Franck Pommereau

added CoffeeScript dicts

# Python3 dicts ported to CoffeeScript, inspired from a Python version at
FREE = -1
DUMMY = -2
hash = (obj) ->
return obj.hash()
catch err
h = 0
if typeof(obj) == "string"
for c in obj
h = (h << 5) - h + c.charCodeAt(0)
else if obj instanceof Array
for x in obj
h = (h << 5) - h + hash(x)
else if obj instanceof Object
for k, v of obj
h = h ^ ((hash(k) << 5) - h + hash(v))
h = hash("#{obj}")
return h
eq = (left, right) ->
return left.eq(right)
catch err
if left instanceof Array
if right not instanceof Array
return false
if right.length != left.length
return false
for i in [0..left.length]
if not eq(left[i], right[i])
return false
return true
else if left instanceof Object
if right not instanceof Object
return false
for k, v of left
if not right[k]?
return false
for k, v of right
if not eq(left[k], right[k])
return false
return true
return left == right
class KeyError
constructor: (@message) ->
@name = "KeyError"
class Dict
constructor: (init={}) ->
for key, val of init
@set(key, val)
clear: ->
@indices = {}
@itemlist = []
@used = 0
len: ->
return @used
_gen_probes: (hashvalue) ->
if hashvalue < 0
hashvalue = -hashvalue
i = hashvalue
yield i
perturb = hashvalue
while true
i = 5 * i + perturb + 1
perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT
_lookup: (key, hashvalue) ->
freeslot = null
for i from @_gen_probes(hashvalue)
index = @indices[i]
if index == undefined
index = FREE
if freeslot == null
return [FREE, i]
return [DUMMY, freeslot]
else if index == DUMMY
if freeslot == null
freeslot = i
item = @itemlist[index]
if item.key is key || item.hash == hashvalue && eq(item.key, key)
return [index, i]
set: (key, value) ->
hashvalue = hash(key)
[index, i] = @_lookup(key, hashvalue)
if index < 0
@indices[i] = @used
@itemlist.push {key: key, value: value, hash: hashvalue}
@itemlist[index] = {key: key, value: value, hash: hashvalue}
get: (key) ->
[index, i] = @_lookup(key, hash(key))
if index < 0
throw new KeyError("key #{key} not found")
return @itemlist[index].value
del: (key) ->
[index, i] = @_lookup(key, hash(key))
if index < 0
throw new KeyError("key #{key} not found")
@indices[i] = DUMMY
if index != @used
lastitem = @itemlist[@itemlist.length - 1]
[lastindex, j] = @_lookup(lastitem.key, lastitem.hash)
@indices[j] = index
@itemlist[index] = lastitem
iter: ->
for item in @itemlist
yield [item.key, item.value]
has: (key) ->
[index, i] = @_lookup(key, hash(key))
return index >= 0
get: (key, otherwise=null) ->
[index, i] = @_lookup(key, hash(key))
if index < 0
return otherwise
return @itemlist[index].value
pop: ->
if @user == 0
throw new KeyError("cannot pop from empty dict")
item = @itemlist[@itemlist.length - 1]
return [item.key, item.value]
toString: ->
items = ("#{ k }: #{ v }" for [k, v] from @iter())
return "{#{ items.join(', ') }}"
module.exports =
hash: hash
eq: eq
KeyError: KeyError
Dict: Dict
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.0.2
(function() {
// Python3 dicts ported to CoffeeScript, inspired from a Python version at
var DUMMY, Dict, FREE, KeyError, eq, hash;
FREE = -1;
DUMMY = -2;
hash = function(obj) {
var c, err, h, k, l, len, len1, m, v, x;
try {
return obj.hash();
} catch (error) {
err = error;
h = 0;
if (typeof obj === "string") {
for (l = 0, len = obj.length; l < len; l++) {
c = obj[l];
h = (h << 5) - h + c.charCodeAt(0);
} else if (obj instanceof Array) {
for (m = 0, len1 = obj.length; m < len1; m++) {
x = obj[m];
h = (h << 5) - h + hash(x);
} else if (obj instanceof Object) {
for (k in obj) {
v = obj[k];
h = h ^ ((hash(k) << 5) - h + hash(v));
} else {
h = hash(`${obj}`);
return h;
eq = function(left, right) {
var err, i, k, l, ref, v;
try {
return left.eq(right);
} catch (error) {
err = error;
if (left instanceof Array) {
if (!(right instanceof Array)) {
return false;
if (right.length !== left.length) {
return false;
for (i = l = 0, ref = left.length; 0 <= ref ? l <= ref : l >= ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++l : --l) {
if (!eq(left[i], right[i])) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (left instanceof Object) {
if (!(right instanceof Object)) {
return false;
for (k in left) {
v = left[k];
if (right[k] == null) {
return false;
for (k in right) {
v = right[k];
if (!eq(left[k], right[k])) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return left === right;
KeyError = class KeyError {
constructor(message) {
this.message = message; = "KeyError";
Dict = class Dict {
constructor(init = {}) {
var key, val;
for (key in init) {
val = init[key];
this.set(key, val);
clear() {
this.indices = {};
this.itemlist = [];
return this.used = 0;
len() {
return this.used;
* _gen_probes(hashvalue) {
var PERTURB_SHIFT, i, perturb, results;
if (hashvalue < 0) {
hashvalue = -hashvalue;
i = hashvalue;
yield i;
perturb = hashvalue;
results = [];
while (true) {
i = 5 * i + perturb + 1;
results.push(perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT);
return results;
_lookup(key, hashvalue) {
var freeslot, i, index, item, ref;
freeslot = null;
ref = this._gen_probes(hashvalue);
for (i of ref) {
index = this.indices[i];
if (index === void 0) {
index = FREE;
if (freeslot === null) {
return [FREE, i];
} else {
return [DUMMY, freeslot];
} else if (index === DUMMY) {
if (freeslot === null) {
freeslot = i;
} else {
item = this.itemlist[index];
if (item.key === key || item.hash === hashvalue && eq(item.key, key)) {
return [index, i];
set(key, value) {
var hashvalue, i, index;
hashvalue = hash(key);
[index, i] = this._lookup(key, hashvalue);
if (index < 0) {
this.indices[i] = this.used;
key: key,
value: value,
hash: hashvalue
return this.used++;
} else {
return this.itemlist[index] = {
key: key,
value: value,
hash: hashvalue
get(key) {
var i, index;
[index, i] = this._lookup(key, hash(key));
if (index < 0) {
throw new KeyError(`key ${key} not found`);
return this.itemlist[index].value;
del(key) {
var i, index, j, lastindex, lastitem;
[index, i] = this._lookup(key, hash(key));
if (index < 0) {
throw new KeyError(`key ${key} not found`);
this.indices[i] = DUMMY;
if (index !== this.used) {
lastitem = this.itemlist[this.itemlist.length - 1];
[lastindex, j] = this._lookup(lastitem.key, lastitem.hash);
this.indices[j] = index;
this.itemlist[index] = lastitem;
return this.itemlist.pop();
* iter() {
var item, l, len, ref, results;
ref = this.itemlist;
results = [];
for (l = 0, len = ref.length; l < len; l++) {
item = ref[l];
results.push((yield [item.key, item.value]));
return results;
has(key) {
var i, index;
[index, i] = this._lookup(key, hash(key));
return index >= 0;
get(key, otherwise = null) {
var i, index;
[index, i] = this._lookup(key, hash(key));
if (index < 0) {
return otherwise;
return this.itemlist[index].value;
pop() {
var item;
if (this.user === 0) {
throw new KeyError("cannot pop from empty dict");
item = this.itemlist[this.itemlist.length - 1];
return [item.key, item.value];
toString() {
var items, k, v;
items = (function() {
var ref, results, y;
ref = this.iter();
results = [];
for (y of ref) {
[k, v] = y;
results.push(`${k}: ${v}`);
return results;
return `{${items.join(', ')}}`;
module.exports = {
hash: hash,
eq: eq,
KeyError: KeyError,
Dict: Dict
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
dicts = require "./dicts"
class Mset
constructor: (items...) ->
@d = new dicts.Dict()
for i in items
@d.set(i, @d.get(i, 0) + 1)
iter: ->
iterdup: ->
toString: ->
items = ("#{ v }" for v from @iterdup())
return "[#{ items.join(', ') }]"
m = new Mset(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)
console.log m.d
class Multiset
constructor: (content...) ->
@content = {}
for item in content
if @content[item]?
@content[item] = 1
eq: (other) ->
for item, count of other.content
if @content[item]?
if @content[item] != count
return false
return false
return true
a = new Multiset(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)
b = new Multiset(2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3)
c = new Multiset(1, 2, 2, 3)
console.log(new Multiset([1,2]))
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.0.2
(function() {
var Mset, dicts, m;
dicts = require("./dicts");
Mset = class Mset {
constructor(...items) {
var i, j, len;
this.d = new dicts.Dict();
for (j = 0, len = items.length; j < len; j++) {
i = items[j];
this.d.set(i, this.d.get(i, 0) + 1);
toString() {}
m = new Mset(1, 2, 2, 3);
"version": 3,
"file": "multisets.js",
"sourceRoot": "../..",
"sources": [
"names": [],
"sourcesContent": [
"dicts = require \"./dicts\"\n\nclass Mset\n constructor: (items...) ->\n @d = new dicts.Dict()\n for i in items\n @d.set(i, @d.get(i, 0) + 1)\n toString: ->\n \n\nm = new Mset(1, 2, 2, 3)\nconsole.log m\n"
\ No newline at end of file
for CS in libs/js/*.cs
coffe -c -m -o $(basename $CS .cs).js $CS
coffee -c -m libs/js/