
......@@ -140,17 +140,18 @@ class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
- universe is a sdd representing the state space (for example v.g.reachable)
- actions is a list of tuples associating shoms and lists of label strings
- actions is a dict associating shoms to lists of label strings
- tau_label is the label representing invisible actions, or '_None' if no invisible actions
assert isinstance(actions, list), "actions must be of type dict"
assert isinstance(actions, dict), "actions must be of type dict"
assert len(actions) >= 1, "actions must contain at least one element"
self.actions = actions
self.action_labels = set()
for action, labels in self.actions:
assert isinstance(action, shom), "the first part of every action must be of type shom"
for action, labels in self.actions.items():
assert isinstance(action, shom), "the key of every item of action must be of type shom"
assert isinstance(labels, list), "the value of every item of action must be of type list"
for l in labels:
assert isinstance(l, str), "the second part of every action must be a list of str"
assert isinstance(l, str), "the value of every item of action must be a list of strings"
self.action_labels = list(self.action_labels)
if tau_label in self.action_labels:
......@@ -160,8 +161,10 @@ class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
CTL_model_checker.__init__(self, universe, reduce(shom.__or__, [action for (action, labels) in self.actions]))
self.logic = "ARCTL"
def alpha_parse(self, alpha, labels):
if alpha.kind == 'bool':
def alpha_parse(self, alpha, labels):
if self.tau_label in labels:
return True
elif alpha.kind == 'bool':
assert isinstance(alpha.value, bool), repr(alpha) + " is of kind bool but its value is not a boolean"
if alpha.value:
return True
......@@ -169,9 +172,6 @@ class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
return False
elif alpha.kind == 'name':
assert alpha.value in self.action_labels, f"{alpha.value} is not an action label"
if self.tau_label:
if self.tau_label in labels:
return True
return alpha.value in labels
elif alpha.kind == 'not':
return not(self.alpha_parse(alpha.children[0], labels))
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
raise ValueError(repr(alpha) + "is not an action sub formula")
def build_pred_alpha(self, alpha):
return reduce(shom.__or__, [action for (action, labels) in self.actions if self.alpha_parse(alpha, labels)], shom.empty())
return reduce(shom.__or__, [action for (action, labels) in self.actions.items() if self.alpha_parse(alpha, labels)], shom.empty())
def check(self, formula):