
# VerifCar
VerifCar is a framework devoted to validation of decision policies of communicating autonomous vehicles (CAVs).
It is composed of a scalable model of a CAV system optimized for formal verification together with a method of calculating indicators allowing to evaluate the quality of a given autonomous vehicle decision policy.
The framework is designed in particular to be exhaustive on the non-determinism induced by the latency, communication delays and concurrency features.
In order to use the framework, it is strongly recommended to read the academic paper intitled "VerifCar : a framework for modeling and model-checking communicating autonomous vehicles".
##The UPPAAL tool
## The UPPAAL tool
The model is designed for verification through the model checking tool UPPAAL.
In order to use VerifCar, first download the stable version of UPPAAL at
It is preferable for a better computation time to use a depth-first exploration when checking queries with VerifCar.
## Templates
### VerifCar_clean_template
This template implements the model along with a time-to-collision algorithm that can be used as a part of a querry input.
It does not implements any decision algorithm.
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The template features 3 vehicles on a given environment, exhaustives instructions are given on changes requiered to add or remove vehicles, or modify the environmental parameters.
### VerifCar_template_decision_algorithm
This template implements a decision algorithm developped for experimentation purpose and used in the academic paper intitled "VerifCar : a framework for modeling and model-checking communicating autonomous vehicles".
##Source Repository
## Source Repository
The repository named "Source for "VerifCar : a framework for modeling and model-checking communicating autonomous vehicles"" contains the sources that can be used to reproduce any of the experimentations described in the academic paper intitled "VerifCar : a framework for modeling and model-checking communicating autonomous vehicles".
Each .xml file contains a model and a set of queries that can be checked with the UPPAAL tool.