Jean-Yves Didier

update documentation for webpack branch

......@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ The first thing is to clone this repository.
ARCS.js is using three tools in order to be built:
- `npm`, the [Node.js]( package manager,
- `grunt`, a [task runner]( used as a build tool,
- `bower`, a [package manager]( in order to ship ARCS.js dependencies.
- `webpack`, a [module bundler]( used as a build tool,
- `eslint`, a [linter]( in order to check code consistency.
We suppose that npm is already installed. Then, you will have to setup your
development environment by typing these commands,
the last one being executed in the local sources repository:
`npm install -g bower`
`npm install -g webpack`
`npm install -g grunt-cli`
`npm install -g eslint`
`npm install`