trinomeiss.h 1.18 KB
#ifndef DEF_HTRISS
#define DEF_HTRISS

#include "structure.h"
#include "solinteraction.h"
#include "rna.h"

class TrinomeISS{



    TrinomeISS(const Structure &str1, const Structure &str2, const SolInteraction &inte, double m1, double m2, double score);


    Structure get_str1_() const;

    Structure get_str2_() const;

    Rna * get_rna1_() const;

    Rna * get_rna2_() const;

    SolInteraction get_inte_() const;

    double get_m1_() const;

    double get_m2_() const;

    double get_score_() const;

    std::string convToDP() const;

    std::string convToDPInvert() const;

    bool operator<(const TrinomeISS &t);

    bool operator>(const TrinomeISS &t);

    bool operator<=(const TrinomeISS &t);

    bool operator>=(const TrinomeISS &t);

    bool operator==(const TrinomeISS &t);

    bool operator!=(const TrinomeISS& t);

    static int matchStrInt(const SolInteraction &inte, const Structure &str1, const Structure &str2, TrinomeISS &triss);


    Structure str1_;

    Structure str2_;

    SolInteraction inte_;

    double m1_; /*percentage of match between str1_ and int_*/

    double m2_;

    double score_;

