Franck Pommereau
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The Tiny Computer
The Tiny Computer (TTC) is a virtual computer that comes with an
assembler and an interactive simulator. It is used to teach computers
architecture and most of the information is delivered during the
lectures. (So forgive the very sparse documentation on this page.)
## Installation
### Windows
1. Download [ttc-windows.exe](bin/ttc-windows.exe) (should work
starting from Windows-7 32 bits)
2. Rename the downloaded file to `ttc.exe`
3. Copy it to the installation directory of your choice, for instance
4. Make sure that this directory is in your `PATH` environment
variable: search "modify environment variables" in the
configuration panel and add `;C:\TTC` at the end of the current
value for `PATH` (or `Path`, or...)
### MacOS-X and Linux
1. Download [ttc-darwin](bin/ttc-darwin) for MacOS-X (should work
starting from Yosemite 64 bits), [ttc-linux32](bin/ttc-linux32) for
Linux (any decently recent 32 bits Linux),
or [ttc-linux64](bin/ttc-linux64) for Linux (any decently recent 64
bits Linux)
2. Copy it to the installation directory of your choice, and make it
executable, for instance (replace `ttc-xxx` with the file you have
3. Make sure that this directory is in your `PATH` environment
variable (WARNING: take care to use `>>` with TWO `>` in the
command below)
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin # create installation directory
$ cp ttc-xxx ~/.local/bin/ttc # copy
$ chmod +x ~/.local/bin/ttc # make executable
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin' >> ~/.bashrc # add to PATH
$ . ~/.bashrc # apply changes
### Test you installation
From your shell, run `ttc -h`, it should print the help:
$ ttc -h
usage: ttc [-h] {run,web,asm,usr} ...
The Tiny Computer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
available commands:
run run the machine in a shell
web start a simulator server
asm assemble a program into a BIOS
usr manage user databases
### Install from sources
Don't try this if you don't understand the explanations below, I will
not help with this (except if you are really familiar with Python
development and have technical questions).
1. You will need Python 2.7 with `pip` installed
2. Install the dependencies (`pywin32` is for Windows only)
3. Clone the repository, you will need `git` installed:
4. From the cloned directory, use `python` instead of just
$ pip install --user gevent gevent-websocket numpy # install dependencies
$ pip install --user pywin32 # install dependencies on Windows
$ git clone # clone repository
## Usage
### Assembly language
Get help about the assembly language by running `ttc asm -s` which
will describe the syntax of the language, information about the
registers, and all the instructions.
### Create a BIOS
1. Edit a file `myprogram.asm` with your BIOS programmed in assembly
2. Compile it with `ttc asm myprogram.asm`
3. If no error is prompted, this produces a file `myprogram.bios` with
the assembled program and the interruption table
4. Optionally, use `ttc asm -p myprogram.asm` to also print the
resulting BIOS in a human readable format.
5. Alternatively, use `ttc asm -h` to get more help about the
### Simulate a BIOS
1. Run `ttc web -s myprogram.bios` to start the interactive simulator.
(DON'T forget the `-s` flag.) This will open a browser window from
which you will be able to inspect the machine state and control the
simulation. This should work with most recent browser but it has
been much better tested with Firefox
2. Alternatively, run `ttc run myprogram.bios` to start the simulation
in the dedicated shell