Franck Pommereau

doc update + synchro fixes

......@@ -895,6 +895,25 @@ class Substitution (object) :
for var in other :
res._dict[var] = self(other(var))
return res
def restrict (self, domain) :
"""Restrict the substitution to `domain`, ie remove all
elements that are not in `domain`. Note that `domain` may
include names that are not in the substitution, they are
simply ignored.
>>> s = Substitution(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4).restrict(['a', 'b', 'z'])
>>> list(sorted(s.domain()))
['a', 'b']
@param domain: the new domain as a set/list/... of names
@type domain: `iterable`
@return: the restricted substitution
@rtype: `Substitution`
result = self.copy()
for name in result.domain() - set(domain) :
result._dict.pop(name, None)
return result
class Symbol (object) :
"""A symbol that may be used as a constant
@todo: revise (actually make) documentation
"""This plugin defines a data structure `Cluster` that allows to group
nodes hierarchically. This is used by plugin `gv` to improve the
graphical layout of Petri nets obtained using plugin `ops`.
In general, this plugin is probably not needed by anyone,
consequently, documentation will be very terse.
import snakes.plugins
......@@ -8,8 +12,13 @@ from snakes.pnml import Tree
from import iterate
class Cluster (object) :
"""A hierarchical data structure to organise strings (intended to
be node names).
def __init__ (self, nodes=[], children=[]) :
"""Create a cluster whose to-level nodes are `nodes` and with
sub-clusters given in `children`.
>>> Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
......@@ -23,6 +32,7 @@ class Cluster (object) :
for child in children :
__pnmltag__ = "clusters"
# apidoc skip
def __pnmldump__ (self) :
>>> Cluster(['a', 'b'],
......@@ -51,6 +61,7 @@ class Cluster (object) :
for child in self._children :
return result
# apidoc skip
def __pnmlload__ (cls, tree) :
......@@ -74,8 +85,10 @@ class Cluster (object) :
else :
return result
# apidoc skip
def __str__ (self) :
return "cluster_%s" % str(id(self)).replace("-", "m")
# apidoc skip
def __repr__ (self) :
>>> Cluster(['a', 'b'],
......@@ -92,6 +105,7 @@ class Cluster (object) :
return "%s([%s], [%s])" % (self.__class__.__name__,
", ".join(repr(n) for n in self.nodes()),
", ".join(repr(c) for c in self.children()))
# apidoc skip
def copy (self) :
>>> Cluster(['a', 'b'],
......@@ -108,13 +122,20 @@ class Cluster (object) :
return self.__class__(self._nodes,
(child.copy() for child in self._children))
def get_path (self, name) :
"""Get the path of a name inside the cluster. This path is a
list of indexes for each child-cluster within its parent.
>>> Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
... Cluster(['3', '4', '5'],
... [Cluster(['C', 'D'])])]).get_path('C')
[1, 0]
@param name: the searched name
@type name: `str`
@return: the list of indexes as `int` values
@rtype: `list`
if name in self._nodes :
return []
......@@ -123,7 +144,9 @@ class Cluster (object) :
if name in child :
return [num] + child.get_path(name)
def add_node (self, name, path=None) :
"""Add `name` to the cluster, optionally at a given position
>>> c = Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
......@@ -139,6 +162,12 @@ class Cluster (object) :
[Cluster(['A'], [])]),
Cluster(['...', '...', '...'],
[Cluster([...'E'...], [])])])
@param name: name to add
@type name: `str`
@param path: position where `name`should be added, given as a
list of indexes
@type path: `list`
if path in (None, [], ()) :
......@@ -150,7 +179,8 @@ class Cluster (object) :
self._cluster[name] = target
return target
def remove_node (self, name) :
"""Remove a name from the cluster.
>>> c = Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
......@@ -163,13 +193,17 @@ class Cluster (object) :
[Cluster(['A'], [])]),
Cluster(['...', '...'],
[Cluster(['...', '...'], [])])])
@param name: name to remove
@type name: `str`
if name in self._cluster :
else :
def rename_node (self, old, new) :
"""Change a name in the cluster.
>>> c = Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
......@@ -182,6 +216,11 @@ class Cluster (object) :
[Cluster(['A'], [])]),
[Cluster(['...', '...'], [])])])
@param old: name to change
@type old: `str`
@param new: new name to replace `old`
@type new: `str`
if old in self._cluster :
self._cluster[old].rename_node(old, new)
......@@ -194,7 +233,8 @@ class Cluster (object) :
for child in self.children() :
child.rename_node(old, new)
def add_child (self, cluster=None) :
"""Add a child cluster
>>> c = Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
......@@ -212,6 +252,10 @@ class Cluster (object) :
[Cluster(['A'], [])]),
Cluster(['...', '...', '...'],
[Cluster(['...', '...'], [])])])])
@param cluster: the new child, if `None` is given, an empty
child is added
@type cluster: `Cluster`
if cluster is None :
cluster = Cluster()
......@@ -220,7 +264,9 @@ class Cluster (object) :
self._cluster[node] = cluster
def nodes (self, all=False) :
"""Returns the nodes in the cluster: only the top-level ones
is `all` is `False`, or all the nodes otherwise.
>>> list(sorted(Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
......@@ -233,6 +279,12 @@ class Cluster (object) :
... Cluster(['3', '4', '5'],
... [Cluster(['C', 'D'])])]).nodes(True)))
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', 'A', 'C', 'D', 'a', 'b']
@param all: whether all the nodes should be returned or only
the top-level ones
@type all: `bool`
@return: list of nodes
@rtype: `list`
if all :
result = set()
......@@ -242,7 +294,8 @@ class Cluster (object) :
else :
return set(self._nodes)
def children (self) :
"""Return the children of the cluster.
>>> Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
......@@ -252,10 +305,14 @@ class Cluster (object) :
[Cluster(['A'], [])]),
Cluster(['...', '...', '...'],
[Cluster(['...', '...'], [])]))
@return: the children of `self`
@rtype: `tuple`
return tuple(self._children)
def __contains__ (self, name) :
"""Test if a name is in the cluster.
>>> c = Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
......@@ -267,6 +324,11 @@ class Cluster (object) :
>>> '4' in c
@param name: the node to test
@type name: `str`
@return: whether `name` is in the cluster
@rtype: `bool`
if name in self._nodes :
return True
......@@ -275,7 +337,9 @@ class Cluster (object) :
return True
return False
def __iter__ (self) :
"""Iterate over the clusters and its children, yielding lists
of nodes at each level.
>>> c = Cluster(['a', 'b'],
... [Cluster(['1', '2'],
... [Cluster(['A'])]),
......@@ -297,6 +361,31 @@ class Cluster (object) :
def extend (module) :
class PetriNet (module.PetriNet) :
"""Class `PetriNet`is extended so that instances have an
attribute `clusters` to which the nodes are added.
def add_place (self, place, **options) :
@param place: the place to add
@type place: `Place`
@param options: additional options for plugins
@keyword cluster: position of the new place in the cluster
path = options.pop("cluster", None)
module.PetriNet.add_place(self, place, **options)
self.clusters.add_node(, path)
def add_transition (self, trans, **options) :
@param trans: the transition to add
@type trans: `Transition`
@param options: additional options for plugins
@keyword cluster: position of the new transition in the
path = options.pop("cluster", None)
module.PetriNet.add_transition(self, trans, **options)
self.clusters.add_node(, path)
# apidoc stop
def __init__ (self, name, **options) :
module.PetriNet.__init__(self, name, **options)
self.clusters = Cluster()
......@@ -313,17 +402,9 @@ def extend (module) :
result = new_instance(cls, module.PetriNet.__pnmlload__(tree))
result.clusters = tree.child(Cluster.__pnmltag__).to_obj()
return result
def add_place (self, place, **options) :
path = options.pop("cluster", None)
module.PetriNet.add_place(self, place, **options)
self.clusters.add_node(, path)
def remove_place (self, name, **options) :
module.PetriNet.remove_place(self, name, **options)
def add_transition (self, trans, **options) :
path = options.pop("cluster", None)
module.PetriNet.add_transition(self, trans, **options)
self.clusters.add_node(, path)
def remove_transition (self, name, **options) :
module.PetriNet.remove_transition(self, name, **options)
"""Draw Petri nets using PyGraphViz
"""Adds methods to draw `PetriNet` and `StateGraph` instances using
* adds a method `draw` to `PetriNet` and `StateGraph` that creates
a drawing of the object in a file.
For example, let's first define a Petri net:
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('gv', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
......@@ -16,18 +16,35 @@
>>> n.add_output('p11', 't10', Expression('x+1'))
>>> n.add_input('p11', 't01', Variable('y'))
>>> n.add_output('p00', 't01', Expression('y-1'))
Thanks to plugin `gv`, we can draw it using the various engines of
GraphViz; we can also draw the state graph:
>>> for engine in ('neato', 'dot', 'circo', 'twopi', 'fdp') :
... n.draw(',test-gv-%s.png' % engine, engine=engine)
>>> s = StateGraph(n)
>>> s.draw(',test-gv-graph.png')
>>> for node in sorted(n.node(), key=str) :
The plugin also allows to layout the nodes without drawing the net
(this is only available for `PetriNet`, not for `StateGraph`). We
first move every node to position `(-100, -100)`; then, we layout the
net; finally, we check that every node has indeed been moved away from
where we had put it:
>>> for node in n.node() :
... node.pos.moveto(-100, -100)
>>> all(node.pos.x == node.pos.y == -100 for node in n.node())
>>> n.layout()
>>> any(node.pos == (-100, -100) for node in sorted(n.node(), key=str))
>>> any(node.pos.x == node.pos.y == -100 for node in n.node())
@todo: revise documentation
@note: setting nodes position has no influence on how a net is drawn:
GraphViz will redo the layout in any case. Method `layout` is here
just in the case you would need a layout of your nets.
@note: this plugin depens on plugins `pos` and `clusters` (that are
automatically loaded)
import os, os.path, subprocess, collections
......@@ -35,6 +52,7 @@ import snakes.plugins
from snakes.plugins.clusters import Cluster
from snakes.compat import *
# apidoc skip
class Graph (Cluster) :
def __init__ (self, attr) :
......@@ -150,37 +168,56 @@ class Graph (Cluster) :
def extend (module) :
class PetriNet (module.PetriNet) :
"An extension with a method `draw`"
def draw (self, filename=None, engine="dot", debug=False,
"An extension with methods `draw` and `layout`"
def draw (self, filename, engine="dot", debug=False,
graph_attr=None, cluster_attr=None,
place_attr=None, trans_attr=None, arc_attr=None) :
@param filename: the name of the image file to create or
`None` if only the computed graph is needed
@type filename: `None` or `str`
@param engine: the layout engine to use: 'dot' (default),
'neato', 'circo', 'twopi' or 'fdp'
"""Draw the Petri net to a picture file. How the net is
rendered can be controlled using the arguments `..._attr`.
For instance, to draw place in red with names in
uppercase, and hide True guards, we can proceed as
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('gv', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p'))
>>> n.add_transition(Transition('t'))
>>> n.add_input('p', 't', Value(dot))
>>> def draw_place (place, attr) :
... attr['label'] =
... attr['color'] = '#FF0000'
>>> def draw_transition (trans, attr) :
... if str(trans.guard) == 'True' :
... attr['label'] =
... else :
... attr['label'] = '%s\\n%s' % (, trans.guard)
>>> n.draw(',net-with-colors.png',
... place_attr=draw_place, trans_attr=draw_transition)
@param filename: the name of the image file to create
@type filename: `str`
@param engine: the layout engine to use: `'dot'` (default),
`'neato'`, `'circo'`, `'twopi'` or `'fdp'`
@type engine: `str`
@param place_attr: a function to format places, it will be
called with the place and its attributes dict as
@type place_attr: `function(Place,dict)->None`
@type place_attr: `callable`
@param trans_attr: a function to format transitions, it
will be called with the transition and its attributes
dict as parameters
@type trans_attr: `function(Transition,dict)->None`
@type trans_attr: `callable`
@param arc_attr: a function to format arcs, it will be
called with the label and its attributes dict as
@type arc_attr: `function(ArcAnnotation,dict)->None`
@type arc_attr: `callable`
@param cluster_attr: a function to format clusters of
nodes, it will be called with the cluster and its
attributes dict as parameters
@type cluster_attr:
@return: `None` if `filename` is not `None`, the computed
graph otherwise
@rtype: `None` or `pygraphviz.AGraph`
@type cluster_attr: `callable`
nodemap = dict((, "node_%s" % num)
for num, node in enumerate(self.node()))
......@@ -236,17 +273,51 @@ def extend (module) :
def layout (self, xscale=1.0, yscale=1.0, engine="dot",
debug=False, graph_attr=None, cluster_attr=None,
place_attr=None, trans_attr=None, arc_attr=None) :
"""Layout the nodes of the Petri net by calling GraphViz
and reading back the picture it creates. The effect is to
change attributes `pos` (see plugin `pos`) for every node
according to the positions calculated by GraphViz.
@param xscale: how much the image is scaled in the
horizontal axis after GraphViz has done the layout
@type xscale: `float`
@param yscale: how much the image is scaled in the
vertical axis after GraphViz has done the layout
@type yscale: `float`
@param filename: the name of the image file to create
@type filename: `str`
@param engine: the layout engine to use: `'dot'` (default),
`'neato'`, `'circo'`, `'twopi'` or `'fdp'`
@type engine: `str`
@param place_attr: a function to format places, it will be
called with the place and its attributes dict as
@type place_attr: `callable`
@param trans_attr: a function to format transitions, it
will be called with the transition and its attributes
dict as parameters
@type trans_attr: `callable`
@param arc_attr: a function to format arcs, it will be
called with the label and its attributes dict as
@type arc_attr: `callable`
@param cluster_attr: a function to format clusters of
nodes, it will be called with the cluster and its
attributes dict as parameters
@type cluster_attr: `callable`
g = self.draw(None, engine, debug, graph_attr, cluster_attr,
place_attr, trans_attr, arc_attr)
node = dict((v, k) for k, v in g.nodemap.items())
for n, x, y in g.layout(engine, debug) :
self.node(node[n]).pos.moveto(x*xscale, y*yscale)
class StateGraph (module.StateGraph) :
"An extension with a method `draw`"
def draw (self, filename=None, engine="dot", debug=False,
def draw (self, filename, engine="dot", debug=False,
node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, graph_attr=None) :
"""@param filename: the name of the image file to create or
"""Draw the state graph to a picture file.
@param filename: the name of the image file to create or
`None` if only the computed graph is needed
@type filename: `None` or `str`
@param engine: the layout engine to use: 'dot' (default),
......@@ -255,19 +326,16 @@ def extend (module) :
@param node_attr: a function to format nodes, it will be
called with the state number, the `StateGraph` object
and attributes dict as parameters
@type node_attr: `function(int,StateGraph,dict)->None`
@type node_attr: `callable`
@param edge_attr: a function to format edges, it will be
called with the transition, its mode and attributes
dict as parameters
@type trans_attr:
@param graph_attr: a function to format grapg, it will be
called with the state graphe and attributes dict as
@type graph_attr: `function(StateGraph,dict)->None`
@return: `None` if `filename` is not `None`, the computed
graph otherwise
@rtype: `None` or `pygraphviz.AGraph`
@type graph_attr: `callable`
attr = dict(style="invis",
"""A plugin to add labels to nodes and nets.
"""A plugin to add labels to nodes and nets. Labels are names (valid
Python identifiers) associated to arbitrary objects.
@todo: revise (actually make) documentation
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('labels', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> t = Transition('t')
>>> t.label(foo='bar', spam=42)
>>> t.label('foo')
>>> t.label('spam')
Note that when nodes in a Petri net are merged, their labels are
merged too, but in an arbitrary order. So, for example:
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p1'))
>>>'p1').label(foo='bar', spam='ham')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p2'))
>>>'p2').label(hello='world', spam='egg')
>>> n.merge_places('p', ['p1', 'p2'])
>>>'p').label('spam') in ['ham', 'egg']
In the latter statement, we cannot know whether the label will be one
or the other value because merging has been done in an arbitrary
from snakes.plugins import plugin, new_instance
......@@ -10,6 +40,22 @@ from snakes.pnml import Tree
def extend (module) :
class Transition (module.Transition) :
def label (self, *get, **set) :
"""Get and set labels for the transition. The labels given
in `get` will be returned as a `tuple` and the labels
assigned in `set` will be changed accordingly. If a label
is given both in `get`and `set`, the returned value is
that it had at the beginning of the call, ie, before it is
set by the call.
@param get: labels which values have to be returned
@type get: `str`
@param set: labels which values have to be changed
@type set: `object`
@return: the tuples of values corresponding to `get`
@rtype: `tuple`
@raise KeyError: when a label given in `get` has not been
assigned previouly
if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
self._labels = {}
result = tuple(self._labels[g] for g in get)
......@@ -21,10 +67,22 @@ def extend (module) :
elif len(set) == 0 :
return self._labels.copy()
def has_label (self, name, *names) :
"""Check is a label has been assigned to the transition.
@param name: the label to check
@type name: `str`
@param names: additional labels to check, if used, the
return value is a `tuple` of `bool` instead of a
single `bool`
@return: a Boolean indicating of the checked labels are
present or not in the transitions
@rtype: `bool`
if len(names) == 0 :
return name in self._labels
else :
return tuple(n in self._labels for n in (name,) + names)
# apidoc stop
def copy (self, name=None, **options) :
if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
self._labels = {}
......@@ -79,6 +137,7 @@ def extend (module) :
return t
class Place (module.Place) :
def label (self, *get, **set) :
"See documentation for `Transition.label` above"
if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
self._labels = {}
result = tuple(self._labels[g] for g in get)
......@@ -90,10 +149,12 @@ def extend (module) :
elif len(set) == 0 :
return self._labels.copy()
def has_label (self, name, *names) :
"See documentation for `Transition.has_label` above"
if len(names) == 0 :
return name in self._labels
else :
return tuple(n in self._labels for n in (name,) + names)
# apidoc stop
def copy (self, name=None, **options) :
if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
self._labels = {}
......@@ -152,6 +213,7 @@ def extend (module) :
return p
class PetriNet (module.PetriNet) :
def label (self, *get, **set) :
"See documentation for `Transition.label` above"
if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
self._labels = {}
result = tuple(self._labels[g] for g in get)
......@@ -163,10 +225,12 @@ def extend (module) :
elif len(set) == 0 :
return self._labels.copy()
def has_label (self, name, *names) :
"See documentation for `Transition.has_label` above"
if len(names) == 0 :
return name in self._labels
else :
return tuple(n in self._labels for n in (name,) + names)
# apidoc stop
def copy (self, name=None, **options) :
if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
self._labels = {}
"""A plugin to compose nets.
# -*- encoding: latin-1
"""A plugin to compose nets _à la_ Petri Box Calculus.
The compositions are based on place status and automatically merge
some nodes (buffers and variables, tick transitions).
@note: this plugin depends on plugins `clusters` and `status` that are
automatically loaded
## Control-flow and buffers places ##
When this module is used, places are equipped with statuses (see also
plugin `status` that provides this service). We distinguish in
* _entry_ places marked at the initial state of the net
* _exit_ places marked at a final state of the net
* _internal_ places marked during the execution
* all together, these places form the _control-flow places_ and can
be marked only by black tokens (ie, they are typed `tBlackToken`
and thus can hold only `dot` values)
* _buffer_ places that may hold data of any type, each buffer place
is given a name that is the name of the buffer modelled by the
Plugin `ops` exports these statuses as Python objects:[^1] `entry`,
`internal` and `exit` are instances of class `Status` while `buffer`
is a function that returns an instance of `Buffer` (a subclass of
`Status`) when called with a name as its parameter.
[^1]: All these objects are actually defined in plugin `status`
Let's define a net with one entry place, one exit place and two buffer
places. Note how we use keyword argument `status` to the place
constructor to define the status of the created place:
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('ops', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> from snakes.plugins.status import entry, internal, exit, buffer
>>> basic = PetriNet('basic')
>>> basic.add_place(Place('e', status=entry))
>>> basic.add_place(Place('x', status=exit))
>>> basic.add_transition(Transition('t'))
>>> basic.add_input('e', 't', Value(1))
>>> basic.add_output('x', 't', Value(2))
>>> basic.add_place(Place('b', [1], status=buffer('buf')))
>>> basic.add_input('e', 't', Value(dot))
>>> basic.add_output('x', 't', Value(dot))
>>> basic.add_place(Place('b1', [1], status=buffer('egg')))
>>> basic.add_place(Place('b2', [2], status=buffer('spam')))
>>> basic.add_input('b1', 't', Variable('x'))
>>> basic.add_output('b2', 't', Expression('x+1'))
The simplest operation is to change buffer names, let's do it on a
copy of our net. This operation is called `hide` because it is
basically used to hide a buffer:
>>> n = basic.copy()
>>> n.hide(entry)
>>> n.node('e').status
>>> n.node('b1').status
>>> n.hide(buffer('egg'))
>>> n.node('b1').status
>>> n.hide(buffer('buf'), buffer(None))
>>> n.node('b').status
>>> n = basic / 'buf'
>>> n.node('[b/buf]').status
As we can see, place `b1` now has a dummy status. But `hide` can
accept a second argument and allows to rename a buffer:
>>> n.node('b2').status
>>> n.hide(buffer('spam'), buffer('ham'))
>>> n.node('b2').status
A slighlty different way for hiding buffers is to use operator `/`,
which actually constructs a new net, changing the names of every node
in the original net to `'[.../egg]'`:
>>> n = basic / 'egg'
>>> n.node('[b1/egg]').status
As we can see, a buffer hidden using `/` still has a buffer status but
with no name associated. Such an anonymous buffer is treated in a
special way as we'll see later on.
The systematic renaming of nodes is something we should get used to
before to continue. When one or two nets are constructed through an
operation, the nodes of the operand nets are combined in one way or
another. For an arbitrary operation `A % B`, the resulting net will be
called `'[]'` (if `A` and `B` are nets). Whenever a node
`a` from `A` is combined with a node `b` from `B`, the resulting node
will be called `'[a%b]'`. If only one node is copied in the resulting
net, it will be called `'[a%]'` or `'[%b]'` depending on wher it comes
from. This systematic renaming allows to ensure that even if `A` and
`B` have nodes with the same names, there will be no name clash in the
result, while, at the same time allowing users to predict the new name
of a node.
## Control-flow compositions ##
Using control-flow places, it becomes possible to build nets by
composing smaller nets through control flow operations. Let's start
with the _sequential composition_ `A & B`, basically, its combines the
exit places of net `A` with the entry places of net `B`, ensuring thus
that the resulting net behaves like if we execute `A` followed by `B`.
In the example below, we use method `status` of a net to get the
places with a given status:
>>> n = basic & basic
>>> n.status(internal)
{'[t&]': Value(2)}
{'[t&]': Value(dot)}
{'[&t]': Value(1)}
>>> n.status(buffer('buf'))
{'[&t]': Value(dot)}
>>> n.status(buffer('egg'))
>>> n.status(buffer('spam'))
We can see that `n` now has one internal place that is the combination
of the exit place of the left copy of `basic` with the entry place of
the right copy of `basic`. (Hence its name: `'[x&e]'`.) We can see
also how it is connected to the left/right copy of `t` as its
input/output. Last, we can see that buffer places from the two copies
of `basic` have been merged when they have had the same name. This
merging won't occur for anonymous buffers. For example, hiding
`'spam'` in the right net of the sequential composition will result in
two buffer places, one still named `'spam'` that is the copy of `'b2'`
from the left operand of `&`, another that is anonymous and is the
copy of `'[b2/spam]'` (ie, `'b2'`after its status was hidden) from the
right operand of `&`.
>>> n = basic & (basic / 'spam')
>>> n.status(buffer('spam'))
>>> n.status(buffer(None))
The next operation is the _choice `A + B` that behave either as `A` or
as `B`. This is obtained by comining the entry places of both nets one
the one hand, and by combining their exit places on the other hand.
>>> n = basic + basic
>>> n.status(entry)
>>> list(sorted('[e+e]').post.items()))
[('[+t]', Value(1)), ('[t+]', Value(1))]
[('[+t]', Value(dot)), ('[t+]', Value(dot))]
>>> n.status(exit)
>>> list(sorted('[x+x]').pre.items()))
[('[+t]', Value(2)), ('[t+]', Value(2))]
[('[+t]', Value(dot)), ('[t+]', Value(dot))]
Another operation is the _iteration_ `A * B` that behaves by executing
`A` repeatedly (including no repetition) followed by one execution of
`B`. This is obtained by combining the entry and exit places of `A`
with the entry place of `B`.
>>> n = basic * basic
>>> n.status(entry)
{'[t*]': Value(1), '[*t]': Value(1)}
{'[t*]': Value(dot), '[*t]': Value(dot)}
{'[t*]': Value(2)}
{'[t*]': Value(dot)}
Finally, there is the _parallel composition_ `A | B` that just
executes both nets in parallel. But because of the merging of buffer
places, they are able to communicate.
>>> n = basic | basic
>>> n.status(buffer('egg'))
>>> n.status(buffer('spam'))
>>> pass
>>> n1 = basic.copy()
>>> n1.declare('global x; x=1')
>>> n2 = basic.copy()
......@@ -65,8 +181,6 @@ Buffer('buffer')
(1, 2)
>>> n._declare
['global x; x=1']
@todo: revise documentation
import snakes.plugins
......@@ -113,13 +227,14 @@ def _glue (op, one, two) :
def extend (module) :
"Build the extended module"
"""Essentially, class `PetriNet` is extended to support the binary
operations discussed above."""
class PetriNet (module.PetriNet) :
def __or__ (self, other) :
"Parallel composition"
return _glue("|", self, other)
def __and__ (self, other) :
"Sequential composition"
result = _glue("&", self, other)
remove = set()
for x, e in cross((self.status(exit), other.status(entry))) :
......@@ -161,11 +276,13 @@ def extend (module) :
return result
def hide (self, old, new=None) :
"Status hiding and renaming"
if new is None :
new = Status(None)
for node in self.status(old) :
self.set_status(node, new)
def __div__ (self, name) :
"Buffer hiding"
result = self.copy()
for node in result.node() :
result.rename_node(, "[%s/%s]" % (node, name))
......@@ -173,6 +290,7 @@ def extend (module) :
if status._value == name :
result.hide(status, status.__class__(status._name, None))
return result
# apidoc skip
def __truediv__ (self, other) :
return self.__div__(other)
return PetriNet
#-*- encoding: latin-1
"""A plugin to add positions to the nodes.
* `Place` and `Transition` constructors are added an optional argument
`pos=(x,y)` to set their position
* `Place` and `Transition` are added an attribute `pos` that is pair
of numbers with attributes `x` and `y` and methods `shift(dx, dy)`
and `moveto(x, y)`
* Petri nets are added methods `bbox()` that returns a pair of
extrema `((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax))`, a method `shift(dx, dy)`
that shift all the nodes, and a method `transpose()` that rotates
the net in such a way that the top-down direction becomes
`Place` and `Transition` are added an optional argument for the
constructor `pos=(x,y)` to set their position. Moreover, these classes
are added an attribute `pos` that holds a pair of numbers with
attributes `x` and `y` and methods `shift(dx, dy)` and `moveto(x, y)`.
So, when the plugin is loaded, we can specify and retreive nodes
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('pos', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
......@@ -17,21 +14,35 @@
>>> from nets import PetriNet, Place, Transition
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p00'))
>>> n.add_transition(Transition('t10', pos=(1, 0)))
>>> t10 = Transition('t10', pos=(1, 0))
>>> n.add_transition(t10)
>>> n.add_place(Place('p11', pos=(1, 1)))
>>> n.add_transition(Transition('t01', pos=(0, 1)))
>>> n.node('t10').pos
>>> t10.pos
Position(1, 0)
>>> n.node('t10').pos.x
>>> t10.pos.x
>>> n.node('t10').pos.y
>>> t10.pos.y
>>> n.node('t10').pos.y = 1
>>> t10.pos()
(1, 0)
Nodes positions is immutable, we must use method `moveto` to change
>>> t10.pos.y = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: readonly attribute
>>> n.node('t10').pos()
(1, 0)
>>> t10.pos.moveto(t10.pos.x, 1)
>>> t10.pos
Position(1, 1)
Petri nets are added methods `bbox()` that returns a pair of extrema
`((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax))`, a method `shift(dx, dy)` that shift
all the nodes, and a method `transpose()` that rotates the net in such
a way that the top-down direction becomes left-right:
>>> n.bbox()
((0, 0), (1, 1))
>>> n.shift(1, 2)
......@@ -42,8 +53,6 @@ Position(1, 3)
>>> n.transpose()
>>> n.node('t01').pos
Position(-3, 1)
@todo: revise documentation
from snakes import SnakesError
......@@ -54,46 +63,111 @@ from snakes.pnml import Tree
class Position (object) :
"The position of a node"
def __init__ (self, x, y) :
"""Constructor expects the Cartesian coordinates of the node,
they can be provided as `float` or `int`.
@param x: horizontal position
@type x: `float`
@param y: vertical position
@type y: `float`
self.__dict__["x"] = x
self.__dict__["y"] = y
# apidoc skip
def __str__ (self) :
return "(%s, %s)" % (str(self.x), str(self.y))
# apidoc skip
def __repr__ (self) :
return "Position(%s, %s)" % (str(self.x), str(self.y))
# apidoc skip
def __setattr__ (self, name, value) :
if name in ("x", "y") :
raise AttributeError("readonly attribute")
else :
self.__dict__[name] = value
def moveto (self, x, y) :
"""Change current coordinates to the specified position
@param x: horizontal position
@type x: `float`
@param y: vertical position
@type y: `float`
self.__init__(x, y)
def shift (self, dx, dy) :
"""Shift current coordinates by the specified amount.
@param dx: horizontal shift
@type dx: `float`
@param dy: vertical shift
@type dy: `float`
self.__init__(self.x + dx, self.y + dy)
def __getitem__ (self, rank) :
if rank == 0 :
def __getitem__ (self, index) :
"""Access coordinates by index
>>> Position(1, 2)[0]
>>> Position(1, 2)[1]
>>> Position(1, 2)[42]
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: Position index out of range
@param index: 0 for `x` coordinate, 1 for `y`
@type index: `int`
@raise IndexError: when `index not in {0, 1}`
if index == 0 :
return self.x
elif rank == 1 :
elif index == 1 :
return self.y
else :
raise IndexError("Position index out of range")
def __iter__ (self) :
"""Successively yield `x` and `y` coordinates
>>> list(Position(1, 2))
[1, 2]
yield self.x
yield self.y
def __call__ (self) :
"""Return the position as a pair of values
>>> Position(1, 2.0)()
(1, 2.0)
@return: the pair of coordinates `(x, y)`
@rtype: `tuple`
return (self.x, self.y)
def extend (module) :
class Place (module.Place) :
def __init__ (self, name, tokens=[], check=None, **args) :
"""If no position is given `(0, 0)` is chosen
>>> Place('p').pos
Position(0, 0)
>>> Place('p', pos=(1,2)).pos
Position(1, 2)
@keyword pos: the position of the new place
@type pos: `tuple`
x, y = args.pop("pos", (0, 0))
self.pos = Position(x, y)
module.Place.__init__(self, name, tokens, check, **args)
# apidoc skip
def copy (self, name=None, **args) :
x, y = args.pop("pos", self.pos())
result = module.Place.copy(self, name, **args)
result.pos.moveto(x, y)
return result
# apidoc skip
def __pnmldump__ (self) :
>>> p = Place('p', pos=(1, 2))
......@@ -121,6 +195,7 @@ def extend (module) :
return t
# apidoc skip
def __pnmlload__ (cls, tree) :
......@@ -144,14 +219,26 @@ def extend (module) :
return result
class Transition (module.Transition) :
def __init__ (self, name, guard=None, **args) :
"""If no position is given `(0, 0)` is chosen
>>> Transition('t').pos
Position(0, 0)
>>> Transition('t', pos=(1,2)).pos
Position(1, 2)
@keyword pos: the position of the new transition
@type pos: `tuple`
x, y = args.pop("pos", (0, 0))
self.pos = Position(x, y)
module.Transition.__init__(self, name, guard, **args)
# apidoc skip
def copy (self, name=None, **args) :
x, y = args.pop("pos", self.pos())
result = module.Transition.copy(self, name, **args)
result.pos.moveto(x, y)
return result
# apidoc skip
def __pnmldump__ (self) :
>>> t = Transition('t', pos=(2, 1))
......@@ -171,6 +258,7 @@ def extend (module) :
return t
# apidoc skip
def __pnmlload__ (cls, tree) :
......@@ -194,16 +282,57 @@ def extend (module) :
return result
class PetriNet (module.PetriNet) :
def add_place (self, place, **args) :
"""Position can be set also when a place is added to the
>>> n = PetriNet('n')
>>> n.add_place(Place('a', pos=(1, 2)))
>>> n.node('a').pos
Position(1, 2)
>>> n.add_place(Place('b'), pos=(3,4))
>>> n.node('b').pos
Position(3, 4)
>>> n.add_place(Place('c', pos=(42, 42)), pos=(5, 6))
>>> n.node('c').pos
Position(5, 6)
@keyword pos: the position of the added place
@type pos: `tuple`
if "pos" in args :
x, y = args.pop("pos")
place.pos.moveto(x, y)
module.PetriNet.add_place(self, place, **args)
def add_transition (self, trans, **args) :
"""Position can be set also when a transitions is added to
the net. See method `add_place` above.
@keyword pos: the position of the added transition
@type pos: `tuple`
if "pos" in args :
x, y = args.pop("pos")
trans.pos.moveto(x, y)
module.PetriNet.add_transition(self, trans, **args)
def merge_places (self, target, sources, **args) :
"""When places are merged, the position of the new place
is the barycentre of the positions of the merged nodes.
Optionally, position can be specified in the call the
>>> n = PetriNet('n')
>>> n.add_place(Place('a', pos=(1,2)))
>>> n.add_place(Place('b', pos=(3,4)))
>>> n.merge_places('c', ['a', 'b'])
>>> n.node('c').pos
Position(2.0, 3.0)
>>> n.merge_places('d', ['a', 'b'], pos=(0, 0))
>>> n.node('d').pos
Position(0, 0)
@keyword pos: the position of the added transition
@type pos: `tuple`
pos = args.pop("pos", None)
module.PetriNet.merge_places(self, target, sources, **args)
if pos is None :
......@@ -215,6 +344,8 @@ def extend (module) :
x, y = pos
self._place[target].pos.moveto(x, y)
def merge_transitions (self, target, sources, **args) :
"""See method `merge_places` above.
pos = args.pop("pos", None)
module.PetriNet.merge_transitions(self, target, sources, **args)
if pos is None :
......@@ -226,6 +357,13 @@ def extend (module) :
x, y = pos
self._trans[target].pos.moveto(x, y)
def bbox (self) :
"""The bounding box of the net, that is, the smallest
rectangle that contains all nodes coordinates.
@return: rectangle coordinates as `((xmin, ymin), (xmax,
@rtype: tuple
if len(self._node) == 0 :
return (0, 0), (0, 0)
else :
......@@ -240,9 +378,19 @@ def extend (module) :
ymax = max(ymax, y)
return (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)
def shift (self, dx, dy) :
"""Shift every node by `(dx, dy)`
@param dx: horizontal shift
@type dx: `float`
@param dy: vertical shift
@type dy: `float`
for node in self.node() :
node.pos.shift(dx, dy)
def transpose (self) :
"""Perform a clockwise 90° rotation of node coordinates,
ie, change every position `(x, y)` to `(-y, x)`
for node in self.node() :
x, y = node.pos()
node.pos.moveto(-y, x)
"""A plugin to add nodes status.
#-*- coding: latin-1
"""Add statuses to nodes: a status is a special kind of label that is
used to define Petri nets compositions _à la_ Petri Box Calculus. See
plugin `ops` to read more about how statuses are used in practice.
Several status are defined by default: `entry`, `internal`, `exit`,
`buffer`, `safebuffer` for places and `tick` for transitions.
Internally, a status is an instance of class `Status` or one of its
subclasses that is identified by a name and an optional value. For
instance the plugin defines:
entry = Status('entry')
exit = Status('exit')
internal = Status('internal')
The second parameter is omitted which means that there is no value for
these status. Buffer places have both a name and a value for their
status: the name is `'buffer'` and the value is used as the name of
the buffer.
Status can be added to nodes either when they are created or when they
are added to the net:
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('status', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> import snakes.plugins.status as status
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p1'), status=status.entry)
>>> n.add_place(Place('p1'), status=entry)
Place('p1', MultiSet([]), tAll, status=Status('entry'))
@todo: revise documentation
>>> n.add_place(Place('p2', status=exit))
Place('p2', MultiSet([]), tAll, status=Status('exit'))
import operator, weakref
......@@ -32,12 +51,13 @@ class Status (object) :
@param name: the name of the status
@type name: `str`
@param value: an optional additional value to make a
difference between status with te same name
@type value: hashable
difference between status with te same name
@type value: `hashable`
self._name = name
self._value = value
__pnmltag__ = "status"
# apidoc skip
def __pnmldump__ (self) :
"""Dump a `Status` as a PNML tree
......@@ -62,6 +82,7 @@ class Status (object) :
return Tree(self.__pnmltag__, None,
Tree("name", self._name),
Tree("value", None, Tree.from_obj(self._value)))
# apidoc skip
def __pnmlload__ (cls, tree) :
"""Create a `Status` from a PNML tree
......@@ -77,6 +98,7 @@ class Status (object) :
return cls(tree.child("name").data,
# apidoc skip
def copy (self) :
"""Return a copy of the status
......@@ -87,6 +109,7 @@ class Status (object) :
@rtype: `Status`
return self.__class__(self._name, self._value)
# apidoc skip
def __str__ (self) :
"""Short textual representation
......@@ -102,6 +125,7 @@ class Status (object) :
return str(self._name)
else :
return "%s(%s)" % (self._name, self._value)
# apidoc skip
def __repr__ (self) :
"""Detailed textual representation
......@@ -118,6 +142,7 @@ class Status (object) :
else :
return "%s(%s,%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
repr(self._name), repr(self._value))
# apidoc skip
def __hash__ (self) :
"""Hash a status
......@@ -125,6 +150,7 @@ class Status (object) :
@rtype: `int`
return hash((self._name, self._value))
# apidoc skip
def __eq__ (self, other) :
"""Compares two status for equality
......@@ -146,17 +172,22 @@ class Status (object) :
return (self._name, self._value) == (other._name, other._value)
except :
return False
# apidoc skip
def __ne__ (self, other) :
return not(self == other)
# apidoc skip
def __add__ (self, other) :
if self == other :
return self.copy()
else :
raise ConstraintError("incompatible status")
# apidoc skip
def name (self) :
return self._name
# apidoc skip
def value (self) :
return self._value
# apidoc skip
def merge (self, net, nodes, name=None) :
"""Merge `nodes` in `net` into a new node called `name`
......@@ -179,7 +210,24 @@ exit = Status('exit')
internal = Status('internal')
class Buffer (Status) :
"A status for buffer places"
"""Status for buffer places, it can be used to merge all the nodes
with the same buffer name. For example:
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('status', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p3', range(2), status=buffer('buf')))
>>> n.add_place(Place('p4', range(3), status=buffer('buf')))
>>> n.status.merge(buffer('buf'), 'b')
>>> p ='b')
>>> p
Place('b', MultiSet([...]), tAll, status=Buffer('buffer','buf'))
>>> p.tokens == MultiSet([0, 0, 1, 1, 2])
# apidoc skip
def merge (self, net, nodes, name=None) :
"""Merge `nodes` in `net`
......@@ -190,22 +238,6 @@ class Buffer (Status) :
If `name` is `None` the name generated is a concatenation of
the nodes names separated by '+', with parenthesis outside.
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('status', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> import snakes.plugins.status as status
>>> buf = status.buffer('buf')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p3', range(2), status=buf))
>>> n.add_place(Place('p4', range(3), status=buf))
>>> n.status.merge(buf, 'b')
>>> p ='b')
>>> p
Place('b', MultiSet([...]), tAll, status=Buffer('buffer','buf'))
>>> p.tokens == MultiSet([0, 0, 1, 1, 2])
@param net: the Petri net where places should be merged
@type net: `PetriNet`
@param nodes: a collection of place names to be merged
......@@ -225,6 +257,9 @@ class Buffer (Status) :
def buffer (name) :
"""Generate a buffer status called `name`
>>> buffer('foo')
@param name: the name of the buffer
@type name: `str`
@return: `Buffer('buffer', name)`
......@@ -233,7 +268,31 @@ def buffer (name) :
return Buffer('buffer', name)
class Safebuffer (Buffer) :
"A status for safe buffers (ie, variables) places"
"""A status for safe buffers (ie, variables) places. The only
difference with `Buffer` status is that when buffer places with
`SafeBuffer` status are merged, they must have all the same
marking which also becomes the marking of the resulting place
(instead of adding the markings of the merged places).
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('status', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> var = safebuffer('var')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p5', [1], status=var))
>>> n.add_place(Place('p6', [1], status=var))
>>> n.add_place(Place('p7', [1], status=var))
>>> n.status.merge(var, 'v')
Place('v', MultiSet([1]), tAll, status=Safebuffer('safebuffer','var'))
>>> n.add_place(Place('p8', [3], status=var))
>>> n.status.merge(var, 'vv')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ConstraintError: incompatible markings
# apidoc skip
def merge (self, net, nodes, name=None) :
"""Merge `nodes` in `net`
......@@ -245,24 +304,6 @@ class Safebuffer (Buffer) :
If `name` is `None` the name generated is a concatenation of
the nodes names separated by '+', with parenthesis outside.
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('status', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> import snakes.plugins.status as status
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> var = status.safebuffer('var')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p5', [1], status=var))
>>> n.add_place(Place('p6', [1], status=var))
>>> n.add_place(Place('p7', [1], status=var))
>>> n.status.merge(var, 'v')
Place('v', MultiSet([1]), tAll, status=Safebuffer('safebuffer','var'))
>>> n.add_place(Place('p8', [3], status=var))
>>> try : n.status.merge(var, 'vv')
... except ConstraintError : print(sys.exc_info()[1])
incompatible markings
@param net: the Petri net where places should be merged
@type net: `PetriNet`
@param nodes: a collection of place names to be merged
......@@ -288,6 +329,9 @@ class Safebuffer (Buffer) :
def safebuffer (name) :
"""Generate a safebuffer status called `name`
>>> safebuffer('foo')
@param name: the name of the safebuffer
@type name: `str`
@return: `Safebuffer('safebuffer', name)`
......@@ -296,7 +340,13 @@ def safebuffer (name) :
return Safebuffer('safebuffer', name)
class Tick (Status) :
"A status for tick transition"
"""A status for tick transition. Ticks are to transitions what
buffers are to places: they allow automatic merging of transitions
with the same tick status when nets are composed. This is used to
implement variants of the Petri Box Calculus with causal time.
When transitions are merged, their guards are `and`-ed.
# apidoc skip
def merge (self, net, nodes, name=None) :
"""Merge `nodes` in `net`
......@@ -339,6 +389,9 @@ class Tick (Status) :
def tick (name) :
"""Generate a tick status called `name`
>>> tick('spam')
@param name: the name of the tick
@type name: `str`
@return: `Tick('tick', name)`
......@@ -346,6 +399,7 @@ def tick (name) :
return Tick('tick', name)
# apidoc skip
class StatusDict (object) :
"A container to access the nodes of a net by their status"
def __init__ (self, net) :
......@@ -413,8 +467,12 @@ class StatusDict (object) :
def extend (module) :
"Build the extended module"
class Place (module.Place) :
"""`Place` is extended to allow `status` keyword argument in
its constructor, which is later available as `status`
# apidoc stop
def __init__ (self, name, tokens=[], check=None, **args) :
self.status = args.pop("status", Status(None))
module.Place.__init__(self, name, tokens, check, **args)
......@@ -469,6 +527,11 @@ def extend (module) :
result.status = Status(None)
return result
class Transition (module.Transition) :
"""`Transition` is extended to allow `status` keyword argument
in its constructor, which is later available as `status`
# apidoc stop
def __init__ (self, name, guard=None, **args) :
self.status = args.pop("status", Status(None)).copy()
module.Transition.__init__(self, name, guard, **args)
......@@ -519,55 +582,121 @@ def extend (module) :
return "%s, status=%s)" % (module.Transition.__repr__(self)[:-1],
class PetriNet (module.PetriNet) :
"""`PetriNet` is extended to allow `status` keyword argument
in several of its methods. An attributes `status` is also
available to allow retreiving nodes (actually their names) by
status or merge all the nodes with a given status.
The exact way how merging is performed depends on the exact
status: for exemple, as seen above, using `Buffer` or
`Safebuffer` does not lead to merge place the same way.
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('status', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> n.add_place(Place('a', range(2), status=buffer('buf')))
>>> n.add_place(Place('b', range(3), status=buffer('buf')))
>>> n.add_place(Place('c', range(3), status=buffer('spam')))
>>> list(sorted(n.status(buffer('buf'))))
['a', 'b']
>>> n.status.merge(buffer('buf'), 'd')
>>> list(sorted(n.status(buffer('buf'))))
Note in this example how nodes merged by status are removed
after being merge. This differs from the standard methods
`PetriNet.merge_places` and `PetriNet.merge_transitions` that
preserve the merged nodes and only add the new one.
# apidoc skip
def __init__ (self, name, **args) :
module.PetriNet.__init__(self, name, **args)
self.status = StatusDict(self)
# apidoc skip
def __pnmlload__ (cls, tree) :
t = new_instance(cls, module.PetriNet.__pnmlload__(tree))
t.status = StatusDict(t)
return t
# apidoc skip
def copy (self, name=None, **args) :
result = module.PetriNet.copy(self, name, **args)
result.status = self.status.copy(result)
return result
def add_place (self, place, **args) :
"""Extended with `status` keyword argument.
@keyword status: a status that is given to the node
@type status: `Status`
place.status = args.pop("status", place.status)
module.PetriNet.add_place(self, place, **args)
# apidoc skip
def remove_place (self, name, **args) :
place =
module.PetriNet.remove_place(self, name, **args)
def add_transition (self, trans, **args) :
"""Extended with `status` keyword argument.
@keyword status: a status that is given to the node
@type status: `Status`
trans.status = args.pop("status", trans.status)
module.PetriNet.add_transition(self, trans, **args)
# apidoc skip
def remove_transition (self, name, **args) :
trans = self.transition(name)
module.PetriNet.remove_transition(self, name, **args)
def set_status (self, node, status) :
"""Assign a new status to a node.
@param node: the name of the node
@type node: `str`
@param status: a status that is given to the node
@type status: `Status`
node = self.node(node)
node.status = status
# apidoc skip
def rename_node (self, old, new, **args) :
old_node = self.node(old).copy()
module.PetriNet.rename_node(self, old, new, **args)
def copy_place (self, source, targets, **args) :
"""Extended with `status` keyword argument.
@keyword status: a status that is given to the new node
@type status: `Status`
status = args.pop("status",
module.PetriNet.copy_place(self, source, targets, **args)
for new in iterate(targets) :
self.set_status(new, status)
def copy_transition (self, source, targets, **args) :
"""Extended with `status` keyword argument.
@keyword status: a status that is given to the new node
@type status: `Status`
status = args.pop("status", self.transition(source).status)
module.PetriNet.copy_transition(self, source, targets, **args)
for new in iterate(targets) :
self.set_status(new, status)
def merge_places (self, target, sources, **args) :
"""Extended with `status` keyword argument.
@keyword status: a status that is given to the new node
@type status: `Status`
if "status" in args :
status = args.pop("status")
else :
......@@ -576,6 +705,11 @@ def extend (module) :
module.PetriNet.merge_places(self, target, sources, **args)
self.set_status(target, status)
def merge_transitions (self, target, sources, **args) :
"""Extended with `status` keyword argument.
@keyword status: a status that is given to the new node
@type status: `Status`
if "status" in args :
status = args.pop("status")
else :
"""An implementation of the M-nets synchronisation.
This plugins extends the basic Petri net model in order to provide an
action-based synchronisation scheme that implements that of M-nets.
The plugin proposes a generalisation of the M-nets synchronisation in
that it does not impose a fixed correspondence between action names
and action arities.
"""This plugin provides an implementation of the action-based
synchronisation from algebras of Petri nets. With respect to the usual
definition of synchronisation, the plugin is slightly more general in
that it does not impose a fixed arity for action. The extensions are
as follows:
* class `Action` corresponds to a synchronisable action, it has a
name, a send/receive flag and a list of parameters. Actions have
......@@ -12,60 +10,109 @@ and action arities.
arity will be able to synchronise
* class `MultiAction` corresponds to a multiset of actions. It is
forbidden to build a multiaction that holds a pair of conjugated
actions (this leads to infinite nets when synchronising)
* Transition.__init__ accepts a parameter `actions` that is a
collection of instances of `Action`, this multiaction is added in
the attribute `actions` of the transition
* PetriNet is given new methods: `synchronise(action_name)` to
perform the M-net synchronisation, `restrict(action_name)` to
perform the restriction and `scope(action_name)` for the scoping
**Remark:** the instances of `Substitution` used in this plugins must
map variable names to instances of `Variable` or `Value`, but not to
other variable names.
actions because this leads to infinite nets upon synchronisation
* the constructor of `Transition` accepts a parameter `actions` that
is a collection of instances of `Action`, this multiaction is
added in the attribute `actions` of the transition
* PetriNet is given new methods: `synchronise` to perform the
synchronisation, `restrict` to perform the restriction (ie, remove
transitions with a given action) and `scope` for the scoping (ie,
synchronisation followed by restriction)
### Example ###
Let's start with an example: we build a Petri net with two transitions
in parallel that will be synchronised later on.
>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('synchro', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import PetriNet, Place, Transition, Expression
>>> from nets import *
>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> n.add_place(Place('e1'))
>>> n.add_place(Place('x1'))
>>> n.add_transition(Transition('t1', guard=Expression('x!=y'),
... actions=[Action('a', True, [Variable('x'), Value(2)]),
... Action('a', True, [Value(3), Variable('y')]),
... Action('b', False, [Variable('x'), Variable('y')])]))
>>> m1 = [Action('a', True, [Variable('x'), Value(2)]),
... Action('b', True, [Value(3), Variable('y')]),
... Action('c', False, [Variable('x'), Variable('y')])]
>>> print(', '.join(str(action) for action in m1))
a!(x,2), b!(3,y), c?(x,y)
>>> n.add_transition(Transition('t1', guard=Expression('x!=y'), actions=m1))
>>> n.add_input('e1', 't1', Variable('x'))
>>> n.add_output('x1', 't1', Variable('z'))
>>> n.add_place(Place('e2'))
>>> n.add_place(Place('x2'))
>>> n.add_transition(Transition('t2', guard=Expression('z>0'),
... actions=[Action('a', False, [Variable('w'), Variable('y')]),
... Action('c', False, [Variable('z')])]))
>>> m2 = [Action('a', False, [Variable('w'), Variable('y')]),
... Action('d', False, [Variable('z')])]
>>> print(', '.join(str(action) for action in m2))
a?(w,y), d?(z)
>>> n.add_transition(Transition('t2', guard=Expression('z>0'), actions=m2))
>>> n.add_input('e2', 't2', Variable('w'))
>>> n.add_output('x2', 't2', Variable('z'))
>>> n.transition('t1').vars() == set(['x', 'y', 'z'])
>>> n.transition('t2').copy().vars() == set(['w', 'y', 'z'])
On transition `t1`, we have put a multiaction that can be abbreviated
as `a!(x,2), a!(3,y), b?(x,y)` and can be interpreted as three
synchronous communication performed atomically and simultaneously when
`t1` fires:
* `a!(x,2)` emits `(x,2)` on channel `a`
* `b!(2,y)` emits `(2,y)` on channel `b`
* `c?(x,y)` receives `(x,y)` on channel `c`
And similarly for transition `t2` that has two actions:
* `a?(w,y)` receives `(w,y)` on channel `a`
* `d?(z)` receives `z` on channel `d`
Thus, `t1` and `t2` hold _conjugated actions_, which are matching
emitting and receiving actions `a!(x,2)` and `a?(x,y)`. So we can
synchronise the net on `a` which builds a new transition whose firing
is exactly equivalent to the simultaneous firing of `t1` and `t2`
performing the communications over channel `a`.
>>> n.synchronise('a')
>>> for t in sorted(n.transition(), key=str) :
... print('%s %s' % (t, t.guard))
... for place, label in sorted(t.input(), key=str) :
... print(' %s >> %s' % (place, label))
... for place, label in sorted(t.output(), key=str) :
... print(' %s << %s' % (place, label))
((t1{...}+t2{...})[a(...)]{...}+t2{...})[a(...)] (...)
t2 z>0
e2 >> w
x2 << z
>>> n.restrict('a')
>>> [ for t in sorted(n.transition(), key=str)]
>>> t = [t for t in n.transition() if not in ('t1', 't2')][0]
>>> print(
>>> print(t.guard)
((w != e)) and ((z > 0))
>>> print(', '.join(sorted(str(action) for action in t.actions)))
b!(3,e), c?(w,e), d?(z)
The second statement `t = ...` retrieves the new transition then we
print its name and guard. The names can be read as: this is the result
of execution action `a(w,2)` on `t1` substituted by `{x->w, y->e,
z->f}` and `t2` substituted by `{y->2}`. Indeed, both transitions have
variables `y` and `z`in common, so they are replaced in `t1` to avoid
names clashes, then, actions a can be `a!(x,2)` and `a?(w,y)` can be
matched by considering `x=w` and `y=2` which yields the rest of the
substitutions for the transitions. The resulting transition results
from the merging of the unified transitions, its guard is the `and` of
the guards of the merged transitions and its multiaction is the union
of the multiactions of the merged transitions minus the actions that
did synchronise.
The net now has three transitions: `t1`, `t2` and the new one
resulting from the synchronisation. This allows both synchronous and
asynchronous behaviour:
>>> for t in sorted( for t in n.transition()) :
... print(t)
If we want to force the synchronous behaviour, we have to restrict
over `'a'` which removes any transition that hold an action `a?(...)`
or `a!(...)`. In practice, this is what we want and so we may have
used method `n.scope('a')` to apply directly the synchronisation
followed by the restriction.
@todo: revise documentation
>>> n.restrict('a')
>>> for t in sorted( for t in n.transition()) :
... print(t)
from snakes import ConstraintError
......@@ -77,15 +124,21 @@ from snakes.plugins import new_instance
from snakes.compat import *
class Action (object) :
"""Models one action with a name, a direction (send or receive)
and parameters.
def __init__ (self, name, send, params) :
"""Constructor. The direction is passed as a Boolean: `True`
for a send action, `False` for a receive.
@param name: the name of the action
@type name: `str`
@param send: a flag indicating whether this is a send or
receive action
@type send: `bool`
@param params: the list of parameters
@type params: `list` of `Variable` or `Value`
@param params: the list of parameters that must me instances
of `Variable` or `Value`
@type params: `list`
""" = name
self.send = send
......@@ -99,13 +152,9 @@ class Action (object) :
<action name="a" send="True">
<object type="int">
<object type="int">1</object>
......@@ -115,7 +164,7 @@ class Action (object) :
for param in self.params :
return result
# apidoc skip
# apidoc stop
def __pnmlload__ (cls, tree) :
......@@ -138,7 +187,6 @@ class Action (object) :
return "%s!(%s)" % (, ",".join([str(p) for p in self]))
else :
return "%s?(%s)" % (, ",".join([str(p) for p in self]))
# apidoc stop
def __repr__ (self) :
>>> a = Action('a', True, [Value(1), Variable('x')])
......@@ -213,9 +261,9 @@ class Action (object) :
Action('a', True, [Value(3), Value(2)])
@param subst: if not `None`, a substitution to apply to the
parameters of the copy
@type subst: `None` or `Substitution` mapping variables names
to `Value` or `Variable`
parameters of the copy mapping variables names to `Value`
or `Variable`
@type subst: `Substitution`
@return: a copy of the action, substituted by `subst` if not
@rtype: `Action`
......@@ -233,9 +281,9 @@ class Action (object) :
>>> a
Action('a', True, [Value(3), Value(2)])
@param subst: a substitution to apply to the parameters
@type subst: `Substitution` mapping variables names to `Value`
or `Variable`
@param subst: a substitution to apply to the parameters,
mapping variables names to `Value` or `Variable`
@type subst: `Substitution`
for i, p in enumerate(self.params) :
if isinstance(p, Variable) and in subst :
......@@ -320,16 +368,29 @@ class Action (object) :
return result
class MultiAction (object) :
"""Models a multiset of actions.
def __init__ (self, actions) :
"""The only restriction when building a multiaction is to
avoid putting two conjugated actions in it. Indeed, this may
lead to infinite Petri nets upon synchronisation. For example,
consider two transitions `t1` and `t2` with both `a?()` and
`a!()` in their multiactions. We can synchronise say `a?()`
from `t1` with `a!()` from `t2` yielding a transition whose
multiaction has `a!()` from `t1` and `a?() from `t2` and thus
can be synchronised with `t1` or `t2`, yielding a new
transition with `a?()` and `a!()`, etc. Fortunately, it makes
little sense to let a transition synchronise with itself, so
this situation is simply forbidden.
>>> try : MultiAction([Action('a', True, [Variable('x')]),
... Action('a', False, [Value(2)])])
... except ConstraintError : print(sys.exc_info()[1])
conjugated actions in the same multiaction
@param actions: a collection of actions with no conjugated
actions in it
@type actions: `list` of `Action`
@param actions: a collection of `Action` instances with no
conjugated actions in it
@type actions: `iterable`
self._actions = []
self._sndrcv = {}
......@@ -337,6 +398,7 @@ class MultiAction (object) :
for act in actions :
__pnmltag__ = "multiaction"
# apidoc stop
def __pnmldump__ (self) :
>>> MultiAction([Action('a', True, [Variable('x')]),
......@@ -346,18 +408,12 @@ class MultiAction (object) :
<action name="a" send="True">
<action name="b" send="False">
<object type="int">
<object type="int">2</object>
......@@ -472,14 +528,11 @@ class MultiAction (object) :
@param subst: if not `None`, the substitution to apply to the
@type subst: `None` or `Substitution`
@type subst: `Substitution`
@return: a copy of the multiaction, optionally substituted
@rtype: `MultiAction`
result = self.__class__(act.copy() for act in self._actions)
if subst is not None :
return result
return self.__class__(act.copy(subst) for act in self._actions)
def __contains__ (self, action) :
"""Search an action in the multiaction.
......@@ -504,7 +557,7 @@ class MultiAction (object) :
@param action: an complete action, or its name or its name and
send flag
@type action: `Action` or `str` or `tuple(str, bool)`
@type action: `Action`
@return: `True` if the specified action was found, `False`
@rtype: `bool`
......@@ -590,7 +643,19 @@ class MultiAction (object) :
for action in self._actions :
return result
def synchronise (self, other, name) :
def names (self) :
"""Return the set of action names used in the multiaction.
>>> MultiAction([Action('a', True, [Variable('x'), Value(2)]),
... Action('a', True, [Value(3), Variable('y')]),
... Action('b', False, [Variable('x'), Variable('z')])]).names() == set(['a', 'b'])
@return: the set of variable names
@rtype: `set` of `str`
return set([ for action in self._actions])
def synchronise (self, other, name, common, allnames) :
"""Search all the possible synchronisation on an action name with
another multiaction.
......@@ -598,7 +663,6 @@ class MultiAction (object) :
synchronisation a 4-tuple whose components are:
* the sending action that did synchronise, it is already
unified, so the corresponding receiving action is just
the same with the reversed send flag
......@@ -614,43 +678,58 @@ class MultiAction (object) :
... Action('b', False, [Variable('x'), Variable('y')])])
>>> n = MultiAction([Action('a', False, [Variable('w'), Variable('y')]),
... Action('c', False, [Variable('y')])])
>>> for a, x, u, v in m.synchronise(n, 'a') :
... print('%s %s %s %s' % (str(a), str(x), list(sorted(u.items())), list(sorted(v.items()))))
a!(w,2) [a!(3,y), b?(w,y), c?(a)] [('a', Value(2)), ('x', Variable('w'))] [('a', Value(2)), ('x', Variable('w')), ('y', Variable('a'))]
a!(3,a) [a!(x,2), b?(x,a), c?(a)] [('w', Value(3)), ('y', Variable('a'))] [('w', Value(3)), ('y', Variable('a'))]
>>> _m, _n = m.vars(), n.vars()
>>> for a, x, u, v in m.synchronise(n, 'a', _m & _n, _m | _n) :
... print('%s %s' % (str(a), str(x)))
... print(list(sorted(u.items())))
... print(list(sorted(v.items())))
a!(w,2) [a!(3,d), b?(w,d), c?(2)]
[('x', Variable('w')), ('y', Variable('d'))]
[('x', Variable('w')), ('y', Value(2))]
a!(3,y) [a!(x,2), b?(x,y), c?(y)]
[('d', Variable('y')), ('w', Value(3)), ('y', Variable('d'))]
[('d', Variable('y')), ('w', Value(3))]
@param other: the other multiaction to synchronise with
@type other: `MultiAction`
@param name: the name of the action to synchronise on
@type name: `str`
@param common: the set of names in common on both transitions
@type common: `set`
@param allnames: the set of all names involved in the transitions
@type allnames: `set`
@return: an iterator over the possible synchronisations
@rtype: iterator of `tuple(Action, MultiAction, Substitution,
renamer = Substitution()
common = self.vars() & other.vars()
if len(common) > 0 :
names = WordSet(common)
if common :
names = WordSet(set(allnames) | self.names() | other.names())
for var in common :
renamer += Substitution({var : Variable(names.fresh(add=True))})
for left in (act for act in self._actions if == name) :
for right in (act for act in other._actions if == name
if act.send != left.send) :
_right = right.copy(renamer)
_left = left.copy(renamer)
try :
unifier = left & _right
unifier = _left & right
except :
_unifier = unifier * renamer
_self = self - left
_self = self.copy(renamer) - _left
_other = other - right
yield left.copy(unifier), _self + _other, unifier, _unifier
yield (_left.copy(unifier), _self + _other,
unifier * renamer, unifier)
def extend (module) :
class Transition (module.Transition) :
"""Class `Transition` is extended to allow a keyword argument
`actions` in several of its methods `__init__` and `copy` (to
replace a multiaction upon copy).
# apidoc stop
def __init__ (self, name, guard=None, **args) :
self.actions = MultiAction(args.pop("actions", []))
module.Transition.__init__(self, name, guard, **args)
......@@ -677,18 +756,12 @@ def extend (module) :
<transition id="t">
<action name="a" send="True">
<action name="b" send="False">
<object type="int">
<object type="int">2</object>
......@@ -713,6 +786,13 @@ def extend (module) :
return result
class PetriNet (module.PetriNet) :
def synchronise (self, name) :
"""Synchronise the net wrt `name`.
@param name: the action name to be synchronised
@type name: `str`
@return: the synchronised Petri net
@rtype: `PetriNet`
snd = []
rcv = []
for trans in self.transition() :
......@@ -729,11 +809,17 @@ def extend (module) :
if (, in done :
try :
new = _snd.actions.synchronise(_rcv.actions, name)
_s, _r = _snd.vars(), _rcv.vars()
new = _snd.actions.synchronise(_rcv.actions,
_s & _r, _s | _r)
except ConstraintError :
for a, m, s, r in new :
t = self._synchronise(_snd, s, _rcv, r, m, a)
t = self._synchronise(
_snd, s.restrict(_snd.vars()),
_rcv, r.restrict(_rcv.vars()),
m, a)
if (name, True) in t.actions :
loop = True
......@@ -742,17 +828,14 @@ def extend (module) :
loop = True
def _synchronise (self, snd, s, rcv, r, actions, sync) :
def _str (binding) :
return ",".join("%s=%s" % i for i in sorted(binding.items()))
collect = []
varset = WordSet()
for trans, subst in ((snd, s), (rcv, r)) :
new = "%s%s" % (, str(subst))
new = "%s[%s]" % (, _str(subst))
self.copy_transition(, new)
new = self.transition(new)
nv = new.vars()
for v in varset & nv :
new.substitute(Substitution({v : varset.fresh(add=True)}))
for var, val in subst.items() :
if isinstance(val, Variable) :
new.substitute(Substitution({var :}))
......@@ -766,21 +849,49 @@ def extend (module) :
label.replace(Variable(var), val))
merged = "(%s%s+%s%s)[%s]" % (, str(s),, str(s),
str(sync).replace("?", "").replace("!", ""))
merged = ("%s@(%s)" %
(str(sync).replace("?", "").replace("!", ""),
self.merge_transitions(merged, collect, actions=actions)
for name in collect :
return self.transition(merged)
def restrict (self, action) :
def restrict (self, name) :
"""Restrict the net wrt `name`.
@param name: the action name to be synchronised
@type name: `str`
@return: the synchronised Petri net
@rtype: `PetriNet`
removed = [ for trans in self.transition()
if action in trans.actions]
if name in trans.actions]
for trans in removed :
def scope (self, action) :
def scope (self, name) :
"""Scope the net wrt `name`, this is equivalent to apply
synchronisation followed by restriction on the same
@param name: the action name to be synchronised
@type name: `str`
@return: the synchronised Petri net
@rtype: `PetriNet`
def merge_transitions (self, target, sources, **args) :
"""Accepts a keyword parameter `actions` to change the
multiaction of the resulting transition. If `actions` is
not given, the multiaction of the new transition is the
sum of the multiactions of the merged transition.
@keyword actions: the multiaction of the transition
resulting from the merge
@type actions: `MultiAction`
actions = args.pop("actions", None)
module.PetriNet.merge_transitions(self, target, sources, **args)
if actions is None :
......@@ -791,6 +902,15 @@ def extend (module) :
else :
self.transition(target).actions = MultiAction(actions)
def copy_transition (self, source, targets, **args) :
"""Accepts a keyword parameter `actions` to change the
multiaction of the resulting transition. If `actions` is
not given, the multiaction of the new transition is the
the same multiaction as the copied transition.
@keyword actions: the multiaction of the transition
resulting from the copy
@type actions: `MultiAction`
actions = args.pop("actions", None)
module.PetriNet.copy_transition(self, source, targets, **args)
if actions is None :
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ class DocExtract (object) :
% (info["type"].get(arg, "object").strip("`"),
for kw, text in sorted(info["keyword"].items()) :
self.writelist("`%s`: %s" % (kw, text))
self.writelist("keyword `%s`: %s" % (kw, text))
if any(k in info for k in ("return", "rtype")) :
if "return" in info :
self.writelist("`return %s`: %s"