cosmetic changes to output

......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class BiorseoInstance:
print("--rna3dmotifs A. B. A. B. C. D.")
print("--3dmotifatlas A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D.")
print("--carnaval A. B.")
print("--contacts A. B. E. D.\n")
print("--contacts A. B. E. F.\n")
elif opt == "-i" or opt == "--seq":
self.inputfile = arg
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ MOIP::MOIP(const RNA& rna, string source, string source_path, float theta, bool
if (verbose)
cerr << "\t>Ignoring motif " << it.path().stem();
cerr << "\t> Ignoring motif " << it.path().stem();
switch (error)
case '-': cerr << ", some nucleotides have a negative number..."; break;
......@@ -1312,13 +1312,13 @@ vector<uint> find_contacts(vector<string>& struc2d, vector<Component>& v) {
void MOIP::allowed_motifs_from_json(args_of_parallel_func arg_struct, vector<pair<uint, char>> errors_id)
Searches where to place some JSONs in the RNA
Searches where to place some JSON motifs in the RNA
path jsonfile = arg_struct.motif_file;
mutex& posInsertionSites_access = arg_struct.posInsertionSites_mutex;
std::ifstream motif;
string filepath = jsonfile.string();
string filepath = jsonfile.string();
vector<vector<Component>> vresults, r_vresults;
vector<string> component_sequences;
vector<string> component_contacts;
......@@ -1331,7 +1331,6 @@ void MOIP::allowed_motifs_from_json(args_of_parallel_func arg_struct, vector<pai
size_t nb_contacts = 0;
double tx_occurrences = 0;
// cout << filepath << endl;
std::reverse(reversed_rna.begin(), reversed_rna.end());
motif = std::ifstream(filepath);
......@@ -1346,7 +1345,6 @@ void MOIP::allowed_motifs_from_json(args_of_parallel_func arg_struct, vector<pai
contacts_id = it.key();
comp = stoi(contacts_id);
//cout << "id: " << contacts_id << endl;
// Check for known errors to ignore corresponding motifs
if (comp == errors_id[it_errors].first) {
while (comp == errors_id[it_errors].first) {
......@@ -1366,7 +1364,7 @@ void MOIP::allowed_motifs_from_json(args_of_parallel_func arg_struct, vector<pai
else if (!field.compare(keys[1])) // This is the occurences field
occ = it2.value();
tx_occurrences = (double)occ; // / (double)max_occ;
tx_occurrences = (double)occ; // (double)max_occ;
else if (!field.compare(keys[2])) // This is the pdb field
......@@ -1379,7 +1377,7 @@ void MOIP::allowed_motifs_from_json(args_of_parallel_func arg_struct, vector<pai
seq = check_motif_sequence(it2.value());
component_sequences = find_components(seq, "&");
else if (!field.compare(keys[4])) // This is the struct2D field
else if (!field.compare(keys[4])) // This is the struct2D field
struct2d = it2.value();
......@@ -1388,7 +1386,7 @@ void MOIP::allowed_motifs_from_json(args_of_parallel_func arg_struct, vector<pai
for (vector<Component>& v : vresults)
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> Considering motif JSON " << contacts_id << "\t" << seq << ", " << struct2d << ", " << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << "\t> Considering motif JSON " << contacts_id << "\t" << seq << ", " << struct2d << " ";
Motif temp_motif = Motif(v, contacts_id, nb_contacts, tx_occurrences);
temp_motif.links_ = search_pairing(struct2d, v);
......@@ -1396,16 +1394,21 @@ void MOIP::allowed_motifs_from_json(args_of_parallel_func arg_struct, vector<pai
// Check if the motif can be inserted, checking the basepairs probabilities and theta
bool unprobable = false;
if (!temp_motif.links_.size()) {
if (verbose_) cout << "discarded, no constraints on the secondary structure, it is a useless motif." << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << "at position ";
for (const Link& l : temp_motif.links_)
if (verbose_) cout << l.nts.first << ',' << l.nts.second << ' ';
if (!allowed_basepair(l.nts.first,l.nts.second)) {
if (!allowed_basepair(l.nts.first, l.nts.second)) {
if (verbose_) cout << "(unlikely) ";
unprobable = true;
if (unprobable) {
if (verbose_) cout << "discarded because of unlikely or impossible basepairs" << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << ", discarded because of unlikely or impossible basepairs" << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << endl;