better mapping of the gaps onto the alignments

Showing 1 changed file with 18 additions and 26 deletions
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class Chain:
t = float(nt["theta_prime"])
p = int(nt["nt_resnum"]) - resnum_start
mask[p] = int(nt["nt_code"] in "ACGU") # U is a U, u is a modified U
mask[p] = int(nt["nt_code"] in "ACGU") # U is a U, u is a modified U and should be replaced by consensus ?
seq[p] = nt["nt_code"].upper() # to align the chain with its family. The final nt should be taken from the PSSM.
eta[p] = e
theta[p] = t
......@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ def alignment_nt_stats(f):
# here we try to map c.seq (the sequence of the 3D chain, including gaps when residues are missing),
# with s.seq, the sequence aligned in the MSA, containing any of ACGUacguP and two types of gaps, - and .
if c.seq[i] == s[j].upper(): # alignment and sequence correspond (incl. gaps)
if c.seq[i] == s.seq[j].upper(): # alignment and sequence correspond (incl. gaps)
rfam_acc_to_download[f][idx].frequencies = np.concatenate((rfam_acc_to_download[f][idx].frequencies, frequencies[:,j].reshape(-1,1)), axis=1)
i += 1
j += 1
......@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ def alignment_nt_stats(f):
# search for a gap to the consensus nearby
k = 0
while j+k<alilen and s.seq[j+k] not in ['A','C','G','U','a','c','g','u','P']:
while j+k<alilen and s.seq[j+k] in ['.','-']:
if s.seq[j+k] == '-':
k += 1
......@@ -845,15 +845,7 @@ def alignment_nt_stats(f):
# if not, search for a insertion gap nearby
k = 0
while j+k<alilen and s.seq[j+k] not in ['A','C','G','U','a','c','g','u','P']:
if s.seq[j+k] == '.':
k += 1
# if found, set j to that position
if j+k<alilen and s.seq[j+k] == '.':
j = j + k
if j<alilen and s.seq[j] == '.':
rfam_acc_to_download[f][idx].frequencies = np.concatenate((rfam_acc_to_download[f][idx].frequencies, frequencies[:,j].reshape(-1,1)), axis=1)
i += 1
j += 1
......@@ -866,7 +858,8 @@ def alignment_nt_stats(f):
elif s.seq[j] in ['.', '-']: # gap in the alignment, but not in the real chain
j += 1 # ignore the column
print("You are never supposed to reach this.", c.seq, '\n', s.seq, sep='', flush=True)
print(f"You are never supposed to reach this. Comparing {c.chain_label} in {i} ({c.seq[i-1:i+2]}) with seq[{j}] ({s.seq[j-3:j+4]}).\n", c.seq, '\n', s.seq, sep='', flush=True)
if warn_gaps:
warn(f"Some gap(s) in {c.chain_label} were not re-found in the aligned sequence... Ignoring them.")
......@@ -886,11 +879,10 @@ def alignment_nt_stats(f):
point[0,i] = i+1 # position
# one-hot encoding of the actual sequence
point[1,i] = int(c.seq[i] == 'A')
point[2,i] = int(c.seq[i] == 'C')
point[3,i] = int(c.seq[i] == 'G')
point[4,i] = int(c.seq[i] == 'U')
point[5,i] = int(c.seq[i] not in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'U'])
if c.seq[i] in letters[:4]:
point[ letters[:4].index(c.seq[i]), i ] = 1
point[5,i] = 1
# save the PSSMs
point[6,i] = c.frequencies[0, i]
......@@ -900,7 +892,7 @@ def alignment_nt_stats(f):
point[10,i] = c.frequencies[4, i]
point[11,i] = c.etas[i]
point[12,i] = c.thetas[i]
file = open(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/" + c.chain_label, "w")
file = open(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/" + c.chain_label, "w") # no check, always overwrite, this is desired
for i in range(13):
line = [str(x) for x in list(point[i,:]) ]
......@@ -1010,11 +1002,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
os.makedirs(path_to_3D_data + "datapoints/")
print("Computing nucleotide frequencies in alignments...")
families = sorted([f for f in rfam_acc_to_download.keys() if f not in ["RF02543"]])
# pool = Pool(processes=1, maxtasksperchild=10)
# results = pool.map(alignment_nt_stats, families)
# pool.close()
# pool.join()
# loaded_chains = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(results))
for f in families:
pool = Pool(processes=1, maxtasksperchild=10)
results = pool.map(alignment_nt_stats, families)
loaded_chains = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(results))
# for f in families:
# alignment_nt_stats(f)