Jean-Yves Didier

Ajout de la bibliothèque ueye

<header name="ueyecamera.h"/>
<component name="UEyeCamera"/>
# Project modified by ARCS1to2
unix: TEMPLATE = lib
win32: TEMPLATE = vclib
TARGET = ueye
HEADERS = ueyecamera.h
SOURCES = ueyecamera.cpp
MOC_DIR = ./moc
CONFIG += qt thread debug opengl
unix {
LIBS+= -lueye_api
win32 {
LIBS += -L$$(ARCSDIR)/lib -lueye_api
CONFIG += dll exceptions
unix: QMAKE_POST_LINK=mv *.so* ../../../libs
win32: DLLDESTDIR = ../../../libs
#The following line was inserted by qt3to4
QT += opengl qt3support
ALXFILE = libueye.alx
OTHER_FILES += libueye.alx
arcslibrary.output = alm_${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp
arcslibrary.input = ALXFILE
arcslibrary.commands = arcslibmaker ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME}
arcslibrary.variable_out = SOURCES
LIBS += -L$$(ARCSDIR)/lib -larcs
CONFIG += dll
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
#ifndef __UEYECAMERA_H__
#define __UEYECAMERA_H__
#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QMutex>
#include "../../include/atime.h"
#include <uEye.h>
typedef struct
char* pBuf;
INT nImageID;
INT nImageSeqNum;
INT nBufferSize;
/*! \defgroup uEye IDS uEye classes.
* \ingroup framegrabber
/*! \brief A component for grabbing frames from IDS uEye cameras.
* \author Jean-Yves Didier
* \date March, the 26th, 2008
* \ingroup uEye
class UEyeCamera : public QObject
UEyeCamera(QObject* parent=0);
~UEyeCamera(); //!< ARCS Destructor
public slots:
void start(); //!< \see CameraMeteor::start()
void stop(); //!< \see CameraMeteor::stop()
void initDevice(); //!< \see CameraMeteor::initDevice()
void setThreaded(bool b); //!< \see CameraMeteor::setThreaded()
void queryImage(); //!< \see CameraMeteor::queryImage()
void setImageNumber(int i) { nbImages = i; }
void setColorMode(bool b) { colorMode = b; }
void setFrameRate(double fps);
void setAutoWhiteBalance(bool b);
void setAutoAdjustment(bool b) { autoAdjusted = b; }
void queryImages(); //!< own iteration loop for querying images
void sendImage(int width, int height, char* buffer); //!< \see CameraMeteor::sendImage()
void sendWidth(int); //!< Sends the width parameter of raw image.
void sendHeight(int); //!< Sends the height parameter of raw image.
void sendStartTime(double);
void elapsedTime(int);
bool freeImages();
bool allocImages();
bool threaded;
bool colorMode;
QString deviceName;
ATime startTime;
char* buffer;
char* bufferSend;
int nbImages;
int allocatedImages;
bool autoAdjusted;
bool standAloneLoop;
QTimer timer;
QMutex mutex;
// ueye specific
UEYE_IMAGE* images;
HIDS cameraHandle;
CAMINFO cameraInfo;
SENSORINFO sensorInfo;
BOOL memoryBoardConnected;
#endif //__UEYECAMERA_H__