Add a fonction to build the dictionnary of labeled pred, should not appear in fi…

…nal version but I stock it here for now
......@@ -165,5 +165,27 @@ class ACTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
####################### ARCTL #######################
from itertools import compress
from functools import reduce
from ddd import shom
def build_dict_labeled_pred(v):
# v.model.spec.rules contains a list of Rule objects ( representing the rules
# v.g.m.transitions() returns a dict of {"R15" : shom}
res = dict()
labels = list(set([r.label for r in v.model.spec.rules]))# build a list of unique value of Rule labels
labels.sort() # sort this list for better display
for label in labels:
# get the indexes of the rules labeld with label
rules_index = list(compress(["R"+str(r.num) for r in m.model.spec.rules], [r.label == label for r in m.model.spec.rules]))
# get the shoms corresponding to those indexes
shoms = [m.g.m.transitions()[i] for i in rules_index]
# build the union of those shoms
succ = reduce(shom.__or__, shoms, shom.empty())
res[label] = succ.invert(v.g.reachable)
return res
class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
# pred doit etre un dict{label : pred_label}