Nathalie BERNARD

Le script peut à présent automatiquement calculer le mcc des appariements et des contacts

import time
import subprocess
import os
from math import sqrt, ceil
log_path = "test.log"
log = open(log_path, 'a')
......@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ def create_command(name):
"--modules-path /mnt/c/Users/natha/Documents/IBISC/biorseo2/biorseo/data/modules/ISAURE/Motifs_derniere_version ")
return cmd
# ================== Code from Louis Beckey ==============================
def dbn_to_basepairs(structure):
parenthesis = []
brackets = []
......@@ -66,6 +69,23 @@ def dbn_to_basepairs(structure):
basepairs.append((i, Bs.pop()))
return basepairs
def compare_two_contacts(true_ctc, prediction):
tp = 0
fp = 0
tn = 0
fn = 0
for i in range(len(true_ctc)):
if true_ctc[i] == '*' and prediction[i] == '*':
tp += 1
elif true_ctc[i] == '.' and prediction[i] == '.':
tn += 1
elif true_ctc[i] == '.' and prediction[i] == '*':
fp += 1
elif true_ctc[i] == '*' and prediction[i] == '.':
fn += 1
#print(str(tp) + " " + str(tn) + " " + str(fp) + " " + str(fn) + "\n")
return [tp, tn, fp, fn]
def compare_two_structures(true2d, prediction):
true_basepairs = dbn_to_basepairs(true2d)
pred_basepairs = dbn_to_basepairs(prediction)
......@@ -85,7 +105,10 @@ def compare_two_structures(true2d, prediction):
return [tp, tn, fp, fn]
def mattews_corr_coeff(tp, tn, fp, fn):
if (tp + fp == 0):
if ((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn) == 0):
print("warning: division by zero!")
return 0
elif (tp + fp == 0):
print("We have an issue : no positives detected ! (linear structure)")
return (tp * tn - fp * fn) / sqrt((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn))
......@@ -95,35 +118,99 @@ def f1_score(tp, tn, fp, fn):
def specificity(tp, tn, fp, fn):
return tn / (tn + fp)
# ================== Code from Louis Beckey ==============================
def write_mcc_in_file(sequence_id, true_contacts, true_structure):
read_prd = open("results/test_" + sequence_id + ".json_pmE", "r")
write = open("results/test_" + sequence_id + ".mcc", "w")
title_exp = ">test_" + sequence_id + ": "
contacts_exp = true_contacts
structure_exp = true_structure
write.write("structure 2d attendue:\n" + structure_exp + "\n")
write.write("contacts attendus:\n" + contacts_exp + "\n" + len(structure_exp) * "-")
title_prd = read_prd.readline()
structure_prd = read_prd.readline()
sequence_prd = structure_prd
while structure_prd:
structure_prd = read_prd.readline()
if (len(structure_prd) != 0):
write.write("\nstructure 2d predite:\n" + structure_prd[:len(sequence_prd)] + "\n")
mcc_tab = compare_two_structures(structure_exp, structure_prd[:len(sequence_prd)])
mcc_str = mattews_corr_coeff(mcc_tab[0], mcc_tab[1], mcc_tab[2], mcc_tab[3])
write.write("mcc: " + str(mcc_str) + "\n")
contacts_prd = read_prd.readline()
write.write("\ncontacts predits:\n" + contacts_prd)
if (len(contacts_prd) == len(contacts_exp)):
mcc_tab = compare_two_contacts(contacts_exp, contacts_prd)
mcc_ctc = mattews_corr_coeff(mcc_tab[0], mcc_tab[1], mcc_tab[2], mcc_tab[3])
write.write("mcc: " + str(mcc_ctc) + "\n\n")
write.write("mcc: no expected contacts sequence or not same length between expected and predicted\n\n")
cmd = ("cppsrc/Scripts/addDelimiter")
cmd1 = ("cppsrc/Scripts/countPattern")
cmd2 = ("cppsrc/Scripts/deletePdb")
myfile = open("data/fasta/benchmark.fa", "r")
myfile = open("data/modules/ISAURE/Motifs_version_initiale/benchmark.txt", "r")
name = myfile.readline()
contacts = myfile.readline()
seq = myfile.readline()
structure2d = myfile.readline()
run_test(cmd2 + " 1JJ2" + ".fa", log)
"""run_test(cmd2 + " 1JJ2" + ".fa", log)
print(cmd2 + " 1JJ2" + ".fa")
cmd2 = create_command("1JJ2")
cmd3 = create_command("1JJ2")
filetest = open("test_1L9A.json_pmE", "r")
line = filetest.readline()
while line:
line = filetest.readline()
"""while seq:
read_exp = open("data/modules/ISAURE/Motifs_version_initiale/benchmark.txt", "r")
read_prd = open("results/test_1JJ2.json_pmE", "r")
write = open("results/test_1JJ2.mcc", "w")
title_exp = read_exp.readline()
contacts_exp = read_exp.readline()
structure_exp = read_exp.readline()
write.write("structure 2d attendue:\n" + structure_exp + "\n")
write.write("contacts attendus:\n" + contacts_exp + "\n" + len(structure_exp) * "-")
title_prd = read_prd.readline()
structure_prd = read_prd.readline()
sequence_prd = structure_prd
while structure_prd:
structure_prd = read_prd.readline()
if (len(structure_prd) != 0):
write.write("\nstructure 2d predite:\n" + structure_prd[:len(sequence_prd)] + "\n")
mcc_tab = compare_two_structures(structure_exp, structure_prd[:len(sequence_prd)])
mcc_str = mattews_corr_coeff(mcc_tab[0], mcc_tab[1], mcc_tab[2], mcc_tab[3])
write.write("mcc: " + str(mcc_str) + "\n")
contacts_prd = read_prd.readline()
write.write("\ncontacts predits:\n" + contacts_prd)
mcc_tab = compare_two_contacts(contacts_exp, contacts_prd)
mcc_ctc = mattews_corr_coeff(mcc_tab[0], mcc_tab[1], mcc_tab[2], mcc_tab[3])
write.write("mcc: " + str(mcc_ctc) + "\n\n")
while seq:
name = name[6:].strip()
run_test(cmd, log)
"""run_test(cmd, log)
run_test(cmd1, log)
run_test(cmd2 + " " + name + ".fa", log)
print(cmd2 + " " + name + ".fa")
cmd3 = create_command(name)
write_mcc_in_file(name, contacts, structure2d)
name = myfile.readline()
seq = myfile.readline()"""
contacts = myfile.readline()
seq = myfile.readline()
structure2d = myfile.readline()