Franck Pommereau

improved doc, fixed errors

Showing 1 changed file with 11 additions and 1 deletions
......@@ -55,7 +55,17 @@ instead of `@` (or any other character). For instance:
tex("@@@+@@@", "x", char="+") => @@@x@@@
So, string `s` is not escaped for LaTeX special characters, only the
`args` are.
`args` are. Other predefined Python functions are:
* `pygmentize(path, include=True, inline=False)`: typesets the
content of file `path` that is expected to be Python code, and it
outputs a LaTeX file that is included in main source if
`include=True`, either inline or displayed depending on `inline`
argument. If Pygments is not installed, the source code is used
* `escape(text)`: returns a copy if string `text` in which every
LaTeX special character has been properly escaped.x
Two more LaTeX commands are available: