = outputDir + f"noPK/{basename}.moip",
label=f"{basename} {self.label}"))
if self.tool == "Biokop":
self.joblist.append(Job(command=[biokopdir, "-n1", "-i", fasta, "-o", outputDir + f"PK/{basename}.biok"],
priority=5, timeout=3600,
how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 3,
results = outputDir + f"PK/{basename}.biok",
priority=5, timeout=3600,
how_many_in_parallel=1 if self.flat else 3,
results = outputDir + f"PK/{basename}.biok",
label=f"{basename} {self.label}"))
def get_comp_times(self):
......@@ -417,9 +417,12 @@ class RNA:
# print(filename, "not found !")
def load_results(self, include_noPK=False):
if "RNAsubopt" in self.meth_idx.keys():
if "RNA-MoIP (1by1)" in self.meth_idx.keys():
if "Biokop" in self.meth_idx.keys():
if "DESC-D.P.-A" in self.meth_idx.keys():
self.load_biorseo_results(outputDir + "PK/" + self.basename + ".biorseo_desc_raw_A", self.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A"))
if "DESC-D.P.-B" in self.meth_idx.keys():
......@@ -551,7 +554,7 @@ def execute_job(j):
n_finished.value += 1
print(f"[{n_launched.value+n_skipped.value}/{jobcount}]\tSkipping {j.label} (already finished)")
return (0, 0)
# Add the job to log file and run
with n_launched.get_lock():
......@@ -887,33 +890,37 @@ def dbn_to_basepairs(structure):
basepairs = []
As = []
Bs = []
for i, c in enumerate(structure):
if c == '(':
if c == '[':
if c == '{':
if c == '<':
if c == 'A':
if c == 'B':
if c == '.':
if c == ')':
basepairs.append((i, parenthesis.pop()))
if c == ']':
basepairs.append((i, brackets.pop()))
if c == '}':
basepairs.append((i, braces.pop()))
if c == '>':
basepairs.append((i, rafters.pop()))
if c == 'a':
basepairs.append((i, As.pop()))
if c == 'b':
basepairs.append((i, Bs.pop()))
for i, c in enumerate(structure):
if c == '(':
if c == '[':
if c == '{':
if c == '<':
if c == 'A':
if c == 'B':
if c == '.':
if c == ')':
basepairs.append((i, parenthesis.pop()))
if c == ']':
basepairs.append((i, brackets.pop()))
if c == '}':
basepairs.append((i, braces.pop()))
if c == '>':
basepairs.append((i, rafters.pop()))
if c == 'a':
basepairs.append((i, As.pop()))
if c == 'b':
basepairs.append((i, Bs.pop()))
except IndexError: # pop from empty list
print("Error in structure :", structure)
return basepairs
def compare_two_structures(true2d, prediction):
......@@ -1099,6 +1106,8 @@ def load_from_dbn(file, header_style=3):
if n < 10 or n > 100:
continue # ignore too short and too long RNAs
if not '(' in struct:
continue # ignore linear structures
if is_canonical_nts(seq) and is_canonical_bps(struct):
if header_style == 1: container.append(RNA(header.replace('/', '_').split('(')[-1][:-1], header, seq, struct))
if header_style == 2: container.append(RNA(header.replace('/', '_').split('[')[-1][:-41], header, seq, struct))
......@@ -1112,7 +1121,7 @@ def get_bpRNA_statistics(include_noPK=True):
print("\nLoading bpRNA results from files...")
# load results in objects
for instance in bpRNAContainer:
for instance in tqdm(bpRNAContainer, desc="bpRNA instances"):
......@@ -1193,9 +1202,9 @@ def get_bpRNA_statistics(include_noPK=True):
test = stats.friedmanchisquare(*x_noPK_fully)
print("Friedman test without PK: H0 = 'The position parameter of all distributions is equal', p-value = ", test.pvalue)
# ==> No they are not, but none does better, no need to test one further.
test = stats.wilcoxon(x_noPK_fully[1], x_noPK_fully[3])
test = stats.wilcoxon(x_noPK_fully[2], x_noPK_fully[3])
print("Wilcoxon signed rank test with PK: H0 = 'The position parameter of RNA-MoIP and RawA are equal', p-value = ", test.pvalue)
test = stats.wilcoxon(x_noPK_fully[1], x_noPK_fully[4])
test = stats.wilcoxon(x_noPK_fully[2], x_noPK_fully[4])
print("Wilcoxon signed rank test with PK: H0 = 'The position parameter of RNA-MoIP and RawB are equal', p-value = ", test.pvalue)
......@@ -1204,7 +1213,6 @@ def get_bpRNA_statistics(include_noPK=True):
# Get max MCCs for each method with PK, and see who is complete
x_PK = [
[ rna.get_method("Biokop").max_mcc if rna.get_method("Biokop").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no Biokop") for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("Biokop").n_pred ],
[], [],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no DESC-D.P.-A") for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no DESC-D.P.-B") for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no DESC-ByP-A") for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred ],
......@@ -1285,40 +1293,104 @@ def get_bpRNA_statistics(include_noPK=True):
print("Wilcoxon signed rank test with PK: H0 = 'The position parameter of Biokop and Jar3dC are equal', p-value = ", test.pvalue)
test = stats.wilcoxon(x_PK_fully[0], x_PK_fully[10])
print("Wilcoxon signed rank test with PK: H0 = 'The position parameter of Biokop and Jar3dD are equal', p-value = ", test.pvalue)
return x_noPK_fully, x_PK_fully
n = [
[ rna.get_method("Biokop").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("Biokop").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RNAsubopt").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNAsubopt").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
r = [
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred > 1 ],
max_i = [
[ max(rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
return x_noPK_fully, x_PK_fully, n, r, max_i
def get_Pseudobase_statistics():
# load results in objects
print("\nLoading Pseudobase results from files...")
for instance in PseudobaseContainer:
for instance in tqdm(PseudobaseContainer, desc="Pseudobase instances"):
RNAs_fully_predicted_Pseudobase = [ x for x in PseudobaseContainer if x.has_complete_results(True)]
RNAs_fully_predicted_Pseudobase = [ x for x in PseudobaseContainer if x.has_complete_results(with_PK=True)]
x_pseudobase = [
[ rna.get_method("Biokop").max_mcc if rna.get_method("Biokop").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("RNAsubopt").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RNAsubopt").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in bpRNAContainer ],
[ rna.get_method("Biokop").max_mcc if rna.get_method("Biokop").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("Biokop").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RNAsubopt").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RNAsubopt").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("RNAsubopt").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").max_mcc if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").max_mcc if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").max_mcc if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred else print(rna.basename, "has no") for rna in PseudobaseContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
# We ensure having the same number of RNAs in every sample by discarding the one for which computations did not ended/succeeded.
......@@ -1430,91 +1502,98 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
fulljoblist = []
joblabel_list = set()
for instance in tqdm(bpRNAContainer, desc="bpRNA jobs"):
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNAsubopt", flat=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "Biokop")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNA-MoIP (1by1)")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNA-MoIP (chunk)")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="B", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="C", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="C", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="D", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="D", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B", PK=True)
for method in instance.methods:
for i in range(len(method.joblist)):
j = method.joblist[i]
if j.label in joblabel_list: # look for a duplicate job (Jar3d, BayesPairing, RNAsubopt...)
# for index, job in enumerate(fulljoblist):
# if job.label == j.label:
# method.joblist[i] = fulljoblist[index] # point to the previous occurrence
# break
for instance in tqdm(PseudobaseContainer, desc="Pseudobase jobs"):
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNAsubopt", flat=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "Biokop")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNA-MoIP (1by1)")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNA-MoIP (chunk)")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="B")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="C")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="D")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B")
if path.isfile("containers.pickle"):
with open("containers.pickle", "rb") as cont:
bpRNAContainer, PseudobaseContainer = pickle.load(cont)
for instance in tqdm(bpRNAContainer, desc="bpRNA jobs"):
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNAsubopt", flat=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "Biokop")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNA-MoIP (1by1)")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNA-MoIP (chunk)")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="B", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="C", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="C", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="D", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="D", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A", PK=True)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B", PK=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B", PK=True)
for method in instance.methods:
for i in range(len(method.joblist)):
j = method.joblist[i]
if j.label in joblabel_list: # look for a duplicate job (Jar3d, BayesPairing, RNAsubopt...)
# for index, job in enumerate(fulljoblist):
# if job.label == j.label:
# method.joblist[i] = fulljoblist[index] # point to the previous occurrence
# break
for instance in tqdm(PseudobaseContainer, desc="Pseudobase jobs"):
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNAsubopt", flat=False)
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "Biokop")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNA-MoIP (1by1)")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNA-MoIP (chunk)")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="DESC", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="B")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="C")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="ByP", obj_func="D")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="B")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="C")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="BGSU", placement_method="Jar3d", obj_func="D")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="A")
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, tool="biorseo", data_source="RIN", placement_method="D.P.", obj_func="B")
for method in instance.methods:
for i in range(len(method.joblist)):
j = method.joblist[i]
if j.label in joblabel_list: # look for a duplicate job (Jar3d, BayesPairing, RNAsubopt...)
# for index, job in enumerate(fulljoblist):
# if job.label == j.label:
# method.joblist[i] = fulljoblist[index] # point to the previous occurrence
# break
for method in instance.methods:
for i in range(len(method.joblist)):
j = method.joblist[i]
if j.label in joblabel_list: # look for a duplicate job (Jar3d, BayesPairing, RNAsubopt...)
# for index, job in enumerate(fulljoblist):
# if job.label == j.label:
# method.joblist[i] = fulljoblist[index] # point to the previous occurrence
# break
with open("containers.pickle", "wb") as cont:
pickle.dump((bpRNAContainer, PseudobaseContainer), cont)
for instance in StudycaseContainer: # We need to define these separately because we do not want concurrency, to measure proper run times.
instance.add_method_evaluation(instance, "RNAsubopt", flat=True)
......@@ -1550,51 +1629,58 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# sort jobs in a tree structure
jobs = {}
jobcount = len(fulljoblist)
for job in fulljoblist:
if job.priority_ not in jobs.keys():
jobs[job.priority_] = {}
if job.nthreads not in jobs[job.priority_].keys():
print(f"New job priority/concurrency: {job.priority_} {job.nthreads}")
jobs[job.priority_][job.nthreads] = []
nprio = max(jobs.keys())
# for each priority level
for i in range(1,nprio+1):
if i not in jobs.keys(): continue # ignore this priority level if no job available
different_thread_numbers = [n for n in jobs[i].keys()]
print("processing jobs of priority", i)
# jobs should be processed 1 by 1, 2 by 2, or n by n depending on their definition
for n in different_thread_numbers:
bunch = jobs[i][n]
if not len(bunch): continue # ignore if no jobs should be processed n by n
print("using", n, "processes:")
try :
# execute jobs of priority i that should be processed n by n:
p = MyPool(initializer = init, initargs = (n_launched, n_finished, n_skipped), processes=n, maxtasksperchild=10)
raw_results = p.map(execute_job, bunch)
# extract computation times
times = [ r[0] for r in raw_results ]
for j, t in zip(bunch, times):
j.comp_time = t
except (subprocess.TimeoutExpired) :
print("Skipping, took more than 3600s")
# # sort jobs in a tree structure
# jobs = {}
# jobcount = len(fulljoblist)
# for job in fulljoblist:
# if job.priority_ not in jobs.keys():
# jobs[job.priority_] = {}
# if job.nthreads not in jobs[job.priority_].keys():
# print(f"New job priority/concurrency: {job.priority_} {job.nthreads}")
# jobs[job.priority_][job.nthreads] = []
# jobs[job.priority_][job.nthreads].append(job)
# nprio = max(jobs.keys())
# # for each priority level
# for i in range(1,nprio+1):
# if i not in jobs.keys(): continue # ignore this priority level if no job available
# different_thread_numbers = [n for n in jobs[i].keys()]
# different_thread_numbers.sort()
# print("processing jobs of priority", i)
# # jobs should be processed 1 by 1, 2 by 2, or n by n depending on their definition
# for n in different_thread_numbers:
# bunch = jobs[i][n]
# if not len(bunch): continue # ignore if no jobs should be processed n by n
# print("using", n, "processes:")
# try :
# # execute jobs of priority i that should be processed n by n:
# p = MyPool(initializer = init, initargs = (n_launched, n_finished, n_skipped), processes=n, maxtasksperchild=10)
# raw_results = p.map(execute_job, bunch)
# p.close()
# p.join()
# # extract computation times
# times = [ r[0] for r in raw_results ]
# for j, t in zip(bunch, times):
# j.comp_time = t
# except (subprocess.TimeoutExpired) :
# print("Skipping, took more than 3600s")
# pass
# ================= Statistics ========================
x_noPK_fully, x_PK_fully = get_bpRNA_statistics()
x_pseudobase_fully = get_Pseudobase_statistics()
if path.isfile("pickleresults.pickle"):
with open("pickleresults.pickle", "rb") as rf:
t = pickle.load(rf)
x_noPK_fully, x_PK_fully, n, r, max_i, x_pseudobase_fully = t
x_noPK_fully, x_PK_fully, n, r, max_i = get_bpRNA_statistics()
x_pseudobase_fully = get_Pseudobase_statistics()
with open("pickleresults.pickle", "wb") as rf:
pickle.dump((x_noPK_fully, x_PK_fully, n, r, max_i, x_pseudobase_fully), rf)
# print_StudyCase_results()
# ================= PLOTS OF RESULTS =======================================
......@@ -1605,13 +1691,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'#e6194B', '#e6194B', #red
'#3cb44b', '#3cb44b', '#3cb44b', '#3cb44b', #green
'#4363d8', '#4363d8', '#4363d8', '#4363d8', #blue
'#3cb44b', '#3cb44b', '#3cb44b', '#3cb44b' # green
'#3cb44b', '#3cb44b', '#3cb44b', '#3cb44b', # green
'#bbbbff', '#bbbbff' # grey-blue
def plot_best_MCCs(x_noPK_fully, x_PK_fully, x_pseudobase_fully):
print("Best MCCs...")
labels = [
"Biokop \n",
"RNA\nsubopt", "RNA-\nMoIP\n1by1", "RNA-\nMoIP\nchunk",
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$",
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$", "$f_{1C}$", "$f_{1D}$",
......@@ -1620,36 +1708,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$",
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10,3.5), dpi=80)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10,5), dpi=150)
fig.suptitle(" \n ")
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.99, top=0.83, bottom=0.02)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.97, top=0.83, bottom=0.05)
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylim((0.5, 1.01))
yticks = [ i/10 for i in range(5,11) ]
for y in yticks:
ax.axhline(y=y, color="grey", linestyle="--", linewidth=1)
ax.tick_params(top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False)
#ax.set_xticks([ 1.0+i for i in range(18)])
ax.set_xticks([i for i in range(19)])
axes[0].tick_params(top=True, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False)
for i, tick in enumerate(axes[0].xaxis.get_major_ticks()):
if i<4: # Reduce size of Biokop, RNAsubopt and RNA-MoIP labels to stay readable
# Line 1 : no Pseudoknots
# bplot = axes[0].boxplot([[]] + x_noPK_fully, vert=True, patch_artist=True, notch=False, whis=[3,97], medianprops=dict(color="white"))
# for patch, color in zip(bplot['boxes'], colors):
# patch.set_facecolor(color)
#xpos = [ x for x in range(2,19) ]
xpos = [ x for x in range(len(x_noPK_fully)) ]
#print(len(x_noPK_fully), len(xpos))
vplot = axes[0].violinplot(x_noPK_fully, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False, points=len(x_noPK_fully[0]), positions=xpos)
xpos = [ 1+x for x in range(len(x_noPK_fully)) ] # skip Biokop's column
vplot = axes[0].violinplot(x_noPK_fully, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False,
points=len(x_noPK_fully[0]), positions=xpos)
for patch, color in zip(vplot['bodies'], colors[1:]):
......@@ -1666,20 +1734,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
axes[0].set_ylabel("(A)\nmax MCC\n(%d RNAs)" % (len(x_noPK_fully[0])), fontsize=12)
# Line 2 : Pseudoknots supported
# bplot = axes[1].boxplot([x_PK_fully[0],[],[]] + x_PK_fully[1:], vert=True, patch_artist=True, notch=False, whis=[3,97], medianprops=dict(color="white"))
# for patch, color in zip(bplot['boxes'], colors):
# patch.set_facecolor(color)
#xpos = [1] + [ i for i in range(5,19) ]
xpos = [ i for i in range(3,len(x_PK_fully)+3) ]
#print(len(x_PK_fully), len(xpos))
vplot = axes[1].violinplot(x_PK_fully, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False, points=len(x_PK_fully[0]), positions=xpos)
#print(len(vplot['bodies']), len(xpos))
for patch, color in zip(vplot['bodies'], colors[4:]):
xpos = [ 0 ] + [ i for i in range(4,20) ]
vplot = axes[1].violinplot(x_PK_fully, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False,
points=len(x_PK_fully[0]), positions=xpos)
for patch, color in zip(vplot['bodies'], colors[:1] + colors[4:]):
quartile1, medians, quartile3 = np.percentile(x_PK_fully, [25, 50, 75], axis=1)
print(len(medians), len(xpos))
axes[1].scatter(xpos, medians, marker='o', color='k', s=30, zorder=3)
axes[1].vlines(xpos, quartile1, quartile3, color='k', linestyle='-', lw=1)
for x, y1, y2 in zip(xpos, quartile1, quartile3):
......@@ -1690,14 +1752,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
axes[1].set_ylabel("(B)\nmax MCC\n(%d RNAs)" % (len(x_PK_fully[0])), fontsize=12)
# Line 3 : all methods on pseudoknotted dataset
# bplot = axes[2].boxplot(x_pseudobase_fully, vert=True, patch_artist=True, notch=False, whis=[3,97], medianprops=dict(color="white"))
# for patch, color in zip(bplot['boxes'], colors):
# patch.set_facecolor(color)
#xpos = [ x for x in range(1,19) ]
xpos = [ x for x in range(len(x_pseudobase_fully)) ]
#print(len(x_pseudobase_fully), len(xpos))
vplot = axes[2].violinplot(x_pseudobase_fully, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False, points=len(x_pseudobase_fully[0]), positions=xpos)
for patch, color in zip(vplot['bodies'], colors[1:]):
vplot = axes[2].violinplot(x_pseudobase_fully, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False,
points=len(x_pseudobase_fully[0]), positions=xpos)
for patch, color in zip(vplot['bodies'], colors):
......@@ -1711,82 +1769,42 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
axes[2].set_ylabel("(C)\nmax MCC\n(%d RNAs)" % (len(x_pseudobase_fully[0])), fontsize=12)
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylim((0.0, 1.01))
ax.set_xlim((-1, 20))
yticks = [ i/10 for i in range(0, 11, 2) ]
for y in yticks:
ax.axhline(y=y, color="grey", linestyle="--", linewidth=1)
ax.tick_params(top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False)
ax.set_xticks([i for i in range(20)])
axes[0].tick_params(top=True, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False)
for i, tick in enumerate(axes[0].xaxis.get_major_ticks()):
if i<4: # Reduce size of Biokop, RNAsubopt and RNA-MoIP labels to stay readable
def plot_more_info():
# ======= number of solutions, insertion ratio, etc ========================
n = [
[ rna.get_method("Biokop").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("Biokop").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RNAsubopt").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNAsubopt").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
r = [
[ rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred > 1 ],
[ rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").ratio for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred > 1 ],
max_i = [
[ max(rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (1by1)").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RNA-MoIP (chunk)").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("DESC-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-B").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-C").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").ninsertions )for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-Jar3d-D").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-B").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-C").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("BGSU-ByP-D").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-A").n_pred ],
[ max(rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").ninsertions) for rna in bpRNAContainer if rna.get_method("RIN-D.P.-B").n_pred ],
# Figure : number of solutions
plt.figure(figsize=(6,1.5), dpi=80)
print("Number of solutions...")
plt.figure(figsize=(9,2.5), dpi=80)
plt.suptitle(" \n ")
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.99, top=0.5, bottom=0.05)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.97, top=0.6, bottom=0.05)
xpos = [ x for x in range(len(n)) ]
for y in [ 10*x for x in range(8) ]:
plt.axhline(y=y, color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.5)
plt.axhline(y=1, color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.5)
vplot = plt.violinplot(n, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False, points=len(n[0]), positions=xpos)
for patch, color in zip(vplot['bodies'], colors):
labels = [
"RNAsubopt","RNA-MoIP\n1by1", "RNA-MoIP\nchunk",
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$",
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$", "$f_{1C}$", "$f_{1D}$",
......@@ -1794,65 +1812,31 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$", "$f_{1C}$", "$f_{1D}$",
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$"
plt.tick_params(top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False)
#plt.xticks([ 1.0+i for i in range(18)], labels)
plt.xticks([ 1.0+i for i in range(19)], labels)
plt.xticks([ i for i in range(len(labels))], labels)
plt.tick_params(top=True, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False)
for i, tick in enumerate(plt.gca().xaxis.get_major_ticks()):
if i<4: # Reduce size of RNA-MoIP labels to stay readable
# tick.label2.set_fontsize(8)
#xpos = [ x for x in range(1,19) ]
xpos = [ x for x in range(len(n)) ]
#print(len(n), len(xpos))
plt.yticks([ 20*x for x in range(3) ])
for y in [ 10*x for x in range(8) ]:
plt.axhline(y=y, color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.5)
plt.axhline(y=1, color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.5)
vplot = plt.violinplot(n, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False, points=len(n[0]), positions=xpos)
for patch, color in zip(vplot['bodies'], colors):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(6,2.5), dpi=80)
# Figure : max number of insertions and ratio
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(10,4), dpi=80)
fig.suptitle(" \n ")
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.09, right=0.99, top=0.7, bottom=0.05)
labels = [
"RNA-MoIP\n1by1", "RNA-MoIP\nchunk",
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$",
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$", "$f_{1C}$", "$f_{1D}$",
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$", "$f_{1C}$", "$f_{1D}$",
"$f_{1A}$", "$f_{1B}$", "$f_{1C}$", "$f_{1D}$"
for ax in axes:
ax.tick_params(top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False)
ax.set_xticks([ 1.0+i for i in range(16)])
axes[0].tick_params(top=True, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False)
for i, tick in enumerate(axes[0].xaxis.get_major_ticks()):
if i<2: # Reduce size of RNA-MoIP labels to stay readable
# Figure : max inserted
#xpos = [ x for x in range(1,17) ]
print("Max inserted...")
xpos = [ x for x in range(18) ]
#print(len(max_i), len(xpos))
axes[0].set_yticks([ 5*x for x in range(3) ])
for y in [ 2*x for x in range(7) ]:
axes[0].axhline(y=y, color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.5)
# axes[0].axhline(y=y-1, color="lightgray", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.5)
vplot = axes[0].violinplot(max_i, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False, points=len(max_i[0]), positions=xpos)
for patch, color in zip(vplot['bodies'], colors[2:]):
......@@ -1861,9 +1845,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
axes[0].set_ylabel("(A)", fontsize=12)
# Figure : insertion ratio
#xpos = [1] + [ x for x in range(3,17) ]
xpos = [ x for x in range(len(r)) ]
#print(len(r), len(xpos))
print("Ratio of insertions...")
xpos = [ 0 ] + [ x for x in range(2, 1+len(r)) ]
axes[1].set_ylim((-0.01, 1.01))
yticks = [ 0, 0.5, 1.0 ]
......@@ -1878,6 +1861,20 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
axes[1].annotate(str(len(r[i])), (x-0.25, 0.05), fontsize=8)
axes[1].set_ylabel("(B)", fontsize=12)
labels = labels[2:]
for ax in axes:
ax.tick_params(top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False)
ax.set_xticks([ i for i in range(18)])
axes[0].tick_params(top=True, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False)
for i, tick in enumerate(axes[0].xaxis.get_major_ticks()):
if i<2: # Reduce size of RNA-MoIP labels to stay readable
# tick.label2.set_fontsize(9)
def compare_subopt_MoIP():
# ================== MCC performance ====================================
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class Pareto:
y = coords[1]/self.max_obj2
y = 0.5
return ( x,y )
return ( x, y )
class RNA:
......@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ def is_canonical_bps(struct):
return False
return True
def load_from_dbn(file, header_style=1):
def load_from_dbn(file, header_style=3):
container = []
counter = 0
pkcounter = 0
db = open(file, "r")
c = 0
......@@ -195,15 +195,17 @@ def load_from_dbn(file, header_style=1):
if n < 10 or n > 100:
continue # ignore too short and too long RNAs
if is_canonical_nts(seq) and is_canonical_bps(struct):
if is_canonical_nts(seq) and is_canonical_bps(struct) and '(' in struct:
if header_style == 1: container.append(RNA(header.replace('/', '_').split('(')[-1][:-1], header, seq, struct))
if header_style == 2: container.append(RNA(header.replace('/', '_').split('[')[-1][:-41], header, seq, struct))
if '[' in struct: counter += 1
if header_style == 3: container.append(RNA(header[1:], header, seq, struct))
if '[' in struct: pkcounter += 1
return container, counter
return container, pkcounter
def parse_biokop(folder, basename, ext=".biok"):
solutions = []
err = 0
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, basename + ext)):
rna = open(os.path.join(folder, basename + ext), "r")
lines = rna.readlines()
......@@ -218,13 +220,13 @@ def parse_biokop(folder, basename, ext=".biok"):
# here is a negative sign because Biokop actually minimizes -MEA instead
# of maximizing MEA : we switch back to MEA
solutions.append(SecStruct(db2d, -float(splitted[1]), -float(splitted[2][:-1])))
solutions.append(SecStruct(db2d, -float(splitted[2][:-1]), -float(splitted[1]))) # MEA first, MFE second
# check the range of MEA in this pareto set
min_mea = solutions[0].objectives[1]
min_mea = solutions[0].objectives[0]
max_mea = min_mea
for s in solutions:
mea = s.objectives[1]
mea = s.objectives[0]
if mea < min_mea:
min_mea = mea
if mea > max_mea:
......@@ -232,17 +234,18 @@ def parse_biokop(folder, basename, ext=".biok"):
# normalize so the minimum MEA of the set is 0
for i in range(len(solutions)):
solutions[i].objectives[1] -= min_mea
solutions[i].objectives[0] -= min_mea
if len(different_2ds) > 1:
return solutions
return solutions, err
print("[%s] \033[36mWARNING: ignoring this RNA, only one 2D solution is found.\033[0m" % (basename))
print("[%s] \033[36mWARNING: file not found !\033[0m" % (basename))
err = 1
return None, err
def parse_biorseo(folder, basename, ext):
solutions = []
err = 0
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, basename + ext)):
rna = open(os.path.join(folder, basename + ext), "r")
lines = rna.readlines()
......@@ -255,19 +258,20 @@ def parse_biorseo(folder, basename, ext):
db2d = splitted[0].split(' ')[0]
if db2d not in different_2ds:
solutions.append(SecStruct(db2d, float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2][:-1])))
solutions.append(SecStruct(db2d, float(splitted[2][:-1]), float(splitted[1]))) # put MEA first, modules in 2nd (y axis)
if len(different_2ds) > 1:
return solutions
return solutions, err
print("[%s] \033[36mWARNING: ignoring this RNA, only one 2D solution is found.\033[0m" % (basename))
print("[%s] \033[36mWARNING: file not found !\033[0m" % (basename))
return None
err = 1
return None, err
def prettify_biorseo(code):
name = ""
if "bgsu" in code:
name += "RNA 3D Motif Atlas + "
elif "rin" in code:
name += "CaRNAval + "
name += "Rna3Dmotifs + "
if "raw" in code:
......@@ -279,73 +283,23 @@ def prettify_biorseo(code):
# name += " + $f_{1" + code[-1] + "}$"
return name
# Parse options
opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "",
[ "biorseo_desc_byp_A",
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
results_folder = "."
extension = "all"
outputf = ""
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "--biokop":
extension = ".biok"
parse = parse_biokop
elif opt == "--folder":
results_folder = arg
elif opt == "--database":
database = arg
elif opt == "--output":
outputf = arg
extension = '.' + opt[2:]
parse = parse_biorseo
RNAcontainer, _ = load_from_dbn(database)
if results_folder[-1] != '/':
results_folder = results_folder + '/'
if outputf == "":
outputf = results_folder
if outputf[-1] != '/':
outputf = outputf + '/'
def process_extension(ax, pos, ext, nsolutions=False, xlabel="Best solution performs\nwell on obj1", ylabel="Best solution performs\n well on obj2"):
points = []
sizes = []
skipped = 0
for rna in RNAcontainer:
# Extracting the predictions from the results file
solutions = parse(results_folder, rna.basename_, ext)
reference = SecStruct(rna.struct_, float("inf"), float("inf"))
solutions, err = parse(results_folder, rna.basename_, ext)
if solutions is None:
if err == 0:
skipped += 1
reference = SecStruct(rna.struct_, float("inf"), float("inf"))
pset = Pareto(solutions, reference)
print("[%s] Loaded %d solutions in a Pareto set, max(obj1)=%f, max(obj2)=%f" % (rna.basename_, pset.n_pred, pset.max_obj1, pset.max_obj2))
print("Loaded %d points on %d." % (len(points), len(RNAcontainer)))
print("Loaded %d points on %d." % (len(points), len(RNAcontainer)-skipped))
x = np.array([ p[0] for p in points ])
y = np.array([ p[1] for p in points ])
......@@ -364,8 +318,7 @@ def process_extension(ax, pos, ext, nsolutions=False, xlabel="Best solution perf
ax[pos].scatter(x, y, s=25, alpha=0.1)
ax[pos].set_title(prettify_biorseo(ext[1:]), fontsize=10)
ax[pos].annotate("("+str(len(points))+'/'+str(len(RNAcontainer))+" RNAs)", (0.08,0.15))
ax[pos].annotate("("+str(len(points))+'/'+str(len(RNAcontainer)-skipped)+" RNAs)", (0.08,0.15))
......@@ -377,56 +330,90 @@ def process_extension(ax, pos, ext, nsolutions=False, xlabel="Best solution perf
ax[pos+1].set_xlabel("# solutions")
ax[pos+1].set_ylabel("# RNAs")
if extension == "all":
parse = parse_biorseo
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(10,3),sharey=True)
ax = ax.flatten()
process_extension(ax, 0, ".biorseo_desc_raw_A", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1A}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 1, ".biorseo_desc_byp_A", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1A}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 2, ".biorseo_bgsu_byp_A", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1A}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 3, ".biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_A", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1A}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
for a in ax:
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, top=0.9, left=0.07, right=0.98, hspace=0.05, wspace = 0.05)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(10,3),sharey=True)
ax = ax.flatten()
process_extension(ax, 0, ".biorseo_desc_raw_B", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1B}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 1, ".biorseo_desc_byp_B", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1B}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 2, ".biorseo_bgsu_byp_B", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1B}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 3, ".biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_B", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1B}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
for a in ax:
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, top=0.9, left=0.07, right=0.98, hspace=0.05, wspace = 0.05)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(10,3),sharey=True)
ax = ax.flatten()
process_extension(ax, 1, ".biorseo_desc_byp_C", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1C}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 2, ".biorseo_bgsu_byp_C", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1C}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 3, ".biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_C", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1C}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
for a in ax:
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, top=0.9, left=0.07, right=0.98, hspace=0.05, wspace = 0.05)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(10,3),sharey=True)
ax = ax.flatten()
process_extension(ax, 1, ".biorseo_desc_byp_D", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1D}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 2, ".biorseo_bgsu_byp_D", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1D}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 3, ".biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_D", xlabel="Normalized $f_{1D}$", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
for a in ax:
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, top=0.9, left=0.07, right=0.98, hspace=0.05, wspace = 0.05)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(6,5))
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.12, top=0.9, left=0.15, right=0.9, hspace=0.4)
if extension == ".biok":
process_extension(ax, 0, extension, nsolutions=True, xlabel="Normalized MFE", ylabel="Normalized MEA")
if __name__ == "__main__":
opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "",
[ "biorseo_desc_byp_A", "biorseo_desc_byp_B",
"biorseo_desc_byp_C", "biorseo_desc_byp_D",
"biorseo_bgsu_byp_A", "biorseo_bgsu_byp_B",
"biorseo_bgsu_byp_C", "biorseo_bgsu_byp_D",
"biorseo_desc_raw_A", "biorseo_desc_raw_B",
"biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_A", "biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_B",
"biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_C", "biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_D",
"biorseo_rin_raw_A", "biorseo_rin_raw_B",
"biokop", "folder=", "database=", "output="
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
results_folder = "."
extension = "all"
outputf = ""
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "--biokop":
extension = ".biok"
parse = parse_biokop
elif opt == "--folder":
results_folder = arg
elif opt == "--database":
database = arg
elif opt == "--output":
outputf = arg
extension = '.' + opt[2:]
parse = parse_biorseo
RNAcontainer, _ = load_from_dbn(database)
if results_folder[-1] != '/':
results_folder = results_folder + '/'
if outputf == "":
outputf = results_folder
if outputf[-1] != '/':
outputf = outputf + '/'
if extension == "all":
parse = parse_biorseo
fig, ax = plt.subplots(4,5,figsize=(12,10), sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax = ax.flatten()
process_extension(ax, 0, ".biorseo_desc_raw_A", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1A}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 1, ".biorseo_rin_raw_A", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1A}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 2, ".biorseo_desc_byp_A", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1A}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 3, ".biorseo_bgsu_byp_A", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1A}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 4, ".biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_A", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1A}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
ax[0].set_title(prettify_biorseo("biorseo_desc_raw_A"), fontsize=10)
ax[1].set_title(prettify_biorseo("biorseo_rin_raw_A"), fontsize=10)
ax[2].set_title(prettify_biorseo("biorseo_desc_byp_A"), fontsize=10)
ax[3].set_title(prettify_biorseo("biorseo_bgsu_byp_A"), fontsize=10)
ax[4].set_title(prettify_biorseo("biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_A"), fontsize=10)
process_extension(ax, 5, ".biorseo_desc_raw_B", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1B}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 6, ".biorseo_rin_raw_B", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1B}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 7, ".biorseo_desc_byp_B", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1B}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 8, ".biorseo_bgsu_byp_B", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1B}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 9, ".biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_B", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1B}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 12, ".biorseo_desc_byp_C", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1C}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 13, ".biorseo_bgsu_byp_C", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1C}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 14, ".biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_C", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1C}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 17, ".biorseo_desc_byp_D", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1D}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 18, ".biorseo_bgsu_byp_D", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1D}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 19, ".biorseo_bgsu_jar3d_D", ylabel="Normalized $f_{1D}$", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
for a in ax:
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.05, top=0.95, left=0.07, right=0.98, hspace=0.1, wspace = 0.05)
process_extension(ax, 0, extension, nsolutions=False)
\ No newline at end of file
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(6,10))
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.12, top=0.9, left=0.15, right=0.9, hspace=0.4)
if extension == ".biok":
process_extension(ax, 0, extension, nsolutions=True, ylabel="Normalized MFE", xlabel="Normalized MEA")
process_extension(ax, 0, extension, nsolutions=False)
\ No newline at end of file