premier commit avec des print

Showing 1 changed file with 28 additions and 18 deletions
......@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ class Chain:
"epsilon_zeta", "bb_type", "chi", "glyco_bond", "form", "ssZp", "Dp", "eta", "theta", "eta_prime", "theta_prime", "eta_base", "theta_base",
"v0", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "amplitude", "phase_angle", "puckering"]
df = df[cols_we_keep]
except KeyError as e:
warn(f"Error while parsing DSSR {self.pdb_id}.json output:{e}", error=True)
self.delete_me = True
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ class Chain:
self.delete_me = True
self.error_messages = f"Error with parsing of duplicate residues numbers."
return None
# Search for ligands at the end of the selection
# Drop ligands detected as residues by DSSR, by detecting several markers
while (
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ class Chain:
self.mapping.log("Droping ligand:")
df = df.head(-1)
# Duplicates in index_chain : drop, they are ligands
# e.g. 3iwn_1_B_1-91, ligand C2E has index_chain 1 (and nt_resnum 601)
duplicates = [ index for index, element in enumerate(df.duplicated(['index_chain']).values) if element ]
......@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ class Chain:
if self.mapping is not None:
self.mapping.log(f"Found duplicated index_chain {df.iloc[i,0]}. Keeping only the first.")
df = df.drop_duplicates("index_chain", keep="first") # drop doublons in index_chain
# drop eventual nts with index_chain < the first residue,
# now negative because we renumber to 1 (usually, ligands)
ligands = df[df.index_chain < 0]
......@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ class Chain:
self.mapping.log("Droping ligand:")
df = df.drop(ligands.index)
# Find missing index_chain values
# This happens because of resolved nucleotides that have a
# strange nt_resnum value. Thanks, biologists ! :@ :(
......@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ class Chain:
df.iloc[i+1:, 1] += 1
warn(f"Missing index_chain {i} in {self.chain_label} !")
# Assert some nucleotides still exist
# update length of chain from nt_resnum point of view
......@@ -452,12 +452,13 @@ class Chain:
# index_chain 1 |-------------|77 83|------------| 154
# expected data point 1 |--------------------------------| 154
#print(df[['index_chain', 'nt_resnum', 'nt_id', 'nt_code']])
if l != len(df['index_chain']): # if some residues are missing, len(df['index_chain']) < l
resnum_start = df.iloc[0, 1]
# the rowIDs the missing nucleotides would have (rowID = index_chain - 1 = nt_resnum - resnum_start)
diff = set(range(l)).difference(df['nt_resnum'] - resnum_start)
for i in sorted(diff):
# Add a row at position i
df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:i],
pd.DataFrame({"index_chain": i+1, "nt_resnum": i+resnum_start,
......@@ -465,12 +466,17 @@ class Chain:
# Increase the index_chain of all following lines
df.iloc[i+1:, 0] += 1
#pairs=df[['index_chain', 'nt_resnum', 'nt_id', 'nt_code']]
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
#pairs=df[['index_chain', 'nt_resnum', 'nt_id', 'nt_code']]
self.full_length = len(df.index_chain)
# Compute new features
#print(df[['index_chain', 'nt_resnum', 'nt_id', 'nt_code']])
# Convert angles
df.loc[:, ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'zeta', 'epsilon_zeta', 'chi', 'v0', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', # Conversion to radians
......@@ -540,7 +546,7 @@ class Chain:
pair_type_LW[nt2_idx] += ',' + lw_pair[0] + lw_pair[2] + lw_pair[1]
pair_type_DSSR[nt2_idx] += ',' + dssr_pair[0] + dssr_pair[3] + dssr_pair[2] + dssr_pair[1]
paired[nt2_idx] += ',' + str(nt1_idx + 1)
# transform nt_id to shorter values
df['old_nt_resnum'] = [ n.replace(self.pdb_chain_id+'.'+name, '').replace('^', '').replace('/', '') for n, name in zip(df.nt_id, df.nt_name) ]
......@@ -548,10 +554,10 @@ class Chain:
df['pair_type_LW'] = pair_type_LW
df['pair_type_DSSR'] = pair_type_DSSR
df['nb_interact'] = interacts
# remove now useless descriptors
df = df.drop(['nt_id', 'nt_resnum'], axis=1)
self.seq = "".join(df.nt_code)
self.seq_to_align = "".join(df.nt_align_code)
self.length = len([x for x in self.seq_to_align if x != "-"])
......@@ -566,7 +572,9 @@ class Chain:
# Log chain info to file
if save_logs and self.mapping is not None:
#pairs=df[['index_chain', 'old_nt_resnum', 'paired']]
return df
def register_chain(self, df):
......@@ -904,7 +912,7 @@ class Mapping:
newdf = df.drop(df[(df.nt_resnum < self.nt_start) |
(df.nt_resnum > self.nt_end)].index)
if len(newdf.index_chain) > 0:
# everything's okay
df = newdf
......@@ -917,14 +925,14 @@ class Mapping:
weird_mappings.add(self.chain_label + "." + self.rfam_acc)
df = df.drop(df[(df.index_chain < self.nt_start) |
(df.index_chain > self.nt_end)].index)
# If, for some reason, index_chain does not start at one (e.g. 6boh, chain GB), make it start at one = 0
if len(df.index_chain) and df.iloc[0, 0] != 1: = df.iloc[0, 0] - 1
df.iloc[:, 0] -=
self.log(f"Shifting index_chain of {}")
# Check that some residues are not included by mistake:
# e.g. 4v4t-AA.RF00382-20-55 contains 4 residues numbered 30 but actually far beyond the mapped part,
# because the icode are not read by DSSR.
......@@ -2241,7 +2249,7 @@ def work_build_chain(c, extract, khetatm, retrying=False, save_logs=True):
if not c.delete_me:
df = c.extract_3D_data(save_logs)
# Small check that all nucleotides of a chain have an entry in nucleotide table
if not c.delete_me:
with sqlite3.connect(runDir+"/results/RNANet.db", timeout=10.0) as conn:
......@@ -2257,7 +2265,7 @@ def work_build_chain(c, extract, khetatm, retrying=False, save_logs=True):
# extract the portion we want
if extract and not c.delete_me:
c.extract(df, khetatm)
return c
......@@ -2798,9 +2806,11 @@ def work_save(c, homology=True):
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, amplitude, phase_angle, puckering FROM
nucleotide WHERE chain_id = {c.db_chain_id} ORDER BY index_chain ASC;""",
filename = path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/" + c.chain_label
pairs=df[['index_chain', 'old_nt_resnum', 'paired']]
df.to_csv(filename, float_format="%.2f", index=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":