Jordan de la Houssaye

cleaned andy's code

......@@ -3,115 +3,64 @@ snakes.plugins.load(['gv', 'ops'], 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
from nets import *
############################### INIT ##########################################
# entities: tuple of name of the entities, initial level, tuple of decays 0
# denotes unbounded decay (omega)
#entities = ( ('B',4, (0,2,2,2,3)), ('P',0, (0,0)), ('C',0, (0,0)), ('G',0, (0,0)))
#entities = ( ('Sugar',1, (0,2)), ('Aspartame',0, (0,2)), ('Glycemia',2, (0,2,2,2)), ('Glucagon',0, (0,2)), ('Insulin',0,(0,2,2)))
entities = ( ('s1',0, (0,1)), ('s2',0, (0,1)), ('s3',0, (0,1)) )
# Activities: Tuple of (activators, inhibitors, results, duration)
# activators, inhibitors are dictionaries of pairs (entity, level)
# results are dictionaries of pairs (entity, +z)
# potential activities
#potential = ((dict([('P',0)]),dict([('P',1)]),dict([('P',1)]),0),
# (dict([('P',1)]),dict(),dict([('P',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('C',0)]),dict([('C',1)]),dict([('C',1)]),0),
# (dict([('C',1)]),dict(),dict([('C',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('G',0)]),dict([('G',1)]),dict([('G',1)]),0),
# (dict([('G',1)]),dict(),dict([('G',-1)]),0) )
# potential = ((dict([('Sugar',1)]),dict(),dict([('Insulin',1),('Glycemia',1)]),0),
# (dict([('Aspartame',1)]),dict(),dict([('Insulin',1)]),0),
# (dict(),dict([('Glycemia',1)]),dict([('Glucagon',1)]),0),
# (dict([('Glycemia',3)]),dict(),dict([('Insulin',1)]),0),
# (dict([('Insulin',2)]),dict(),dict([('Glycemia',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('Insulin',1),('Glycemia',3)]), dict(), dict([('Glycemia',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('Insulin',1)]),dict([('Glycemia',2)]),dict([('Glycemia',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('Glucagon',1)]),dict(),dict([('Glycemia',+1)]),0) )
potential = ( (dict(),dict([('s1',1)]),dict([('s2',1)]), 1),
(dict(),dict([('s2',1)]),dict([('s3',1)]), 1),
(dict(),dict([('s3',1)]),dict([('s1',1)]), 1) )
# obligatory activities
#obligatory = ( (dict([('P',1)]),dict(),dict([('B',1)]),1),
# (dict([('C',1)]),dict(),dict([('B',-1)]),3),
# (dict([('G',1)]),dict(),dict([('B',-2)]),3))
obligatory = ()
############################### END ##########################################
############################ AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ##############################
# This function computes the action of clock + decay + obligatory activities
# obligatory = set of obligatory activities
# name = entity concerned
# ls = ls of entity
# us = us of entity
# lambdas = lambdas of entity
# deltas = list of the decays duration of entity
# inputlist = tuples for all other entities
def clockt (obligatory, name, ls, us, lambdas, deltas, inputlist,D) :
print (obligatory, name, ls, us, lambdas, deltas, inputlist,D)
## AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ########################################################
def clockt(obligatory, name, ls, us, lambdas, deltas, inputlist, D):
'''This function computes the action of clock + decay + obligatory
obligatory = set of obligatory activities
name = entity concerned
ls = ls of entity
us = us of entity
lambdas = lambdas of entity
deltas = list of the decays duration of entity
inputlist = tuples for all other entities'''
#print (obligatory, name, ls, us, lambdas, deltas, inputlist,D)
# progression of time in lambda
for i in range(0,len(lambdas)): lambda1.append(min(lambdas[i]+1, D))
for i in range(0,len(lambdas)):
lambda1.append(min(lambdas[i]+1, D))
# progression of time for u (only for bounded levels)
if deltas[ls] <> 0 : u1=us+1
if deltas[ls] <> 0:
# decay
if us+1 > deltas[ls] :
if us+1 > deltas[ls]:
l1 = max(0, ls -1)
u1 = 0
# search of obligatory activities where entity name is in results
act = []
for alpha in range(0, len(obligatory)) :
for alpha in range(0, len(obligatory)):
obname = 'ob'+str(alpha)
if name in obligatory[alpha][2] and inputlist[obname]>= obligatory[alpha][3]:
if name in obligatory[alpha][2] \
and inputlist[obname]>= obligatory[alpha][3]:
# computation of the effect on entity name
for alpha in range(0, len(act)) :
for alpha in range(0, len(act)):
# check if the obligatory activity is enabled or not
check = 0
activators = act[alpha][0]
for ent in activators :
for ent in activators:
t = inputlist[ent]
if t[0] >= activators[ent] and t[2][activators[ent]] >= act[alpha][3] : check = 1
if t[0] >= activators[ent] \
and t[2][activators[ent]] >= act[alpha][3]:
check = 1
inhibitors = act[alpha][1]
for ent in inhibitors :
for ent in inhibitors:
t = inputlist[ent]
if t[0] < inhibitors[ent] and t[2][inhibitors[ent]] >= act[alpha][3] : check = 1
if t[0] < inhibitors[ent] \
and t[2][inhibitors[ent]] >= act[alpha][3]:
check = 1
# if enabled compute the effect
if check :
if check:
z = act[alpha][2][name]
l1 = max(0, min(l1 + z, len(lambda1)-1))
u1 = 0
......@@ -119,213 +68,264 @@ def clockt (obligatory, name, ls, us, lambdas, deltas, inputlist,D) :
# update lambda with the proper dates
temp = l1 - ls
if temp > 0 :
for i in range(ls+1,l1) : lambda1[i]=0
if temp < 0 :
for i in range(l1+1,ls) : lambda1[i]=0
for i in range(ls+1,l1):
if temp < 0:
for i in range(l1+1,ls):
return (l1, u1, tuple(lambda1))
# This function computes the action of clock on obligatory activities places
# obligatory = set of obligatory activities
# name = obligatory activity under consideration
# w = current value
# inputlist = tuples for all other entities
def clockbetat (obligatory, name, w, inputlist,D) :
'''This function computes the action of clock on obligatory activities
obligatory = set of obligatory activities
name = obligatory activity under consideration
w = current value
inputlist = tuples for all other entities'''
check = 0
activators = obligatory[name][0]
for ent in activators :
for ent in activators:
t = inputlist[ent]
if t[0] >= activators[ent] and t[2][activators[ent]] >= obligatory[name][3] : check = 1
if t[0] >= activators[ent] \
and t[2][activators[ent]] >= obligatory[name][3]:
check = 1
inhibitors = obligatory[name][1]
for ent in inhibitors :
for ent in inhibitors:
t = inputlist[ent]
if t[0] < inhibitors[ent] and t[2][inhibitors[ent]] >= obligatory[name][3] : check = 1
# if enabled compute the effect
if check and w >= obligatory[name][3] : return(0)
else: return(min(w+1, D))
if t[0] < inhibitors[ent] \
and t[2][inhibitors[ent]] >= obligatory[name][3]:
check = 1
# if enabled compute the effect
if check and w >= obligatory[name][3]:
return(min(w+1, D))
# this function computes the action on an entity of a potential activity
# name = entity under consideration
# lp, up, lambdap = its values
# R = set of results of the activity
def potentialt (name, lp, up, lambdap, R) :
print (name, lp, up, lambdap, R)
# entity is a result?
if (name in R) :
'''This function computes the action on an entity of a potential activity.
name = entity under consideration
lp, up, lambdap = its values
R = set of results of the activity'''
#print (name, lp, up, lambdap, R)
# is entity a result?
if name in R:
lambda2 = list(lambdap)
levelp = max(0,min(len(lambdap)-1, lp+R[name]))
change = levelp-lp
if change > 0 :
if change > 0:
for i in range(lp+1,levelp+1):
if change < 0 :
if change < 0:
for i in range(levelp+1,lp+1):
return (levelp, 0,tuple(lambda2))
return (levelp, 0, tuple(lambda2))
return (lp, up, lambdap)
############################## END ####################################
## END ########################################################################
####################### MAIN ##################################################
# compute maximal duration of activities
for alpha in potential : D = max(D, alpha[3])
for alpha in obligatory : D = max(D, alpha[3])
n = PetriNet('andy')
n.globals["obligatory"] = obligatory
n.globals["D"] = D
n.globals["clockt"] = clockt
n.globals["clockbetat"] = clockbetat
n.globals["potentialt"] = potentialt
################# Places for entities
for i in range(0,len(entities)):
level = entities[i][1]
deltas = entities[i][2]
vector = [0]*len(deltas)
n.add_place(Place(name, [(level,0, tuple(vector))]))
################# clock transition
inputlist = dict()
n.globals["inputlist"] = inputlist
# connect all obligatory clocks
for i in range(0,len(obligatory)):
# transition name
obname = 'ob'+str(i)
# for every obligatory activity connect corresponding place to clock
n.add_place(Place('p'+obname, [0]))
n.add_input('p'+obname, 'tc', Variable('w'+obname))
# all entities are connected
for i in range(0,len(entities)):
deltas = entities[i][2]
n.globals["deltas"+name] = deltas
n.globals[name] = name
n.add_input(name, 'tc', Tuple([Variable('l'+name), Variable('u'+name), Variable('lambda'+name) ]))
inputlist.update({name:['l'+name, 'u'+name, 'lambda'+name ]})
for i in range(0,len(entities)):
n.add_output(name, 'tc', Expression("clockt(obligatory,"+name+",l"+name+',u'+name+',lambda'+name+',deltas'+name+',inputlist,D)'))
for i in range(0,len(obligatory)):
obname = 'ob'+str(i)
# for every obligatory activity connect corresponding place to clock
n.add_output('p'+obname, 'tc', Expression("clockbetat(obligatory,"+str(i)+',w'+obname+',inputlist,D)'))
## potential activities
for i in range(0,len(potential)):
# transition name
trname = 'tr'+str(i)
# for every potential activity connect corresponding place to clock
n.add_place(Place('p'+trname, [0]))
n.add_input('p'+trname, 'tc', Variable('w'+trname))
n.add_output('p'+trname, 'tc', Expression('min(D,w'+trname+'+1)'))
activators = potential[i][0]
inhibitors = potential[i][1]
results = potential[i][2]
print results
n.globals["results"+trname] = results
duration = potential[i][3]
# compute entities involved in the activity
nameactivators = activators.keys()
nameinhib = inhibitors.keys()
nameresults = results.keys()
names = []
# check they appear only once
for i in nameactivators : names.append(i)
for i in nameinhib:
if not (i in activators) : names.append(i)
for i in nameresults:
if not ( (i in activators) or (i in inhibitors)) : names.append(i)
# compute guard of the activity
# activity may be executed once every dur
guard = 'w>='+str(duration)
# activators
for j in range(0,len(nameactivators)) :
spec = nameactivators[j]
level = str(activators[nameactivators[j]])
guard += ' and l'+spec+'>= '+ level + ' and lambda' +spec+'['+level+']>='+str(duration)
# inhibitors
for j in range(0,len(nameinhib)) :
spec = nameinhib[j]
level = str(inhibitors[nameinhib[j]])
guard += ' and l'+spec+'< '+ level + ' and lambda' +spec+'['+level+']>='+str(duration)
n.add_transition(Transition(trname, Expression(guard)))
n.add_input('p'+trname, trname, Variable('w'))
n.add_output('p'+trname, trname, Expression('0'))
# arcs of the transition from and to involved entities
for j in range(0,len(names)) :
n.add_input(names[j], trname, Tuple([Variable('l'+names[j]), Variable('u'+names[j]), Variable('lambda'+names[j]) ]))
n.add_output(names[j], trname, Expression("potentialt(" +names[j]+",l"+names[j]+',u'+names[j]+',lambda'+names[j]+', results'+trname+')'))
## MAIN #######################################################################
def andy2snakes(entities, potential, obligatory):
# compute maximal duration of activities
for alpha in potential : D = max(D, alpha[3])
for alpha in obligatory : D = max(D, alpha[3])
n = PetriNet('andy')
n.globals["obligatory"] = obligatory
n.globals["D"] = D
n.globals["clockt"] = clockt
n.globals["clockbetat"] = clockbetat
n.globals["potentialt"] = potentialt
################# Places for entities
for i in range(0,len(entities)):
level = entities[i][1]
deltas = entities[i][2]
vector = [0]*len(deltas)
n.add_place(Place(name, [(level,0, tuple(vector))]))
################# clock transition
inputlist = dict()
n.globals["inputlist"] = inputlist
# connect all obligatory clocks
for i in range(0,len(obligatory)):
# transition name
obname = 'ob'+str(i)
# for every obligatory activity connect corresponding place to clock
n.add_place(Place('p'+obname, [0]))
n.add_input('p'+obname, 'tc', Variable('w'+obname))
# all entities are connected
for i in range(0,len(entities)):
deltas = entities[i][2]
n.globals["deltas"+name] = deltas
n.globals[name] = name
n.add_input(name, 'tc', Tuple([Variable('l'+name), Variable('u'+name), Variable('lambda'+name) ]))
inputlist.update({name:['l'+name, 'u'+name, 'lambda'+name ]})
for i in range(0,len(entities)):
n.add_output(name, 'tc', Expression("clockt(obligatory,"+name+",l"+name+',u'+name+',lambda'+name+',deltas'+name+',inputlist,D)'))
for i in range(0,len(obligatory)):
obname = 'ob'+str(i)
# for every obligatory activity connect corresponding place to clock
n.add_output('p'+obname, 'tc', Expression("clockbetat(obligatory,"+str(i)+',w'+obname+',inputlist,D)'))
## potential activities
for i in range(0,len(potential)):
# transition name
trname = 'tr'+str(i)
# for every potential activity connect corresponding place to clock
n.add_place(Place('p'+trname, [0]))
n.add_input('p'+trname, 'tc', Variable('w'+trname))
n.add_output('p'+trname, 'tc', Expression('min(D,w'+trname+'+1)'))
activators = potential[i][0]
inhibitors = potential[i][1]
results = potential[i][2]
print results
n.globals["results"+trname] = results
duration = potential[i][3]
# compute entities involved in the activity
nameactivators = activators.keys()
nameinhib = inhibitors.keys()
nameresults = results.keys()
names = []
# check they appear only once
for i in nameactivators : names.append(i)
for i in nameinhib:
if not (i in activators) : names.append(i)
for i in nameresults:
if not ( (i in activators) or (i in inhibitors)) : names.append(i)
# compute guard of the activity
# activity may be executed once every dur
guard = 'w>='+str(duration)
# activators
for j in range(0,len(nameactivators)) :
spec = nameactivators[j]
level = str(activators[nameactivators[j]])
guard += ' and l'+spec+'>= '+ level + ' and lambda' +spec+'['+level+']>='+str(duration)
# inhibitors
for j in range(0,len(nameinhib)) :
spec = nameinhib[j]
level = str(inhibitors[nameinhib[j]])
guard += ' and l'+spec+'< '+ level + ' and lambda' +spec+'['+level+']>='+str(duration)
n.add_transition(Transition(trname, Expression(guard)))
n.add_input('p'+trname, trname, Variable('w'))
n.add_output('p'+trname, trname, Expression('0'))
# arcs of the transition from and to involved entities
for j in range(0,len(names)) :
n.add_input(names[j], trname, Tuple([Variable('l'+names[j]), Variable('u'+names[j]), Variable('lambda'+names[j]) ]))
n.add_output(names[j], trname, Expression("potentialt(" +names[j]+",l"+names[j]+',u'+names[j]+',lambda'+names[j]+', results'+trname+')'))
return n
######## depict Petri net
s = StateGraph(n)
def node_attr (state, graph, attr) :
# attr['label'] = str(state)
marking = graph[state]
attr["label"] = ":".join(str(list(marking(s))[0][0])
for s in ("s1", "s2", "s3"))
def edge_attr (trans, mode, attr) :
attr["label"] =
s.draw('', node_attr=node_attr, edge_attr=edge_attr,
g = s.draw(None, node_attr=node_attr, edge_attr=edge_attr, engine="dot")
with open("", "w") as out :
g.render("", engine="dot")
# t=n.transition('tr0')
# m=t.modes()
# print m
# n.draw('')
# t1=n.transition('tc')
# m1=t1.modes()
# print m1
# n.draw('')
def draw_net(net, out_name='repress'):
def draw_stategraph(net, entities_names, out_name='repressgraph',
def node_attr (state, graph, attr) :
marking = graph[state]
attr["label"] = ":".join( str(list(marking(s))[0][0])
for s in entities_names )
def edge_attr (trans, mode, attr) :
attr["label"] =
s = StateGraph(net)
s.draw(out_name+'.ps', node_attr=node_attr, edge_attr=edge_attr,
if with_dot:
g = s.draw(None, node_attr=node_attr, edge_attr=edge_attr,
with open(out_name+".dot", "w") as out:
g.render(out_name+"", engine="dot")
if __name__=='__main__':
# entities: tuple of name of the entities, initial level, tuple of decays 0
# denotes unbounded decay (omega)
# examples:
# entities = ( ('B',4, (0,2,2,2,3)), ('P',0, (0,0)), ('C',0, (0,0)),
# ('G',0, (0,0)) )
# entities = ( ('Sugar',1, (0,2)), ('Aspartame',0, (0,2)),
# ('Glycemia',2, (0,2,2,2)), ('Glucagon',0, (0,2)),
# ('Insulin',0,(0,2,2)) )
entities = ( ('s1',0, (0,1)), ('s2',0, (0,1)), ('s3',0, (0,1)) )
# Activities: Tuple of (activators, inhibitors, results, duration)
# activators, inhibitors are dictionaries of pairs
# (entity, level)
# results are dictionaries of pairs (entity, +z)
# potential activities examples:
# potential = ( (dict([('P',0)]),dict([('P',1)]),dict([('P',1)]),0),
# (dict([('P',1)]),dict(),dict([('P',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('C',0)]),dict([('C',1)]),dict([('C',1)]),0),
# (dict([('C',1)]),dict(),dict([('C',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('G',0)]),dict([('G',1)]),dict([('G',1)]),0),
# (dict([('G',1)]),dict(),dict([('G',-1)]),0) )
# potential = ( (dict([('Sugar',1)]),dict(),
# dict([('Insulin',1),('Glycemia',1)]),0),
# (dict([('Aspartame',1)]),dict(),dict([('Insulin',1)]),0),
# (dict(),dict([('Glycemia',1)]),dict([('Glucagon',1)]),0),
# (dict([('Glycemia',3)]),dict(),dict([('Insulin',1)]),0),
# (dict([('Insulin',2)]),dict(),dict([('Glycemia',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('Insulin',1),('Glycemia',3)]), dict(),
# dict([('Glycemia',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('Insulin',1)]),dict([('Glycemia',2)]),
# dict([('Glycemia',-1)]),0),
# (dict([('Glucagon',1)]),dict(),dict([('Glycemia',+1)]),0)
# )
potential = ( (dict(), dict([('s1',1)]), dict([('s2',1)]), 1),
(dict(), dict([('s2',1)]), dict([('s3',1)]), 1),
(dict(), dict([('s3',1)]), dict([('s1',1)]), 1) )
# obligatory activities examples:
# obligatory = ( (dict([('P',1)]),dict(),dict([('B',1)]),1),
# (dict([('C',1)]),dict(),dict([('B',-1)]),3),
# (dict([('G',1)]),dict(),dict([('B',-2)]),3))
obligatory = ()
net = andy2snakes(entities, potential, obligatory)
draw_net(net, out_name="repress")
draw_stategraph(net, ("s1", "s2", "s3"), out_name="repressgraph")