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Python CTL model checker

Given a model (the symbolic representation of the statespace and the transition relation) build an object able to symbolically compute the set of states satistfying a formula (CTL, Fair CTL, wip : ACTL and ARCTL).



The symbolic representation of the model must be :

  • a sdd for the state space (see pyddd)
  • a shom for the precedence relation (see pyddd)

Instantiated with such symbolic representation, the object can be called with the method check on a formula (represented by a string which will be parsed by pytl or by a pytl.Phi object). The method check returns the sdd representing the states that satisfy the formula.

Example :

    from pymc import CTL_model_checker, FairCTL_model_checker
    %run -m ecco termites-simpler.rr
    v = model("test",split=False, force=True)
    formula = "AF E(Sd U Fg & Te)"
    CTL_mc = CTL_model_checker(v.g.reachable, v.g.m.succ())
    FairCTL_mc = FairCTL_model_checker(v.g.reachable, v.g.m.succ(),["~Ac"])


Implement the algorithm of Symbolic Model Checking, McMillan 1993, section 2.4.

The syntax of formulae is described at pytl :

phi ::= quantifier unarymod phi
     |  quantifier phi binarymod phi
     |  phi boolop phi
     |  "~" phi
     |  "(" phi ")"
     |  atom

quantifier ::= "A" | "E"

unarymod ::= "X" | "F" | "G"

boolop ::= "&" | "|" | "=>" | "<=>"

binarymod ::= "U" | "R"

atom ::= /\w+|"[^"]+"|'[^']+'/

Fair CTL

Implement the algorithm of Symbolic Model Checking, McMillan 1993, section 6.4 and Symbolic model checking: 1020 states and beyond, Burch et al 1992, section 6.2.

The evaluation of the formula is restricter to the trajectoriers verifying fairness constraints of the form AND([GF f for f in fairness]). An additional argument must be given at initialization, representing the fairness constraints :

  • a list of strings, Phi objects or sdd, representing the list of fairness constraints : [f1, f2,...]
  • a single string, Phi or sdd, representing a single fairness constraint


The syntax of formulae is described at pytl :

phi ::= quantifier unarymod phi
     |  quantifier phi binarymod phi
     |  phi boolop phi
     |  "~" phi
     |  "(" phi ")"
     |  atom

quantifier ::= ("A" | "E") ("{" actions "}")?

unarymod ::= "X" | "F" | "G"

boolop ::= "&" | "|" | "=>" | "<=>"

binarymod ::= "U" | "R"

atom ::= /\w+|"[^"]+"|'[^']+'/

actions ::= "(" actions ")"
    | "~" actions
    | actions boolop actions
    | atom