add tcga preprocessing

......@@ -28,3 +28,93 @@ Arguments:
# TCGA data
The gene expression data and clinical data is retrieved from the Cancer Genome Analysis dataset, using the `RTCGA` package.
To retrieve the raw data (release data of 2015-11-01), run the following script:
All cohort files should be contained in the "tcga_files" folder.
## Preprocessing
To preprocess the data and generate the full csv file, run the following only once (in Python):
> `Processor = RNADataProcessor(_type_='data', cancer_type='all', dataset='tcga')`
> `Processor.preprocessing()`
This should be ran only once to generate the full expression dataset and the separate clinical data files.
Then, to build and load the full dataset with both gene expression and clinical data, run the following:
> `df = Loader.build_full_dataframe('/tcga_files')`
> `df.to_csv('/tcga_files/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_full_dataset.csv', index=False)`
Finally, to build and load the final preprocessed dataset with only the conditionning clinical variables of interest, run the following:
> `df_final = Loader.process_all_covariates('/tcga_files/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_full_dataset.csv')`
## Train-test split
To split (80%-20%) the full preprocessed TCGA dataset (including both gene expression and clinical data), run the following:
> `from utils_preprocessing import train_test_split`
> `df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df_final, split_ratios=[0.8, 0.2], shuffle=True)`
> `df_train.to_csv('/tcga_files/train_df_covariates.csv', index=False)`
> `df_test.to_csv('/tcga_files/test_df_covariates.csv', index=False)`
## Clinical data
Different functions can be used to explore the data.
For instance: to take a look at the clinical data used in the conditionning of GANs, run the following:
> `df = Loader.fetch_covariates(cohort='BRCA')`
This will return a pandas dataframe with all the covariate variables: age, gender, cancer labels, tissue types, cancer types.
If `cohort='all'`, then the clinical variables for all cohorts will be returned in the dataframe.
Here are all the different cancer cohorts:
"COAD", "DLBC", "ESCA", "GBM", "HNSC",
"KICH", "KIRC", "KIRP", "LAML", "LGG",
"LIHC", "LUAD", "LUSC", "MESO", "OV",
"THYM", "UCEC", "UCS", "UVM"
Here are all the cancer types:
'adrenocortical carcinoma',
'bladder urothelial carcinoma',
'breast invasive carcinoma',
'cervical squamous cell carcinoma endocervical adenocarcinoma',
'colon adenocarcinoma',
'lymphoid neoplasm diffuse large b-cell lymphoma',
'esophageal carcinoma',
'glioblastoma multiforme',
'head neck squamous cell carcinoma',
'kidney chromophobe',
'kidney renal clear cell carcinoma',
'kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma',
'acute myeloid leukemia',
'brain lower grade glioma',
'liver hepatocellular carcinoma',
'lung adenocarcinoma',
'lung squamous cell carcinoma',
'ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma',
'pancreatic adenocarcinoma',
'pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma',
'prostate adenocarcinoma',
'rectum adenocarcinoma',
'skin cutaneous melanoma',
'stomach adenocarcinoma',
'stomach esophageal carcinoma',
'testicular germ cell tumors',
'thyroid carcinoma',
'uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma',
'uterine carcinosarcoma',
'uveal melanoma'
There are **93.122 % of cancer samples** and **6.878 % of non cancerous samples** in the full dataset.
\ No newline at end of file
Get clinical data or RNAseq from TCGA datasets obtained with RTCGA package on R.
# Imports
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Ignore warnings of pandas
from time import process_time
import random
from os.path import expanduser
USER_HOME = expanduser("~")
class RNADataProcessor():
def __init__(self, _type_='clinical', cancer_type='all', dataset='tcga'):
""" Init RNAseqDATA class with data type 'clinical' or 'data' for gene expressions and cancer type with 'all' by default
_type_ (str): data type either 'clinical' or RNAseq 'data'
cancer_type (str): 'all' cancer types is the only option for now
dataset (str): default is tcga, else 'microarrays'
assert _type_.lower() in ['clinical', 'data']
assert cancer_type.lower() in ['all']
assert dataset.lower() in ['tcga']
self.type = _type_
self.cancer_type = cancer_type
self.dataset= dataset.lower()
if dataset.lower() =='tcga':
if not os.path.exists('./tcga_files'):
print("Loader could not find 'tcga_files' folder..")
print(f"Loader ready.")
self.PATH = './tcga_files'
self.PATHFOLDER = '/gdac.broadinstitute.org_{}.Mer'
self.PATHFILE = '/{}'
self.PATH_CLINICALFOLDER = '/clinical/gdac.broadinstitute.org_{}.Merge_Clinical.Level_1.2016012800.0.0'
self.PATH_CLINICALFILE = '/{}.clin.merged.txt'
def preprocessing(self):
"""Preprocessing according to dataset type
if self.dataset=='tcga':
def standardize(x, mean=None, std=None):
Shape x: (nb_samples, nb_vars)
if mean is None:
mean = np.mean(x, axis=0)
if std is None:
std = np.std(x, axis=0)
return (x - mean) / std
def preprocessing_tcga(self):
"""Preprocessing of data either clinical or rnaseq for TCGA data
---------------------- """
"""Loading individual dataset"""
if self.type=='clinical':
#Function to read CSV
clin_UVM = pd.read_csv(self.PATH+self.PATH_CLINICALFOLDER.format('UVM')+self.PATH_CLINICALFILE.format('UVM'), sep='\t', header=None)
elif self.type=='data' and self.cancer_type =='all':
t1 = process_time()
for COHORT in self.COHORTS:
#Load cohort dataframe
df_temp = pd.read_csv(self.PATH+self.PATHFOLDER.format(COHORT)+self.PATHFILE.format(COHORT), sep='\s+')
except FileNotFoundError:
df_temp = pd.read_csv(self.PATH+self.PATHFOLDER.format(COHORT)+'g'+self.PATHFILE.format(COHORT), sep='\s+')
print(f'[Callback]| Starting preprocessing for {COHORT}.')
"""Preprocessing of data"""
PATIENTS_IDs = list(df_temp.columns[2:])
#Get tuples of genes ids hybridization
GENE_IDs = np.asarray([['','']]+[x.split('|') for x in list(df_temp['Hybridization'])[1:]]) #Same order check
#New df
df = df_temp[['REF']+PATIENTS_IDs]
#Old columns misplaced
OLD_COLS = list(df.columns)
#Drop last column with NaN
#print(OLD_COLS[-1]) #to drop
df.drop(OLD_COLS[-1], inplace=True, axis=1)
#Rename columns
df.rename(columns={x:y for x,y in zip(OLD_COLS[:-1], PATIENTS_IDs )}, inplace=True)
#Add columns with gene IDs
df.insert(0, 'Hybridization' ,GENE_IDs[:,0])
df.insert(1, 'Gene_id', GENE_IDs[:,1])
#Drop string row of 'normalized count'
# Save gene ids once
if COHORT=='ACC':'/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_gene_ids_full.npy', GENE_IDs[:,1])'/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_hybridization_full.npy', GENE_IDs[:,0])
#Get labels according to bar code: 4th element in barcode is a number+letter like '01A', if number <10 then cancer, else: not cancer
LABELS = [1 if int(patient_id.split('-')[3][0:2]) < 10 else 0 for patient_id in PATIENTS_IDs]
#Get data
#convert to floats
df[PATIENTS_IDs] =df[PATIENTS_IDs].apply(pd.to_numeric)
SAMPLES = df[PATIENTS_IDs].to_numpy().transpose() #We transpose to have 1 row per patient
#Remove nans
SAMPLES[np.isnan(SAMPLES)] = 0.0
#Keep only cancerous tissues for multiclass classification (patients with disease)
if COHORT != 'ACC':
#We don't keep cancer type for non cancerous tissues
samples = np.append(samples, SAMPLES, axis=0)
dis_samples = np.append(dis_samples, DIS_SAMPLES, axis=0)
labels = np.append(labels, np.asarray(LABELS), axis=0)
patients_ids = np.append(patients_ids, PATIENTS_IDs, axis=0)
elif COHORT =='ACC':
dis_samples = DIS_SAMPLES
labels = LABELS
patients_ids = PATIENTS_IDs
#Save cancer type for multiclass labels of cancerous tissues only
cancer_types_multiclass = len(np.asarray(LABELS)[np.asarray(LABELS)==1])*[COHORT]
cancer_types = len(np.asarray(LABELS))*[COHORT]
print(f"Preprocessing on TCGA data is complete.\n---> Saving {samples.shape[0]} RSEM RNAseq samples...")
#Save data in local folder'/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_preprocess_full.npy', samples)'/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_preprocess_multiclass_full.npy', dis_samples)'/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_labels_full.npy', labels)'/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_patients_ids_full.npy', patients_ids)'/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_cancer_types_full.npy', cancer_types)'/TCGA_rnaseq_RSEM_cancer_types_multiclass_full.npy', cancer_types_multiclass)
t_end = process_time()
print(f'[Callback]| Preprocessing took {round(t_end - t1, 5)} seconds to run.')
### Download rna seq data with RTCGA package
# Load package
# Check HTML
# browseVignettes("RTCGA")
# Check available data times. According to docu, Version 20151101 of RTCA.seq contains RNAseq datasets released 2015-11-01.
# Check cohorts i.e cancer types
# This run needs the loading od package 'dplyr' first for function %>%.
(cohorts <- infoTCGA() %>%
rownames() %>%
sub("-counts", "", x=.))
# Downloading RNAseq files for all cohorts
# Create directory
releaseDate <- "2015-11-01"
sapply(cohorts, function(element){
downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = element,
dataSet = 'rnaseqv2__illuminahiseq_rnaseqv2__unc_edu__Level_3__RSEM_genes_normalized__data.Level',
destDir = "data_RNAseq_RTCGA",
date = releaseDate)},
error = function(cond){
cat("Error: Maybe there weren't rnaseq data for ", element, " cancer .\n")
# Shortening paths and directories
list.files("data_RNAseq_RTCGA") %>%
file.path("data_RNAseq_RTCGA", .) %>%
file.rename(to = substr(.,start=1, stop=50))
# Remove NA files
list.files("data_RNAseq_RTCGA") %>%
file.path("data_RNAseq_RTCGA", .) %>%
if (x=="data_RNAseq_RTCGA/NA")
# Remove unneeded "MANIFEST.txt" file from each cohort folder
list.files("data_RNAseq_RTCGA") %>%
file.path("data_RNAseq_RTCGA", .) %>%
file.path(x, list.files(x)) %>%
grep(pattern = 'MANIFEST.txt', x=., value=TRUE) %>%
# Assign paths to files downloaded
list.files("data_RNAseq_RTCGA") %>%
file.path("data_RNAseq_RTCGA", .) %>%
file.path(y, list.files(y)) %>%
assign(value = .,
x = paste0(list.files(y) %>%
replacement="") %>%
gsub(x=., pattern="-", replacement = "_"),
# Reading data with special function readTCGA to read and transpose data automatically
ls() %>%
grep("rnaseq\\.path", x=., value=TRUE) %>%
readTCGA(get(element, envir=.GlobalEnv),
dataType = "rnaseq") %>%
assign(value = .,
x=sub("\\.path", "", x=element),
}, error = function(cond){
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.