Name Last Update
.. Loading commit data...
arcsapp.json Loading commit data...
console.js Loading commit data...
loop.html Loading commit data...
loop.js Loading commit data...
loop_bundle.html Loading commit data...
package.json Loading commit data...
webpack.config.js Loading commit data...

This is an example of use of the ARCS.js engine. It comes in two flavours:

  • A fully modular one (loop.html);
  • A bundled one where webpack create a single script (loop_bundle.html).

The aim of this example is to show how components can interact together. In this case, we have a loop, parameterised by a number of iterations. For each iterations it triggers a signal with the current iteration index. In return, it runs a slot in another component that displays the current iteration index. Once, the number of iteration has been reached, another signal is triggered. It results in a change of the operational configuration of the application, therefore launching the loop anew and then ending the application. In order to obtain something readable in the webpage, a console component has been added, that redirects log operations from the actual console to the webpage.

Here is a description of all the files you encounter in this directory:

  • arcsapp.json is an arcs application description in JSON format
  • console.js and loop.js are component libraries
  • webpack.config.js is a webpack config file to generate a bundle

Please notice that path for libraries in file arcsapp.json are relative to the arcs.js engine script.