Franck Pommereau

initial import

This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +\ProvidesPackage{pytex}
2 +
3 +\RequirePackage{pgfopts}
4 +\RequirePackage{sverb}
5 +\RequirePackage{fancyvrb}
6 +
7 +\makeatletter
8 +
9 +%%
10 +%%
11 +
12 +\edef\py@port{12345}
13 +\edef\py@base{\jobname.pytmp}
14 +
15 +\pgfkeys{
16 + /pytex/.cd,
17 + base/.store in=\py@base,
18 + port/.store in=\py@port,
19 +}
20 +
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22 +
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24 +\AtEndDocument{\immediate\write18{pytex -b {\py@base} --quit {\py@port}}}
25 +
26 +\IfFileExists{\py@base/\jobname}
27 + {\global\edef\py@base{\py@base/}}
28 + {\global\edef\py@base{\py@base.}}
29 +
30 +%%
31 +%%
32 +
33 +\newcounter{py@count}
34 +\newwrite\py@file
35 +\newwrite\py@jobs
36 +
37 +\immediate\openout\py@jobs=\jobname.pytex
38 +
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40 +
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43 + \addtocounter{py@count}{1}%
44 + \edef\py@basename{\py@base\thepy@count}%
45 + \edef\py@src{\}%
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47 + \edef\py@out{{\py@basename.out}}%
48 + \edef\py@tex{{\py@basename.tex}}%
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50 +}
51 +
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56 +\def\py@input #1{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
57 + \InputIfFileExists\csname py@#1\endcsname{}{}}
58 +
59 +\def\pyv #1{%
60 + \py@next{eval}%
61 + \py@open
62 + \py@write{#1}%
63 + \py@close
64 + \py@compile{eval}%
65 + \py@input{out}%
66 +}
67 +
68 +\def\pyx #1{%
69 + \py@next{exec}%
70 + \py@open
71 + \py@write{#1}%
72 + \py@close
73 + \py@compile{exec}%
74 + \py@input{out}%
75 +}
76 +
77 +\def\pyc #1{\leavevmode
78 + \py@next{code}%
79 + \py@open
80 + \py@write{#1}%
81 + \py@close
82 + \pyx{pygmentize("\", inline=True)}%
83 +}
84 +
85 +\def\pyd #1#2{%
86 + \py@next{eval}%
87 + \py@open
88 + \py@write{#2}%
89 + \py@close
90 + \py@compile{eval}%
91 + \pyx{makedef("#1", "\py@last")}%
92 +}
93 +
94 +\newenvironment{pyeval}{%
95 + \py@next{eval}%
96 + \expandafter\verbwrite\py@@src
97 +}{\endverbwrite
98 + \py@compile{eval}%
99 + \py@input{out}%
100 +}
101 +
102 +\newenvironment{pyexec}{%
103 + \py@next{exec}%
104 + \expandafter\verbwrite\py@@src
105 +}{\endverbwrite
106 + \py@compile{exec}%
107 + \py@input{out}%
108 +}
109 +
110 +\newenvironment{pycode}{%
111 + \py@next{exec}%
112 + \expandafter\verbwrite\py@@src
113 +}{\endverbwrite
114 + \pyx{pygmentize("\", inline=False)}
115 +}
116 +
117 +%%
118 +%%
119 +
120 +\makeatother
121 +
122 +\pyx{reset()}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +\documentclass{article}
2 +
3 +\usepackage{pytex}
4 +\parindent=0pt
5 +
6 +\begin{document}
7 +
8 +***\pyv{" ".join(s.capitalize() for s in "hello world!".split())}***
9 +
10 +*\pyx{x=40}**\pyv{x+2}***
11 +
12 +***\pyd{hello}{x+2}***\hello***
13 +
14 +\begin{pyexec}
15 +def fact (n) :
16 + f = 1
17 + for i in range(1, n+1) :
18 + f *= i
19 + return f
20 +\end{pyexec}
21 +
22 +\begin{pyeval}
23 +[fact(n) for n in range(10)
24 + if n % 2 == 0]
25 +\end{pyeval}
26 +
27 +**********************
28 +
29 +Code ``\pyc{lambda x : x + 1}'' is inlined.
30 +
31 +Code block:
32 +%
33 +\begin{pycode}
34 +def fact (n) :
35 + f = 1
36 + for i in range(1, n+1) :
37 + f *= i
38 + return f
39 +\end{pycode}
40 +
41 +\IfFileExists{pytex.tmp}{found}{NO}.
42 +
43 +\end{document}