Add => and <=> boolean operators, first sketch for tau actions

......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ from ddd import ddd, sdd, shom
from tl import parse, Phi
from functools import reduce, lru_cache
# TODO : tau actions
def fixpoint(fonction, start):
current = start
previous = None
......@@ -96,10 +98,14 @@ class CTL_model_checker(object):
return self.atom(phi.value)
elif phi.kind == 'not':
return self.neg(self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]))
elif phi.kind =='and':
elif phi.kind == 'and':
return reduce(sdd.__and__, [self._phi2sdd(child) for child in phi.children], self.CTL_True)
elif phi.kind =='or':
elif phi.kind == 'or':
return reduce(sdd.__or__, [self._phi2sdd(child) for child in phi.children], self.CTL_False)
elif phi.kind == 'imply':
return self.neg(self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0])) | self._phi2sdd(phi.children[1])
elif phi.kind == 'iff':
return (self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]) & self._phi2sdd(phi.children[1])) | (self.neg(self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0])) & self.neg(self._phi2sdd(phi.children[1])))
elif phi.kind in self.unarymod:
return self.unarymod[phi.kind](self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]))
elif phi.kind in self.binarymod:
......@@ -191,14 +197,13 @@ def build_labeled_succ(v):
res = dict()
labels = list(set([label for r in v.model.spec.rules if r.label for label in r.label.split(",")]))# build a list of unique value of Rule labels
labels.sort() # sort this list for better display
# rules without labels
# get the indexes of the rules labeld with label
rules_index = [ for r in v.model.spec.rules if not r.label]
# get the shoms corresponding to those indexes
shoms = [v.g.m.transitions()[i] for i in rules_index]
# build the union of those shoms
succ = functools.reduce(shom.__or__, shoms, shom.empty())
res["None"] = succ
# add a special key "_None" in the dict associated to unlabeld
unlabeled_rules = [ for r in v.model.spec.rules if not r.label]
if unlabeled_rules:
assert "_None" not in labels, 'there is a rule labeled "_None" but it is a restricted label for rules without label'
unlabeled_shoms = [v.g.m.transitions()[i] for i in unlabeled_rules]
# build the union of those shoms
res["_None"] = functools.reduce(shom.__or__, unlabeled_shoms, shom.empty())
# rules with labels
for label in labels:
# get the indexes of the rules labeld with label
......@@ -212,11 +217,12 @@ def build_labeled_succ(v):
class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
def __init__ (self, universe, succ_dict):
def __init__ (self, universe, succ_dict, true_label="_None"):
Input :
- universe is a sdd representing the state space (for example v.g.reachable)
- succ_dict is a dictionary associating transition label strings to shom representing the succ for this label (for exemple using build_dict_labeled_succ(v))
- true_label : the label representing invisible actions, or False if no invisible actions
assert isinstance(succ_dict, dict), "succ_dict must be of type dict"
assert len(succ_dict) >= 1, "succ_dict must contain at least one element"
......@@ -224,7 +230,9 @@ class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
assert isinstance(e, str), "every key of succ_dict must be of type string"
assert isinstance(succ_dict[e], shom), "every value of succ_dict must be of type shom"
self.succ_dict = succ_dict
self.true_label = true_label
self.succ = functools.reduce(shom.__or__, self.succ_dict.values(), shom.empty())
CTL_model_checker.__init__(self, universe, self.succ)
self.logic = "ARCTL"
......@@ -263,10 +271,15 @@ class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
# recursive function that builds the sdd along the syntax tree (bottom-up, going-up from the tree leaves)
def _phi2sdd(self, phi):
if phi.kind in self.unarymod and phi.actions:
return CTL_model_checker(self.CTL_True, self.build_succ_alpha(phi.actions)).unarymod[phi.kind](self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]))
elif phi.kind in self.binarymod and phi.actions:
return CTL_model_checker(self.CTL_True, self.build_succ_alpha(phi.actions)).binarymod[phi.kind](self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]), self._phi2sdd(phi.children[1]))
if phi.actions:
if phi.kind in self.unarymod:
succ = self.build_succ_alpha(phi.actions)
if self.true_label:
# the invisible actions are added to succ
succ = shom.__or__(succ, self.succ_dict["_None"])
return CTL_model_checker(self.CTL_True, succ).unarymod[phi.kind](self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]))
elif phi.kind in self.binarymod:
return CTL_model_checker(self.CTL_True, succ).binarymod[phi.kind](self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]), self._phi2sdd(phi.children[1]))
return CTL_model_checker._phi2sdd(phi)
......@@ -275,8 +288,8 @@ class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
####################### Fair ARCTL #######################
class FairARCTL_model_checker(ARCTL_model_checker, FairCTL_model_checker):
def __init__ (self, universe, succ_dict, fairness):
ARCTL_model_checker.__init__(self, universe, succ_dict)
def __init__ (self, universe, succ_dict, fairness, true_label="_None"):
ARCTL_model_checker.__init__(self, universe, succ_dict, true_label)
FairCTL_model_checker.__init__ (self, universe, self.succ, fairness)
# recursive function that builds the sdd along the syntax tree (bottom-up, going-up from the tree leaves)