Jean-Yves Didier

Mise à jour MTI pour ARCS2

This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
<header name="mtitracker.h"/>
<header name="mtidummy.h"/>
<header name="mtilogger.h"/>
<header name="mtiemu.h"/>
<component name="MTiTracker"/>
<component name="MTiDummy"/>
<component name="MTiLogger"/>
<component name="MTiEmu"/>
# Project modified by ARCS1to2
unix: TEMPLATE = lib
win32: TEMPLATE = vclib
TARGET = mti
HEADERS+= mtitracker.h
HEADERS+= mtidummy.h
HEADERS+= mtilogger.h
HEADERS+= mtiemu.h
HEADRRS+= ../../include/atime.h
SOURCES = MTComm.cpp
SOURCES+= mtiemu.cpp
SOURCES+= mtitracker.cpp
SOURCES+= mtidummy.cpp
MOC_DIR = ./moc
CONFIG += qt thread release
unix {
LIBS+= -L/usr/local/lib
win32 {
LIBS += -L$$(ARCSDIR)/lib
CONFIG += dll exceptions
unix: QMAKE_POST_LINK=mv *.so* ../../../libs
win32: DLLDESTDIR = ../../../libs
#The following line was inserted by qt3to4
#QT += qt3support
ALXFILE = libmti.alx
OTHER_FILES += libmti.alx
arcslibrary.output = alm_${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp
arcslibrary.input = ALXFILE
arcslibrary.commands = arcslibmaker ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME}
arcslibrary.variable_out = SOURCES
LIBS += -L$$(ARCSDIR)/lib -larcs
CONFIG += dll
#include "mtidummy.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QThread>
MTiDummy::MTiDummy(QObject* parent)
threaded = false;
orientationOutput = true;
void MTiDummy::start()
std::cout << "Current Thread " << QThread::currentThread() << std::endl;
std::cout << "[MTi] starting sensor" << std::endl;
if (threaded)
std::cout << "[MTi] in threaded mode " << std::endl;
int msec = 1;
connect(&selfTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sendData()));
QTime t = QTime::currentTime();
double ts = (double)(t.hour()*3600 + t.minute()*60 + t.second())
+ (double)(t.msec())/1000.0;
emit sendStartTime(ts);
void MTiDummy::stop()
if (threaded)
disconnect(&selfTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sendData()));
void MTiDummy::sendData()
float q[4];
int x,y,w,z;
x = rand()%100;
y = rand()%100;
z = rand()%100;
w = rand()%100;
float n = (float)sqrtf(x*x+y*y+z*z+w*w);
q[0] = x/n;
q[1] = y/n;
q[2] = z/n;
q[3] = w/n;
emit sendQuaternion(q);
#ifndef __MTIDUMMY_H__
#define __MTIDUMMY_H__
#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include <iostream>
#include "MTComm.h"
class MTiDummy : public QObject
MTiDummy(QObject* parent=0);
public slots:
void setDevice(QString s) {}
void setOrientationOutput(bool b) { orientationOutput = b;}
void setQuaternionOutput() {}
void setThreaded(bool b) { threaded = b; }
void init() {}
void start();
void stop();
void sendData();
void sendQuaternion(float*); //!< Sends sensor's orientation using quaternions (4 values).
void sendStartTime(double);
bool orientationOutput;
bool threaded;
QTimer selfTimer;
#endif //_MTIDUMMY_H__
#include "mtiemu.h"
MTiEmu::MTiEmu(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent)
autoSend = false;
initialized = true;
delay = 10;
connect(&selfTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sendData()));
void MTiEmu::init()
initialized = file.is_open();
if (initialized)
double discard;
file >> discard;
emit sendStartTime(discard);
void MTiEmu::start()
if (!initialized)
if (autoSend)
if (delay)
while (initialized)
void MTiEmu::stop()
if (autoSend)
void MTiEmu::sendData()
if (!initialized)
bool eof;
int ts;
float acc[3];
float gyr[3];
float mag[3];
float quat[4];
// recup temprature ? --> avt quaternion
file >> ts >> acc[0] >> acc[1] >> acc[2] >> gyr[0] >> gyr[1] >> gyr[2] >> mag[0] >> mag[1] >> mag[2] >> quat[0] >> quat[1] >> quat[2] >> quat[3] ;
if (file.eof())
std::cerr << "[MTiEmu] fin de fichier" << std::endl;
if (autoSend)
initialized = false;
emit sendToken("end");
emit sendTimeStamp(ts);
emit sendAcceleration(acc);
emit sendGyro(gyr);
emit sendMag(mag);
emit sendQuaternion(quat);
#ifndef __MTIEMU_H__
#define __MTIEMU_H__
#include "../../include/atime.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
/*! \brief A component to emulate MTI tracker
* \author Jean-Yves Didier
* \date September, 20th 2007
* \ingroup mti
class MTiEmu : public QObject
MTiEmu(QObject* parent=0); //!< ARCS Constructor
public slots:
void setFileName(QString s) { fileName =s ;}
/*! \brief component initialization
* setFileName() should be called before.
void init();
/*!\brief Starts the sensor in asynchronous mode.
* Actually does something only if setThreaded() has been called before.
void start();
/*! \brief Stops the sensor in asynchronous mode.
void stop();
/*! \brief Sends the next available data
* Depending on the type of desired output, the signal emitted pattern will be different.
* If calibrated output is required then it will emit sendAcceleration(), sendGyro(), sendMag() and sendTemperature()
* signals. Otherwise it will send one of the sendQuaternion(), sendEulerAngles(), sendRotationMatrix() signal
* according to the selected output type.
* If timestamped output is required, then a timestamp will also be added using signal sendTimestamp().
void sendData();
/*! \brief Sets the tracker in continuous mode or not.
* Once start is called it will send data until it stops.
* \param b Set it to <tt>true</tt> to put it in continuous mode.
void setThreaded(bool b) { autoSend = b; }
/*! \brief Sets the delay, in millisecondes between two data frames.
* If set to 0, then there will be no pause between two data frames.
void setDelay(int i) { delay = i; }
void sendQuaternion(float*); //!< Sends sensor's orientation using quaternions (4 values).
void sendRotationMatrix(float*); //!< Sends sensor's orientation using rotation matrix (9 values).
void sendEulerAngles(float*); //!< Sends sensor's orientation using Euler angles (3 values).
void sendAcceleration(float*); //!< Sends accelaration vector (3 values).
void sendGyro(float*); //!< Sends angular turning rates (3 values)
void sendMag(float*); //!< Sends the direction of the magnetic North (3 values).
void sendTemperature(float); //!< Sends the inside temperature of the sensor.
void sendTimeStamp(int); //!< Sends an associated timestamp to data.
void sendStartTime(double); //!< Sends the time data started to be acquired.
void sendToken(QString s);
QTimer selfTimer;
bool autoSend;
QString fileName;
ATime startTime;
bool initialized;
std::ifstream file;
int delay;
#endif //__MTIEMU_H__
#ifndef __MTILOGGER_H__
#define __MTILOGGER_H__
#include <iostream>
#include <QObject>
/*! \brief This class serializes output from MTiTracker to a Logger class.
* The behaviour of this component can be adjusted. First, it can run in latch mode
* (see setLatch()),
* where data are only saved when a trigger() is issued. Second, it can run in continuous
* mode (by default). Signals are made to directly connect to a Logger class.
* If you intend to log both calibrated data and orientation from the inertial sensor,
* then you should tell it using setBoth().
* \author Jean-Yves Didier
* \date June, the 3rd, 2007
* \ingroup mti
class MTiLogger : public QObject
MTiLogger(QObject* parent=0) : QObject(parent) //!< ARCS Constructor
{ both = false; latch=false; nolog=false;}
public slots:
void setTimestamp(int i) //!< \see MTiTracker::sendTimestamp()
if (nolog) return;
emit sendInt(i);
void setStartTime(double d) //!< \see MTiTracker::sendStartTime()
emit sendDouble(d);
void setQuaternion(float* f) //!< \see MTiTracker::sendQuaternion()
if(nolog) return;
for(int i=0; i < 4; i++)
emit sendFloat(f[i]);
void setRotationMatrix(float* f) //!< \see MTiTracker::sendRotationMatrix()
if(nolog) return;
for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
emit sendFloat(f[i]);
void setEulerAngles(float* f) //!< \see MTiTracker::sendEulerAngles()
if (nolog) return;
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
emit sendFloat(f[i]);
void setAcceleration(float* f) //!< \see MTiTracker::sendAcceleration()
if (nolog) return;
// std::cout<<"acceleration"<<std::endl;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
emit sendFloat(f[i]);
void setGyro(float* f) //!< \see MTiTracker::sendGyro()
if (nolog) return;
// std::cout<<"gyro"<<std::endl;
for(int i=0; i <3; i++)
emit sendFloat(f[i]);
void setMag(float* f) //!< \see MTiTracker::sendMag()
if (nolog) return;
// std::cout<<"mag"<<std::endl;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
emit sendFloat(f[i]);
if (!both) emitend();
/*! \brief Tells wether you want to log claibrated output and orientation from the inertial sensor.
* \param b Set it to <tt>true</tt> if you want to log both kind of data, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
void setBoth(bool b) { both = b; }
/*! \brief Tells wether you want to activate latch behaviour of this component.
* \param b Set it to <tt>true</tt> if you want the latch behaviour, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
void setLatch(bool b) { latch = b; nolog = b;}
/*! \brief Triggers the log of the next data
* This is ignored when not in latch behaviour.
void trigger() { nolog = false; }
void sendFloat(float); //!< \see Logger::log()
void sendDouble(double);//!< \see Logger::log()
void sendInt(int);//!< \see Logger::log()
void end(); //!< \see Logger::endLine()
void emitend()
emit end();
nolog = latch;
bool both;
bool latch;
bool nolog;
#endif //__MTILOGGER_H__
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
#ifndef __MTITRACKER_H__
#define __MTITRACKER_H__
#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QDateTime>
#include "MTComm.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "../../include/atime.h"
/*! \defgroup mti MTi inertial sensor related classe.
* The MTi is an inertial sensor that produces differents outputs according
* to the user wishes.
* The types of data that could be returned are :
* <ul>
* <li>Orientation related to a pre-calibrated coordinate frame,</li>
* <li>Linear acceleration,</li>
* <li>Magnetometer measures,</li>
* <li>Angular velocity,</li>
* </ul>
* \ingroup tracker
/*! \brief A component embedding mti sensor.
* \author Jean-Yves Didier
* \date March, the 29th, 2007
* \ingroup mti
class MTiTracker: public QObject
MTiTracker(QObject* parent=0); //!< ARCS Constructor
~MTiTracker(); //!< ARCS Destructor
public slots:
void setTemperatureOutput(bool b)
outputMode = (b)? (outputMode | OUTPUTMODE_TEMP):(outputMode & ~OUTPUTMODE_TEMP);
void setMagneticFilter(bool b) { filterMag = b; }
/*! \brief Tells wether the sensor should return calibrated data or not.
* Calibrated data are accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometer values.
* \param b Set it to <tt>true</tt> if you want calibrated data, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
void setCalibratedOutput(bool b)
outputMode = (b)? (outputMode | OUTPUTMODE_CALIB):(outputMode & ~OUTPUTMODE_CALIB);
/*! \brief Tells wether the sensor should return its orientation or not.
* \param b Set it to <tt>true</tt> if you want the sensor's orientation, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
void setOrientationOutput(bool b)
outputMode = (b)? (outputMode | OUTPUTMODE_ORIENT):(outputMode & ~OUTPUTMODE_ORIENT);
/*! \brief Sets the sampling rate of the mti sensor.
* Sampling rates are varying from 10 to 512 Hz.
* Not every value is available. The initialization step will try to
* grep the available value less or equal to the value you proposed.
* \param i Expected sampling rate.
void setSampleFrequency(int i){ frequency=i;}
/*! \brief Sets the baudrate of the mti sensor.
* Baudrates are varying from 9600 to 921600 bps.
* Not every value is available. The initialization step will try to
* grep the available value less or equal to the value you proposed.
* \param i Expected baud rate.
void setBaudrate(int i){ baudrate=i;}
/*!\brief Starts the sensor in asynchronous mode.
* Actually does something only if setThreaded() has been called before.
void start();
/*! \brief Stops the sensor in asynchronous mode.
void stop();
/*! \brief Sends the next available data
* Depending on the type of desired output, the signal emitted pattern will be different.
* If calibrated output is required then it will emit sendAcceleration(), sendGyro(), sendMag() and sendTemperature()
* signals. Otherwise it will send one of the sendQuaternion(), sendEulerAngles(), sendRotationMatrix() signal
* according to the selected output type.
* If timestamped output is required, then a timestamp will also be added using signal sendTimestamp().
void sendData();
/*! \brief Sets the port on which to contact sensor (Win32 only)
* This is usually the id of the corresponding COM port.
* \param i id of the COM port.
void setPort(int i) { port = i; }
/*!\brief Sets the device filename on which to contact sensor (Unix only)
* \param s filename of the sensor's device (usually something like <tt>/dev/ttyUSB0</tt>)
void setDevice(QString s) { device = s;}
/*! \brief Inits the sensor.
* It is a prerequired step before using start(), sendNextData(), sendLastData() or sendRemainingData().
void init();
/*! \brief Sets the tracker in continuous mode or not.
* Once start is called it will send data until it stops.
* \param b Set it to <tt>true</tt> to put it in continuous mode.
void setThreaded(bool b) { autoSend = b; }
/*! \brief Turns the quaternion output on when in orientation mode
void setQuaternionOutput() { outputSettings |= OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_QUATERNION; }
/*! \brief Turns the Euler angles output on when in orientation mode
void setEulerOutput() { outputSettings |= OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_EULER; }
/*!\brief Turns the matrix output on when in orientation mode.
void setMatrixOutput() { outputSettings |= OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_MATRIX; }
/*! \brief Turns the timestamp output on.
void setTimeStampedOutput() { outputSettings |= OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_SAMPLECNT; }
void setKeepUpdate(bool b) { keepUpdate = b; }
void resetGlobalOrientation(){
if ( a == MTRV_OK)
std::cerr<<"Error in Reset Orientation: MTRV_OK"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Error in Reset Orientation: MTRV_RECVERRORMSG"<<std::endl;
if ( a == MTRV_TIMEOUT)
std::cout<<"Error in Reset Orientation: MTRV_TIMEOUT"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Error in Reset Orientation: MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED"<<std::endl;
void resetObjectOrientation(){
std::cerr<<"Error in Reset Orientation: OBJECT Mode"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Reset Orientation: OBJECT Mode"<<std::endl;
void resetHeadingOrientation(){
std::cerr<<"Error in Reset Orientation: HEADING Mode"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Reset Orientation: HEADING Mode"<<std::endl;
void resetAlignOrientation(){
std::cerr<<"Error in Reset Orientation: ALIGN Mode"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Reset Orientation: ALIGN Mode"<<std::endl;
void sendQuaternion(float*); //!< Sends sensor's orientation using quaternions (4 values).
void sendRotationMatrix(float*); //!< Sends sensor's orientation using rotation matrix (9 values).
void sendEulerAngles(float*); //!< Sends sensor's orientation using Euler angles (3 values).
void sendAcceleration(float*); //!< Sends accelaration vector (3 values).
void sendGyro(float*); //!< Sends angular turning rates (3 values)
void sendMag(float*); //!< Sends the direction of the magnetic North (3 values).
void sendTemperature(float); //!< Sends the inside temperature of the sensor.
void sendTimeStamp(int); //!< Sends an associated timestamp to data expressed in number of cycles since the sensor started.
void sendStartTime(double); //!< Sends the time data started to be acquired expressed in seconds since midnight.
void initFailed(); //!< Sent when the system failed to init inertial tracker.
void getFrequency(unsigned long period);
void getBaudrate(unsigned int br);
bool displayConfig();
unsigned long computeRealFrequency();
unsigned long computeRealBaudrate();
//void sendData();
CMTComm tracker;
unsigned long outputMode;
unsigned long outputSettings;
unsigned char data[MAXMSGLEN];
int frequency;
int baudrate;
int port;
QString device;
bool autoSend;
bool initialized;
bool filterMag;
bool keepUpdate;
QTimer selfTimer;
static unsigned short frequencies[][2];
static unsigned int baudrates[][2];
ATime startTime;
float acc[3];
float gyr[3];
float rot[9];
float qat[4];
float eul[3];
float mag[3];
#endif //__MT9TRACKER_H__