Name Last Update
build Loading commit data...
components Loading commit data...
deps Loading commit data...
docs Loading commit data...
src Loading commit data...
tests Loading commit data...
utils Loading commit data...
.gitignore Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
package.json Loading commit data...
webpack.config.js Loading commit data...

About ARCS.js

ARCS.js is the javascript version of ARCS (Augmented Reality Component System), a framework allowing to prototype augmented reality applications.

The aim of this project is to be able to do it using the recent HTML5 standard in order to use the web browser as a platform to design and develop augmented reality applications.

You can see more resources about ARCS on its website

How to build

The first thing is to clone this repository.

ARCS.js is using three tools in order to be built:

  • npm, the Node.js package manager,
  • webpack, a module bundler used as a build tool,
  • eslint, a linter in order to check code consistency.

We suppose that npm is already installed. Then, you will have to setup your development environment by typing these commands, the last one being executed in the local sources repository:

npm install -g webpack

npm install -g eslint

npm install