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AttOmics: Attention-based architecture for diagnosis and prognosis from Omics data

AttOmics architecture

The increasing availability of high-throughput omics data allows for considering a new medicine centered on individual patients. Precision medicine relies on exploiting these high-throughput data with machine-learning models, especially the ones based on deep-learning approaches, to improve diagnosis.
Due to the high-dimensional small-sample nature of omics data, current deep-learning models end up with many parameters and have to be fitted with a limited training set. Furthermore, interactions between molecular entities inside an omics profile are not patient-specific but are the same for all patients. In this article, we propose AttOmics, a new deep-learning architecture based on the self-attention mechanism. First, we decompose each omics profile into a set of groups, where each group contains related features. Then, by applying the self-attention mechanism to the set of groups, we can capture the different interactions specific to a patient. The results of different experiments carried out in this paper show that our model can accurately predict the phenotype of a patient with fewer parameters than deep neural networks. Visualizing the attention maps can provide new insights into the essential groups for a particular phenotype.


  1. Install miniconda
  2. Clone this repository: git clone
  3. Navigate to the AttOmics folder: cd AttOmics
  4. Create a conda environment: conda env create -f environment.yml
  5. Activate the newly created environment: conda activate attomics

Data Format

Omics file contains the expression matrix of the different patient. Each row represents a patient and each columns represents the different features.

Here is an example of a pytorch dataset that can be used with AttOmics:

from import Dataset

class OmicsDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, omics, label, event=None):
            self.omics = omics
            self.label = label
            self.event = event

    def __len__(self):
        return self.label.shape[0]

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if torch.is_tensor(index):
            index = index.tolist()

        sample = {"x": self.omics[index], "label": self.label[index]}
        if self.event is not None:
            sample.update({"event": self.event[index]})

        sample = {k: torch.as_tensor(v) for k,v in sample.items()}
        return sample
import numpy as np
from import Dataloader 
from requests import get
import zipfile

url = ""

with get(url, stream=True) as r:
    with open("/tmp/", "wb") as f:
        for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):

with zipfile.ZipFile("/tmp/", "r") as zfile:

X = np.load("AttOmics_DATA/rnaseq_train.npy")
Y = np.load("AttOmics_DATA/label_train.npy")

# create dataset 
dataset = OmicsDataset(omics=X, label=Y)

# create dataloader
train_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=256, shuffle=True, drop_last=True)

You can repeat this for the different split.

Supported grouping strategies

You can add support to new grouping strategies. The function must have the following signature:

  • Input arguments

    • in_features: int
    • proj_size: int
    • n_group: int
    • train_data: DataFrame = None
    • **kwargs
  • Output

    • idx_in: List[Tensor]. Each element i of the list reprents the feature in group i
    • group_name: List[str]. Name of the different group
    • grp_proj_dim: List[List[int]]. The dimension used to encode each group in the gFCN module.

If you add support for a new grouping strategy, please update GeneGroupCreation dictionnary to register your method.

GeneGroupCreation.update({"my_new_method": new_method_fun})

Create your model

model = AttOmics(
  n_group= 10,
    n_layers= 1,
    num_heads= 1,
    attention_norm= "layer_norm",
    grouping_method= "random",
    head_norm= "layer_norm",
    sa_residual_connection= True,
    head_residual_connection= False,
    head_dropout= 0.0,
    head_batch_norm= False,
    reuse_grp= True,
    constant_group_size= False,
    head_input_dim= 500,
    input_dim=X.shape[1],  # a dict of dimension

Training a model

We use pytorch_lightning to train our models. To train you need, first, to setup a Trainer.

from pytorch_lightning import Trainer

trainer = Trainer(gpus=[0], 
                  logger=MLFlowLogger(experiment_name="AttOmics",save_dir= "./logs")

Fit the model on the training set:, , train_dataloader=train_loader, val_dataloaders=val_loader)

Now you can get evaluate your model on the test set:

trainer.test(model, test_dataloader=test_loader)


AttOmics was developed by:

  • Aurélien Beaude
  • Milad R. Vahid
  • Franck Augé
  • Farida Zehraoui
  • Blaise Hanczar


AttOmics is licensed under the GNU GPL, version 3 or (at your option) any later version. AttOmics is Copyright (2023-) by the authors.