
1 +nohup.out
2 +log_of_the_run.sh
3 +results/
4 +logs/
5 +data/
6 +esl*
7 +.vscode/
8 +__pycache__/
9 +.git/
10 +errors.txt
11 +known_issues.txt
12 +known_issues_reasons.txt
13 +kill_rnanet.sh
14 +Dockerfile
16 +README.md
17 +automate.sh
18 +build_docker_image.sh
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +FROM alpine:latest
2 +COPY . /RNANet
4 +RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache \
5 + curl \
6 + freetype-dev \
7 + gcc g++ \
8 + linux-headers \
9 + lapack-dev \
10 + make \
11 + musl-dev \
12 + openblas-dev \
13 + python3 python3-dev py3-pip py3-six py3-wheel \
14 + py3-matplotlib py3-requests py3-scipy py3-setproctitle py3-sqlalchemy py3-tqdm \
15 + sqlite \
16 + \
17 + && python3 -m pip install biopython==1.76 pandas psutil pymysql && \
18 + \
19 + wget -q -O /etc/apk/keys/sgerrand.rsa.pub https://alpine-pkgs.sgerrand.com/sgerrand.rsa.pub && \
20 + wget https://github.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/releases/download/2.32-r0/glibc-2.32-r0.apk && \
21 + apk add glibc-2.32-r0.apk && \
22 + rm glibc-2.32-r0.apk && \
23 + \
24 + mkdir /3D && mkdir /sequences && \
25 + \
26 + mv /RNANet/x3dna-dssr /usr/local/bin/x3dna-dssr && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/x3dna-dssr && \
27 + \
28 + curl -SL http://eddylab.org/infernal/infernal-1.1.3.tar.gz | tar xz && cd infernal-1.1.3 && \
29 + ./configure && make -j 16 && make install && cd easel && make install && cd / && \
30 + \
31 + curl -SL https://github.com/epruesse/SINA/releases/download/v1.7.1/sina-1.7.1-linux.tar.gz | tar xz && mv sina-1.7.1-linux /sina && \
32 + ln -s /sina/bin/sina /usr/local/bin/sina && \
33 + \
34 + rm -rf /infernal-1.1.3 && \
35 + \
36 + apk del openblas-dev gcc g++ gfortran binutils \
37 + curl \
38 + linux-headers \
39 + make \
40 + musl-dev \
41 + py3-pip py3-wheel \
42 + freetype-dev zlib-dev
43 +VOLUME ["/3D", "/sequences", "/runDir"]
44 +WORKDIR /runDir
45 +ENTRYPOINT ["/RNANet/RNAnet.py", "--3d-folder", "/3D", "--seq-folder", "/sequences" ]
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +#!/bin/bash
2 +
3 +# echo "WARNING: The purpose of this file is to document how the docker image was built.";
4 +# echo "You cannot execute it directly, because of licensing reasons. Please get your own";
5 +# echo "DSSR 2.0 executable at http://innovation.columbia.edu/technologies/CU20391";
6 +# echo "and place it in this folder.";
7 +# exit 0;
8 +
9 +THISDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
10 +
11 +####################################################### Dependencies ##############################################################
12 +
13 +# The $THISDIR folder is supposed to contain the x3dna-dssr executable
14 +cp `which x3dna-dssr` $THISDIR
15 +
16 +######################################################## Build Docker image ######################################################
17 +# Execute the Dockerfile and build the image
18 +docker build -t persalteas/rnanet .
19 +
20 +############################################################## Cleaning ##########################################################
21 +rm x3dna-dssr
22 +
23 +# to run, use something like:
24 +# docker run -v /home/persalteas/Data/RNA/3D/:/3D -v /home/persalteas/Data/RNA/sequences/:/sequences -v /home/persalteas/labo/:/runDir persalteas/rnanet [ additional options here ]
25 +# Without additional options, this runs a standard pass with known issues support, log output, and no statistics. The default resolution threshold is 4.0 Angstroms.
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -329,9 +329,7 @@ def parallel_stats_pairs(f): ...@@ -329,9 +329,7 @@ def parallel_stats_pairs(f):
329 with sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db") as conn: 329 with sqlite3.connect(runDir + "/results/RNANet.db") as conn:
330 # Get comma separated lists of basepairs per nucleotide 330 # Get comma separated lists of basepairs per nucleotide
331 interactions = pd.DataFrame( 331 interactions = pd.DataFrame(
332 - sql_ask_database(conn, 332 + sql_ask_database(conn, f"SELECT nt_code as nt1, index_chain, paired, pair_type_LW FROM nucleotide WHERE chain_id='{cid}';"),
333 - f"SELECT nt_code as nt1, index_chain, paired, pair_type_LW FROM (SELECT chain_id FROM chain WHERE chain_id='{cid}') NATURAL JOIN nucleotide;",
334 - warn_every=0),
335 columns = ["nt1", "index_chain", "paired", "pair_type_LW"] 333 columns = ["nt1", "index_chain", "paired", "pair_type_LW"]
336 ) 334 )
337 # expand the comma-separated lists in real lists 335 # expand the comma-separated lists in real lists