provide supplementary functions to the main scripts

modify the .gitignore
...@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ first_matrix_connection_GO.csv ...@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ first_matrix_connection_GO.csv
3 go_level.csv 3 go_level.csv
4 X_test.npz 4 X_test.npz
5 X_train.npz 5 X_train.npz
6 +__pycache__/
1 +# Useful packages
2 +
3 +import warnings
4 +import os
5 +import time
6 +import signal
7 +import sys
8 +import copy
9 +import h5py
10 +import pickle
11 +import random
12 +from tqdm import tqdm
13 +
14 +import numpy as np
15 +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
16 +import seaborn
17 +import pandas as pd
18 +import tensorflow as tf
19 +from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
20 +
21 +
22 +# Experiment setting
23 +FLAGS =
24 +
25 +# -- Configuration of the environnement --
26'log_dir', "../log", "log_dir")
27'dir_data', "", "repository for all the files needed for the training and the evaluation")
28'save', False, "Do you need to save the model?")
29'restore', False, "Do you want to restore a previous model?")
30'is_training', True, "Is the model trainable?")
31'processing', "train", "What to do with the model? {train,evaluate,predict}")
32 +
33 +# -- Architecture of the neural network --
34'n_input', 54675, "number of features")
35'n_classes', 1, "number of classes")
36'n_layers', 6, "number of layers")
37'n_hidden_1', 1574, "number of neurons for the first hidden layer") #Level 7
38'n_hidden_2', 1386, "number of neurons for the second hidden layer") #Level 6
39'n_hidden_3', 951, "number of neurons for the third hidden layer") #Level 5
40'n_hidden_4', 515, "number of neurons for the fourth hidden layer") #Level 4
41'n_hidden_5', 255, "number of neurons for the fifth hidden layer") #Level 3
42'n_hidden_6', 90, "number of neurons for the sixth hidden layer") #Level 2
43 +
44 +# -- Learning and Hyperparameters --
45'lr_method', 'adam', "optimizer {adam, momentum, adagrad, rmsprop}")
46'learning_rate', 0.001, "initial learning rate")
47'bn', False, "use of batch normalization")
48'keep_prob', 0.4, "keep probability for the dropout")
49'type_training', 'LGO', "regularization term {"", LGO, L2, L1}")
50'alpha', 1, "value of the hyperparameter alpha")
51'display_step', 5, "when to print the performances")
52'batch_size', 2**9, "the number of examples in a batch")
53'epochs', 20, "the number of epochs for training")
54'GPU_device', '/gpu:0', "GPU device")
55 +
56 +from base_model import BaseModel
57 +
58 +def l1_loss_func(x):
59 + return tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.abs(x))
60 +
61 +def l2_loss_func(x):
62 + return tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x))
63 +
64 +
65 +def train(save_dir):
66 +
67 + warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
68 + os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"
69 + os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]=FLAGS.GPU_device[len(FLAGS.GPU_device)-1]
70 + os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
71 +
72 + # Load the useful files to build the architecture
73 + print("Loading the connection matrix...")
74 + start = time.time()
75 +
76 + adj_matrix = pd.read_csv(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"adj_matrix.csv")),index_col=0)
77 + first_matrix_connection = pd.read_csv(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"first_matrix_connection_GO.csv")),index_col=0)
78 + csv_go = pd.read_csv(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"go_level.csv")),index_col=0)
79 +
80 + connection_matrix = []
81 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(first_matrix_connection.values,dtype=np.float32))
82 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(7)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(6)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
83 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(6)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(5)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
84 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(5)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(4)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
85 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(4)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(3)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
86 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(3)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(2)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
87 + connection_matrix.append(np.ones((FLAGS.n_hidden_6, FLAGS.n_classes),dtype=np.float32))
88 +
89 + end = time.time()
90 + elapsed=end - start
91 + print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
92 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
93 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
94 +
95 + # Load the data
96 + print("Loading the data...")
97 +
98 + start = time.time()
99 + loaded = np.load(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"X_train.npz")))
100 + X_train = loaded['x']
101 + y_train = loaded['y']
102 + if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
103 + y_train=to_categorical(y_train)
104 +
105 + loaded = np.load(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"X_test.npz")))
106 + X_test = loaded['x']
107 + y_test = loaded['y']
108 + if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
109 + y_test=to_categorical(y_test)
110 +
111 + end = time.time()
112 + elapsed=end - start
113 + print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
114 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
115 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
116 +
117 +
118 + # Launch the model
119 + print("Launching the learning")
120 + if FLAGS.type_training != "":
121 + print("with {} and ALPHA={}".format(FLAGS.type_training,FLAGS.alpha))
122 +
123 + tf.reset_default_graph()
124 +
125 + # -- Inputs of the model --
126 + X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.n_input])
127 + Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.n_classes])
128 +
129 + # -- Hyperparameters of the neural network --
130 + is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool,name="is_training") # Batch Norm hyperparameter
131 + learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="learning_rate") # Optimizer hyperparameter
132 + keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_prob") # Dropout hyperparameter
133 + total_batches=len(X_train)//FLAGS.batch_size
134 +
135 + network=BaseModel(X=X,n_input=FLAGS.n_input,n_classes=FLAGS.n_classes,
136 + n_hidden_1=FLAGS.n_hidden_1,n_hidden_2=FLAGS.n_hidden_2,n_hidden_3=FLAGS.n_hidden_3,n_hidden_4=FLAGS.n_hidden_4,
137 + n_hidden_5=FLAGS.n_hidden_5,n_hidden_6=FLAGS.n_hidden_6,keep_prob=keep_prob,is_training=is_training) # Model instantiation
138 + pred = network()
139 +
140 + # -- Loss function --
141 +
142 + # ---- CE loss ----
143 + # Compute the average of the loss across all the dimensions
144 + if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
145 + ce_loss = f.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=pred, labels=Y))
146 + else:
147 + ce_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=Y))
148 +
149 + # ---- Regularization loss (LGO, L2, L1) ----
150 + additional_loss = 0
151 + if FLAGS.type_training=="LGO":
152 + for idx,weight in enumerate(network.weights.values()):
153 + additional_loss+=l2_loss_func(weight*(1-connection_matrix[idx])) # Penalization of the noGO connections
154 + elif FLAGS.type_training=="L2" :
155 + for weight in network.weights.values():
156 + additional_loss += l2_loss_func(weight)
157 + elif FLAGS.type_training=="L1" :
158 + for idx,weight in enumerate(network.weights.values()):
159 + additional_loss+=l1_loss_func(weight)
160 +
161 + # ---- Total loss ----
162 + if FLAGS.type_training!='' :
163 + total_loss = ce_loss + FLAGS.alpha*additional_loss
164 + else:
165 + total_loss = ce_loss
166 +
167 +
168 + # ---- Norm of the weights of the connections ----
169 + norm_no_go_connections=0
170 + norm_go_connections=0
171 + for idx,weight in enumerate(list(network.weights.values())[:-1]):
172 + norm_no_go_connections+=tf.norm((weight*(1-connection_matrix[idx])),ord=1)/np.count_nonzero(1-connection_matrix[idx])
173 + norm_go_connections+=tf.norm((weight*connection_matrix[idx]),ord=1)/np.count_nonzero(connection_matrix[idx])
174 + norm_no_go_connections/=FLAGS.n_layers
175 + norm_go_connections/=FLAGS.n_layers
176 +
177 + # -- Optimizer --
178 + with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)):
179 + if FLAGS.lr_method=="adam":
180 + trainer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate)
181 + elif FLAGS.lr_method=="momentum":
182 + trainer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate, momentum=0.09, use_nesterov=True)
183 + elif FLAGS.lr_method=="adagrad":
184 + trainer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)
185 + elif FLAGS.lr_method=="rmsprop":
186 + trainer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate)
187 + optimizer = trainer.minimize(total_loss)
188 +
189 + # -- Compute the prediction error --
190 + if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
191 + correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(pred,1), tf.argmax(Y, 1))
192 + else:
193 + sig_pred=tf.nn.sigmoid(pred)
194 + sig_pred=tf.cast(sig_pred>0.5,dtype=tf.int64)
195 + ground_truth=tf.cast(Y,dtype=tf.int64)
196 + correct_prediction = tf.equal(sig_pred,ground_truth)
197 +
198 + # -- Calculate the accuracy across all the given batches and average them out --
199 + accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
200 +
201 + # -- Initialize the variables --
202 + init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
203 +
204 + # -- Configure the use of the gpu --
205 + config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False,allow_soft_placement=True)
206 + #config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True, log_device_placement=True
207 +
208 + if or FLAGS.restore : saver = tf.train.Saver()
209 +
210 + start = time.time()
211 +
212 + with tf.device(FLAGS.GPU_device):
213 + with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
214 +
215 +
216 + train_c_accuracy=[]
217 + train_c_total_loss=[]
218 +
219 + test_c_accuracy=[]
220 + test_c_total_loss=[]
221 +
222 + c_l1_norm_go=[]
223 + c_l1_norm_no_go=[]
224 +
225 + if FLAGS.type_training!="":
226 + train_c_ce_loss=[]
227 + test_c_ce_loss=[]
228 + train_c_additional_loss=[]
229 + test_c_additional_loss=[]
230 +
231 + for epoch in tqdm(np.arange(0,FLAGS.epochs)):
232 +
233 + index = np.arange(X_train.shape[0])
234 + np.random.shuffle(index)
235 + batch_X = np.array_split(X_train[index], total_batches)
236 + batch_Y = np.array_split(y_train[index], total_batches)
237 +
238 + # -- Optimization --
239 + for batch in range(total_batches):
240 + batch_x,batch_y=batch_X[batch],batch_Y[batch]
241 +, feed_dict={X: batch_x,Y: batch_y,is_training:FLAGS.is_training,keep_prob:FLAGS.keep_prob,learning_rate:FLAGS.learning_rate})
242 +
243 + if ((epoch+1) % FLAGS.display_step == 0) or (epoch==0) :
244 + if not((FLAGS.display_step==FLAGS.epochs) and (epoch==0)):
245 +
246 + # -- Calculate batch loss and accuracy after a specific epoch on the train and test set --
247 +
248 + avg_cost,avg_acc,l1_norm_no_go,l1_norm_go =[total_loss, accuracy,norm_no_go_connections,norm_go_connections], feed_dict={X: X_train,Y: y_train,
249 + is_training:False,keep_prob:1.0})
250 + train_c_total_loss.append(avg_cost)
251 + train_c_accuracy.append(avg_acc)
252 + c_l1_norm_go.append(l1_norm_go)
253 + c_l1_norm_no_go.append(l1_norm_no_go)
254 +
255 + if FLAGS.type_training!="":
256 + avg_ce_loss,avg_additional_loss=[ce_loss, additional_loss], feed_dict={X: X_train,Y: y_train,is_training:False,keep_prob:1.0})
257 + train_c_additional_loss.append(avg_additional_loss)
258 + train_c_ce_loss.append(avg_ce_loss)
259 +
260 + avg_cost,avg_acc =[total_loss, accuracy], feed_dict={X: X_test,Y: y_test,is_training:False,keep_prob:1.0})
261 + test_c_total_loss.append(avg_cost)
262 + test_c_accuracy.append(avg_acc)
263 +
264 + if FLAGS.type_training!="":
265 + avg_ce_loss,avg_additional_loss=[ce_loss, additional_loss], feed_dict={X: X_test,Y: y_test,is_training:False,keep_prob:1.0})
266 + test_c_additional_loss.append(avg_additional_loss)
267 + test_c_ce_loss.append(avg_ce_loss)
268 +
269 + current_idx=len(train_c_total_loss)-1
270 + print('| Epoch: {}/{} | Train: Loss {:.6f} Accuracy : {:.6f} '\
271 + '| Test: Loss {:.6f} Accuracy : {:.6f}\n'.format(
272 + epoch+1, FLAGS.epochs,train_c_total_loss[current_idx], train_c_accuracy[current_idx],test_c_total_loss[current_idx],test_c_accuracy[current_idx]))
273 +
274 + if, save_path=os.path.join(save_dir,"model"))
275 +
276 + end = time.time()
277 + elapsed=end - start
278 + print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec ".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
279 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
280 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
281 +
282 + performances = {
283 + 'total_loss':train_c_total_loss,'test_total_loss':test_c_total_loss,
284 + 'acc':train_c_accuracy,'test_acc':test_c_accuracy
285 + }
286 +
287 + performances['norm_go']=c_l1_norm_go
288 + performances['norm_no_go']=c_l1_norm_no_go
289 +
290 + if FLAGS.type_training!="":
291 + performances['additional_loss']=train_c_additional_loss
292 + performances['test_additional_loss']=test_c_additional_loss
293 + performances['ce_loss']=train_c_ce_loss
294 + performances['test_ce_loss']=test_c_ce_loss
295 +
296 +
297 + return performances
298 +
299 +def evaluate(save_dir):
300 +
301 + warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
302 + os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"
303 + os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]=FLAGS.GPU_device[len(FLAGS.GPU_device)-1]
304 + os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
305 +
306 + # Load the useful files to build the architecture
307 + print("Loading the connection matrix...")
308 + start = time.time()
309 +
310 + adj_matrix = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"adj_matrix.csv"),index_col=0)
311 + first_matrix_connection = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"first_matrix_connection_GO.csv"),index_col=0)
312 + csv_go = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"go_level.csv"),index_col=0)
313 +
314 + connection_matrix = []
315 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(first_matrix_connection.values,dtype=np.float32))
316 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(7)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(6)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
317 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(6)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(5)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
318 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(5)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(4)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
319 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(4)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(3)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
320 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(3)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(2)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
321 + connection_matrix.append(np.ones((FLAGS.n_hidden_6, FLAGS.n_classes),dtype=np.float32))
322 +
323 + end = time.time()
324 + elapsed=end - start
325 + print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
326 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
327 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
328 +
329 + # Load the data
330 + print("Loading the test dataset...")
331 +
332 + loaded = np.load(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"X_test.npz"))
333 + X_test = loaded['x']
334 + y_test = loaded['y']
335 + if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
336 + y_test=to_categorical(y_test)
337 +
338 + end = time.time()
339 + elapsed=end - start
340 + print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
341 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
342 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
343 +
344 +
345 + # Launch the model
346 + print("Launching the evaluation")
347 + if FLAGS.type_training != "":
348 + print("with {} and ALPHA={}".format(FLAGS.type_training,FLAGS.alpha))
349 +
350 + tf.reset_default_graph()
351 +
352 + # -- Inputs of the model --
353 + X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.n_input])
354 + Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.n_classes])
355 +
356 + # -- Hyperparameters of the neural network --
357 + is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool,name="is_training") # Batch Norm hyperparameter
358 + keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_prob") # Dropout hyperparameter
359 +
360 + network=BaseModel(X=X,n_input=FLAGS.n_input,n_classes=FLAGS.n_classes,
361 + n_hidden_1=FLAGS.n_hidden_1,n_hidden_2=FLAGS.n_hidden_2,n_hidden_3=FLAGS.n_hidden_3,n_hidden_4=FLAGS.n_hidden_4,
362 + n_hidden_5=FLAGS.n_hidden_5,n_hidden_6=FLAGS.n_hidden_6,keep_prob=keep_prob,is_training=is_training) # Model instantiation
363 + pred = network()
364 +
365 + # -- Loss function --
366 +
367 + # ---- CE loss ----
368 + # Compute the average of the loss across all the dimensions
369 + if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
370 + ce_loss = f.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=pred, labels=Y))
371 + else:
372 + ce_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=Y))
373 +
374 + # ---- Regularization loss (LGO, L2, L1) ----
375 + additional_loss = 0
376 + if FLAGS.type_training=="LGO":
377 + for idx,weight in enumerate(network.weights.values()):
378 + additional_loss+=l2_loss_func(weight*(1-connection_matrix[idx])) # Penalization of the noGO connections
379 + elif FLAGS.type_training=="L2" :
380 + for weight in network.weights.values():
381 + additional_loss += l2_loss_func(weight)
382 + elif FLAGS.type_training=="L1" :
383 + for idx,weight in enumerate(network.weights.values()):
384 + additional_loss+=l1_loss_func(weight)
385 +
386 + # ---- Total loss ----
387 + if FLAGS.type_training!='' :
388 + total_loss = ce_loss + FLAGS.alpha*additional_loss
389 + else:
390 + total_loss = ce_loss
391 +
392 + # -- Compute the prediction error --
393 + if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
394 + correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(pred,1), tf.argmax(Y, 1))
395 + else:
396 + sig_pred=tf.nn.sigmoid(pred)
397 + sig_pred=tf.cast(sig_pred>0.5,dtype=tf.int64)
398 + ground_truth=tf.cast(Y,dtype=tf.int64)
399 + correct_prediction = tf.equal(sig_pred,ground_truth)
400 +
401 + # -- Calculate the accuracy across all the given batches and average them out --
402 + accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
403 +
404 + # -- Configure the use of the gpu --
405 + config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False,allow_soft_placement=True)
406 + #config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True, log_device_placement=True
407 +
408 + if FLAGS.restore : saver = tf.train.Saver()
409 +
410 + start = time.time()
411 +
412 + with tf.device(FLAGS.GPU_device):
413 + with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
414 + if FLAGS.restore:
415 + saver.restore(sess,os.path.join(save_dir,"model"))
416 +
417 + # -- Calculate the final loss and the final accuracy on the test set --
418 +
419 + avg_cost,avg_acc =[total_loss, accuracy], feed_dict={X: X_test,Y: y_test,is_training:FLAGS.is_training,keep_prob:1})
420 +
421 + print('Test loss {:.6f}, test accuracy : {:.6f}\n'.format(avg_cost,avg_acc))
422 +
423 + end = time.time()
424 + elapsed=end - start
425 + print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec ".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
426 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
427 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
428 +
429 + return
430 +
431 +def predict(save_dir):
432 +
433 + warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
434 + os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"
435 + os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]=FLAGS.GPU_device[len(FLAGS.GPU_device)-1]
436 + os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
437 +
438 + # Load the useful files to build the architecture
439 + print("Loading the connection matrix...")
440 + start = time.time()
441 +
442 + adj_matrix = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"adj_matrix.csv"),index_col=0)
443 + first_matrix_connection = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"first_matrix_connection_GO.csv"),index_col=0)
444 + csv_go = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"go_level.csv"),index_col=0)
445 +
446 + connection_matrix = []
447 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(first_matrix_connection.values,dtype=np.float32))
448 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(7)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(6)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
449 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(6)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(5)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
450 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(5)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(4)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
451 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(4)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(3)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
452 + connection_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(3)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(2)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
453 + connection_matrix.append(np.ones((FLAGS.n_hidden_6, FLAGS.n_classes),dtype=np.float32))
454 +
455 + end = time.time()
456 + elapsed=end - start
457 + print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
458 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
459 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
460 +
461 + # Load the data
462 + print("Loading the test dataset...")
463 +
464 + loaded = np.load(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"X_test.npz"))
465 + X_test = loaded['x']
466 + y_test = loaded['y']
467 + if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
468 + y_test=to_categorical(y_test)
469 +
470 + end = time.time()
471 + elapsed=end - start
472 + print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
473 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
474 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
475 +
476 +
477 + # Launch the model
478 + print("Launching the evaluation")
479 + if FLAGS.type_training != "":
480 + print("with {} and ALPHA={}".format(FLAGS.type_training,FLAGS.alpha))
481 +
482 + tf.reset_default_graph()
483 +
484 + # -- Inputs of the model --
485 + X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.n_input])
486 + Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.n_classes])
487 +
488 + # -- Hyperparameters of the neural network --
489 + is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool,name="is_training") # Batch Norm hyperparameter
490 + keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_prob") # Dropout hyperparameter
491 +
492 + network=BaseModel(X=X,n_input=FLAGS.n_input,n_classes=FLAGS.n_classes,
493 + n_hidden_1=FLAGS.n_hidden_1,n_hidden_2=FLAGS.n_hidden_2,n_hidden_3=FLAGS.n_hidden_3,n_hidden_4=FLAGS.n_hidden_4,
494 + n_hidden_5=FLAGS.n_hidden_5,n_hidden_6=FLAGS.n_hidden_6,keep_prob=keep_prob,is_training=is_training) # Model instantiation
495 + pred = network()
496 + # -- Compute the prediction error --
497 + if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
498 + y_hat = tf.argmax(pred,1)
499 + else:
500 + y_hat = tf.nn.sigmoid(pred)
501 + y_hat = tf.cast(pred>0.5,dtype=tf.int64)
502 +
503 + # -- Configure the use of the gpu --
504 + config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False,allow_soft_placement=True)
505 + #config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True, log_device_placement=True
506 +
507 + if FLAGS.restore : saver = tf.train.Saver()
508 +
509 + start = time.time()
510 +
511 + with tf.device(FLAGS.GPU_device):
512 + with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
513 + if FLAGS.restore:
514 + saver.restore(sess,os.path.join(save_dir,"model"))
515 +
516 + # -- Predict the outcome predictions of the samples from the test set --
517 +
518 + y_hat =[y_hat], feed_dict={X: X_test,Y: y_test,is_training:FLAGS.is_training,keep_prob:1})
519 +
520 + end = time.time()
521 + elapsed=end - start
522 + print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec ".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
523 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
524 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
525 +
526 + return y_hat
527 +
528 +
529 +def main(_):
530 +
531 + save_dir=os.path.join(FLAGS.log_dir,'MLP_DP={}_BN={}_EPOCHS={}_OPT={}'.format(FLAGS.keep_prob,,FLAGS.epochs,FLAGS.lr_method))
532 +
533 + if FLAGS.type_training!="" :
534 + save_dir=save_dir+'_{}_ALPHA={}'.format(FLAGS.type_training,FLAGS.alpha)
535 +
536 + if FLAGS.processing=="train":
537 +
538 + start_full = time.time()
539 +
540 + if not(os.path.isdir(save_dir)):
541 + os.mkdir(save_dir)
542 +
543 + performances=train(save_dir=save_dir)
544 +
545 + with open(os.path.join(save_dir,"histories.txt"), "wb") as fp:
546 + #Pickling
547 + pickle.dump(performances, fp)
548 +
549 + end = time.time()
550 + elapsed =end - start_full
551 + print("Total time full process: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
552 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
553 + time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
554 +
555 + elif FLAGS.processing=="evaluate":
556 +
557 + evaluate(save_dir=save_dir)
558 +
559 + elif FLAGS.processing=="predict":
560 +
561 + np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(save_dir,'y_test_hat'),y_hat=predict(save_dir=save_dir))
562 +
563 +if __name__ == "__main__":
564 +
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -6,13 +6,11 @@ FLAGS = ...@@ -6,13 +6,11 @@ FLAGS =
6 class BaseModel(): 6 class BaseModel():
7 7
8 def __init__(self,X,n_input,n_classes,n_hidden_1,n_hidden_2,n_hidden_3,n_hidden_4,n_hidden_5,n_hidden_6,is_training,keep_prob): 8 def __init__(self,X,n_input,n_classes,n_hidden_1,n_hidden_2,n_hidden_3,n_hidden_4,n_hidden_5,n_hidden_6,is_training,keep_prob):
9 - self.X = X
10 - self.n_input = n_input
11 - self.is_training = is_training
12 9
13 - #Hyperparameters
14 - self.keep_prob = keep_prob # Dropout
15 10
11 + # Parameters
12 + self.X = X
13 + self.n_input = n_input
16 self.n_classes=n_classes 14 self.n_classes=n_classes
17 self.n_hidden_1=n_hidden_1 15 self.n_hidden_1=n_hidden_1
18 self.n_hidden_2=n_hidden_2 16 self.n_hidden_2=n_hidden_2
...@@ -21,6 +19,11 @@ class BaseModel(): ...@@ -21,6 +19,11 @@ class BaseModel():
21 self.n_hidden_5=n_hidden_5 19 self.n_hidden_5=n_hidden_5
22 self.n_hidden_6=n_hidden_6 20 self.n_hidden_6=n_hidden_6
23 21
22 + # Hyperparameters
23 + self.keep_prob = keep_prob # Dropout
24 + self.is_training = is_training # BN
25 +
26 +
24 def store_layer_weights_and_bias(self): 27 def store_layer_weights_and_bias(self):
25 self.weights = { 28 self.weights = {
26 'h1_w': tf.get_variable('W1', shape=(self.n_input, self.n_hidden_1), initializer=tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer()), 29 'h1_w': tf.get_variable('W1', shape=(self.n_input, self.n_hidden_1), initializer=tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer()),
1 -import warnings
2 -import os
3 -import time
4 -import signal
5 -import sys
6 -import copy
7 -import h5py
8 -
9 -import pickle
10 -import random
11 -import seaborn
12 -import numpy as np
13 -import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
14 -import pandas as pd
15 -from sklearn import preprocessing
16 -from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
17 -from sklearn.utils import class_weight
18 -import tensorflow as tf
19 -from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
20 -from tqdm import tqdm
21 -
22 -# Configuration
23 -FLAGS =
24 -
25'GPU_device', '/gpu:0', "GPU device")
26 -
27'save', False, "Do you need to save the trained model?")
28'restore', False, "Do you want to restore a previous trained model?")
29 -
30'dir', "/nhome/siniac/vbourgeais/Documents/PhD/1ère année/Thèse/Interprétation", "dir")
31'log_dir', "/nhome/siniac/vbourgeais/Documents/PhD/1ère année/Thèse/Interprétation/log", "log_dir")
32'file_extension', "", "file_extension {sigmoid,softmax,without_bn}")
33'dir_data', "/home/vbourgeais/Stage/data/MicroArray", "dir_data")
34'temp_dir', "/nhome/siniac/vbourgeais/Documents/PhD/1ère année/Thèse/Interprétation", "temp_dir")
35'seed', 42, "initial random seed")
36 -
38'ref_value', 0.1, "value to test")
39'ref_layer', "h1", "layer to analyze")
40'ref_GO', "", "GO to examine")
41 -
42'display_step', 5, "when to print the performances")
43 -
44'batch_size', 2**9, "the number of examples in a batch")
45'EPOCHS', 20, "the number of epochs for training")
46 -
47'epoch_decay_start', 100, "epoch of starting learning rate decay")
48'early_stopping', False, "early_stopping")
49 -
50'n_input', 54675, "number of features")
51'n_classes', 1, "number of classes")
52'n_layers', 6, "number of layers")
53'n_hidden_1', 1574, "number of nodes for the first hidden layer") #Level 7
54'n_hidden_2', 1386, "number of nodes for the second hidden layer") #Level 6
55'n_hidden_3', 951, "number of nodes for the third hidden layer") #Level 5
56'n_hidden_4', 515, "number of nodes for the fourth hidden layer") #Level 4
57'n_hidden_5', 255, "number of nodes for the fifth hidden layer") #Level 3
58'n_hidden_6', 90, "number of nodes for the sixth hidden layer") #Level 2
59 -
60'learning_rate', 0.001, "initial learning rate")
61'bn', False, "BN use")
62'is_training', True, "Is it trainable?")
63'keep_prob', 0.4, "probability for the dropout")
64'type_training', 'LGO', "{"", LGO, L2, L1}")
65'alpha', 1, "alpha")
66'weighted_loss', False, "balance the data in the total loss")
67'lr_method', 'adam', "{adam, momentum, adagrad, rmsprop}")
68 -
69 -from base_model import BaseModel
70 -
71 -def l1_loss_func(x):
72 - return tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.abs(x))
73 -
74 -def l2_loss_func(x):
75 - return tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x))
76 -
77 -
78 -def train(save_dir):
79 -
80 - warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
81 - os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"
82 - os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]=FLAGS.GPU_device[len(FLAGS.GPU_device)-1]
83 - os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
84 -
85 - # Load the files useful
86 - print("Loading the connexion matrix...")
87 - start = time.time()
88 -
89 - adj_matrix = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir,"adj_matrix_cropped.csv"),index_col=0)
90 - first_matrix_connection = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir,"first_matrix_connection_GO.csv"),index_col=0)
91 - csv_go = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir,"go_level_v2.csv"),index_col=0)
92 -
93 - connexion_matrix = []
94 - connexion_matrix.append(np.array(first_matrix_connection.values,dtype=np.float32))
95 - connexion_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(7)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(6)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
96 - connexion_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(6)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(5)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
97 - connexion_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(5)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(4)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
98 - connexion_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(4)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(3)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
99 - connexion_matrix.append(np.array(adj_matrix.loc[csv_go[str(3)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index,csv_go[str(2)].loc[lambda x: x==1].index].values,dtype=np.float32))
100 - connexion_matrix.append(np.ones((FLAGS.n_hidden_6, FLAGS.n_classes),dtype=np.float32))
101 -
102 - end = time.time()
103 - elapsed=end - start
104 - print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
105 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
106 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
107 -
108 - # Load the data
109 - print("Loading the data...")
110 - start = time.time()
111 - loaded = np.load(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"X_train.npz"))
112 - X_train = loaded['x']
113 -
114 - y_train = loaded['y']
115 - if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
116 - y_train=to_categorical(y_train)
117 -
118 - loaded = np.load(os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_data,"X_test.npz"))
119 - X_test = loaded['x']
120 - y_test = loaded['y']
121 - if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
122 - y_test=to_categorical(y_test)
123 -
124 -
125 -
126 - end = time.time()
127 - elapsed=end - start
128 - print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
129 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
130 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
131 -
132 -
133 - # Launch the model
134 - print("Launch the learning with the "+FLAGS.type_training)
135 - if FLAGS.type_training != "baseline":
136 - print("for ALPHA={}".format(FLAGS.alpha))
137 -
138 - tf.reset_default_graph()
139 -
140 -
141 - #Inputs of the model
142 - X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.n_input])
143 - Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.n_classes])
144 -
145 - #Hyperparameters
146 - is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool,name="is_training") #batch Norm
147 - learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="learning_rate")
148 - keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_prob") # Dropout
149 - total_batches=len(X_train)//FLAGS.batch_size
150 -
151 - network=BaseModel(X=X,n_input=FLAGS.n_input,n_classes=FLAGS.n_classes,
152 - n_hidden_1=FLAGS.n_hidden_1,n_hidden_2=FLAGS.n_hidden_2,n_hidden_3=FLAGS.n_hidden_3,n_hidden_4=FLAGS.n_hidden_4,
153 - n_hidden_5=FLAGS.n_hidden_5,n_hidden_6=FLAGS.n_hidden_6,keep_prob=keep_prob,is_training=is_training)
154 - #here we can compute the model both for l2 custom and no-custom
155 -
156 - pred = network()
157 -
158 - #Compute the average of the loss across all the dimensions
159 - if FLAGS.weighted_loss:
160 - ce_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, targets=Y,pos_weight=class_weights[1]))
161 - else:
162 - ce_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=Y))
163 -
164 - additional_loss = 0
165 - if FLAGS.type_training=="LGO":
166 - for idx,weight in enumerate(network.weights.values()):
167 - additional_loss+=l2_loss_func(weight*(1-connexion_matrix[idx]))
168 - elif FLAGS.type_training=="L2" :
169 - for weight in network.weights.values():
170 - additional_loss += l2_loss_func(weight)
171 - elif FLAGS.type_training=="L1" :
172 - for idx,weight in enumerate(network.weights.values()):
173 - additional_loss+=l1_loss_func(weight)
174 -
175 -
176 - norm_no_go_connexions=0
177 - norm_go_connexions=0
178 - for idx,weight in enumerate(list(network.weights.values())[:-1]):
179 - norm_no_go_connexions+=tf.norm((weight*(1-connexion_matrix[idx])),ord=1)/np.count_nonzero(1-connexion_matrix[idx])
180 - norm_go_connexions+=tf.norm((weight*connexion_matrix[idx]),ord=1)/np.count_nonzero(connexion_matrix[idx])
181 - norm_no_go_connexions/=FLAGS.n_layers
182 - norm_go_connexions/=FLAGS.n_layers
183 -
184 - if FLAGS.type_training!='' :
185 - total_loss = ce_loss + FLAGS.alpha*additional_loss
186 - else:
187 - total_loss = ce_loss
188 -
189 - #optimizer
190 - with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)):
191 - if FLAGS.lr_method=="adam":
192 - trainer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate)
193 - elif FLAGS.lr_method=="momentum":
194 - trainer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate, momentum=0.09, use_nesterov=True)
195 - elif FLAGS.lr_method=="adagrad":
196 - trainer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)
197 - elif FLAGS.lr_method=="rmsprop":
198 - trainer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate)
199 - optimizer = trainer.minimize(total_loss)
200 -
201 - if FLAGS.n_classes>=2:
202 - correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(pred,1), tf.argmax(Y, 1))
203 - else:
204 - sig_pred=tf.nn.sigmoid(pred)
205 - sig_pred=tf.cast(sig_pred>0.5,dtype=tf.int64)
206 - ground_truth=tf.cast(Y,dtype=tf.int64)
207 - correct_prediction = tf.equal(sig_pred,ground_truth)
208 -
209 - #Calculate the accuracy across all the given batch and average them out.
210 - accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
211 -
212 - # Initializing the variables
213 - init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
214 -
215 - config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False,allow_soft_placement=True)
216 - #config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True, log_device_placement=True
217 - #to use the tensorboard
218 -
219 - if or FLAGS.restore : saver = tf.train.Saver()
220 -
221 - start = time.time()
222 -
223 - with tf.device(FLAGS.GPU_device):
224 - with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
225 -
226 -
227 - train_c_accuracy=[]
228 - train_c_total_loss=[]
229 -
230 - test_c_accuracy=[]
231 - test_c_total_loss=[]
232 -
233 - c_l1_norm_go=[]
234 - c_l1_norm_no_go=[]
235 -
236 - if FLAGS.type_training!="":
237 - test_c_ce_loss=[]
238 - test_c_additional_loss=[]
239 - train_c_ce_loss=[]
240 - train_c_additional_loss=[]
241 -
242 - for epoch in tqdm(np.arange(0,FLAGS.EPOCHS)):
243 -
244 - index = np.arange(X_train.shape[0])
245 - np.random.shuffle(index)
246 - batch_X = np.array_split(X_train[index], total_batches)
247 - batch_Y = np.array_split(y_train[index], total_batches)
248 -
249 - # Optimization
250 - for batch in range(total_batches):
251 - batch_x,batch_y=batch_X[batch],batch_Y[batch]
252 -, feed_dict={X: batch_x,Y: batch_y,is_training:FLAGS.is_training,keep_prob:FLAGS.keep_prob,learning_rate:FLAGS.learning_rate})
253 -
254 - if ((epoch+1) % FLAGS.display_step == 0) or (epoch==0) :
255 - if not((FLAGS.display_step==FLAGS.EPOCHS) and (epoch==0)):
256 - # Calculate batch loss and accuracy after an epoch on the train and validation set
257 - avg_cost,avg_acc,l1_norm_no_go,l1_norm_go =[total_loss, accuracy,norm_no_go_connexions,norm_go_connexions], feed_dict={X: X_train,Y: y_train,
258 - is_training:False,keep_prob:1.0})
259 - train_c_total_loss.append(avg_cost)
260 - train_c_accuracy.append(avg_acc)
261 - c_l1_norm_go.append(l1_norm_go)
262 - c_l1_norm_no_go.append(l1_norm_no_go)
263 -
264 - if FLAGS.type_training!="":
265 - avg_ce_loss,avg_additional_loss=[ce_loss, additional_loss], feed_dict={X: X_train,Y: y_train,is_training:False,keep_prob:1.0})
266 - train_c_additional_loss.append(avg_additional_loss)
267 - train_c_ce_loss.append(avg_ce_loss)
268 -
269 - avg_cost,avg_acc =[total_loss, accuracy], feed_dict={X: X_test,Y: y_test,is_training:False,keep_prob:1.0})
270 - test_c_total_loss.append(avg_cost)
271 - test_c_accuracy.append(avg_acc)
272 -
273 - if FLAGS.type_training!="":
274 - avg_ce_loss,avg_additional_loss=[ce_loss, additional_loss], feed_dict={X: X_test,Y: y_test,is_training:False,keep_prob:1.0})
275 - test_c_additional_loss.append(avg_additional_loss)
276 - test_c_ce_loss.append(avg_ce_loss)
277 -
278 - current_idx=len(train_c_total_loss)-1
279 - print('| Epoch: {}/{} | Train: Loss {:.6f} Accuracy : {:.6f} '\
280 - '| Test: Loss {:.6f} Accuracy : {:.6f}\n'.format(
281 - epoch+1, FLAGS.EPOCHS,train_c_total_loss[current_idx], train_c_accuracy[current_idx],test_c_total_loss[current_idx],test_c_accuracy[current_idx]))
282 -
283 - if, save_path=os.path.join(save_dir,"model"))
284 -
285 - end = time.time()
286 - elapsed=end - start
287 - print("Total time: {}h {}min {}sec ".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
288 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
289 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
290 -
291 - performances = {
292 - 'type_training': FLAGS.type_training,
293 - 'total_loss':train_c_total_loss,'test_total_loss':test_c_total_loss,
294 - 'acc':train_c_accuracy,'test_acc':test_c_accuracy
295 - }
296 -
297 - performances['norm_go']=c_l1_norm_go
298 - performances['norm_no_go']=c_l1_norm_no_go
299 -
300 - if FLAGS.type_training!="baseline":
301 - performances['additional_loss']=train_c_additional_loss
302 - performances['test_additional_loss']=test_c_additional_loss
303 - performances['ce_loss']=train_c_ce_loss
304 - performances['test_ce_loss']=test_c_ce_loss
305 -
306 -
307 - return performances
308 -
309 -
310 -def main(_):
311 -
312 - save_dir=os.path.join(FLAGS.log_dir,'MLP_DP={}_BN={}_EPOCHS={}_OPT={}'.format(FLAGS.keep_prob,,FLAGS.EPOCHS,FLAGS.lr_method))
313 -
314 - if FLAGS.type_training=="LGO" :
315 - save_dir=save_dir+'_LGO_ALPHA={}{}'.format(FLAGS.alpha,FLAGS.file_extension)
316 - elif FLAGS.type_training=="L2" :
317 - save_dir=save_dir+'_L2_ALPHA={}{}'.format(FLAGS.alpha,FLAGS.file_extension)
318 - elif FLAGS.type_training=="" :
319 - save_dir=save_dir+'_{}'.format(FLAGS.file_extension)
320 - elif FLAGS.type_training=="L1" :
321 - save_dir=save_dir+'_L1_ALPHA={}{}'.format(FLAGS.alpha,FLAGS.file_extension)
322 -
323 - if FLAGS.is_training:
324 -
325 - start_full = time.time()
326 -
327 - if not(os.path.isdir(save_dir)):
328 - os.mkdir(save_dir)
329 -
330 - performances=train(save_dir=save_dir)
331 -
332 - with open(os.path.join(save_dir,"histories.txt"), "wb") as fp:
333 - #Pickling
334 - pickle.dump(performances, fp)
335 -
336 - end = time.time()
337 - elapsed =end - start_full
338 - print("Total time full process: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
339 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
340 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
341 - else:
342 -
343 - # ---------------------------------TO MODIFY :------------------------------
344 -
345 - start_full = time.time()
346 - evaluate(save_dir=save_dir,ref_layer="h{}".format(1)) #TO DEFINE
347 - end = time.time()
348 - elapsed =end - start_full
349 - print("Total time full process: {}h {}min {}sec".format(time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_hour,
350 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_min,
351 - time.gmtime(elapsed).tm_sec))
352 -
353 -
354 -if __name__ == "__main__":
355 -
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file