11.3 KB

Required computational resources

  • CPU: no requirements. The program is optimized for multi-core CPUs, you might want to use Intel Xeons, AMD Ryzens, etc.
  • GPU: not required
  • RAM: 16 GB with a large swap partition is okay. 32 GB is recommended (usage peaks at ~27 GB)
  • Storage: to date, it takes 60 GB for the 3D data (36 GB if you don't use the --extract option), 11 GB for the sequence data, and 7GB for the outputs (5.6 GB database, 1 GB archive of CSV files). You need to add a few more for the dependencies. Pick a 100GB partition and you are good to go. The computation speed is way better if you use a fast storage device (e.g. SSD instead of hard drive, or even better, a NVMe SSD) because of constant I/O with the SQlite database.
  • Network : We query the Rfam public MySQL server on port 4497. Make sure your network enables communication (there should not be any issue on private networks, but maybe you company/university closes ports by default). You will get an error message if the port is not open. Around 30 GB of data is downloaded.

Method 1 : Installation using Docker

  • Step 1 : Download the Docker container. Open a terminal and move to the appropriate directory.
  • Step 2 : Extract the archive to a Docker image named rnanet in your local installation $ docker load -i rnanet_v1.3_docker.tar
  • Step 3 : Run the container, giving it 3 folders to mount as volumes: a first to store the 3D data, a second to store the sequence data and alignments, and a third to output the results, data and logs: $ docker run --rm -v path/to/3D/data/folder:/3D -v path/to/sequence/data/folder:/sequences -v path/to/experiment/results/folder:/runDir rnanet [ - other options ]

Typical usage:

nohup bash -c 'time docker run --rm -v /path/to/3D/data/folder:/3D -v /path/to/sequence/data/folder:/sequences -v /path/to/experiment/folder:/runDir rnanet -s --no-logs ' &

Method 2 : Classical command line installation (Linux only)

You need to install the dependencies:

  • DSSR, you need to register to the X3DNA forum here and then download the DSSR binary on that page. Make sure to have the x3dna-dssr binary in your $PATH variable so that finds it.
  • Infernal, to download at Eddylab, several options are available depending on your preferences. Make sure to have the cmalign, esl-alimanip, esl-alipid and esl-reformat binaries in your $PATH variable, so that can find them.
  • SINA, follow these instructions for example. Make sure to have the sina binary in your $PATH.
  • Sqlite 3, available under the name sqlite in every distro's package manager,
  • Python >= 3.8, (Unfortunately, python3.6 is no longer supported, because of changes in the multiprocessing and Threading packages. Untested with Python 3.7.*)
  • The following Python packages: python3.8 -m pip install biopython matplotlib pandas psutil pymysql requests scipy setproctitle sqlalchemy tqdm.

Then, run it from the command line, preferably using nohup if your shell will be interrupted:

 ./ --3d-folder path/to/3D/data/folder --seq-folder path/to/sequence/data/folder [ - other options ]

Typical usage:

nohup bash -c 'time ~/Projects/RNANet/ --3d-folder ~/Data/RNA/3D/ --seq-folder ~/Data/RNA/sequences -s --no-logs' &

Command options

The detailed list of options is below:

-h [ --help ]                   Print this help message
--version                       Print the program version

-f [ --full-inference ]         Infer new mappings even if Rfam already provides some. Yields more copies of chains
                                mapped to different families.
-r 4.0 [ --resolution=4.0 ]     Maximum 3D structure resolution to consider a RNA chain.
-s                              Run statistics computations after completion
--extract                       Extract the portions of 3D RNA chains to individual mmCIF files.
--keep-hetatm=False             (True | False) Keep ions, waters and ligands in produced mmCIF files. 
                                Does not affect the descriptors.
--3d-folder=…                   Path to a folder to store the 3D data files. Subfolders will contain:
                                        RNAcifs/                Full structures containing RNA, in mmCIF format
                                        rna_mapped_to_Rfam/     Extracted 'pure' RNA chains
                                        datapoints/             Final results in CSV file format.
--seq-folder=…                  Path to a folder to store the sequence and alignment files. Subfolders will be:
                                        rfam_sequences/fasta/   Compressed hits to Rfam families
                                        realigned/              Sequences, covariance models, and alignments by family
--no-homology                   Do not try to compute PSSMs and do not align sequences.
                                Allows to yield more 3D data (consider chains without a Rfam mapping).

--all                           Build chains even if they already are in the database.
--only                          Ask to process a specific chain label only
--ignore-issues                 Do not ignore already known issues and attempt to compute them
--update-homologous             Re-download Rfam and SILVA databases, realign all families, and recompute all CSV files
--from-scratch                  Delete database, local 3D and sequence files, and known issues, and recompute.
--archive                       Create a tar.gz archive of the datapoints text files, and update the link to the latest archive
--no-logs                       Do not save per-chain logs of the numbering modifications

Options --3d-folder and --seq-folder are mandatory for command-line installations, but should not be used for installations with Docker. In the Docker container, they are set by default to the paths you provide with the -v options.

The most useful options in that list are

  • --extract, to actually produce some re-numbered 3D mmCIF files of the RNA chains individually,
  • --no-homology, to ignore the family mapping and sequence alignment parts and only focus on 3D data download and annotation. This would yield more data since many RNAs are not mapped to any Rfam family.
  • -s, to run the "statistics" which are a few useful post-computation tasks such as:
    • Computation of sequence identity matrices
    • Statistics over the sequence lengths, nucleotide frequencies, and basepair types by RNA family
    • Overall database content statistics

Computation time

To give you an estimation, our last full run took exactly 12h, excluding the time to download the MMCIF files containing RNA (around 25GB to download) and the time to compute statistics. Measured the 23rd of June 2020 on a 16-core AMD Ryzen 7 3700X CPU @3.60GHz, plus 32 Go RAM, and a 7200rpm Hard drive. Total CPU time spent: 135 hours (user+kernel modes), corresponding to 12h (actual time spent with the 16-core CPU).

Update runs are much quicker, around 3 hours. It depends mostly on what RNA families are concerned by the update.

Post-computation tasks (estimate quality)

If your did not ask for automatic run of statistics over the produced dataset with the -s option, you can run them later using the file

python3.8 --3d-folder path/to/3D/data/folder --seq-folder path/to/sequence/data/folder -r 20.0

/!\ Beware, if not precised with option -r, no resolution threshold is applied and all the data in RNANet.db is used.

By default, this computes:

  • Computation of sequence identity matrices
  • Statistics over the sequence lengths, nucleotide frequencies, and basepair types by RNA family
  • Overall database content statistics

If you have run RNANet once with options --no-homology and --extract, you unlock new statistics over unmapped chains.

  • You will be allowed to use option --wadley to reproduce Wadley & al. (2007) results automatically. These are clustering results of the pseudotorsions angles of the backbone.
  • (experimental) You will be allowed to use option --distance-matrices to compute pairwise residue distances within the chain for every chain, and compute average and standard deviations by RNA families. This is supposed to capture the average shape of an RNA family.

Output files

  • results/RNANet.db is a SQLite database file containing several tables with all the information, which you can query yourself with your custom requests,
  • 3D-folder-you-passed-in-option/datapoints/* are flat text CSV files, one for one RNA chain mapped to one RNA family, gathering the per-position nucleotide descriptors,
  • archive/RNANET_datapoints_{DATE}.tar.gz is a compressed archive of the above CSV files (only if you passed the --archive option)
  • archive/RNANET_alignments_latest.tar.gz is a compressed archive of multiple sequence alignments in FASTA format, one per RNA family, including only the portions of chains with a 3D structure which are mapped to a family. The alignment has been computed with all the RFam sequences of that family, but they have been removed then.
  • path-to-3D-folder-you-passed-in-option/rna_mapped_to_Rfam If you used the --extract option, this folder contains one mmCIF file per RNA chain mapped to one RNA family, without other chains, proteins (nor ions and ligands by default). If you used both --extract and --no-homology, this folder is called rna_only.
  • results/summary.csv summarizes information about the RNA chains
  • results/families.csv summarizes information about the RNA families
  • results/pair_types.csv summarizes statistics about base-pair types in every family.
  • results/frequencies.csv summarizes statistics about nucleotides frequencies in every family (including all known modified bases)

Other folders are created and not deleted, which you might want to conserve to avoid re-computations in later runs:

  • path-to-sequence-folder-you-passed-in-option/rfam_sequences/fasta/ contains compressed FASTA files of the homologous sequences used, by Rfam family.
  • path-to-sequence-folder-you-passed-in-option/realigned/ contains families covariance models (*.cm), unaligned list of sequences (*.fa), and multiple sequence alignments in both formats Stockholm and Aligned-FASTA (*.stk and *.afa). Also contains SINA homolgous sequences databases LSU.arb and SSU.arb, and their index files (*.sidx).
  • path-to-3D-folder-you-passed-in-option/RNAcifs/ contains mmCIF structures directly downloaded from the PDB, which contain RNA chains,
  • path-to-3D-folder-you-passed-in-option/annotations/ contains the raw JSON annotation files of the previous mmCIF structures. You may find additional information into them which is not properly supported by RNANet yet.