12.6 KB
# modified by Franck Pommereau (2018)

#  ---------------------------------------------------------------
#  Atul Varma
#  Python C Compiler - Parser
#  $Id:,v 1.2 2004/05/27 16:25:08 varmaa Exp $
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------

import ply.lex
import ply.yacc as yacc

from .clex import tokens  # needed by yacc.yacc()
from .cast import *  # the content of was originally here

def _get_calculated(node):
    """Attempts to calculate the numeric value of the expression,
    returning a Const node if it was able to convert the expression.
    If the expression isn't a constant expression like "5+3", then
    this function just returns the node unmodified."""

    result = node.calculate()
    if result is not None:
        result = int(result)
        return Const(result, BaseType('int'))
        return node

inputfile = None
linenomap = {}

def _get_pos(prod) :
    if isinstance(prod, ply.lex.LexToken) :
        line_start = prod.lexer.lexdata.rfind('\n', 0, prod.lexpos) + 1
        return {"lineno" : linenomap.get(prod.lineno, prod.lineno),
                "colno" : prod.lexpos - line_start + 1,
                "filename" : inputfile}
    for p in prod.slice[1:] :
        if isinstance(p, Node) and p.lineno :
            return p.getpos()
        elif isinstance(p, yacc.YaccSymbol) :
            for child in [p.type, p.value] :
                if isinstance(child, Node) and child.lineno :
                    return child.getpos()
    line_start = prod.lexer.lexdata.rfind('\n', 0, prod.lexpos(1)) + 1
    return {"lineno" : linenomap.get(prod.lineno(1), prod.lineno(1)),
            "colno" : prod.lexpos(1) - line_start + 1,
            "filename" : inputfile}

#  ---------------------------------------------------------------
#  The only thing the yacc grammar rules do is create an
#  abstract syntax tree.  Actual symbol table generation,
#  type checking, flow control checking, etc. are done by
#  the visitor classes (see
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------

# Precedence for ambiguous grammar elements.
precedence = (
    ('right', 'ELSE'),

class ParseError(Exception):
    "Exception raised whenever a parsing error occurs."

def p_translation_unit_01(t):
    '''translation_unit : external_declaration'''
    t[0] = TranslationUnit(t[1], **_get_pos(t))

def p_translation_unit_02(t):
    '''translation_unit : translation_unit external_declaration'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_external_declaration(t):
    '''external_declaration : function_definition
                            | declaration'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_function_definition_01(t):
    '''function_definition : type_specifier declarator compound_statement'''
    t[0] = FunctionDefn(t[2], t[3], **_get_pos(t))

def p_function_definition_02(t):
    '''function_definition : STATIC type_specifier declarator compound_statement'''
    t[3].static = 1
    t[0] = FunctionDefn(t[3], t[4], **_get_pos(t))

def p_declaration_01(t):
    '''declaration : type_specifier declarator SEMICOLON'''
    if isinstance(t[2].type, FunctionType):
        t[2].extern = 1
    t[0] = t[2]

def p_declaration_02(t):
    '''declaration : EXTERN type_specifier declarator SEMICOLON'''
    t[3].extern = 1
    t[0] = t[3]

def p_declaration_list_opt_01(t):
    '''declaration_list_opt : empty'''
    t[0] = NullNode(**_get_pos(t))

def p_declaration_list_opt_02(t):
    '''declaration_list_opt : declaration_list'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_declaration_list_02(t):
    '''declaration_list : declaration'''
    t[0] = DeclarationList(t[1], **_get_pos(t))

def p_declaration_list_03(t):
    '''declaration_list : declaration_list declaration'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_type_specifier(t):
    '''type_specifier : INT
                      | CHAR'''
    t[0] = BaseType(t[1], **_get_pos(t))

def p_declarator_01(t):
    '''declarator : direct_declarator'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_declarator_02(t):
    '''declarator : ASTERISK declarator'''
    t[0] = t[2]

def p_direct_declarator_01(t):
    '''direct_declarator : ID'''
    t[0] = Declaration(t[1], **_get_pos(t))

def p_direct_declarator_02(t):
    '''direct_declarator : direct_declarator LPAREN parameter_type_list RPAREN'''
    t[1].add_type(FunctionType(t[3], **_get_pos(t)))
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_direct_declarator_03(t):
    '''direct_declarator : direct_declarator LPAREN RPAREN'''
    t[1].add_type(FunctionType(ParamList(**_get_pos(t)), **_get_pos(t)))
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_parameter_type_list_01(t):
    '''parameter_type_list : parameter_list'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_parameter_type_list_02(t):
    '''parameter_type_list : parameter_list COMMA ELLIPSIS'''
    t[1].has_ellipsis = 1
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_parameter_list_01(t):
    '''parameter_list : parameter_declaration'''
    t[0] = ParamList(t[1], **_get_pos(t))

def p_parameter_list_02(t):
    '''parameter_list : parameter_list COMMA parameter_declaration'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_parameter_declaration(t):
    '''parameter_declaration : type_specifier declarator'''
    # NOTE: this is the same code as p_declaration_01!

def p_compound_statement_01(t):
    '''compound_statement : LBRACE declaration_list_opt statement_list RBRACE'''
    t[0] = CompoundStatement(t[2], t[3], **_get_pos(t))

def p_compound_statement_02(t):
    '''compound_statement : LBRACE declaration_list_opt RBRACE'''
    t[0] = CompoundStatement(t[2], NullNode(**_get_pos(t)), **_get_pos(t))

def p_expression_statement(t):
    '''expression_statement : expression SEMICOLON'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_expression_01(t):
    '''expression : equality_expression'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_expression_02(t):
    '''expression : equality_expression ASSIGN expression
                  | equality_expression EQ_PLUS expression
                  | equality_expression EQ_MINUS expression'''
    t[0] = Binop(t[1], t[3], t[2], **_get_pos(t))

def p_equality_expression_01(t):
    '''equality_expression : relational_expression'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_equality_expression_02(t):
    '''equality_expression : equality_expression EQ relational_expression
                           | equality_expression NOT_EQ relational_expression'''
    t[0] = _get_calculated(Binop(t[1], t[3], t[2], **_get_pos(t)))

def p_relational_expression_01(t):
    '''relational_expression : additive_expression'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_relational_expression_02(t):
    '''relational_expression : relational_expression LESS additive_expression
                             | relational_expression GREATER additive_expression
                             | relational_expression LESS_EQ additive_expression
                             | relational_expression GREATER_EQ additive_expression'''
    t[0] = _get_calculated(Binop(t[1], t[3], t[2], **_get_pos(t)))

def p_postfix_expression_01(t):
    '''postfix_expression : primary_expression'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_postfix_expression_02(t):
    '''postfix_expression : postfix_expression LPAREN argument_expression_list RPAREN'''
    t[0] = FunctionExpression(t[1], t[3], **_get_pos(t))

def p_postfix_expression_03(t):
    '''postfix_expression : postfix_expression LPAREN RPAREN'''
    t[0] = FunctionExpression(t[1], ArgumentList(**_get_pos(t)), **_get_pos(t))

def p_postfix_expression_04(t):
    '''postfix_expression : postfix_expression LBRACKET expression RBRACKET'''
    t[0] = ArrayExpression(t[1], t[3], **_get_pos(t))

def p_argument_expression_list_01(t):
    '''argument_expression_list : expression'''
    t[0] = ArgumentList(t[1], **_get_pos(t))

def p_argument_expression_list_02(t):
    '''argument_expression_list : argument_expression_list COMMA expression'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_unary_expression_01(t):
    '''unary_expression : postfix_expression'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_unary_expression_02(t):
    '''unary_expression : MINUS unary_expression'''
    t[0] = _get_calculated(Negative(t[2], **_get_pos(t)))

def p_unary_expression_03(t):
    '''unary_expression : PLUS unary_expression'''
    t[0] = t[2]

def p_unary_expression_03(t):
    '''unary_expression : EXCLAMATION unary_expression'''
    # horrible hack for the '!' operator... Just insert an
    # (expr == 0) into the AST.
    t[0] = _get_calculated(Binop(t[2], Const(0, BaseType('int')), '==', **_get_pos(t)))

def p_unary_expression_04(t):
    '''unary_expression : ASTERISK unary_expression'''
    t[0] = Pointer(t[2], **_get_pos(t))

def p_unary_expression_05(t):
    '''unary_expression : AMPERSAND unary_expression'''
    t[0] = AddrOf(t[2], **_get_pos(t))

def p_mult_expression_01(t):
    '''mult_expression : unary_expression'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_mult_expression_02(t):
    '''mult_expression : mult_expression ASTERISK unary_expression
                       | mult_expression DIV unary_expression
                       | mult_expression MODULO unary_expression'''
    t[0] = _get_calculated(Binop(t[1], t[3], t[2], **_get_pos(t)))

def p_additive_expression_01(t):
    '''additive_expression : mult_expression'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_additive_expression_02(t):
    '''additive_expression : additive_expression PLUS mult_expression
                           | additive_expression MINUS mult_expression'''
    t[0] = _get_calculated(Binop(t[1], t[3], t[2], **_get_pos(t)))

def p_primary_expression_01(t):
    '''primary_expression : ID'''
    t[0] = Id(t[1], **_get_pos(t))

def p_primary_expression_02(t):
    '''primary_expression : INUMBER'''
    t[0] = Const(int(t[1]), BaseType('int', **_get_pos(t)), **_get_pos(t))

def p_primary_expression_03(t):
    '''primary_expression : FNUMBER'''
    t[0] = Const(float(t[1]), BaseType('double', **_get_pos(t)), **_get_pos(t))

def p_primary_expression_04(t):
    '''primary_expression : CHARACTER'''
    t[0] = Const(ord(eval(t[1])), BaseType('char', **_get_pos(t)), **_get_pos(t))

def p_primary_expression_05(t):
    '''primary_expression : string_literal'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_primary_expression_06(t):
    '''primary_expression : LPAREN expression RPAREN'''
    t[0] = t[2]

def p_string_literal_01(t):
    '''string_literal : STRING'''
    t[0] = StringLiteral(eval(t[1]), **_get_pos(t))

def p_string_literal_02(t):
    '''string_literal : string_literal STRING'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_statement(t):
    '''statement : compound_statement
                 | expression_statement
                 | selection_statement
                 | iteration_statement
                 | jump_statement'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_jump_statement_01(t):
    '''jump_statement : RETURN SEMICOLON'''
    t[0] = ReturnStatement(NullNode(**_get_pos(t)), **_get_pos(t))

def p_jump_statement_02(t):
    '''jump_statement : RETURN expression SEMICOLON'''
    t[0] = ReturnStatement(t[2], **_get_pos(t))

def p_jump_statement_03(t):
    '''jump_statement : BREAK SEMICOLON'''
    t[0] = BreakStatement()

def p_jump_statement_04(t):
    '''jump_statement : CONTINUE SEMICOLON'''
    t[0] = ContinueStatement()

def p_iteration_statement_01(t):
    '''iteration_statement : WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN statement'''
    t[0] = WhileLoop(t[3], t[5], **_get_pos(t))

def p_iteration_statement_02(t):
    '''iteration_statement : FOR LPAREN expression_statement expression_statement expression RPAREN statement'''
    t[0] = ForLoop(t[3], t[4], t[5], t[7], **_get_pos(t))

def p_selection_statement_01(t):
    '''selection_statement : IF LPAREN expression RPAREN statement'''
    t[0] = IfStatement(t[3], t[5], NullNode(**_get_pos(t)), **_get_pos(t))

def p_selection_statement_02(t):
    '''selection_statement : IF LPAREN expression RPAREN statement ELSE statement'''
    t[0] = IfStatement(t[3], t[5], t[7], **_get_pos(t))

def p_statement_list_02(t):
    '''statement_list : statement'''
    t[0] = StatementList(t[1], **_get_pos(t))

def p_statement_list_03(t):
    '''statement_list : statement_list statement'''
    t[0] = t[1]

def p_empty(t):
    'empty :'

def p_error(t):
    print("[%(filename)s:%(lineno)s:%(colno)s] syntax error:" % _get_pos(t))
    start = t.lexer.lexdata.rfind("\n", 0, t.lexpos)
    if start == -1 :
        start = 0
    else :
        start += 1
    stop = t.lexer.lexdata.find("\n", t.lexpos)
    head = " " * len("[%s" % t.lineno)
    print(" >" + head + t.lexer.lexdata[start:stop])
    print(" >" + head + (" " * (t.lexpos - start)) + "^")
    raise ParseError()


#  ---------------------------------------------------------------
#  End of
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------