Faster enumeration of the superposed solutions

......@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ SecondaryStructure MOIP::solve_objective(int o, double min, double max, const ve
// cout << "\t>adding bounds: " << bounds << endl;
for (auto c : F) model_.add(c);
IloCplex cplex_ = IloCplex(model_);
......@@ -172,20 +173,19 @@ SecondaryStructure MOIP::solve_objective(int o, double min, double max, const ve
return SecondaryStructure(true);
if (verbose_) {
if (verbose_)
cout << "\t>Solution status: " << cplex_.getStatus() << ", with objective values (" << cplex_.getValue(obj1)
<< ", " << cplex_.getValue(obj2) << ')' << endl;
// Build a secondary Structure
SecondaryStructure best_ss = SecondaryStructure(rna_);
// if (verbose_) cout << "\t\t>retrieveing motifs inserted in the result secondary structure..." << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << "\t\t>retrieveing motifs inserted in the result secondary structure..." << endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < insertion_sites_.size(); i++)
// A constraint requires that all the components are inserted or none, so testing the first is enough:
if (cplex_.getValue(insertion_dv_[index_of_first_components[i]]) > 0.5)
// if (verbose_) cout << "\t\t>retrieving basepairs of the result secondary structure..." << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << "\t\t>retrieving basepairs of the result secondary structure..." << endl;
for (size_t u = 0; u < rna_.get_RNA_length() - 6; u++)
for (size_t v = u + 4; v < rna_.get_RNA_length(); v++)
if (allowed_basepair(u, v))
......@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ SecondaryStructure MOIP::solve_objective(int o, double min, double max, const ve
best_ss.set_objective_score(2, cplex_.getValue(obj2));
best_ss.set_objective_score(1, cplex_.getValue(obj1));
if (verbose_) cout << "\t\t>building the IP forbidding condition..." << endl;
// Forbidding to find best_ss later : save a constraint
IloExpr c(env_);
for (uint d = 0; d < insertion_dv_.getSize(); d++)
......@@ -211,10 +212,13 @@ SecondaryStructure MOIP::solve_objective(int o, double min, double max, const ve
best_ss.forbid_this_ = (c >= IloNum(1));
// Removing the objective from the model_
if (verbose_) cout << "\t\t>removing temporary constraints..." << endl;
for (auto c : F) model_.remove(c);
// exit
if (verbose_) cout << "\t>computation completed." << endl;
return best_ss;
......@@ -392,10 +396,11 @@ void MOIP::search_between(double lambdaMin, double lambdaMax, const vector<IloCo
if (verbose_) cout << x.k_ << " ";
if (x.k_ > max) max = x.k_;
if (verbose_) cout << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << ", belongs to Pareto set " << max + 1 << endl;
} else {
if (verbose_) cout << "\t>not dominated." << endl;
s.set_pareto_set(max + 1);
// if (verbose_) cout << "\t>belongs to Pareto set " << s.get_pareto_set() << endl;
if (s.get_pareto_set() <= n_sets_) {
// adding the SecondaryStructure s to the set pareto_
......@@ -420,40 +425,44 @@ void MOIP::search_between(double lambdaMin, double lambdaMax, const vector<IloCo
double min = s.get_objective_score(3 - obj_to_solve_) + precision_;
double max = lambdaMax;
vector<IloConstraint> F = forbid_solutions_between(min, max);
// search on top
double min = s.get_objective_score(3 - obj_to_solve_) + precision_;
double truemin = s.get_objective_score(3 - obj_to_solve_);
double max = lambdaMax;
vector<IloConstraint> F = forbid_solutions_between(min, max);
if (verbose_)
cout << std::setprecision(8) << "\nSolving objective function " << obj_to_solve_ << ", on top of "
cout << std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << "\nSolving o" << obj_to_solve_ << ", on top of "
<< s.get_objective_score(3 - obj_to_solve_) << ": Obj" << 3 - obj_to_solve_ << " being in ["
<< min << ", " << max << "]..." << endl
<< "\t>forbidding " << F.size() << " solutions found in [" << std::setprecision(10)
<< min - precision_ << ", " << max + precision_ << ']' << endl;
<< std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << min << ", "
<< std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << max << "]..." << endl
<< "\t>forbidding " << F.size() << " solutions found in [" << std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4)
<< std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << min - precision_ << ", "
<< std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << max + precision_ << ']' << endl;
search_between(min, max, F);
if (s.get_pareto_set() <= n_sets_) {
if (std::abs(max - min) - precision_ > precision_) {
// search below
min = lambdaMin;
max = s.get_objective_score(3 - obj_to_solve_);
F = forbid_solutions_between(min, max);
// search below
if (verbose_)
cout << std::setprecision(8) << "\nSolving objective function " << obj_to_solve_ << ", below (or eq. to) "
<< max << ": Obj" << 3 - obj_to_solve_ << " being in [" << min << ", " << max << "]..." << endl
<< "\t>forbidding " << F.size() << " solutions found in [" << std::setprecision(10)
<< min - precision_ << ", " << max + precision_ << ']' << endl;
cout << std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << "\nSolving o" << obj_to_solve_
<< ", below (or eq. to) " << max << ": Obj" << 3 - obj_to_solve_ << " being in ["
<< std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << min << ", "
<< std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << max << "]..." << endl
<< "\t>forbidding " << F.size() << " solutions found in ["
<< std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << min - precision_ << ", "
<< std::setprecision(-log10(precision_) + 4) << max + precision_ << ']' << endl;
search_between(min, max, F);
} else {
if (verbose_) cout << "\t>solution ignored." << endl;
} else {
if (verbose_) cout << "\t>solution ignored." << endl;
if (verbose_) cout << "\t>no solutions found." << endl;
......@@ -502,8 +511,8 @@ vector<IloConstraint> MOIP::forbid_solutions_between(double min, double max)
void MOIP::add_solution(const SecondaryStructure& s)
// if (verbose_)
cout << "\t>adding structure to Pareto set " << s.get_pareto_set() << " : " << s.to_string() << endl;
if (verbose_)
cout << "\t>adding structure to Pareto set " << s.get_pareto_set() << " : " << s.to_string() << endl;