biorseo.cpp 10.9 KB
		Biorseo, Louis Becquey, nov 2018-August 2020
		Special thanks to Lénaic Durand for working a lot on version 2.0
#include <cmath> 

#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "MOIP.h"
#include "Motif.h"
#include "fa.h"

using namespace std;
namespace po = boost::program_options;

string remove_ext(const char* mystr, char dot, char sep)
	// COPYPASTA from stackoverflow

	char *retstr, *lastdot, *lastsep;

	// Error checks and allocate string.
	if (mystr == nullptr) return nullptr;
	if ((retstr = static_cast<char*>(malloc(strlen(mystr) + 1))) == nullptr) return nullptr;

	// Make a copy and find the relevant characters.
	strcpy(retstr, mystr);
	lastdot = strrchr(retstr, dot);
	lastsep = (sep == 0) ? nullptr : strrchr(retstr, sep);

	// If it has an extension separator.
	if (lastdot != nullptr) {
		// and it's before the extenstion separator.
		if (lastsep != nullptr) {
			if (lastsep < lastdot) {
				// then remove it.
				*lastdot = '\0';
		} else {
			// Has extension separator with no path separator.
			*lastdot = '\0';

	// Return the modified string.
	return string(retstr);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	string             inputName, outputName, motifs_path_name, basename;
	bool               verbose = false;
	float              theta_p_threshold;
	char               obj_function_nbr = 'B';
	char			   mea_or_mfe = 'b';
	list<Fasta>        f;
	ofstream           outfile;
	SecondaryStructure bestSSO1, bestSSO2;
	RNA                myRNA;

	po::options_description desc("Options");
	("help,h", "Print the help message")
	("version", "Print the program version")
	("seq,s", po::value<string>(&inputName)->required(), "Fasta file containing the RNA sequence")
	("descfolder,d", po::value<string>(&motifs_path_name), "A folder containing modules in .desc format, as produced by Djelloul & Denise's catalog program")
	("rinfolder,x", po::value<string>(&motifs_path_name), "A folder containing CaRNAval's RINs in .txt format, as produced by script")
	("jsonfolder,a", po::value<string>(&motifs_path_name), "A folder containing the motif library of Isaure in .json format")
	("jar3dcsv,j", po::value<string>(&motifs_path_name), "A file containing the output of JAR3D's search for motifs in the sequence, as produced by")
	("bayespaircsv,b", po::value<string>(&motifs_path_name), "A file containing the output of BayesPairing's search for motifs in the sequence, as produced by")
	("first-objective,c", po::value<unsigned int>(&MOIP::obj_to_solve_)->default_value(2), "Objective to solve in the mono-objective portions of the algorithm")
	("output,o", po::value<string>(&outputName), "A file to summarize the computation results")
	("theta,t", po::value<float>(&theta_p_threshold)->default_value(0.001), "Pairing probability threshold to consider or not the possibility of pairing")
	("function,f", po::value<char>(&obj_function_nbr)->default_value('B'), "What objective function to use to include motifs: square of motif size in nucleotides like "
	"RNA-MoIP (A), light motif size + high number of components (B), site score (C), light motif size + site score + high number of components (D)")
	("MFE,e", "Use as function for objective 2 MFE (Minimum Free Energy)")
	("MEA,a", "Use as function for objective 2 MEA (Maximum Expected Accuracy) it's also choose by default")

	("disable-pseudoknots,n", "Add constraints forbidding the formation of pseudoknots")
	("limit,l", po::value<unsigned int>(&MOIP::max_sol_nbr_)->default_value(500), "Intermediate number of solutions in the Pareto set above which we give up the calculation.")
	("verbose,v", "Print what is happening to stdout");
	po::variables_map vm;
	po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
	basename = remove_ext(inputName.c_str(), '.', '/');

	try {
		po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);    // can throw

		if (vm.count("help") or vm.count("-h")) {
			cout << "Biorseo, bio-objective integer linear programming framework to predict RNA secondary "
					"structures by including known RNA modules."
				 << endl
				 << "developped by Louis Becquey (, 2018-2020" << endl
				 << endl
				 << desc << endl;
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		if (vm.count("version")) {
			cout << "Biorseo v2.0, dockerized, August 2020" << endl;
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		if (vm.count("MFE")) mea_or_mfe = 'a';
		if (vm.count("MEA")) {
			mea_or_mfe = 'b';
		if (vm.count("verbose")) verbose = true;
		if (vm.count("disable-pseudoknots")) MOIP::allow_pk_ = false;

		if (!vm.count("jar3dcsv") and !vm.count("bayespaircsv") and !vm.count("descfolder") and !vm.count("rinfolder") and !vm.count("jsonfolder")) {
			cerr << "\033[31mYou must provide at least one of --descfolder, --rinfolder, --jar3dcsv or --bayespaircsv.\033[0m See --help "
					"for more information."
				 << endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		if ((vm.count("-d") or vm.count("-x")) and (obj_function_nbr == 'C' or obj_function_nbr == 'D')) {
			cerr << "\033[31mYou must provide --jar3dcsv or --bayespaircsv to use --function C or --function D.\033[0m See "
					"--help for more information."
				 << endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		po::notify(vm);    // throws on error, so do after help in case there are any problems
	} catch (po::error& e) {
		cerr << "ERROR: \033[31m" << e.what() << "\033[0m" << endl;
		cerr << desc << endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	MOIP::obj_function_nbr_ = obj_function_nbr;
	MOIP::obj_function2_nbr_ = mea_or_mfe;


	// load fasta file
	if (verbose) cout << "Reading input files..." << endl;
	if (access(inputName.c_str(), F_OK) == -1) {
		cerr << "\033[31m" << inputName << " not found\033[0m" << endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	Fasta::load(f, inputName.c_str());
	list<Fasta>::iterator fa = f.begin();
	if (verbose) cout << "loading " << fa->name() << "..." << endl;
	myRNA = RNA(fa->name(), fa->seq(), verbose);
	if (verbose) cout << "\t> " << inputName << " successfuly loaded (" << myRNA.get_RNA_length() << " nt)" << endl;

	// load CSV file
	if (access(motifs_path_name.c_str(), F_OK) == -1) {
		cerr << "\033[31m" << motifs_path_name << " not found\033[0m" << endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	string source;
	if (vm.count("jar3dcsv"))
		source = "jar3dcsv";
	else if (vm.count("bayespaircsv"))
		source = "bayespaircsv";
	else if (vm.count("rinfolder"))
		source = "rinfolder";
	else if (vm.count("descfolder"))
		source = "descfolder";
		source = "jsonfolder";

	MOIP               myMOIP = MOIP(myRNA, source, motifs_path_name.c_str(), theta_p_threshold, verbose);
	double             min, max;
	IloConstraintArray F(myMOIP.get_env());

	// return 0;

	/*string best_score;
	bool flag = false;*/

	if (verbose)
		cout << "Solving..." << endl;
	try {
		bestSSO1 = myMOIP.solve_objective(1, -__DBL_MAX__, __DBL_MAX__);
		if (verbose) cout << endl;
		bestSSO2 = myMOIP.solve_objective(2, -__DBL_MAX__, __DBL_MAX__);
		if (verbose) {
			cout << endl << "Best solution according to objective 1 :" << bestSSO1.to_string() << endl;
			cout << "Best solution according to objective 2 :" << bestSSO2.to_string() << endl;
		/*string s = bestSSO1.to_string();
		string delimiter = "\t";
		best_score = bestSSO1.to_string().substr(s.find(delimiter) + delimiter.size());
		best_score = best_score.substr(0, best_score.find(delimiter));*/

		// extend the Pareto set on top
		if (MOIP::obj_to_solve_ == 1) {
			min = bestSSO1.get_objective_score(2) + MOIP::precision_;
			max = bestSSO2.get_objective_score(2) + MOIP::precision_;
			if (verbose) cout << endl << "Solving obj1 on top of best solution 1." << endl;
		} else {
			min = bestSSO2.get_objective_score(1) + MOIP::precision_;
			max = bestSSO1.get_objective_score(1) + MOIP::precision_;
			if (verbose) cout << endl << "Solving obj2 on top of best solution 2." << endl;

		if (verbose)
			cout << setprecision(-log10(MOIP::precision_) + 4) << "\nSolving objective function " << MOIP::obj_to_solve_ << ", on top of "
				 << min << ": Obj" << 3 - MOIP::obj_to_solve_ << "  being in [" << min << ", " << max << "]..." << endl;
		myMOIP.search_between(min, max);

		// extend the Pareto set below
		if (MOIP::obj_to_solve_ == 1) {
			if (verbose) cout << endl << "Solving obj1 below best solution 1." << endl;
			min = -__DBL_MAX__;
			max = bestSSO1.get_objective_score(2);
		} else {
			if (verbose) cout << endl << "Solving obj2 below best solution 2." << endl;
			min = -__DBL_MAX__;
			max = bestSSO2.get_objective_score(1);
		if (verbose)
			cout << setprecision(-log10(MOIP::precision_) + 4) << "\nSolving objective function " << MOIP::obj_to_solve_
				 << ", below (or eq. to) " << max << ": Obj" << 3 - MOIP::obj_to_solve_ << "  being in [" << min << ", "
				 << max << "]..." << endl
				 << "\t> Forbidding " << F.getSize() << " solutions found in [" << setprecision(10)
				 << min - MOIP::precision_ << ", " << max + MOIP::precision_ << ']' << endl;
		myMOIP.search_between(min, max);

	} catch (IloCplex::Exception& e) {
		cerr << "\033[31mCplex Exception: " << e.getMessage() << "\033[0m" << endl;


	// print the pareto set
	if (verbose) {
		cout << endl << endl << "---------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout  << "Whole Pareto Set:" << endl;
		for (uint i = 0; i < myMOIP.get_n_solutions(); i++) myMOIP.solution(i).print();
		cout << endl;
		cout << myMOIP.get_n_candidates() << " candidate insertion sites, " << myMOIP.get_n_solutions() << " solutions kept." << endl;
		cout << "Best value for Motif insertion objective: " << bestSSO1.get_objective_score(1) << endl;
		cout << "Best value for structure expected accuracy: " << bestSSO2.get_objective_score(2) << endl;
	// Save it to file
	if (vm.count("output")) {
		if (verbose) cout << "Saving structures to " << outputName << "..." << endl;;
		outfile << fa->name() << endl << fa->seq() << endl;
		//cout << "----struc----" << endl << myMOIP.solution(0).to_string() << endl;
		for (uint i = 0; i < myMOIP.get_n_solutions(); i++) {
			outfile << myMOIP.solution(i).to_string() << endl << structure_with_contacts(myMOIP.solution(i)) << endl;
			string str1 = myMOIP.solution(i).to_string();

			//Check if the best score for obj2 is correctly include in the results
			/*string delimiter = "\t";
			string obj2 = str1.substr(str1.find(delimiter) + delimiter.size());
			obj2 = obj2.substr(0, obj2.find(delimiter));
			if ( == 0)
				flag = true;*/
		/*if (!flag)
			cout << "\033[1m\033[31mBest score not find for " << outputName << " !\033[0m" << endl;
			cout << "OK for "<< outputName << "!" << endl;*/


	/*  QUIT  */
