2.67 KB
import enum
from .data import hdict, mset
from .utils import autorepr

class Token (object) :

class CodeToken (Token) :
    def __init__ (self, code) :
        self.code = code
    def __ast__ (self, place, ctx) :
        return ctx.Expr(self.code,
                        BLAME=ctx.TokenBlame(place, self.code))
    def __str__ (self) :
        return "(%s)" % self.code
    def __hash__ (self) :
        return hash(self.code)
    def __eq__ (self, other) :
        try :
            return self.code == other.code
        except AttributeError :
            return False
    def __ge__ (self, other) :
        try :
            return self.code >= other.code
        except AttributeError :
            return False
    def __gt__ (self, other) :
        try :
            return self.code >= other.code
        except AttributeError :
            return False
    def __le__ (self, other) :
        return not self.__gt__(other)
    def __lt__ (self, other) :
        return not self.__ge__(other)

class BlackToken (Token, enum.IntEnum) :
    DOT =

dot = BlackToken.DOT

class BlackWhiteToken (Token, enum.IntEnum) :
    BLACK =
    WHITE =

black = BlackWhiteToken.BLACK
white = BlackWhiteToken.WHITE

class Marking (hdict) :
    def __repr__ (self) :
        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, dict.__repr__(self))
    def __call__ (self, place) :
        return self.get(place, mset())
    def copy (self) :
        return self.__class__((k, v.copy()) for k, v in self.items())
    def __add__ (self, other) :
        new = self.copy()
        for k, v in other.items() :
            if k not in new :
                new[k] = v
            else :
        return new
    def __sub__ (self, other) :
        new = self.copy()
        for k, v in other.items() :
            if k not in self :
                raise ValueError("no such place %r" % k)
            elif new[k] == v :
                del new[k]
            else :
                new[k] -= v
        return new
    def __le__ (self, other) :
        return all(self(k) <= other(k) for k in self.keys())
    def __lt__ (self, other) :
        return (self != other) and (self <= other)
    def __ge__ (self, other) :
        return all(self(k) >= other(k) for k in other.keys())
    def __gt__ (self, other) :
        return (self != other) and (self >= other)
    def __ast__ (self, ctx) :
        m = {}
        for place, tokens in self.items() :
            if tokens :
                m[place] = [t.__ast__(place, ctx) for t in tokens]
        return [ctx.PlaceMarking(place, tokens, BLAME=ctx.PlaceBlame(place, tokens))
                for place, tokens in m.items()]